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posted by Tatti
The reaction was instant - strict and cooperating Volturi guards became ferocious and unthinking hunters. Snarling, growling, hissing and sharp sounds of body parts being ripped... I knew that my plan was working and they were distracted from everything else except their prey. And that was me.
"I can't believe you've done this" Nessie frowned and took the knife from me. I realized that she was too close to me and in case any vampire will reach us she might get hurt too.
"It's not safe" I whispered and tried to ignore pain that flooded me every time I took a breath. "Go home"
"What? No, don't even dare to think I'm gonna leave you like this" she protested. I could smell a thick cloud of smoke and wished that no one of our side is hurt. When I turned my head I noticed that not all Volturi lost their minds. Among those who were still thinking was Aro and Jane. My jaw dropped when I saw Jane torturing her own comrades. Why were she doing such thing? And then I understood - she was holding guards away from our side where Cullens and werewolves has already successfully destroyed a great number of too thirsty vampires. I wanted to smile but I started coughing. The pain was so bad that I couldn't stop tears running down my cheeks.
"Hold on, Lilly, please hold on..." Nessie was crying too. Few of Cullens looked at me with worried and scared expressions. I wanted to scream them not to waste time feeling sorry for me but to concentrate on battle... I couldn't. I guess that's it. I guess I'm dying. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't help them more, there were still many guards left. But maybe there is one thing I could do before leaving this world? I was hurt really bad but I managed to send a message using Nessie to all Cullens. Maybe I still can use my ability one or two times? I closed my eyes and concentrated on field. What tactic would be most efficient? I decided that the best thing to do is what I did before - to paralyse Volturi with pain illusions. I'll keep them in pain as long I could, until my last breath. I took one more painful breath and...
I didn't know how long I was making them suffer, the time seemed such incomprehensible thing... I heard the screams falling silent and I was sure that I reached my end. But somewhere in the distant I still could hear a conversation...
"...don't want... anymore" my ears wasn't working well but I recognized Aro's voice and tried to listen harder "We already lost too much. We can't take a risk and leave this world without protection. Is that what you want? I thought you value human world more"
"Aro, we're not the ones who are attacking, we are fighting for our lives" someone, I think Carlisle, answered.
"Then we're offering you armistice" even in my semi-conscious condition I could feel how disappointed Aro were.
"And you won't try to destroy our coven or werewolf pack again?"
"No. We won't try unless you'll broke the rules"
"You mean broke for real?"
"Yes... We made a huge mistake coming here. Now we only want to come home"
"Then leave. We're not going to chase you. Actually, there's nothing that would make me happier now than never seeing all of you again"
"Very well... Goodbye Carlisle"
My eyelids were too heavy to open my eyes and make sure they were gone. I coughed and almost the same second I felt cold touch and heard Carlisle's voice near me.
"Don't worry, Lilly, I'm gonna fix you" his hands lifted me but the pain was so terrible that I even lost the last bit of my consciousness.


Beep. Beep. Beep.
When I was nine I tried to hide in washing machine and almost suffocated. When I woke up in a hospital I complained to Mom that the sound of monitors is irritating. She only laughed relieved that I finally woke up and said that I should be happy - it is the sound of my heartbeat, the sound proving that I'm still alive and I will be still able to do many wonderful things in my life.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Listening to this sound I tried to convince myself that I'm still alive. But how? My memories was so blurry that I hardly could understand where or why am I here? Slowly, one by one I succeeded in restoring what happened. We made it! Volturi was gone! But what about others? If I was alive did that mean that Alice visions was wrong? Or did someone die? I panicked and tried to open my eyes which was pretty hard task. Finally, I did it but no one was near me. I was alone. Maybe I should shout? The only sound I let out was gurgle. Then I noticed breathing mask on my face but before I decided what to do next Carlisle and Edward came in.
"Hey, Lilly, I brought Edward with me so you don't need to waste strength on speaking. You think you can let him hear your thoughts?"
I reached for my shield intensively thinking "Test.1,2,3.Test". Edward laughed.
"Don't need any testing, I can hear you"
"Is everyone else OK?" I sent him panicked thought.
"Yes. Few werewolves were seriously injured but with their healing rate they're already fine. And I must warn you that Alice is mad. She saw hundred possible future visions before battle, but there wasn't a single one with you slicing yourself. She thinks you hid it from her on purpose"
"Volturi is gone? They're not coming back?" I had to hear someone saying it out loud.
"Yes. Thank you" Edward seemed very grateful though I didn't feel like I deserved any of it. I tried to change subject.
"So, I'm really alive?" he laughed again and turned to Carlisle.
"You should explain her condition"
"You really scared me" Carlisle smiled but I noticed he was also concerned. "I had to operate you and remove part of your lung. Most of your right side's ribs were crushed so you were on induced coma for a week, breathing would have been too painful if you have had consciousness" For a week? I was sleeping for a week?
"Lilly..." Carlisle now looked almost sad. "Your recovery will be long and difficult process. And after that you'll need much time to return to work. I'm so sorry. If only you weren't involved..."
I turned my gaze to Edward and let him hear my answer to Carlisle. "I don't regret anything I have done. You gave me a choice and I chose what I thought is a right thing to do. I don't blame you, actually I am thankful cause I'm still alive. That's all I need and everything else doesn't matter." When Edward repeated my thoughts loudly I saw Carlisle on the edge of tears. He leaned to me and gently hugged.
"Thank you"


I spent the following two months at Cullens house. At first I thought that I'm going to be so bored because I was bedridden but someone of Cullens or pack was always with me making me laugh what was a bit painful. Embry didn't left my side almost all the time, he practically lived with Cullens. Though my recovery was very painful I thought of these two months as one of the happiest moments in my life. During this time I had family and friends.
After I completely healed I decided to come back to work. I was anticipating to use my abilities while catching bad guys. I promised everyone to visit them as often as possible.
"Here's your luggage" Alice showed to five enormous suitcases.
"Uhm... Alice? I only brought here one middle sized bag"
"You're a part of family now. That means you have to dress like one too. Don't make me check if you're using it right" I smiled to her and hugged.
"You know, how much I'm going to miss you?" I asked and she sighed.
"Probably as much as I will".
I hugged everyone else, including Jasper who to my surprise even apologized for his previous behaviour. I went to my car and saw that whole pack was here in their wolf shape except Embry. I kissed him passionately.
"I'll be back soon, I promise"
"Just take care of yourself, OK?"
"OK" and kissed him again. We didn't let each other for almost five minutes until Emmett's whistling interrupted us.
"Bye, everyone! I'll be back soon!" I waved everyone while driving out of the yard. My goodbyes were accompanied by wolves' howls.
I was driving home. No not home. Cause I felt that I have new home here. With Cullens and the pack. With vampires and werewolves. With the greatest persons I've ever met.

So, that's the ending of my fanfic. Thank you for spending your time on it and I really hope it was worth.
posted by Edward_lover101
Why was I smelling gasoline? Then James walked though the door. He was carring a dead animal. He threw it in the ground, he poored gasilone on it. Then he set it on fire.
"That's what will happen to you if you do mange to escape the electric bars. You see, I don't want to hurt you. Bella, Victoria was just a test to see if I could find someone that I loved more than her. And I was right." He chuckled. Then he left the room. Leaving the dead animal burning. It was a good thing that this room was made of concreat. 2 hours have passed. I took out my cell phone and dialed Edwards number.
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posted by just_bella
I had to put this one up, I promised someone that I would put this one up..hope I do people proud :)

End of Part 13

I couldn't remember the last time I ate, and with Bella sitting on my lap, her blood so close I found myself starting to be distracted. I felt myself stiffen, the smell making my mouth flood.

"Oh." She said as she pulled herself away from me, sitting on the couch next to me. "Sorry."

"It's my own fault, It's been too long since I hunted. I shouldn't let myself get so thirsty. But I was in a bit of a hurry to get here." I said as I glared at her. "Speaking of which, would you like...
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posted by just_bella
Hey!! Ok I'm going out of town until won't be able to write until then..unless the weather turns yucky then I will be able to.

End of Part 24

I realized at that moment that I was in love with this woman. I had hurt her and her family, yet they all came out to find me and make sure that I was ok and didn't hurt my family. Yet when she saw me she wanted to comfort me and that meant more then anything in the world.

Our kiss began to get a bit too intense, my hands moving up and down her back as her hands knotted in my shirt and held me close to her.

Someone cleared their throat and...
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posted by just_bella
Here's the chapter of the 'Happier' story. I'm really glad I didn't end this story like I was going to last month ;)

End of Part 22

Esme put on her jacket and handed Rosalie one before turning to face Carlisle and I.

"Now be nice, remember he's new and doesn't fully understand anything yet." She demanded.

Rosalie looked from me to Carlisle and back before coming over and kissing me softly. She then walked back to Esme who was smiling from ear to ear. I heard something about 'perfect' and 'love' but couldn't make out anything else.

I stood there for a few minutes after they left, watching the...
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posted by just_bella
family and things. Could I really stop looking for Bella? She was my best friend in, well forever and now he was asking me to leave her tonight and not look for her anymore.

"Please Alice, please don't go looking for her future." He begged.

"Edward, I...I mean she...I mean." I was frustrated and unsure how to respond to his request.

"Yes Edward, I will not look. Jasper and I will leave tonight." I said, my voice no more then a whisper.

"Thank you Alice." He said as he got to his feet and offered his hand to help me up.

"Edward, could you do me a favor or two?" I asked as I stood up.

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posted by Edward_lover101
I must have fallen asleep. Again. When I woke up I was in a car. Edward had me acrosed his lap. We passed a sign that said New Hampsure 20 miles next right. I groned. Edward looked at me, with consern.
"Carlisle she is waking up."
"It's ok Edward, she is fine. You might want to talk to her, she calms down when she hears your voise."
"Bella, can you hear me? It's all right love, we are here."
"Where are we." I said
"New Hampsure. We are staying at a house that I bought."
"You bought a house?"
"Yeah." We drove up to a huge white house. This thing was 2 stories tall. Edward carried me to what would...
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posted by just_bella
I don't know if I was the only one, but fan pop didn't work for 2 1/2 hours. Well, here's the next chapter :)

End of Chapter 7

I saw us all leaving, that much was for sure. Edward would say his goodbyes to Bella and then would leave town. The strange thing was I kept seeing him in different towns without any of us with him. I didn't understand that part at all, and would have to ask him about it when he calms down.

"Edward, are you saying that you want to leave Bella and this town?" Esme asked.

"Yes. We need to leave her before anything else happens." He said sadly.

"Edward, what else could...
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Next one will be up in a minute or so :D enjoy ^_^

Bella's pov

I saw everyone looking at me and some stood up.
“Bella, Bella, are you okay” I heard Charlie ask me while he started running towards me
“I’m fine dad” I said back and then he just hugged me. I still didn’t let go of Edward’s hand, it made me feel safer knowing that he’s by my side.
Charlie finally stopped hugging me and starred at me.
“We need to talk, Bella” he said very concerned and frightened
“I know dad, I just don’t know how much they said already” I said back and looked at everyone. But it was Alice who...
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posted by just_bella
OK I think I figured out how to make this a bit more fun, thanks to madz and twilightgglost for the help :).

End of Part 20

When we were all done we all began walking back to town, everyone discussing where we would be going next. I thought this was strange because I thought that they just stayed in one place and lived their lives like normal people.

"Let's go to Alaska." Esme suggested.

"No we were there a few years ago. How about New York?" Rosalie suggested.

"New York could be fun, but too much sun." Carlisle said.

"How about Washington? It's cloudy a lot there I hear, it's suppose to rain...
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posted by twilight-7
Sitting on a chair on stage waiting to get my diploma wasn’t as frightening as I thought. Ok, nearly a hundred people were staring at us but it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. Jessica, who was sat next to me, looked close to tears. I didn’t get what was so upsetting about graduating. We were leaving school for ever. No more classes. Well, for me I guess. I couldn’t go to college or university until I turned eighteen and Edward the gentlemen decided to wait for me until he went to university. So far no one in the audience had tried to kill me which was good. Charlie and Mitchell were...
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posted by sami1002
Remesee's pov.(she's 16)

I walked down the dimly lit halls to enduer another year of 9th grade . Somethims never growing up has it's dis-advanages." Remesee Cullen pay attention" Mrs.Zedong yelled to me as I stared out the window. I wandered into my room after school and waited till my parents came home from collage."Nessie, wanna go hunting with your anut Roselie and me" mom asked from down stairs. "Sure" I called back coming down the stairs. We ran into the forest ,jumped over the river and stated hunting .

When we got hom Jacob was talking to dad ,mom ran to talk to grandma, and aunt Roslie and uncle Emett whent in to their room . "Nessie wanna go down to La Push with me" Jacob called when he saw me walking into the house. "Can I" I asked dad " be back by 7:30 no later " he agreed . Yes !! Now i dodn't have to lisen to mom and dad doing it today
posted by just_bella
I know that I said I wasn't going to write until Friday...but well I failed. I couldn't wait...I think I have a problem ;)

End of Chapter 4

"Edward?" I asked as I took a step closer to him.

He wouldn't look me in the eye. I knew this was not a good sign, he was thinking deeply again. He was contemplating things and he wouldn't tell anyone his thoughts until he made the decision.

I stopped what I was doing and looked into the future. It was unsure still, one second I saw Edward breaking up with Bella. We would stay in town and he would do his best to avoid her, never allowing his true feelings...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 21: Temper, Temper…
When we got to my beat up, white 2000 Ford Tempo we all jumped in and Seth took my keys. Jake carried Nessie quickly into the backseat. Seth pulled out of the parking lot a little too speedily and the car peeled out, everyone looked at us as I slunk down in the passenger seat. I truly hated being in the spotlight. We were only driving for a couple of moments before I realized that Nessie was still shaking, and her breathing was hard. “Is she ok?” I half shrieked as I looked back at her in concern. “She’s going to be fine” Jake said as he opened his phone,...
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Chapter 19: The Illusion of Normalcy
We waited on edge for something to develop but weeks went by and Aunt Alice didn’t have any visions regarding the Volturi and Sienna. She spent most of her free time in La Push with Seth or here at our house. She slept over my parent’s house a lot. If it were under better circumstances it would have been more enjoyable it was kind of like having a sister. It was definitely nice to have someone in the house that was truly similar in age to me. It is peculiar for your parents and aunts and uncles to look as though they are the same age that you are; so...
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posted by vampirelover17
rachell's pov

omg y r u shining what are you ' rachell dont be scared ' he came closer ' dont come near me ' rachell please let me exsplain ' what is thee to exsplain ' just shut up and listen to me ok fine make it quick ok here it is iam a vampire and so is my whole family ' what ' iam confessing iam cofessing so baby just here me out i fell to my knees and started to cry than his cold body was beside me dont touch me ' ok ' then i codent handle it i climbed in to his arms and said y y please u cant be rachell i love you to much to lose you if u want thow i will leave ' NO ' u cant well what...
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posted by Twi-Freak14
"Happy birthday Nessie!" Jacob yelled out the window when we jumped across the river to the house.
"Hi Jake!" Nessie looked up at him and smiled.
I ran over to Edward and Alice who were putting decorations up all around the yard.
"Need any help?" I stood on my tip toes to kiss Edwards cheek.
"Yes, go around the trail leading up to the house and put up these lights." Alice handed me a big bundle of twinkly lights that I remembered from a number of occasions I had gone to at the Cullens in my human days.
I darted down the drive and down by the little bridge; I had finished in less than five...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 10: The Eye of an Artist

I couldn’t believe it Nahuel was sitting at the table that we were at yesterday with a red rose. He smiled brightly at me as I sat down. “So how are you feeling today?” He asked in his thick accent. “Oh, I’m better,” I said, I smiled back at him as I accepted his rose. I really dislike roses but he was just so amazing it suddenly took on a new appeal to me. “Thank you I said it’s beautiful.” “It pales in comparison with you he murmured. “So, what would you like for your birthday?” He asked flashing me another brilliant smile I stared at...
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posted by jamiesue00
Chapter 1- Questions
My life had changed in so many ways in such a short time. I’d moved to Forks, met the love of my existence, lost him and found a best friend in a werewolf. Edward of course came back, neither one of us could really breath without the other. I had fought to save my life countless times, almost killing myself for our beautiful daughter Renesmee. Life seems to be almost normal or so I thougt.
Jacob and Nessie where never too far from each other, he would do anything for her. Edward always kept a close eye on the two of them, still never really trusting Jacob. It was on this...
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posted by Twi-Freak14
Jacob, Edward, Renesmee and I went hunting later that evening, though Nessie still isn't very fond of animal blood, its become something that is slowly growing on her, though I could understand wolves, Jacob smells horrible.
On our way back Edward pulled me behind so Jacob and Nessie could pass, something about his expression concerned me.
"What is it Edward?"
"I was just thinking, Nessie is going to be five the day after tommorow and it's been only a year, she's growing very fast, and I'm a little worried."
"What can we do? It's dangerous but maybe, maybe if we wait another year or two she...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 6: An Invitation

I maneuvered my car along the long and windy driveway that led to the house. Jake made up some lame excuse about having something to take care of at home and took off, I couldn’t help but notice how angry he was as he left; he was trembling. I knew he was going to phase at any moment so I was kind of glad that he took off before he lashed out. “I am sorry for how rude my friend was to you, he is not usually like that something must be going on, “I told Nahuel. He smiled warmly at me, and said, “It’s perfectly fine, I hope I did not cause any problems for you”...
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