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posted by Tatti
I woke up before the dawn. Embry was still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him, he needed as much rest as possible. I stared at the sky feeling how ironic the situation was - I was happy despite the fact that this day might be a disaster. I knew that it would be logical to fear before the battle but I couldn't think about anything else besides the gorgeous guy next to me. I closed my eyes and silently prayed for him. I wouldn't bare if anything will happen to him.
Suddenly I heard a howling and Embry jumped on his feet terrified.
"What does it mean? Did the fight start?" I asked hoping I accidentally didn't leave my friends in danger.
"Wait" was the only thing he said and ran to woods. After 5 long minutes I finally saw him coming back.
"Nothing has started yet, but it was a sign that all of us should gather".
We walked through forest in silence. The closer we got to the destination the bigger pressure of silence I felt.
"Lilly..." his voice was so quiet that it was hard to hear it."If something will happen to me..." I didn't let him finish and pressed my finger to his lips.
"I don't want to hear it. Nothing is going to happen"
"Shhh... "I kissed him and looked at his eyes. "Nothing bad is going to happen" I repeated it in such confident tone that he smiled. I didn't believe in my words but I hoped that him being optimistic will help. Also, I didn't want to listen to him, cause if something will happen, it'll be too hard to remember.
"We should hurry"
When we reached the field I could feel tension in the air. I took my place next to Nessie and watched how Bella and Edward hugged her with concerned faces. We waited for about 15 minutes until Volturi showed. I needed more time than others to notice their dark cloaks and when I tried to count I lost number. They had much more soldiers than we did. When they stopped about thirty feet away from our first groups, guards moved to give a way to an old vampire. From what I heard at Cullens house it should be Aro.
"Carlisle, my old friend. I'm so happy I can see you again" Aro said it trying to sound innocently.
"Aro" Carlisle stepped forward and smiled "It looks like deja vu"
Aro laughed.
"Last time we were able to avoid unnecessary violence, why do you think we won't be able to do the same now? Unless you have other plans..." his voice trailed off and I understood that he enjoys acting.
"Our only plan is to protect ourselves" Carlisle's face was stern.
"Then there's nothing to be afraid of, my friend. We are here not for your family. You can leave right now if you want." What a liar! Why he just can't admit that he came here to destroy both wolves and Cullens?
"And what about werewolves?"
"Oh, lovely Alice, I guess you already told everyone about our purpose here?" Alice didn't respond and he continued pretending "Well, we had to make a very hard decision, Carlisle, and I hope you'll understand it. These creatures are dangerous, we can't take a risk"
"What risk? They haven't done anything. They also have to keep their secret like we do" Carlisle tried to reason Aro but no one of us had too many expectations for this conversation.
"They hunt vampires. We only want to protect our kind"
"But there are no rules against destroying vampires. You don't have to protect anything besides the secrecy"
"Because of vampires they kill there is danger to our secrecy"
"They might kill someone's partner. And as I remember the last time, there was created an army of newborns to revenge for partner's loss. Am I wrong?"
"That was our fault. We killed her partner. She created an army to destroy us"
"That's not the point. The point is that the existence of such huge pack sooner or later will cause a war between them and vampires. And the result of this war could be dangerous. I repeat - we don't want to hurt you but we can't take a risk"
"We don't agree with you. And we are on werewolves side"
"Then I'm very sorry Carlisle" Aro examined our group until his gaze stopped at me and I noticed surprise. "Is there a human?" his voice sounded shocked.
"What she's doing here? Have you changed your lifestyle?"
"No. She's been imprinted by one of werewolves"
"That's another reason why we have to act. These things already revealed not only their but also our secrets to some humans"
"You read Edward's mind last time. You should know how it is for werewolves and imprinted humans. There is no threat, I assure you"
"My decisions cannot depend on what I find in people's minds. Thoughts can be too subjective."
I saw how few wolves moved a bit - all of us knew that no talk could make them change their minds and most of us anticipated the fight to begin.
"Aro, is there really no other way?" Carlisle's tone was pleading but Aro smiled and blood thirst blazed in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Carlisle. It was good to know you"
I took the deep breath and watched Volturi regrouping to prepare for battle. When I heard the loud noise like thunder of two colliding vampires I shuddered and closed my eyes.

I'm going to end this story soon so I hope you'll enjoy my last chapters. Please leave a comment.
posted by AdaLove
Angela Weber is described as being kind, shy, and somewhat insightful. She likes to give space to others, and this characteristic is very much appreciated by Bella. She plays a minor role in Twilight, but after Bella's depression in New Moon they become very good friends. She is portrayed as one of the most decent human characters in the series.


Angela played a minor part in Twilight, as one of the many friends that Bella Swan made after moving to Forks. She was also in Bella's Biology II class. Angela went shopping with Bella and Jessica for dresses for the spring dance in Port Angeles....
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posted by AdaLove
Emily Young is Sam Uley's fianceé, second cousin to Leah Clearwater and Seth Clearwater, and Claire's aunt.

Emily and Leah are second cousins, but they were said to be like sisters. Sam had been dating Leah when he imprinted on Emily, which caused conflict between the two women and ruined their friendship. Emily is like a second mother to the pack as she cooks and cares for them on regular occasions, while being treated like part of the pack in return. Most of her family is close to the pack along with her — Leah and Seth being wolves, while her niece Claire was imprinted on by Quil.

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posted by WritenOnTheSand
My current idea of talking Jake out of making me leave. I want to stay here, and if there really are vampires trying to kill me let them come. With my whole family here they can't do anything to me, or Jake.

As I get closer to his room I start to feel the tension. My eyes drift to the floor but steadily rise again. My fingers lightly touch the handly as I push the door open. Jake is all alone.

"Hey," The only word I can think to say at this moment. Maybe this was a bad idea, I should just go. But then he is left in the danger. "We need to talk." I finly get out.

"About what?" He asks blankly...
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the following story is true ........meh i whiskey37 it made yuu laugh

'ash get up now' scott screamed into mi ear. scott was mi older brother, well one of mi older brothers i have 4. 'what do yuu want' i moaned. 'umm first day of skewl remember reject' he said with a smart ass tone then left.( right: skewl i think ill give it a miss i thought 2 miself and went bak 2 sleep). next thing mi alarm went off. my door crept open and 4 boys leapt on to the bed.'AWWW' i grunted 'GET OFF' 'GET UP' zaviour retalliated. aww i could feel the weight pushing down on me. 'ok fine' i yelled' 'thankyou'...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, sorry this is so short, but I don't feel well and will be reading most of the time, not writing. Sorry again!


I should've known Alice was still here. As soon as I walked into the bedroom door, she was there, pushing clothes into my face. There was a large shirt with teddybears, dolls, and baby block sew-ons scattered all over it. Then there was a pair of pink jeans that matched it. I looked at Alice with reproachful eyes. Alice had the same face.
"Don't ask me, Jake picked it out," she whispered.
Then she threw another set of clothes at me. This outfit had Alice written all over...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
End of Chapter 5

“Hello Charles” I spoke directly to him.
    He smiled at me. “Hello Esme. How are you?” The way he looked at me. . .he looked like he was in love but maybe I was just exaggerating.
    “I am fine thank you,” I replied to him. Then turning to everyone else I said “Why don’t we go get comfortable in the sitting room?” Our small group moved through the hallways of our largish house until we reached the sitting room just off the hall. “I’ll go put on a record to listen to”
    The parents started up...
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posted by AdaLove
**Jacob was born to Billy and Sarah Black. Sarah died in a car crash when he was very young. Jacob remembers Bella from when they were younger, though she does not remember him.**


He has a small but very important role in this book. After Bella Swan flirts with him (as a way to get information),
he introduces the idea of Edward Cullen being a vampire by telling her Quileute legends. According to Stephenie Meyer via her official website, Jacob was originally just a device to tell Bella about the "Cold Ones".However, both she and her editor liked Jacob so much that...
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posted by renesmeblack

The howling stopped. Then the leader yelled as a tan wolf attacked. He shot his gun, hitting Seth in the leg. The wolf fell, and the man got up again.
“SETH!” Jacob and I yelled. I realized the man holding me let go in shock. I ran towards Seth, jumping away again as he turned to swirling smoke, forming the shape of a man. A bullet bounced away from the apparition. This man wasn’t as tall as Seth would be. I watched in horror as the features appeared to reveal MARK.
“Hold your fire, gentlemen,” Mark said grandly, spreading his arms out. “I take it you won’t need these.”...
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posted by twilight-7
I hope you enjoy this Guys!

Edward’s POV

I picked up the disgusting human and happily slammed him into the wall repeatedly. He didn’t show any sign that it had hurt him so I threw him to the floor and was tempted to stand on his neck but I thought that would be too quick for him. This vile person had kept my fiancé locked up in a filthy rotten little cell, chained to a wall like a dirty animal for seven days and I would enjoy enacting my revenge on him.
“Charlie!” Kayla screamed. “Charlie! Help!”
That reminded me. I had made a great deal of noise hurting the pathetic little man. Why...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie was to come up with a cover for my kidnapping. I couldn’t tell my mother that I had been kidnapped by Shadow Hunters for some evil ex-Jenzi who had held me in a cell and taken away my Azdi abilities using my own bracelet that he had some other Jenzi charm. That would send my mother into some kind of breakdown and she would end up in a mental hospital screaming that Jenzis and Azdis exist and are after her daughter.
I was on my way back upstairs after making Darren some sandwiches. He seemed a lot happier when I left him in the kitchen. I was only half way up the stairs when the front...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Sorry this one is so late. Between studying for exams and being sick, I haven't had much time to write. Once exams are over I'll get a lot more writing done. Enjoy!!

Over to the side is Esme's family's car.


My mother and I finished collecting the eggs and made our way back to the house. She would most likely expect me to tell my father at dinner time so I wouldn‘t disappoint her. My mother and I made soup and bread for dinner. We sat down to eat and said our prayers. At first, we ate our dinner in silence but then I decided it was time...
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posted by renesmeblack
I know most of you girls wrote your own, I'm doing nothing original, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm bored and had an idea that's been bothering me. What if Bella went home crying, instead of trying to follow Edward? And what if Edward was still there? I love breaking Edward's heart. Hey, I like Jacob! I can't help it! Anyways, my stories go way off track! ;-)

Now, on to the story!


Bella was crying. I was going to run, when Bella turned away. She walked silently towards her house. I heard the faint click of the doorknob. Then I was the only one outside. The emotions fell upon me,...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
I'm sorry that this article is really short. I'll post another later tonight.


“How are you feeling?” he asked in that musical voice.
    “Fine” I lied.
    “Hmm, doesn’t look fine. I think your leg is broken but I’m not positive. How did you injure it?”
    “Well…I slipped out of a tree I was climbing” I muttered embarrassed to tell him I was a 16-year-old who still climbed trees. I chose to tell him the truth, though, rather than lie because I knew he would talk to...
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Hey ... This is different to the twilight sage. It has all the characters in it but Bella and Edward meet differently (: hope you like it :D

Chapter one

I woke up already dreading the day ahead. All i had to do was eat, go to school and sleep again. Fun.
I decided to wake myself up with a shower. So i went in and turn the hot water on. I let it soothe all my muscles when i heard my mum shout up.
"Bella your going to be late hurry up!" I sighed and turned of the shower. I quickly got dressed into my favourite pair of jeans and green top. I tied my hair up without drying it. With a quick glance...
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Chapter 3: Feliz Sempre Após Começa Agora
Jake and I had decided to use my 16th birthday presents from my grandparents as well as the Denali coven for our honeymoon. We were going to visit Zafrina. For our wedding gift, my grandparents extended the stay by two weeks and Tanya had switched the reservations from a hotel to a private chalet in the rain forest. We got on the plane, hand in hand. I couldn’t remember ever being happier. My family was safe, I was Mrs. Jacob Black, my father approved of it, and Jacob and I were together forever. A smile spread upon my lips at the thought. He looked...
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I cant' write tommorow, because of finals, but I'll write on Friday. :)

Bella's POV

Once we got back to the cottage, Renesmee was already sleeping so Edward and I had to be quiet.
" So, what did Jacob say?" Edward whispered.
" Honestly I didn't really understan what he was talking about. He said something about a new army of a type of mystical creature we have never delt with before. They're not vampires, warewolves, shapeshifters, and not even hybrids like Renesmee and Nahuel!"
Edward looked terrified. " So what now?" he asked.

" I don't know." I told him. "I saw footprints going South, but they...
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posted by renesmeblack

"Jacob, I didn't-" I cried. How could I say that I didn't love him? Mark interrupted me. I felt the heavy trance take a toll on my senses. I struggled. The trance won, but the sane part of my mind that was still living could hear Jacob scream in agony. If I was in control of my own body I would take a bite at Mark and run to Jacob. I heard a tear fall and hit the leaves behind me. I wanted to turn and run, taking my Jacob with me. But my body was a living dummy, being controlled by MARK. Mark rubbed a funny-smelling ointment on my wrist, burning it, but my body didn't react. Instead,...
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posted by renesmeblack

Urrrgh. I don't feel well. Why am I so cold? What happened? Why do I feel like there's something in my shoulder? I tried to stand, but then realized I WAS standing. I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, and my ears were ringing. Suddenly, the ringing stopped and the scene in front of me became clearer. There was a redheaded boy wearing a dress suit, and a lovely-but strangely familiar-girl in a cream-colored wedding dress. This was no wedding like I've ever seen, though.There was no preacher, but an altar covered in bottles with heavy scents and a candle. The girl and boy looked at...
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posted by alicecullensBFF
Hii everyone... i decided i was going to try and write a fanfiction. im not a great writer but i thought i would give it a try. its going to be a journal entry written from bellas point of view starting in breaking dawn in the days following alice's disappearance. just comment below please i would like comments and also suggestions and if i should even continue. thanks!!

This is my first journal entry. My life had seemed to be going great until about a couple days ago and I need somebody to talk to. I would talk to Edward, who is my husband, but he seems so stressed these days. I know...
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Chapter 40: Captivity Loves Company (Nessie's POV)

Jane kept shooting Amore and I the dirtiest looks. She was jealous because we were Aro’s new pets, I was confident that he wouldn’t hurt us. We were too valuable to him. I worried for Nahuel though; they kept him locked up since he had already betrayed them once by trying to warn us. Amore was terrified and cried tearlessly most of the time. I touched her hand, “Stay strong, my sister. We will be alright.” She looked at me worriedly and held my hand tighter, “I want to go home.” I made sure not to have these silent conversations...
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