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I dont have much to say today but I hope you enjoy this chapter as I put loads of thought and hardwork into it. once again I hope you enjoy it and chapter 16 is on the way * i promise...*

The wind blowing through my hair was an exhilarating feeling. Jasper had taught me how to ride his bike a couple of months ago; I was surprised when he said yes because he was usually quite responsible. I hadn’t been much good at first but after a few hours I had got the hang of it, no one else knew that I could ride his bike and it was nice to be able to take it out for a private drive now and again.
When I reached Forks, instead of slowing down I sped up, making sure no one saw me. I parked outside the chemist and rushed inside. I knew that I had to do this but my stomach was filled with butterflies and my legs felt like jelly. The woman behind the counter looked old and friendly; I approached her slowly nibbling my lower lip,
“Excuse me,” I said quietly, I took a deep breath before I continued to speak, “excuse me, but I need a pregnancy test please.” saying it out loud just felt wrong, this sentence would change my life forever- for better or worse I did not know. The woman raised her eyebrows as if to challenge my age but fortunately did not say anything. As soon as she placed the box on the counter I paid her and hurried out of the shop.
I jumped onto Jasper’s bike and revved the engine as I zoomed down the street, my eyes scanning for a public toilet. I saw a temporary one outside of a building site on the edge of town; I grabbed a fistful of change out of my pocket and shoved it into the slot. I bolted inside as soon as the door swung open.
After I had finished I brought the test up to eye level, there sitting on the tiny screen was a little black plus sign. Crap. I was pregnant. Crap. I was sixteen, never to age again and pregnant. Crap. I was hardly aware of the tears that spilled down my face as I rode the bike home. What was my family going to say, Jake? I couldn’t tell anyone, not yet, not until Jake knew and that wasn’t going to happen for at least a couple of weeks. I had no clue as to what Jakes reaction would be, I had never wanted a baby before, never even thought about it but now I had one did I want to lose it? No, I wanted this baby, it was Jakes, and of course I wanted it. As I approached the house I pushed any thought of babies out of my head on the off chance dad of hearing it. There was however two other problems the first was Jasper, he would feel my worry and get suspicious but I could always tell him I was nervous about Jake. My biggest problem was Alice, she had probably already seen what I knew and it was only a matter of time before she told someone. I would corner her.
I charged into the house, briefly smiling at Carlisle as I dashed up the stairs. Alice was in her bathroom looking in the mirror, scrunching up random bits of hair experimentally.
“What do you think?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“Um, yeah I like it. Alice forget the hair, we need to talk- now.”
“Talk then,” she laughed, raising her eyebrows. She obviously hadn’t seen it yet, but somehow I needed to tell her without actually telling her. This was going to be hard.
“Alice, you know you see things, things that sometimes are good but sometimes aren’t...”
“Nessie are you ok?”
“No not really, but I can’t tell you, not yet. Alice if I ask you something, as your friend as your niece, as someone who really needs your help, would you do it?”
“You need to tell me Nessie,” Alice whispered, sounding worried.
“Look, I know you are going to see something; something that I know as little as you do about. You need to keep it a secret. You need to promise me. You can’t tell anyone, not until I say. You’ll understand when you see but you have to promise. Say you promise Alice.” I was desperate and she could see that.
“I promise Nessie, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about but I promise,” she sighed, hugging me tightly.
“Thanks, I need to go and check on Jake,” I whispered turning to walk away.

1 Week Later

As I watched the moon come out from behind the clouds I sighed. This was the same place it had all started. Standing watching the stars from the glass wall was a special thing to me. Alice had seen the vision and, standing loyal to her word, was keeping it a secret for me. This proved to be difficult with dad but we had managed it somehow.
I froze as a familiar warm arm snaked over my shoulder. Jake was here, I had only left him half an hour ago and he had been sitting bolt upright in the ‘medical’ room, talking to Emmet about a rather dull sounding car.
“Jake what are you doing here?” I whispered shocked, he still didn’t know about the baby and I was going to have to tell him- tonight.
“Carlisle said I could get up as long as I promised to be careful,” he chuckled.
I laughed to, Jake could never be careful but my laugh soon became a sigh as I prepared myself to tell him, “Jake, I know you love me and I love you but what if something was to happen that could jeopardise your future. Jake, I need to tell you this straight. I am pregnant.” I whispered not meeting his eyes. I was suddenly aware that I was flying around in the air, held securely in his arms.
“Nessie, this is great! Nessie I can’t believe it, how long have you known? Nessie, Nessie are you crying, don’t you want to keep it?” His laugh was full of joy as tears of happiness welled up in his eyes. I had never seen Jake cry before and seeing him so happy was one of my favourite things.
“Jake, I am so happy. I thought you wouldn’t want to keep it, I thought you’d be angry; but your not.” I laughed as more tears slipped down my cheeks.
“Nessie, I could never be mad at you, especially for something that wasn’t your fault! Have you told anyone else though Nessie?” his voice turning serious as I shook my head slowly, to happy to speak, “I think we should, neither of us are human and we don’t know what is in there, it could hurt you.”
“Well okay, Alice knows but I suppose your right. Let’s go and break the...” my sentence was cut off by an ear-splitting crash coming from the hallway. I grabbed his hand and pulled him along at an extreme speed.
As we walked into the kitchen everyone was staring at Alice, eyes wide in a shocked silence. Carlisle was wringing his hands a grim expression on his face. Alice broke the awkward silence.
“I am so sorry Nessie,” she wailed as it sunk it, they knew. I could guess who had made that crash, “my mind slipped and your dad heard; I was stupid!”
“It’s cool Alice; it’s my fault for making you keep it a secret.” I whispered as I looked around the room my eyes pleading. I could feel the question they were all burning to ask even though no one made a sound.
“Jacob and I are keeping the baby. I need it; I am going to have it even if it kills me.” I whispered, feeling Jake go ridged beside me.
“YOU CAN NOT KEEP THE BABY, IT WILL KILL YOU!” Dad yelled storming into the room; I had been right about dad making the noise earlier but his negative attitude was making my anger boil up.
“Dad, you can’t tell me what to do. It is my baby and Jake and I are going to keep it.” I said, trying to keep my cool.
“LISTEN TO ME NESSIE, THIS BABY COULD KILL YOU. I WILL NOT LET YOU KEEP IT, I AM NOT GOING TO LOOSE YOU!” he bellowed, gripping my shoulders. I struggled away, my anger spilling over.
“I AM KEEPING THIS BABY. I DIDNT KILL MUM AND I AM NOT EVEN FULL VAMPIRE. THIS BABY WILL BE SPECIAL AND IT WILL BE OURS!” I screeched, clasping my hands protectively over my stomach. Dad was about to reply but mum cut him of,
“Renesmee,” she smiled as she said my name, “if you want to keep the baby then you can but you need to let us help. I was so ill when I had you and I needed loads of help.” She said as dads eyes softened as he realised he was outnumbered. I nodded my head slowly.
“I am sorry for my behaviour Renesmee, my beautiful daughter, will you forgive me?”He asked gripping my hands. I nodded my head again to happy to speak.
When dad released me I went back over to Jake and beamed at the others who had stood silent and unmoving through the whole shenanigan.
“So what do you think?” I addressed the crowd, heaving down on the sofa.
“Congratulations Nessie, Jake.” Carlisle smiled whilst Esme hugged us both tightly.
We got passed around like the time we announced our engagement. I suddenly thought, when were we going to get married, I wanted it to be before the baby came but that only left nine months and that was f this baby wasn’t a super quick grower like me. It was only the rest of my immediate family here now as the others had gone home and Kate and Garret were on their honeymoon. I would have a lot of phone calls to make later but that was later. I was about to ask my question but Alice did it for me,
“So when is the wedding going to be, we have loads to get ready!” Alice squealed the excitement showing in her eyes. All the men groaned as we squealed again. Slowly every man evaporated from the room including Jacob and all of us threw ourselves into planning the perfect wedding.
here is the next bit, have fun reading it :)
(P.S this is not my story, all credit goes to steph meyer)

“I am gratified by his success.” Aro mused. “Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it...pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he’s chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I’d scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I’m happy to be wrong.”
I didn’t see a need to reply so I kept silent.
“But your restraint!” Aro sighed. “I did not know...
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posted by Yoss

“Of course, Nessie’s going to college. Do you just expect her to spend the rest of her life here in Forks?” Aunt Rose answered haughtily.

“Which college?” Jacob asked in a controlled voice.

“Dartmouth, of course!” Aunt Rose answered immediately.

“It’s still up to Nessie.” Dad said looking directly at Jacob.

Aunt Rose made a face. “Nessie’s going to college. She knew better than to let a good opportunity pass. Not everyone gets to be accepted in an ivy league.” Then she turned to Jacob once again, “So if I were you, dog, I’ll give up on the illusion that Nessie’s...
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Kellan Lutz, 23, plays Emmett Cullen, the tall and intimidating vampire husband of Rosalie and adoptive brother of Edward. Lutz’s credits include HBO’s Generation Kill and this year’s revival of 90210.

VF Daily: Had you read the “Twilight” books before getting the script?
Kellan Lutz: I hadn’t. I didn’t even know there was a book series. I read the script while I was in Africa and fell in love with it. I loved the vampire story. It felt so new and fresh, not the typical “let’s kill the vampire with a pitchfork” idea. It was really unique. They first sent me out for Edward’s...
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ETERNAL AGONY (Edward: A Cruel Thing Called Love)

I watched her sleep restlessly. She has been tossing and turning almost all night. I adjusted her bandaged arm and placed it over her stomach. I got up from the bed and went to sit on the rocking chair – in order to give her space. Give her space – that’s what I ought to do.

Immediately after I left her side, her hands searched for me.

“No…” she whimpered. Her eyes flew open. Her eyes searched for me in the dark. Panic written all over her face.

I thought she was already deeply asleep. I sighed.

“I’m here.” I said. Her eyes adjusted...
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posted by twilight-7
It was very quiet. I didn’t want to be the first to break the silence that enveloped us. By us I meant Alice, Jasper and me. Jasper was driving somewhere. They hadn’t told me. I was particularly worried; I knew I could trust them. Also because Jasper was working his magic on me so it was hard to feel worried. So I was left with my thoughts to keep my company. It was hard being away from Edward. I had spent so much of my time with him that it felt wrong that he wasn’t by my side. My heart felt like it had been ripped into tiny pieces and scattered across America. It would take a lot of...
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posted by iluvtwilight123
"HAHAH gonna give up so soon little sister?" Emmett's loud voice boomed around the backyard of the Cullen house- my house- i mean. I just finished another arm westling match with Emmett and he won once out of three hundred times. But since I'm not a newborn vampire anymore Emmett finally won the gain of being the strongest vampire out of our coven.
I went back inside the house with Edward and Emmett at my heels. "Well that was a really good try love" Edward said sadly after Emmett beat me. Edward always thought that i would win but not today.
Everyone stopped in their tracks when they saw...
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I was raised not to fear anything. I was told to face it, taste it, welcome it.

I haven’t faced real fear before.

Not fear for this huge ball of fur whose trying to smash my brain out. Not fear for my life. But fear that this glorious angel, who is standing a foot away – wait, I think I just saw her up the Redwood – wait she couldn’t be up that tree, how could she? Unless my brain’s already smashed inside my skull.

Where was I?

Incoherency. Damaged brain, no doubt.

Again, I fear that this glorious angel, nearer to our fight now, would be hurt, harmed in any way.

“Stand back!” I yelled...
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posted by twilight-7
At first I had thought I had died. The blackness I had so helplessly succumbed was a relief to me. The pain left my arm and I didn’t feel so drained of energy. I actually felt slightly happy that I wasn’t awake anymore. I couldn’t hear anything, see anything or feel anything and it didn’t worry me. It was peaceful. I didn’t know how long that this peaceful silence lasted before sounds started to crash down on me. I could hear conversations, TVs, cars and radios. They pounded down on my ears and all I wanted to do was find the mute button and stop it. Then my sense of touch returned....
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posted by dinosteph
Hey guys.
This is a short piece that I wrote for the contest, but apparently it's not going to be happening, so I decided to post it anyways.

I'm sure I could have expanded it, but I was trying to stay in the 1500 word limit, and I think I like it better this way.

“Are your eyes closed” He whispered from behind, sending shivers down my neck.

“Yes!” I grumbled, my hands on top of his, which were covering my eyes.

“Promise” He whispered again

“I promise!” I laughed , my body tingling from the contact.

He dropped his hands and I felt him move from behind to face me, I'm assuming to make...
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Ch 3

All I remember was that I couldn't breathe and I blacked out.

Then, I had a nightmare. I was in the meadow. Edward and I. We were intwined. He was kissing my neck and I was panting. Then, he just disappeared. He was just gone. Nowhere to be found. I was crying. I couldn't breathe, again. I didn't know what was happening. I couldn't see. Everything was a blur. Then, Victoria appeared. She was running at me. Then, I screamed.

I had woken up to find Charlie sitting next to me, shaking me furiously, trying to wake me up.

"Are you okay? What's the mateur? Where is he? You tell me where he...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
hey guys, a shorter chapter this time, but the next one will be back in bella's POV...enjoi!

I should have known how Alice and Esme would react.
When we entered the house, they were waiting for us ready to pounce. Esme was the closet to the door.
“What happened?” her voice was thick with worry. My head was still spinning from what Bella said to reply to her.
She took in my expression and I could hear the panic running through her mind.
What happened?
Carlisle answered her calmly, but with a sad edge to his voice.
“Seth was filling us in on what happened while we were away…” he hesitated...
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posted by bellafan6246
News have spread and the Twilight's director, is releasing a book called the "Director's Notebook" which includes the "How we made Twilight" of wardrobe, cast, behind-the-scenes-photos and more. The novel is expected to be on the shelves with the Twilight movie on March 17, 2009.

Something fun to do?

Check out the forums for the Bella Bash info contest!

Info from:

Cover Picture (bigger here): link
22-year-old British actor says music is an important part of his life

Twilight star Robert Pattinson has become an overnight celebrity since starring as the alluring Edward Cullen in the hit vampire romance.

Adding to Rob's own mystique is the fact that the actor has not been seen publicly since Dec. 22, when he landed at London's Heathrow Airport for the Christmas holidays. But this has had no effect on Pattinson's skyrocketing star status.

Fortunately for Rob's fans, international media interviews have recently been released providing some interesting insights into the British heartthrob's introspective...
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Even though they did not know it, Bella was listening to everything they were saying, and she wasn't liking what she was hearing.
"I'm telling you! She should just act normal!" She heard one of them say.
"No! It's to dangerous!" Another one said, Edward she assumed. Then, growing bored from the ongoing debate she realized that this was her chance, everyone was to preoccupied with trying to decide what she should do, she just slipped behind the house and went through the back door. Only Spike saw her. After she had been gone for about five minuets, he decided to clue the rest of them in.
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posted by mandapanda
new robert pattinson interview
new translated interview from Polish magazine Bravo:

We know who won that battle. In the interview Rob also talks about living in L.A., and how he deals with being far away from his family and friends. And he does mention he’d be going back to London for Christmas. Read the rest of the Q&A after the cut.

“I didn’t want to be a vampire.”
As a vampire in “Twilight” Robert Pattinson delights millions. Nonetheless he’s still lonely… He revealed only us why!

“I’m not suitable for a perfect guy.”

The world has gone crazy about this guy with a mysterious...
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"She was there -expecting me,naturally."He chuckled once."She hopped down from the high stool at the counter as I walked in and came directly toward me.

"It shocked me.I was not sure if she meant to attack.That's the only interpretation of her behavior that my past had to offer.But she was smiling.And the emotions that were emanating from her were like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"'You've kept me waiting a long time,'she said."

I didn't realize Alice had come to stand behind me again.

"And you ducked your head like a good Southern gentleman,and said,'I'm sorry ma'am.'"Alice laughed at the memory.

Jasper smiled down at her."You held out your hand,and I took it without stopping to make sense of what I was doing.For the first time in almost a century,I felt hope."

Jasper took Alice's hand as he spoke.

Alice grinned."I was just relieved.I thought you were never going to show up."
He may have his arm around Kristen Stewart at every “Twilight” premiere event, and has been linked to a host of hot ladies over recent months, but Robert Pattinson is unattached, according to a new interview.

While visiting “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” for an episode that airs this Friday — the same day Pattinson’s vampiric portrayal of Edward Cullen springs to life on the big screen, he denied having romantic ties to anyone.

“Now, are you single?” Ellen asked.

“Ah, yeah,” the British actor replied.

And it appears despite women throwing themselves at him regularly, Pattinson may be stuck in singleton mode permanently.

“No one else seems to get into a relationship with me. It’s really strange,” he told Ellen.

“People like screaming at me,” the heartthrob added. “Actually, they like screaming at me in relationships as well. No one wants to commit.”
posted by megloveskyle
Sookie and Bill
Sookie and Bill
Since reading Twilight, I like most of you, have become addicted to vampires (or the thought of their existence). The idea of a love like Edward and Bella’s is so intriguing its how Meyer has kept us enthralled for years. After finishing Breaking Dawn and The Host, I have finally found something to feel the void as we wait for Twilight to hit the theaters.

    I have been working in the movie industry for almost a year now and with that come perks. I am able to view movies and television shows before they hit the mainstream. The other day a new series from HBO called True...
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The fight was on, Spike and Oz against the four Werewolves, Jacob, Seth, Quil, and Embry when suddenly just as Jacob was about to get shredded by Spike, Buffy came out of nowhere and tackled Spike.
"What are you bloody doing?" Spike yelled, astonished.
"Oz, stop." Buffy commanded. Oz backed down, and moved to where Buffy and Spike were. While at the same time Jacob and his brothers gathered together.
"We have already lost enough of them, by just out-right fighting, Spike." Buffy answered Spike's question.
"Who are you?" Jacob spoke in such an authoritive tone.
"My name is Buffy, and this is...
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posted by kctjohnson
We know how Bella has some serious issues about aging because each year she ages, she becomes one year “older” than Edward. Her fear of aging is borderline neurotic, but it all seems to stem from not wanting to appear older than Edward. I’d always had a hard time understanding this – after all, Edward is well over 100 years old – he just doesn’t look it. And I always thought “So what if Bella becomes a few years ‘older’ than Edward in appearance? No one’s going to be able to tell!” But I suppose it’s a big deal to Bella. To this day, I don’t understand that fear.......
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