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posted by twilight-7
Kayla‘s POV.

I was running. Running through a dark forest, the canopy of leaves above blocking out any moonlight from reaching me. The darkness did not scare me but it scared my prey. He was wandering through the sinister trees . He was lost, poor human. Didn’t he know better than to walk through the forest at night? Bad things lived in the shadows of the trees.
I stop running and hide behind a tree, not ten feet from my victim. I could see him clearly even though there was no light. He was standing and looking around. He even turned in a circle on the spot. It was evident he was lost. I stepped out from behind the tree, standing directly behind him. I watched him carefully, willing him to continue walking. But he didn’t. He turned around and saw me. His eyes, a chocolate brown colour, lit up when he recognised me.
“I’m so glad you’re here. I’m totally lost, can you believe that? I don’t know where I am. Do you remember how you got here? We can go back the way you came. I’m so silly, me.”
I tilted my head to the side, scrutinising him. What would be the best way to kill him without him making a noise? I didn’t want to have to eat and run.
His eyes showed fear first. He didn’t understand. Why wasn’t I answering him? Going over to him and telling him how stupid he was for getting lost? Leading him back out of the forest to the safety of home?
But when I didn’t move and continued to stare at him, he got frightened. He realised the change in me too late. He tried to run but I was too fast for him. My teeth sunk into his neck and warm blood flowed into my waiting mouth. He collapsed to the ground, crying out, as his blood poured profusely from his neck and soothed my burning thirst. His blood was too fast for me. Most of it I could drink but some of it overflowed and spilled down my chin. He was silent now. Not a sound escaped from him. That was good; I preferred to eat in silence.

Edward’s arms were around me instantaneously, before I had even opened my eyes. He pulled me onto his lap and crushed me to his chest. I still hadn’t opened my eyes. I was pondering this vision while lying close to Edward.
I hadn’t had this vision for weeks. I thought that maybe it wasn’t going to happen anymore. But it seemed I was wrong. Charlie was still in danger and still from a vampire he knew. He didn’t know any vampires that would want to kill him.
“It’s okay,” Edward spoke low and gentle. “Don’t worry. He’s fine.”
Edward thought I was panicking. I wasn’t. I was more angry than worried. I was angry because I didn’t know who the hell was going to kill my father. No vampire we knew would ever kill a human.
I opened my eyes and looked at Edward.
“I’m fine,” I told him. “I’m not panicking, I’m not worrying, I’m okay.”
Edward looked shocked for half a second but quickly recovered and smiled down at me. Of course he would be shocked. Since when did I had a vision of someone’s death and not panic?
He still held me close though and I didn’t complain. Neither did the baby.
“What do you think we’re having?” he asked me, his hand sliding down to my stomach where he was greeted with a nudge. He was distracting me.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “Whatever the sex is we both know it loves you.”
“The baby loves you too,” Edward said, kissing my forehead.
“I know,” I said, smiling as I felt another nudge. I knew the nudge was for me even though Edward’s hand was still on my stomach.
“Do you think I will be able to hear the baby’s thoughts?”
Hear the baby’s thoughts? I didn’t know unborn babies thought much.
“I don’t know,” I answered. “I mean, do unborn babies think?”
“Everyone thinks,” he said.
“Yes but not until their brain develops.”
“Well, our baby is an exception. It must have a brain to know who I am when it can’t see me and to protect me like that.”
“That makes sense,” I said. “Well, you hear my thoughts so I don’t think you’ll have any trouble hearing the baby’s.”
“I couldn’t hear your thoughts at first though. There was a barrier around your mind.”
That awful thing. I remembered Charlie removing the barrier from my mind and the pain it caused me. Did my baby have that too? It must, it was half Azdi. Would I have to break the barrier on my baby’s mind? I didn’t know how to do that. What if I did it wrong and killed my child?
Edward stroked my hair, a silent way of saying ‘don’t worry’. It was easier said than done. Now my mind was opening up to all the other dangers I would have to protect my child from. All those supernatural creatures that threatened the world posed a risk to my baby. I would have to deal with that.
“You are not dealing with anything,” Edward’s voice was filled with fear.
“Why?” I asked him. “It’s what I’m supposed to do.”
“I’m supposed to drink human blood but you don’t see me doing it.” Edward slipped me off his lap and walked over to the window. He stood with his back to me, staring out at the forest.
I kneeled on the bed, watching him. I didn’t understand. Why was he so upset? This was my purpose. This was what I was supposed to do, protecting everyone from the supernatural beasts.
“You never understand,” he said, quietly. “You never do.”
“I’m sorry about that,” I said, feeling angry. “I’m sorry I’ve not been around for nearly a century to know almost everything.”
“That’s not what I’m getting at, Kayla. I’m not insulting your intelligence.”
“Then what?”
He sighed heavily and turned to face me. He didn’t try to hide his emotions. He let me see exactly how he was feeling and it hurt me to see him like that. He looked tortured, as if someone was causing him excruciating pain. I wanted to go over to him and cradle him in my arms but he held up a hand.
“Do you know how many times I’ve almost lost you?” he asked me. “Do you know how many times I’ve wondered if I would ever see you again?”
“I’m guessing quite a lot?”
“Yes. So many times that I’ve began to wonder if it was me. If I was the cause of it all.”
“But you’re not!” I protested. I shot off the bed and grabbed his hand. “You’re not Edward. Don’t think like that.”
If he was thinking like that he would leave me in a bid to protect me. He didn’t understand that he was the reason I was still living. Well, he was now one of the reasons why I was still living, the baby the other. He couldn’t leave me.
“I’m not going to leave you,” he said, kissing my hand. “I know that it isn’t me.”
“Good then,” I replied, relieved.
“It’s you,” he said. “You are the reason why you almost die every time you set foot outside.”
“Me?” I looked at him incredulous. It wasn’t like I had a neon sign above my head that said ‘Looking for immediate death. Who fancies killing me?’
“Yes. You and your heritage. Azdis attract death like a light attracts moths.”
He gazed down at me with his tortured eyes and I suddenly didn’t understand. I didn’t know what it was like to worry about a little fragile human. I didn’t have to worry about never seeing Edward again but I was always 99% sure he would be okay because he was a vampire. He was basically invincible. But me? I wasn’t. I would never be completely invincible. My skin wouldn’t be able to snap a dagger when someone tried to stab me or stop bullets. I wasn’t immune from diseases. I was still fragile though I would live for eternity.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “But I can’t ignore it. I’m going to have to live up to my heritage one day. Now there’s nothing stopping me. I have a reason now.”
“What reason is that?”
“The baby. I have to protect it from anything that might try to harm our child.”
“And you? What about anything that might try to harm you?”
“I don’t need protection. I’m not the priority here.”
Edward threw up his hands in frustration and turned away from me. His hands gripped onto the windowsill and I knew he was angry at me.
“Why do you have this attitude?” he said, his voice was shaking. “You act like such a martyr, Kayla. It’s unreal.”
“I’m not acting like a martyr, Edward, and you act the same way.”
“I’m not throwing my life away for a city of people I hardly know.”
“I’m not throwing my life away if that’s what you think. I’m protecting our child.”
“You don’t have to protect the baby by going out looking for death. You can do it by making sure you’re alive.”
“I do not go out looking for death!” I threw my hands up in frustration. I turned away from Edward, not that it made much difference since he wasn’t looking at me anyway.
Did I go out looking for death? Or did it find it me? I knew Edward was right. I wouldn’t be doing the baby much good if I was out hunting whatever posed a threat but just sitting in all day every day for eternity didn’t seem like a good thing either. I would get bored eventually. I couldn’t spend all my time in doors. I want to do something, anything, and well, being an Azdi was in my blood.
I want to do it.
“And your own life yet again means nothing to you!”
I could feel Edward’s cool breath on the back of my neck. I felt his hands wind gently around my waist and he pulled me close to him, as if this would stop me from doing anything he considered irrational.
“It’s not that,” I said. “It’s not like I want to die. I just want to do something, you know? I want to help.”
He didn’t say anything. I felt his cold lips on my neck, a light kiss that burned my skin. I closed my eyes, letting him turn me around in his arms and press his lips against mine. I felt a nudge and Edward moved away from me just a little. He must be too close against my body and the baby was getting uncomfortable. He didn’t stop kissing me though. The baby nudged again. Edward moved away again but he wasn’t close to the baby at all. Nothing was near the baby but air. I felt another nudge and then another and in exasperation I let go of Edward and backed away from until we were on opposite ends of the room.
“Are you happy now?” I said to my unborn baby. “Is that enough room for you? Nothing is touching you now.”
I felt another nudge, more urgent this time.
“Is there something wrong?” Edward asked worriedly. He walked over to me, his face set in concern. His hand touched my stomach and the nudges became faster and even more desperate.
“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong. I don’t feel anything wrong, I would if there was.”
“Maybe the baby is just restless,” Edward suggested. “We were arguing.”
“Yes we were,” I said, and then it hit me. I knew why the baby was nudging so much. The nudging stopped immediately and I rounded on my husband.
“You were distracting me!” I pointed a finger at Edward. “You dirty vampire!”
Edward grinned. He didn’t look shameful or embarrassed. He just gazed at me those smouldering golden eyes of his and I felt my willpower slipping. Before I knew it I was back in his arms, kissing him again.
I slapped his chest as I felt another nudge from the baby.
“I am not going to get away with anything, am I?” he said, as I stepped away from him again.
“Nope,” I replied, stroking my stomach adoringly. I felt bigger. The baby had grown.
I walked past Edward to my wardrobe and opened the door, looking in the mirror that hung on the inside of the door. I lifted up my top and looked at my stomach. Yup. I had gotten bigger. The baby was growing fast.
“I’m scared,” I said, as Edward came up behind me. His hands rested on my bare stomach and was greeted by a little nudge. “This is happening too fast.”
Soon, childbirth would be upon me and then what would I do? I hadn’t even thought about what I would do when I started having contractions. Do I have a homebirth? Well, I would have to it’s not like the baby could be born in hospital. Who would be my midwife? Who would deliver the baby? Where would the baby go? It wasn’t like we had a nursery all set out. We didn’t even know we could have children.
So many questions and none of which I could answer.
“Stop worrying,” Edward chuckled. “You should know by now that Alice and Rosalie are already planning everything. They were picking out baby clothes when I went to change earlier.”
I rolled my eyes, my fear disappearing. I should have known Alice and Rosalie would be taking over everything, especially Rosalie. She would be overjoyed at the thought of a baby.
“Have you thought of anything for the baby?” I asked Edward. “You said you’ve done some thinking.”
“I have thought of quite a lot of things,” he replied, kissing my cheek. “Like names, for instance.”
“Let’s hear them then.”
“For a boy, I was thinking Gregory or Matthew or Anthony or Christopher or-”
I cut him off with a laugh. I could see an endless list of names in his mind, all of them male. How long was the list of names for a girl?
“I have done quite a lot of thinking,” he said, grinning. “What about you? Any names for a girl?”
I shook my head.
“I haven’t thought of any names yet.”
Should I be thinking of names? I had only found out I was pregnant, it seemed a little soon to be thinking about all of this. But the baby was growing at a faster rate than normal and would be here in a matter of weeks probably. I had to start thinking about all of this.
“You have some time before the birth,” Edward assured me. “Don’t stress about it. Leave it all to us.”
“I leave everything to you,” I sighed. “I think I may need to start taking a hold of my life.”
Edward kissed the top of my head.
“You’ve had a troubling time these past weeks. You need to take a break, rest up.”
I cast my eyes down. Troubling times. I’d had a death sentence dangling above my head like a guillotine and I was fine. I knock that guillotine down, I save my own neck, and everything feels wrong to me. The world was right with the guillotine over me, it was normal. With it gone…
Trying to spare me feeling pain, Edward wrapped his arms around me as if his cold embrace could protect me. It could, but only from physical harm, not my thoughts or my mind. Nothing could protect me from that.

Author's Note:
Someone commented on a previous chapter that I am not spelling my words 'properly', as in the American spelling. I would like to remind you all that I live in the UK and we do spell words differently, we have to be awkward about that lol. But I am not changing my spellings for you. For one, it would be too difficult and two Kayla is English and so it should be written in an English way.
I am not English myself I am in fact Scottish I just live in England so you should all be thankful I'm not writing in my Scottish dialect. You would all be screwed then trying to read this story lmao.
So I apologise to my American readers but hopefully you will all understand and this will not stop you in reading my fanfiction.

Love you all <3
1. You can enjoy the boquet while resisting the wine.
2. The future is not set in stone.
3. Men are crabby when they're hungry.
4. Nothing beats an irritable grizzly bear.
5. True love knows no boundaries.
6. Some people are just danger magnets.
7. Even eternal enemies can work together to save something they love.
8. Forget the fangs - real vampires sparkle!
9. Soul mates exist, even if it takes 100 years to find them.
10. Porshe 911 Turbos make really great bribes.
11. Friendship is like the sun on a cloudy day.
12. Snow just means it's too cold for rain.
13. Family is about more than just blood.
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
-You won Edward.

Edward stood up and came to my side. He had his eyes closed and he was fragile.

-I can’t understand Jasper’s thoughts. It’s like; he empties his mind every ten minutes. Why am I a nonsense creature these days?!

I hugged him and got his hand in mine. I could see that they were all sad and they couldn’t concentrate on anything. When Carlisle showed up, everyone was in the living room. And I could understand that this time, my existence there, was no good! So, I made an excuse and Edward took me home without any other word. Edward wasn’t in a good mood so I didn’t ask...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I woke up very tired. I turned my phone on and realized that I has missed seven of Alice's calls. I felt bad, but I couldn't call her now, I had to get ready for school. Charlie was already gone, luckily. Once I was ready for school, I didn't feel like sitting around and waiting to leave, so I just left a few minutes early.

When I got there I realized that the parking lot was practically empty. But, Alice and the Cullens were all already there.

"Alice!" I yelled even though I knew she heard me pull up. She walked over to me, smiling.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize to me," Alice said...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
Is anyone even reading this? Should I just stop updating?

If you are reading it enjoy!


Ring. Ring. Ring.

The sound of my phone woke me up. It was Alice.

"Alice what do you want?" I said into the phone.

"That's a nice way to greet your friend, isn't it? Well I don't want anything from you. I have information on Jacob for you."

"Really? How? Tell me!"

"Well it's kind of a lot and I feel that I should tell you in person. Not over the phone. Can I come over now?" Alice asked.

"Sure," normally I wouldn't let Alice over at this hour, but I wanted to know...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
"Alice, I'm so sorry that I just ran out like that," I said when I realized that it was her.

"Well I did go home, after you left. But I saw you in a vision and from what I saw, it did not go very well. Do you want to talk about it?" Alice said.

"I didn't even talk to him! I only saw Billy and he said that Jacob was out with some friends. Which I doubt. Did you happen to see where he was?" I asked hopefully.

"Well ,for some reason I couldn't see anything at the Blacks house. It was like I was blind. Normally I can see anything when I am looking for it. But I just couldn't," Alice said, obviously...
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2 years later

It has been 2 years since edward left me,the fist month was really hard but vickie helped me and Harry's wife sue watched when i was at school or went out with jake.Me and jacob started to hang out more and more and pritty soon i fell in love with the big wolf.
Jacob was finishing his last year of school and i was already finished and i was waiting for him so we could go to collage together,so when he was at school i took vickie out!
Vickie was four years old and she knew something was wrong,she stopped saying 'where's awice' or 'where's ewine' 3 months after they left.i was...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 17
Catching Up:

I woke up suddenly, but refreshed. I yawned and made my way to the cupboard. I opened it and grabbed the first outfit I could find. I walked to the bathroom and got changed in there. I washed my face and brushed my hair before going downstairs.
“Good morning” I said, before sitting down at the table.
“Morning Bells” Mum said and passed me a plate of strawberry toast.
“Thanks” I smiled, and grabbed a piece. I bit into the toast with a small crunch, sweet jam filled my mouth as I chewed.
“Quarter past eight, nine, ten, ten thirty, two hours” Renee mumbled to...
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posted by Rose22882
I was fourteen when it happend.My parents and I just finished dinner. I was sent upstairs to finish my homework. I could hear my mom laughing as my dad told a joke that prombly wasn't even funny.I put my Ipod on for I could focas on my homework. Twenty mintues later I took the earphones off for I could go to the restroom. Before I even got the bed, I heard glass shatter. I ran downstairs to see what had happened. I saw a larger man in the doorway. His eyes were a red color. I never seen eyes like that before. I hid in pantry trying to see what they were doing here. "Luke come in. Do you smell...
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Bella Swan’s move to Forks could have been the most boring move she ever made. But when she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Bella.
Star-crossed lovers Bella and Edward return find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
When I opened my eyes, Edward was staring straight into my eyes. I placed my head on his hand and tried to sleep before I had to get up and get ready.

-Bella,love. You seem really tired. Are you sure you wanna go to school today?

I turned my head and stared into his golden eyes. He kissed my forehead and started playing with my hair.

-I should go. We have biology test! It's important.

He chuckled and said:
-Ok,Ok! I know that you're a total geek!

I punched him on his shoulder where his skin was Ice cold as always. The clouds were covering the sky so after 2 days that Edward couldn't come to school, He finally could and that made me happy for almost a minute.

-Can you wear your blue T-shirt Today? The one that I bought you?!

I nodded with my head and got the t-shirt Edward had bought me the other week. I wore it while Edward was holding me in his arms.

-Ah, your strong!

I giggled and got myself out of his arms.
I'm sure, by now, most of you have seen the New Moon Teaser Trailer 2 that was posted. Although it was in french, I'm going to talk about it and it's misinterpretation.

Positive comments first! It's great to see snippets of new scenes! We got to see:
- the wolf pack
- Jacob in Bella's Room
- sneak peek of the Volturi
- cliff diving
- Victoria
- Edward and Bella's Italy kiss
- movie theatre J/B talk

They all look great! And it makes us want to see the movie more if that's possible!

Now the negativity. When I analyze the trailer and get critical, sometimes I get pretty negative if I'm not...
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Chapter 10- Flight

------------------------------------Tom's POV------------------------------------------------------------------- I led Esme into the living room and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Esie what is it? What did he do to you?” she looked at me and smiled slightly.

“He didn't touch me. Yet. I'm worried that he will though,” she looked down. “He.... he drinks too often. He'll end up hurting me, but it isn't me I'm worried about Tom,” she looked back up at me.

“I understand, what do we need to do?” I asked her. “We need to get you away from him, away from here,”...
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I feel like I REALLY need to work fast on this. I'm only on page 40 in the actual book. So starting after this, I'm going chapter by chapter. It will be faster, and it will A LOT longer for you guys to enjoy. Hope you like it.

“You’re really not that good of a mechanic, Edward. Maybe you should have Rosalie look at it tonight, just so you look good if Mike decides to let you help, you know. Not that it wouldn’t be fun to watch his face if Rosalie showed up to help. But since Rosalie is supposed to be across the country attending college, I guess that’s not the best idea. Too bad....
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posted by twilight-7
Rosalie hesitated before she began speaking. I could tell she wanted to just plough into an entire hour long speech but she considered her words carefully. She didn’t want to upset me which was weird but good.
“First of all,” she said. “I don’t hate you, Kayla. I never have and never will.”
I nodded. “That’s good. I wouldn’t know what to do if you did hate me.”
She smiled. “Probably run in terror, I think.”
“Probably,” I laughed. Rosalie even managed a tiny laugh.
“But,” Rosalie turned serious. “I do have to stress that I do not approve of you marrying Edward....
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Ok, here's the next chapter of Evening Star! ^_^

As usual, at night, I sticked by Bella's side, watching her sleep in peace. It made me smile when she said my name over and over again. Sometimes she make full sentences saying, "I love you, Edward."
I kissed her forehead, and said, "I never get tired of you saying saying that, I will always love you too."
As if she could hear me, she smiled slightly and drifted into deeper sleep.
I rubbed her arm, letting her know that I will never leave her out of my sight again.


It was already the next day, and Bella and I were walking from Spanish class...
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posted by patrisha727
One for today! ^_^

I looked around, for my seat, K13. Angela already found her seat.
"I'll meet you once we are out of the plane." Angela told me.
I smiled. "Sure thing."
I took my seat, and settled. I got the window seat. I took out the book, Wuthering Heights and began reading. So far, no one took the seat next to me. I'm praying that I'll have this row to myself. I wasn't the talkative type, and I like to have privacy. But then I groaned quietly when a girl took a seat nect to me. She was about my age, but was like an average teenager. She wore makeup, lots of jewelry, and wore designer clothings....
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posted by rose_emmett
Okay so heres the second chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this one! I hope you enjoy!

Renesmee’s POV:

Before I left the shack I watch Jacob walk back to the beach. It was nice to see him again. I hadn’t seen him since we left to go to New Hampshire six years ago. I was looking forward to coming back to Washington so that I could see him. I was worried that he had changed but I guess I have changed more than he has.

I didn’t run I just slowing walked back down the hill. I wanted to go back to him, but he was right if some one saw me then I would be in huge trouble. I started to run, but...
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One LONG one for today! ^_^

I stared at Bella with surprise as the dominant feature on my face. I didn't expect theory like this. When I didn't answer, Bella spoke again, she explained.
"Jacob told me that your family being here set things in motion. I thought you would already know...." she trailed off when my eyes narrowed.
Is she blaming us for the existence of werewolves.
"Is that what they think?" I asked.
"Edward, look at the facts. Seventy years ago, you came here, and the werewolves showed up. You come back now, and the werewolves showed up again. Do you think that's a coincidence?"...
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I apologize beforehand that this article will probably most likely not be formally written.

Since Twilight, Rob and Kristen have been in countless magazines. The headlines pertaining to:

-"Rob and Kristen: The Hot Hook-Up!"
-"Rob Dumps Kristen for Co-Star Emilie!"
-"Kristen Pregnant with Rob's Baby!"
-"Rob's Family tells Him to Stay Away from Kristen!"
-"Rob Tells Kristen to choose between Him or Michael!"

All headlines pertaining to those above are rumors. Every headline is different and the "sources" in the magazines are never named. And for all the questions asking about Rob and Kristen...
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Edward is so irritating! How he could say those things? What does he know? Must he be able to read minds?! Aargh!!
Rosalie's thoughts were on Edward as she ran. They were all in Appalachia,Carslie,Esme,and Edward. Edward had heard her thoughts,heard how she wishes to be human again,how she would give up ANYTHING to be able to have children. He said some things which made Rosalie want to rip his throat out. Instead she ran off,going to hunt.
Rosalie stopped. She was outside of Gatlinburg, Tennesse. She had run over 100 miles. All to get away from Edward. It was worth it. He couldn't hear her...
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