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posted by twilight-7
I could feel Charlie’s eyes on me from the doorway of the living room as I lay on the sofa. He was going out with Tess but he was worried about leaving me alone. He worried too much. I know there was some mad man out to get me but he needed to lighten up. He’d given me the protection I needed. If Mitchell even dared to harm me I would stab him so fast he wouldn’t know who’d killed him. My hands wound round my stomach, once again feeling the need to protect my baby.
“Was it a serious argument?” Charlie asked me.
“Yes,” I answered. When would Jacob get here so Charlie would leave.
“Did he hurt you?” Charlie’s voice came out in a growl.
“No,” I sighed, not in the way he was asking anyway. I wished I’d had the chance to hurt Edward just so he could feel even a tiny bit of the pain he was causing me when he wanted to kill my baby. How could he even think I would agree? See his reason? Even consider what he was asking me? Even though he wanted to kill our baby, amazingly the baby still saved him. Why? Why did the baby protect him? Did it not know what he was going to do? What he wanted to do? He must be loved. My baby was taking after me. Showing abilities so early I must be having the smartest baby ever. I smiled.
“Charlie, don’t ask anymore questions,” Tess said. “She’s not feeling so well.”
I heard Charlie’s footsteps on the carpet and then felt his hand on my forehead.
“Are you ill again, Kay?” he asked me, his voice soft. “Do you want to go back to bed?”
I shook my head. “I’ll be fine.”
Tess was implying I was emotionally not well. I was so torn up. I felt like Edward had ripped my heart out, shredded it into tiny pieces and then set those pieces on fire. I didn’t know if I could ever forgive him.
“Has he called you?” Tess was kneeling in front of me before I could blink. She stared at me with her big gold eyes, sympathy radiating off her.
“No,” I said, sighing again. “He hasn’t come to see me either.”
“That’s strange,” Charlie said. He stroked his chin. “He never leaves you alone, even when you’re arguing. I remember that time he used up three tapes in the answering machine begging you to talk to him. And if you don’t answer his calls he comes around and grovels at your feet until you forgive him.”
I tried to squash the panic I suddenly felt as Charlie’s words.
“Maybe he understands that I just need some time alone and his constant bothering won’t help,” I suggested. Wait, was I defending Edward? I shouldn’t be defending him when he wouldn’t defend our baby.
Tess, sensing my panic, stroked my hair.
“Of course,” she said, in a soothing voice.
“But with Mitchell trying to kill you?” Charlie continued. “It doesn’t sound like him.”
What was Charlie trying to do to me? Give me a panic attack? It didn’t sound like Edward to just leave me here when Mitchell could attack any time soon, especially since I told them it would be soon because of the vision I’d had two weeks ago. But maybe he was just giving me some breathing space, to clear my head, to clear his head.
Or maybe he’d left me. He was using the baby as his get out card. He’d finally realised he couldn’t have a relationship with me. It would never work out because I was still human. He and the rest of the Cullens had probably left already. Leaving me with his vampire baby.
Something wasn’t right. I could feel it now. Edward wouldn’t leave, even if he didn’t love me anymore. He wouldn’t leave me here, unprotected and carrying his child, when I could be killed at any moment. I know I had Jacob and the wolves watching me but that was never enough for Edward. He would only leave in the most dire of circumstances. What was going on?
“I’m going over there,” I said.
Tess stepped back, allowing me to stand up.
“Now?” Charlie asked. He looked at Tess who simply nodded her head.
“Yes now,” I said, walking out of the living room. “I know something isn’t right.”
“What could be wrong?” Charlie shouted after me.
“I don’t know,” I shouted back, running up the stairs to get dressed quickly.
In my room I threw on the first set of clothes I came to when I opened my wardrobe. It turned out to be a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt. After tying my hair in a ponytail I pulled on a pair of boots. Just as I had grabbed my jacket, Jacob opened my door. He didn’t come fully into my room, he stood just in front of the doorway.
“Charlie said you’re going to the Cullens,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. He was a barrier to stop me from going. To say he wasn’t happy with Edward was an understatement. If it wasn’t for the treaty Edward would have been a pile of ashes as soon as he’d implied he wanted to abort my baby. I loved Jacob and I knew he was looking out for me but I loved Edward too and I needed to know that he was okay. So then I could kick the living shit out of him, properly this time. I felt a nudge as I thought that.
Don’t you get involved again, I told my baby. Your daddy deserves a good beating for even thinking of hurting you.
“And?” I said to Jacob. “It has nothing to do with you.”
“Kayla, he wants to kill your baby,” Jacob stressed to me. “I can’t believe you’re going back to him.”
“I am not going back to him. Jacob, he hasn’t called me or come around to see me at all. You know what he’s like.”
“I know, but maybe he’s giving you some space.”
“But what if he isn’t?” Panic rose up in me again and I couldn’t squash it down. “What if he’s left me? Jake, I’m carrying his child. I cannot do this on my own. I need him.”
“I’m here, I’ve told you that.”
“But you’re not a doctor. You’re not Carlisle. A half vampire baby is not normal and no normal doctor can oversee this pregnancy. If Edward’s left, it’s more than likely the others have left to. I’ll be on my own.”
Jacob was in two minds. He wanted to protect me from the hurt Edward would cause me but he knew that without Edward I was going to get hurt.
“Hasn’t he got a cell phone?”
“Jake, seriously, this can’t be done over the phone. We need to sort this out face to face.”
His arms unfolded and he walked towards me. He pulled me into a hug and I leaned into his warm chest.
“I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“I know,” I sighed. “Just understand why I need to see him.”
“Unfortunately I do. But can’t you just wait?”
I pulled away from Jacob.
“This can’t wait,” I said. “I’m going now.”
“There hasn’t been a peep from the Cullen house all night,” Jacob said, thinking this would stop me but it only spurred me to go quicker. It was proof something was wrong.
Before he could stop me I ducked past him. I ran down the stairs, shouted a goodbye at Charlie whether he was still there or not, and sped into the forest.

Jacob was right. The Cullen house was quiet. I could hear nothing inside. I could hear no one. I stood on the porch, staring at the door, too afraid to open it to find nothing inside. Too scared to find out they had really left me here. But I wouldn’t know unless I did, so I took a deep breath and pushed down on the handle. The door swung open slowly and silently and I stepped in just as slowly. But as I took in my surroundings my heart began to race as if I had just ran the London Marathon.
The Cullen house looked like a bomb had dropped on it. The place was destroyed. Broken furniture everywhere, ripped to shreds. Glass seemed to layer the floor like a sparkling carpet. The TV, next to a wooden table turned on its side, had a huge gaping hole in it exposing wires and circuit boards. It was still hissing and sparking so the damage to that was quite recent. I looked around, taking in everything, wondering what the hell had gone on. Were they attacked?
Something caught my eye. A shoe just behind the TV. I hoped the owner was still alive. I quickly made my way past the broken items, treading carefully on the glass. I screamed when I saw who it was. He was lying behind the table and TV, looking just as if he were sleeping. Only he didn’t need to sleep and never would he fall unconscious. He looked dead.
I dropped to my knees next to him, ignoring the shards of glass that cut my knees, and began to feel for a pulse only to realise he wouldn’t have one.
“Oh my God!”
I couldn’t tell whether he was alive. I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared now, knowing he was hurt when it was practically impossible to hurt him. Nothing could but fire. Was he dead? I didn’t want to think about it. Tears were falling from my cheeks when I felt a nudge.
“It’s going to be okay,” I said to the baby. “Daddy’s fine. He’s just pretending.”
I stroked Edward’s cheek. He still felt as ice cold as always, his skin still pale and smooth as silk.
“Wake up,” I told him. “Come on, Edward, wake up. It’s me, it’s Kayla.”
He just lay there, not speaking and not moving. I couldn’t here any thoughts from him either. He couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be. He couldn’t die. Not now. Not when we hadn’t made up. Not when I’d told him to leave. He couldn’t. I had to apologise to him. Tell him I still loved him, take back what I’d said about him.
“Edward, wake up!” I smacked my hands on his hard chest but it did nothing. Another nudge and I touched my bump soothingly.
“It’s going to be okay,” I said. “We’ll find Carlisle and get some answers.”
But even as I said it I knew that if this amount of damage had been done, each of the Cullens would have heard it. Unless they weren’t here when it happened.
“Kayla, are you in here?”
I turned my head when I heard Jacob. I heard the crunching of glass and knew he was walking into the house.
“I’m here.”
“What happened in here?” He asked me. He couldn’t see Edward yet. He was hidden by the TV and the table.
“I don’t know,” I cried. “Jacob, he isn’t moving!”
I felt Jacob’s arms around me almost immediately. He took one look at Edward and pulled me up but I refused to be moved away from him. He knew something was deadly wrong.
“I can’t leave him!” I felt a nudge in agreement.
“Kayla, we have to leave,” Jacob said, urgently. “None of the Cullens are answering their cells.”
“None of them?”
“Not one.”
Fear flooded through me faster than Edward’s running speed. No one was answering their cell phones, Edward was lying there probably dead for real this time and there was no explanation.
“I’m afraid I’m to blame for that.”
Jacob growled at the same time I snarled. We both turned around to see him standing there. The man who had just killed my love, my life. I wanted to run at him and rip his throat out but Jacob’s arms were still around me.
“Hello, Kayla,” he said, smiling serenely at me. Mitchell stood there looking as handsome as ever, trying to mesmerize me with those piercing blue eyes but I wasn’t falling it. I was so filled with hate and rage for him, it was amazing I was standing so still.
Kayla, run, Jacob thought to me. Get out of here!
I couldn’t leave Jacob. I was the only one who had the weapon that could kill Mitchell. I’d seen it in my vision, I knew that was how he was supposed to die. Jacob wouldn’t be able to take Mitchell on his own. I did run though. I ran at full speed upstairs to Edward’s bedroom where I’d hidden the dagger. As I was running I saw Jacob begin to phase.
I dived under the bed. I’d taped the dagger to the underside of the wooden slats of the bed after my many training exercises with Edward. He’d make me work so hard to get the target on the tree. I wasn’t excellent using my hands but with my telekinesis I was a pro. I ripped the dagger off the slats just as I heard the sound of a small bottle breaking. I looked at the dagger and caught a glimpse of my wrist, where my scar was. Then I understood. I quickly tucked the dagger into the belt of my jeans, hiding it with my t-shirt. I ran back downstairs to find Jacob missing. He wasn’t there, only Mitchell. I walked slowly to Mitchell, wondering where Jacob had gone in the three seconds I’d been upstairs.
“Your friend decided to take a nap,” Mitchell said, pointing at his feet.
Jacob was completely out of it. He hadn’t even phased. Maybe Edward was just sleeping. Maybe he wasn’t dead.
“Is this what you did to Edward?” I asked Mitchell.
“And the rest of the vampires,” he gazed at his fingernails, bored. “They’re scattered about the house somewhere.”
“Will they be okay?”
I glanced at Edward and then to Jacob.
“They’ll wake up, eventually.”
My panic and fear decreased but didn’t go away. Edward would be okay, Jacob would be okay, the rest of the Cullens would be okay. That’s all that mattered.
“Were you crying?” Mitchell asked. He stepped over Jacob and walked to me, stopping when our faces were just inches away. “You have tears on your cheeks.”
“I thought my husband was dead!” I spat at him. He stepped back, almost standing on Jacob’s arm.
“Yes, you were getting married,” he mused, smiling. “I didn’t get an invitation.”
“You weren’t invited.”
He threw his head back and laughed.
“Who told you? Who told you I was going to kill you?”
“Zach,” I answered. “You killed his wife.”
“I was meaning to kill him but she got in the way.”
He spoke so casually about killing that I was beginning to wonder if I even knew him. He sounded like Loren, not like the Mitchell I knew.
“Are you ready to die, Kayla?”
“Not just yet.”
“Oh?” he raised an eyebrow.
I knew my only option was to kill Mitchell if I wanted to protect my baby. But what I could reason with Mitchell? Appeal to the good side I knew he had, tell him I was pregnant. Surely he wouldn’t still kill me?
“You don’t have to kill me,” I said. “You can walk away with your life.”
“Are you going to kill me, Kayla?” he mocked me by pretending to shake with fear.
“If you attempt to hurt me I will.” I ignored his pretend fear.
He laughed again. He found this so hilarious. He moved fast. He was behind me and his hands clamped on my arms.
“I’ve learned a new ability,” he whispered gleefully in my ear.
“What’s that then?” I humoured him.
“Would you like a demonstration? It’s very quick and takes only one hand.”
I froze. I would not like a demonstration. I knew what his new ability was and I’d seen it in action.
“No, I’m cool.” I tried to sound nonchalant, like what he had said hadn’t bothered me.
“Honestly, it’s spectacular a gift. I would teach you it if I wasn’t going to use it against you.”
“No, I don’t need to see it.”
“The dog could be our willing assistant.”
His hands left my arms, to get to Jacob, but I moved quicker. I grabbed one of his hands and threw him over my shoulder. He landed with a resounding thud next to Jacob.
“Don’t touch him!” I hissed.
Mitchell was fast on his feet. He was on his feet in less than a second. He whizzed around me, a manic smile on his face.
“I’m giving you a chance here, Mitchell,” I said to him as he continued his crazy circles. “Leave me alone before I hurt you.”
He laughed and stopped behind me. I turned to face him, where I got a brilliant view of the damage to the Cullen home.
“As if you could!”
“I can, Mitchell, and I will. See, if you kill me, you kill two people.”
Confusion swept across his handsome face.
“I’m pregnant.” I placed a hand on my bump to emphasize it. He laughed. A creepy, crazy laugh that would make a crazy person look normal. What was wrong with him?
“Are you still going to kill me?” I was hoping he would say no. That he couldn’t possibly end the life of a baby who hadn’t even begun it yet. I didn’t want to kill him. I didn’t want to hurt him but if he so much as threatened my baby I would have no choice. I had to protect my baby.
He smiled, evilly and sadistic. I closed my eyes as my vision came flooding back to me.
“Two for the price of one.”
I knew I was going to kill him. I knew it. I had known it since I’d looked at my scar and realised. But what I didn’t know was how I would feel. Rage surged up in me as he said those words. I whipped the knife out and held it in my hand. He saw it and I raised it into the air with my telekinesis. Like I said, I was a pro with my ability.
“Do you think that will kill me?” Mitchell snorted. “I can heal.”
I didn’t say anything. I sent the dagger directly for his heart. I knew he wouldn’t heal. I’d seen his death. Blood instantly flowed from his chest.
“I’ll heal,” he said, weakly. I could hear his heart begin to slow. “Just you see .”
I watched as he vainly tried to remove the knife. It stayed in there. I felt no emotion as I watched him die. Nothing at all. He fell to the ground, still trying to pull the dagger out. As I watched his eyes close, as I watched him drag in his final breath, a tear slid down my cheek. When I heard his heart stop, I raised my hand up once. The dagger flew out of his chest and I caught it. I saw my scar and knew my vision had come true.
I hated it. I hated that it had come true. I knew that he had to die. I knew that. I wanted my baby to live but I hated that I had to do it. Would it have made it easier if someone else had done it? Of course. I wouldn’t have his death on my conscience. I wouldn’t have his death burned into my memory forever.
I felt a gentle nudge and I cried.
“I did this for you!” I screamed to my baby. “For you!”
Did that justify the killing? I killed him to protect my baby. It eased it, yes. I had said to Carlisle and Jacob that I would kill Mitchell without a second thought to protect my unborn child and I had. I’d stabbed him with that dagger as soon as he’d threatened my child.
I held the dagger tightly in my hand as I kneeled down next to Mitchell.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered to him through my tears. “I’m sorry.”
I bent over his bloody chest, weeping. This would pass. My guilt. Some would say he deserved to die for the killings he had committed. I would nod and agree. I had done the right thing.
I had.
capter 2

i woke with the sun lieing on my legs, and alone,
i rolled to see jacobs side empty, but what could i expect, this was the morning routine, the way it was was since our marriage five months ago.
he had his werewolf duties along side sam.I dont know why this morning felt different to every other.i had a feeling today was different, like for some reason today is a day i was going to remember and jacob wasnt there to see what it was.
It was early 9.00, and i was shocked to see the sun, out , instead of the gloomy clouds as always.
I had hoped to raise Tanna in Pheonix, in the sun and the heat,...
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capter one!!!

i flicked off the light, and prayed that when i shut the door that it wouldnt wake her up. i steped out of the room, taking one more glance at my addition to my complete life.
she was soo little, so young and yet so innocent to the world around her, so unaware to the creaters that surivive just outside her room, and i tend to keep it like that until the time is of her father.
of only 5 weeks of age. and already made her perfect smile, and wow she looked like her dad.
the brown soft, russet colour tone, and the brown eyes,. the spitting image.
i smiled once more and closed...
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posted by _madz_
hey guys, thanks for the support, i'm glad you like it :P

part one
I stopped breathing. I was so nervous. I’d met other vampires and covens before, but never this many.
I shifted my weight to my right foot, listening to the slight rustle the grass made beneath my foot.
Then I heard a voice. It sounded like golden wind chimes.
“Alice! What on earth is he doing?”
“Shush Rose! This is important!” another female voice answered. Alice I suppose.
Well they sounded nice enough.
From what I could here they had slowed down, just below the ridge of the hill. What were they waiting for?
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posted by anna0789
its the vietnam war...
carilisle is 23
emmet is 20
edward is 19
jasper is 20

edward's pov

it's been 5 weeks since i arrived to vietnam to the alpha company. I have to accept that my mother was right i wasn't ready for war well none of us really were. The war consisted of days of bieng bore to death and hours of pure horror ; i hadn't been hurt but i had watch many died i feel bad for saying that i am really lucky that i didn't knew well the guys that had died. but that was how it was you tried to maintain what is yours as selfish as it sounds...
i had form a really closed relationship with all the...
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posted by twilight-7
Same as before ..... star then italics - Loretta
Italics - Kayla

I burst into the Cullen household to see Emmett and Jasper fighting to hold onto Edward. Esme was trying to calm Edward, her hands touching Edward’s face, hair, arms. She was speaking in gentle tones, telling him to be calm and think things through. They didn’t see me. Their concentration was all on Edward.
“She doesn’t want me, Esme,” he cried to her. “I saw her, draped all over him. I saw the love in her eyes for him and when she looked at me and spoke to me she was cold and hard. She doesn’t love me.”
I stood,...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
I was on my way to home when I saw Cullen's house road. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I would die there when I see their rooms empty. with no COLD ONES!

I turned around and decided to go home. I wanted to be strong. But... who was there for me to make me be strong for him?! As I went in my room I recognized something under the carpet of my room. I went closer and got the papers out from there. The title was:

"Last part of me"

It was Edward's gorgeous handwriting. Tears ran on my cheecks before I could even read any of it.

"Edward, Edward...Come back"

With my screams, Charlie was at...
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posted by anna0789
alice was helping me prepare to my "double date" with edward ,james and mystery girl
i don't know but every time anyone mention that girl my stomach twisted i didn't get it i wasn't jelouse becuase i had seen edward make out with tons of girls but...
but he hadn't been with nobody since we became friends... but i wasn't jelouse no NO

"look bella" alice said proud of herself since we sere only going to the movies alice agree that i chose my outfit under her supervision while she did my make up and hair

"wow alice you really do magic# i whisper
she laugh giddly
"thanks well good luck with your...
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posted by AliceHaleCullen
Further to yesterday’s opening of the ballot for the New Moon UK Fan Party, we have additional information for fans, and answers to some questions which have been posted on the fan pages.


Throughout the week we will be announcing the band line up for the event. We are very pleased to say the 1st band to be announces is BAND OF SKULLS


Each ballot entry on is for 2 tickets. All entries will be put into a random draw and successful entrants will be notified. Please note, in order to pick up your tickets you will be required to provide ID. If you see any...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
end of chap3
The bell rang then I saw Edward waiting for me in front of the office
-there u are I thought you were going to ditch me
-whenever I make a promise I will always keep it!
Specially the one that includes: killing Damien and his mother
-so who was he?
He asked a little angry
-no one
I sighed
-I won’t push it if u don’t want to talk about it
-that's a good idea
We reached the biology class I sat beside the window again and edward sat beside me like jasper
The teacher came in the class and told everyone to welcome edward and blah blah blah
In the biology class I wasn’t as tired as before so...
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hello, i'm kathleen. everyday i am goin to bring u up todate with everthing that is happening with new moon and eclispe.....



Sweden – tickets are now available for a Twilight and New Moon theatre experience! On November 19th they’ll be able to watch Twilight, and directly after (at midnight) they’ll have the midnight New Moon showing!

Belgium – New Moon tickets are now on sale in Belgium! And they get New Moon even earlier! On the 18th of November! You can purchase tickets here!

Germany – New Moon was to be released in January in Germany, however...
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i started to think of peaceful places.
i started to think of peaceful places.

''Edward.'' Esme rushed to me,as soon as she saw me. My neck treeking with blood. I had patted my neck with a papertowel to stop the bleeding. ''Emmett.'' she turned to him. Her body still angled toward me. Dissaproval in her eyes as she glared at him. ''You and I are going to have a talk.'' Carsisle came out then. He took his hand and motioned for the others to come with him. Alice and Rosalie both still staring at me. Both of there eyes looked as if they wanted to tear. Rosalie's suprised me. She had never seemed to care about me till now. I knew she didn't approve of...
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posted by bella01

I woke up this morning struggling to keep my scream inside.I don't want them checking me again.I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.After taking a bath,i got dressed.I wore my black skinny jeans,a tight grey sleeveless top and a black leather jacket.I wore my favorite grey converse and my black leather gloves to prevent the vision to register quickly.Fabric and leather does not stop the vision it just delay it for a few seconds giving me time to escape.When i finished preparing i head downstairs.When i'm already at the living room i was shocked of what i seen.It;s my car but i am...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm sorry again that I didn't write earlier, I was sick, again. So I'll make it up this one will be long and full of info. If you cry easily, you might want to bring a tissue box.

Alice wouldn't let me go, so we had to 'walk/hug' our way back to the house, Seth followed.

Alice sniffed the air, then turned to me, "You smell."

I had to laugh. The way she said it and her expression made me laugh.

"Don't look at me, Seth's is the one who got his drool on me."

Alice didn't say anything but she made a disgusted look and insisted I 'cleaned up'...
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posted by bella01
What is wrong with her?Why is acting like she know that we are vampires?'oh,edwards here'.I need to act normal.I decided to hide what am i thinking by singing dancing queen of abba in my head,'dancing queen feel the beat of the tamborine oh yeah'.I noticed the happy expression on edward's face .I can't help but to smile.
"what"he asked
"nothing"i said grinning

Then i had a vision ,2 visions in particular the 1st vision is bella dead,She died because of torture and the second vision is Bella a vampire.But bshe is not with us she is with agroup of vampires.I became confused...
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The past is the past,the present is up to you,and the future is a gift from god...
The past is the past,the present is up to you,and the future is a gift from god...
Zafrina answered the door. ''Half of each coven walked in.Not speaking at all.New scents came into the room. Lilac,leather,cinnamon,more combonations filled my head but none fit.
Kachiri walked other to Zafrina.She sat with her.''Ok.The Cullens were nice enough to let us have a sit down here.And reason whether this,well,whatever you to are fighting about,is something that should become bettween our two covens.'' Zafrina said.She soundly so sure that this would end up well. ''Well,it doesn't matter...I'm not going to be friends with that...!''Siobhan was now yelling.He stood pointing to Senna....
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
-I don’t know what’s up with that pup but if I read his mind once again and he would be thinking about you more than a friend I’ll rip his head off! Believe me this time!

With every word that popped out of his mouth, I could feel jealousy!

-Now, sleep my love.

He brushed my cheek and then I crawled in his arms. Right after that, he started humming my lullaby. I fall sleep sooner than I ever did.

When I opened my eyes, Edward was standing near the window, looking out, with his right hand on the glass. His eyes narrowed and when he recognized that I was awake, he came in my bed, and then...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
"Well, um, Bella I didn't imprint on Katie," Jacob said

"I'm not buying it," I said.

"I know it's hard to believe. And I know that she kissed my cheek. And I'm not trying to offend her but, she thinks that I am going out with her. But I'm not, because I imprinted on someone else," Jacob said.

"Then who is she?"

"She's my Dad's old friends daughter. And she moved here. And I have to be her friend. But, she doesn't get that we aren't a couple," Jacob said, while shaking his head.

"Then who did you imprint on?" I asked.

There was a moment of silence. He was probably thinking about if he should answer...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I ran out the front door and to my truck. Today Jacob would not get away with ignoring me again. Today is the day that I would get the answers that I have wanted for over the past week.

This time I was not shaking on the way to La Push. This time, I had something to prove. And being nervous would not help the cause. I had to prove that no girl should be treated the way that Jacob has been treating me lately.

This time I pulled up to his house swelling with confidence. I stood tall as I walked to the door, and knocked on it three times. My confidence just got knocked out of me when Jacob opened...
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posted by anna0789
Have you ever wake up one day and wonder
why bother to wake up and start my day ??
why bother and go to school do homework etc etc..

well today i was thinking about that while i took i shower.

i heard my mother in the kitchen probably looking for something to eat. Yesterday she had a rough night she arrived really drunk and probably wasted...
My mother and i had never been friends or had any bond of mother and daughter, she was almost never home because she was a stripper.. yes a stripper... but where i live kids don't bother me with that some of there mothers work with my
mom and others well...
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posted by TwilightHearts
so, when i quoted that 'we continued blisfully into our small but perfect piece of forever' when i said 'we' including Nessie, did it really mean forever. I was dithering over the question as there, infront of me and edward - Nessie on his back - stood Caius alone just 48 yards from the three of us - carlisle and esme were having a romantic break in the mountains, emmett and rosalie were 'breaking' their 6th house. jasper and alice were hunting...why hadnt alice seen this - oh god. Caius had a sharp grin across his chalky face as he removed a crystal ball from his pocket, he began rolling it...
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