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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Yay! So my trip is going good! I love it here! K so…… I hope you liked my previous chapter and I hope you like this one. Surprise Surprise! Cullens in next chapter

DISCLAMER: I….. du du du du…….. Don’t own twilight or any of its characters.

Edward POV

Bella, my poor Bella. Eternally damned. Me leaving didn’t help anything.

“Bella will want to see us not to worry!” Emmett said trying to cheer us up.

“I can’t wait! We have to start looking for her! Of course she’ll want to see us.” Cheered Alice, even though her thoughts were doubtful.

“Why don’t we just leave her alone. She obviously doesn’t want to see us. We did leave her. What would she think if we came back suddenly?” Rose disagreed.

“She’s right you know. We can’t just go back and ask for forgiveness.” Jasper stated as he walked back into the room.

“That’s exactly what we do.” Alice and I said together.

Bella’s POV

I felt so content…. FINALLY! David and Alisha are so great!

I walked downstairs to thank them again and also ask a few questions.

“Hey.” I said to David and Alisha who were sitting on the sofa reading.
“Oh! Hi!” Squealed Alisha, “Do you like your room? You seem to have enjoyed the books.” David said.

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I absolutely LOVE the room and books and house and you guys and….. Thank you so much!” I exclaimed suddenly then feeling embarrassed I lowered my head.

“Ha Ha not a problem. We were wondering, would you like to join our coven permanently? I mean, you can always leave but well, it wouldn’t be like a coven. We could be a family.” Alisha said a little nervously.

“I thought I already was. I’m sorry I just assumed but yes, I would be glad to join your family.” I told her feeling guilty for the assumption.

“No problem…” Awkward silence (cricket) Then I remembered what I came down for.

“I told you about myself… or, as much as I could anyway. Will you tell me about yourselves now?” I asked somewhat nervously.
“Sure, ask away.” Answered David.

David and Alisha sat on the sofa and I chose to sit on the floor. Strange, right?

Yay! I’m so happy we get to learn about each other. We are gunna be just one big happy family like I have always wanted. OMG OMG OMG! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! Thought Alisha then she started singing like a made up song in her head which I learned was her victory song. I looked at her strangely and she realized that I could read her mind and chilled out.

“So… uh, do either of you have a power?” I started.

“I do but Alisha doesn’t. I can either bring pain to others or take it away with my mind, but I only feel others pain and can only take pain away. Only bring pain. It’s kind of a curse if you think about it but also a gift.” David told me.
“So cool!” I yelled. “Can you show me?”

“It won’t feel good.” Alisha warned.

“But I wanta try. Bring it!”

David looked at me with frustration in his eyes.     Slowly getting closer to me as if trying to see my soul. Then, suddenly, he let out a frustrated growl and scooted back.

“What’s wrong? I thought-“ but I was interrupted by his thoughts. Why isn’t my power working on her?

“It must have been my shield.” I said more to myself than them but they heard. “That would explain it,” David replied.

“So……. Um, what’s your guys’ story?”

I saw the answer in their minds first but decided that it was more polite to let them answer in words.

“I was born in 1850,” started David, “I don’t remember much about my human life but I remember that I was turned at the age of 22. It was a nice sunny day and I was walking through the forest when I noticed something sparkle out of the corner of my eye. It turned out to be a vampire. I walked up to the ‘sparkling man’ and asked him what he was. I had no doubt that he wasn’t human. Spinning quickly, he looked at me and soon I found myself pinned against a tree. His eyes were the deepest black, searing deep into my soul. I saw my worst fears in his eyes. That was his power. He bit my neck and started to drink until something pulled him off of me.” He looked towards Alisha. “When the change was over, we moved together and made a coven. The Thomson coven.”

“Oh that’s so sweet. Is-is the vampire who changed you still alive?” I asked
“No, Ali here killed him.”

“So my story begins.” Said Alisha, “I was born in 1823 and was changed at 19. I was at home with my family when it happened. We lived in a tall house out in the middle of the forest basically. A knock on the door had awoken me. I tried to fall back asleep when I heard my mother’s scream. I ran downstairs and saw my parents lying on the ground, the life literally sucked out of them. A man, the same man that tried to kill David in fact. He walked up to me and I braced myself for the kill but it never came. He started laughing and I looked at him. “Aren’t you going to kill me?” I asked. He said no, he said that he wanted me as a mate so he leaned over and bit me. He forced me to live with him for the next couple of years then I found David. The man’s name was Harleb by the way. I was hunting with him when I saw him attacking David and I killed him. So ever since then we have married and lived together.” She finished.

“You guys have such a romantic story.” I said

****TIME SKIP****
(A year later.)

David and Ali have helped me use my powers better and have taught me to fight this past year. I’m glad.
They are so helpful. I’ve grown very close to them. We really are like a family. I am the daughter and
They are the parents. We have just moved to Forks, Washington. (I forgot If I already mentioned how
Long Bella has been a vampire but let’s say she was changed 80 years ago)

“Bella! Come down here.” Ali called. Even though she was my ‘mom’ now I still feel a friendship more than a relation of parent daughter.

“uhh! Coming!” I moaned. I was trying, yet again, to remember something, ANYTHING!
I went downstairs. We were living in a small white house. (I don’t know how to put this in the story but they are living in Bella’s old house)

I tripped. Even after being a vampire I’m clumsy! Maybe I got it from when I was a human.

“Yes?” I asked
“Here, I found this picture and it kinda looks like you. Do you think this is you? I can see dramatic similarities and she died at the same age as you look now. 18.” Ali said holding up a picture. It did look very similar to me.

“I’ll try.”

So after like three hours of trying to remember something I got so frustrated. I want to remember! Ahhh!

I ran out into the forest and found a clearing. It looked like at one time it was beautiful and filled with flowers and grass but now It’s just brown.

I stopped right in the middle of it and screamed as loud and as long as I could.
“WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER?” scream, “WHY?” I dropped to the ground sobbing. I didn’t care who saw me right at this moment. I just wanted to disappear.
To be hidden.
Suddenly my hands caught fire but it didn’t burn, it felt good. I let the fire spread onto the ground. It formed a circle around me and went up high. Large flames dared to lick me but they couldn’t.
Looks like I have found a new power but I didn’t care. I was still too pissed.

The angrier I got the higher the flames went.
Why can’t I remember? What did I do wrong? Do I really need this? Should I just kill myself now? No that would hurt my family. What can’t I remember? I try and try but nothing works ahhhhhh WHY ME?!!!!!!
Those are some of the thoughts that ran through my head.

I lie on the ground sobbing, surrounded by flames, when I heard a man yell my name. “BELLA!”


K, hope you like it. Hope yall loved it!
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posted by AdaLove
Vampires have existed in a variety of cultures almost since the dawn of time. Until the 19th century, they were believed to be monsters, rather than the stereotype of a more aristocratic being who could infiltrate the world around us, as popularised by Bram Stoker. Legend has developed since, with pop culture shows such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", which tackles concepts such as a vampire with a soul and possible redemption for a creature previously believed to have had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Bella lists her observations when she is researching on the internet: "Speed, strength,...
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