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posted by AnonymousXXX
Please tell me if you like it or hate it.

I went and lay down on my bed, thinking about all that had happened today. As I lay there I heard the wolf from last night. I sat up. It was howling.

I went down stairs and opened the door. I knew I was being stupid but, I didn’t care. I felt a pull it wasn’t the same pull as last night it was stronger in my dream. It was as though it was calling for me. I slammed the door shut and ran. I kept running I didn’t know where I was going but it felt as though I was needed. I don’t know why or how. I kept running until I could hear it again. It felt like I had been running for 40 minutes it took so long. Then finally I heard it. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was not the sound I was expecting. It sounded as though it was crying out in pain now. It sounded close to me so very close I couldn’t help myself. I neared to the clearing in the woods. I stopped at the edge afraid now. If something was strong enough to attack a large wolf and hurt it. It would defiantly be able to kill me with ease.
My heart was racing. Pounding in my head so loud and fast I thought it would explode. I took a deep breath and slowly entered the clearing. I saw a wolf but it wasn’t the one I had been expecting. This one was small. Its fur coat reminded me of something or someone but, I couldn’t place it. It was auburn. It had four white socks and a white strip from its forehead all the way down to its nose. I bent over it. I had no idea of what to do. But, I did know it was hurt badly. It had blood running down its face and on its front legs. It was whimpering.
I heard a low snarl come from behind me. I gasped.
My heart pounding faster than anything I’ve ever heard. I slowly turned to face it. It was a male human. I was in shock but, that wasn’t the only thing that sent a shiver down my spine. It was its blood red eyes. That did the trick. It came flying at me at inhuman speed. I felt the adrenaline run through me. My hands automatically flew to protect my face. As felt the urge, run though me to protect not only myself but the creature behind me too. I felt an explosion of energy come out of me. It was floating around me now. An invisible bubble; which only I could see. It flew toward me hitting the invisible bubble. It hit at such a force it sent out a loud cracking sound. That hurt my ears. It flew back all the way across the three acre field into a tree. The tree split as the inhuman man hit the tree with another crack. I was sure it was dead whatever it was. Nothing could survive the two hits it took.
I turned back to the wolf it was staring wide eyed at me. I noticed its wounds were almost completely healed. They were just mere scratches now. Before, I could think anymore about it. A twig snapped. Another huge wolf came forward it was the wolf from my dream how could this be happening. It started to growl and without another thought. It jumped over my head and hit the other thing with crack and ripping sound. I watched in horror as they fought. I needed someone to explain to me what was happening. But, there was no one to explain for at least a mile. When the survivor of the two fighting would kill me no one would hear me scream. I could only hope that the wolf would win. The small wolf jumped up and ran into the woods.
As I was wondering if I would ever see my sister again; another massive wolf came out with a loud snarl. It was bigger than the almost white wolf. Its russet color fur was just a blur as it ran across the field so fast.
I could smell smoke but, I didn’t know where it was coming from. Tears were blinding me as I saw Amber come out of the clearing. I wasn’t going to let the tears spill over but, I wasn’t going to be blind either. I quickly ran my finger under my eyes so that all traces of the tears were gone. Amber ran over to me grabbing my hand as she told me to follow her.
I felt exhausted causing me to stumble a lot. I heard a yelp come from where the wolves were fighting. I looked back to see the white wolf unconscious under a tree. He was only three yards away I wanted to run over and help him but, I knew I couldn’t so I kept running with Amber. Who was practically dragging me along.
I was never expecting what happened next. Ambers hand left mine and was slammed up against a tree about 10 ft away from me. I felt the ice cold hand on my throat pinning me against the huge tree behind me. Then I saw his stone cold face and blood red eyes that sent shivers down my spine.
He laughed a sinister laugh.
“You are going to join us. They will find you and you won’t be able to hide next time.”
What did this crazy person mean by that?
I could hardly breathe. I felt the blood from my head run down the side of my face. The a few chunks of my hair from my ponytail had fallen out and were matted to my face mixing with the blood.
His voice was inside my head now.
Do you know how long it has taken us to find you and your annoying sister?

“H…h…how?” was all I could manage to get out with the limited amount of oxygen getting to my brain.

Ha-ha. This is just one of my gifts. And you will remember in time that you are one of us. If not well let’s just say your poor family existed and died for nothing but, I’m sure your sister will be much smarter.

His voice was cold and hard.

Was I going insane now too?

He laughed again.
No sweet heart. I’m just communicating telepathically with you. I can also read your pathetic mind that my master so desperately wants. I don’t like it that I have to touch you either to get inside that thick brain of yours but, why is it that it is so cloudy and pieces are missing. Hmm that’s interesting…

As he was thinking just the white wolf jumped up and grabbed him from behind tearing him to pieces with the help of the russet wolf they were throwing the pale, brown haired man into the now visible fire.
I was choking on air. My neck hurt so badly. I realized Amber had been thrown. I began to search for her. I scanned the woods. The two wolves came walking towards me. The white one came up to me and whined. Its large head lightly nudged my shoulder.
Amber put her little hand on my shoulder which scared the crap out of me causing me to jump a half a foot. The wolf next to me let out a deep growl.
“Sorry. Sorry. Come on lets go get you cleaned up. And I’m pretty sure we both have some explaining to do.” She said but, I couldn’t tell if she was saying sorry to me or the wolf. I also didn’t know how to explain what had just happened. It all happened so fast.
This morning I was normal now… I’m something else.
When we arrived at their house I was exhausted. It felt like I would pass out any second. Amber was on the phone with someone telling them what happened. I suppose, she had a better idea of what happened than I had. I didn’t notice the conversation I was to amaze by their house. It was so big.
“Ok. Carlisle will be home with the rest of the family. You should get cleaned up. You can barrow one of my shirts.” She said almost in a blur I hardly caught any of it. I followed her to her room where she picked out a light pink long sleeved v neck shirt.
“I think Alice will be pleased.” She seemed to be pleased with herself.
“Umm… Who’s Alice?”
Before she could answer me a pixie like girl came in.
“I’m Alice and you picked out the perfect shirt for her. It will look so good on you.” She seemed to sing the words. “Oh and go ahead and take a shower. It would be bad if you were to walk into a room full of vampires covered in blood.” Then she practically shoved me into the bathroom. I heard amber practically growl.
“Alice! She doesn’t know!”
“Oh! Not good.” She sounded shocked
“You’ve got that right Ethan is going to kill you!” She practically hissed.
Alice hissed back. “Well sorry! How was I supposed to know? She’s a half breed and I can’t see half breeds.”

Wait, what did she mean by that!?

I quickly flung the door open. I stared at them both. I could feel the horrified expression on my face.

Ok so if noone likes this one I can take the story a different way. So... just let me know. The feld were they were fighting is NOT the same feld as Bellas and Edwards in the book twilight.
posted by twilight-7
I woke to the feel of someone stroking me cheek. The cold, gentle fingers were soothing to me and I didn’t want to open my eyes but I heard his velvet voice speak to me.
“June 20.”
“Hmm?” I murmured. I was still half asleep. I had no idea what he was on about.
“June 20,” he repeated softly. “My birthday.”
I was wide awake now. “Your birthday?”
I looked up into his golden eyes and saw them full of some kind of emotion.
He nodded.
“When were you born?” I asked. “What year?”
“1901,” Edward said, quietly. “In Chicago. I was seventeen when Carlisle changed me. I was dying...
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posted by twilight-7
Remember the sequel to the Kayla Series is called Kayla's Secret.
Oh, if you want to read Kayla's Secret you have to read the Kayla series first.

When I woke up the next morning, I was lying on my own bed. Edward was not next to me or hiding in the corner. Next to me, on my pillow, was a note.
I had to leave early. Alice needed me. I’m sorry. I will pick you up for school at eight thirty. Love, Edward. x
Edward usually woke me up for school. He never slept so he could watch the time for me. I put the note back on my pillow and glanced at the watch on my wrist. It was quarter past eight. I threw...
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posted by twilight-7
I slammed the front door shut and pounded up the stairs. I had to make this look real.
Charlie was, as usual, sitting on the couch watching the TV. Was that all he did? Didn’t he have a job?
“Is that Kayla?”
I froze when I heard that. That was Billy Black. And with Billy came...
“Jacob, go see what’s wrong with her.”
I was only prepared for Charlie, not Billy and Jacob.
I was in my room and throwing some clothes into a bag when I heard Jacob climbing the stairs.
“You need to hide,” I whispered to Edward who was fishing more clothes out of the drawers.
He nodded and was out of the...
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posted by twilight-7
I didn't make you guys wait too long, did I? If I did I am truly sorry. Here we go then, Chapter 20. Will this series ever end?

The first chance I got I visited Charlie. I got a shock when I visited Charlie. Jacob and Billy were there, Jacob sitting on the hospital chair and Billy in his wheelchair. The biggest shock was that Charlie was sitting up, laughing and joking. This man had just had a fit yesterday and here he was telling dirty jokes to his best friend and his son. Jacob was the first to see me standing in the doorway and watching them with wide eyes.
“Hey Kayla,” he greeted me with...
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Ch 2
A/N: Hey! This is Ch.2 of my story. If you actually read this, thanks. Also, if you do read it, please review and suggest (even if you don't like it.) I own nothing

Bella's POV

I woke up in the living room. The tv was, of course, on. ESPN had on baseball game. Red Socks vs Yankees. But, as soon as my eyes opened, Charlie noticed. He was watching me, not the game.

"Bella! Are you okay? You just passed out. Everybody left." Charlie said, worried.

"I'm fine, what time is it?" I asked


"AM or PM?" I asked, very, very curious.


'Why did I sleep so long?' I asked...
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posted by twilight-7
I was staying at Edward’s again. I hardly noticed. I just sat on his sofa and stared into space. He tried to engage me in conversations but I only nodded or shook my head. He tried to cook me food but I said I wasn’t hungry. He sat next to me and held my hand.
“Kayla,” he said. “Are you thirsty?”
I shook my head.
“Do you want to do something?”
I shook my head.
“Are you going to do anything?”
I shook my head.
He sighed.
I knew this frustrated him. He was worried by my constant staring into nothingness. I was barely thinking and hardly speaking. He had no way to know I was ok other...
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posted by twilight-7
This is short, I know, but enjoy it anyway!

The wolf continued to growl at me and I continued to back away. Again today I feared for my life. But would Jacob really hurt me? He wouldn’t would he? Not if he had his own mind. But did he have his own mind? I reached out to the wolf’s mind and sighed with relief when I heard Jacob’s thoughts. I was so preoccupied with finding Jacob in this enormous beast that I wasn’t paying attention to the beast itself. The wolf was advancing on me, fast. I tried to get away but I stumbled over the roots of trees and eventually walked backwards into one....
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by Daniella Toldy
Chapter One

Today is the day i graduate. We still had to go to school at the normal 7:00 A.M., but we will get to leave at noon. I was meeting Edward at school today surprising he didn't pick me up today. i was ready for what was coming. Edward and i were to get married one week after graduation Alice had already set that up with Esme. After our honeymoon he was to change me. That i was not ready for. I would never tell him that though.
I pulled into the school parking lot and i saw the love of my life waiting for me. i just knew he wanted to run and jump into my...
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hey guys, sorry this took so long, i had writers block, but im currently writing another...enjoi!


7. Hope and Fear
I was panicking.
You could see that much in my eyes. It has been more than three months since Bella had talked to me, and it took all the strength I had, and the strength my family had to stop me running back to Forks to check on her. Jacob was just as worried. Even if I couldn’t read minds, it was plain on his face too. Although we were leaving in one day, I couldn’t feel relief.
Bella had caught me trying to get information out of Tanya, by using flirtation…if I had...
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posted by Twilight_F
I Am soooo sorry this is so computer crashed. I hope you like it please read and rate!!! Oh ANd comment!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!


Edwards POV

I ran so fast I reached there in half the time I thought. But the hole way I was thinking about her. It has been nearly a month and I am still not over her.
    When I arrived at the door I smelt a familiar scent but ignored it, ‘its my imagination’. But the Denali’s were out hunting.
    So I sat on the step waiting while looking at the stars. When they did arrive back I was not expecting what I saw....
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posted by twilight-7
This is just a little thing i wrote and would love to continue it but i just want to hear what you think of this before i do. rate and comment plz!!!

I didn’t know how to tell my mother that I wanted to leave the country. I wanted to tell her the real reason but I was convinced that it would upset her and I wanted her to be happy. How could I explain to her that her fiancée hated me and wanted to ship me off to a boarding school in Switzerland? I didn’t want her to feel that she would have to break up with him because I didn’t like him. Rephrase that, because I hated him. He obviously...
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it's about bella's and edward's wedding night

My dream day was here
i was glad and excited
i felt like my life's meaning was clear
to walk down the isle with my sweet prince
i thank god for this gift

edward love of mine,
tonight i'm yours for the first time
just to think about it
sends shivers down my spine

put your cold hand in mine
so i can show you the way to a place you've never been
right there on my body
felling a way a woman should feel

when you touch me
when you kiss me
when you're deep inside me
the cold, the pain nothing matters
this night will not be in vain
What was the casting process like?

I was on another world filming Advetureland in Pittsburgh. It’s funny how I didn’t know anything about the book before being offered the role. To me, Twilight was just another script that came to my hands. I auditioned without knowing it was a highly coveted role.

What made you say “I have to play this part” after you read the book?

I have two favorite scenes, but the one that really stands out for me is when Edward reveals himself to Bella in the meadow under the sunlight. It’s when Bella takes control of everything.

How do you see the character of...
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posted by mwalsh
hope u like it leave a comment

chapter three
(mia's pov)
we stopped when we got to a little clearing covered in flowers, he let go of my hand and went to sit down he patted the floor next to him for me to go sit with him, i sat down and faced him, he took both my hands in his and started playing with my fingers. "amelia, i told you that i am a werewolf, well werewolfs do this thing called imprint" he looked up from our hands and into my eye's "when we find the person we are meant to be with, she is the one holding us on this earth not gravity" he was still staring into my eye's "amelia when i...
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second chapeter...enjoy!

I could hear people talking outside in the hallway. The voices sounded confused and angry. I strained to hear harder. “Mr. Cullen, I don’t care whether Ms. Swan is your girlfriend or not,” Mr. Greene was saying in a stern voice. “You don’t start fights with anyone at this school. Especially the new ones who don’t know the rules yet!” he said fuming. I heard Mr. Blair across the other side of the tiny office saying similar things to someone else, I tried to hear, but in my attempts, my eyes opened, and I saw Charlie sitting by the door with an upset look...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and said “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come join us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, you shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word you said about me.’...
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Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
I really don't think anything is wrong with it. I think he looks great both ways. I hope people don't get mad at him or anything because after all it is his hair. haha :) He also did a great job in Twilight considering how much pressure fans can put on actors. Team Edward!!! Not to betray what i just said but I also think that they should keep Jacob for the part in New Moon Taylor did a good job in the movie as well and i think that it is really unfair to just cut him out of the series like that. I also think that the actor considering the part is very arrogant on how he is more buff than...
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Robert Pattinson, star of the blockbuster hit film Twilight isn't ready to concede to Joe Jonas in the fight for Camilla Belle's heart.

The 22 year old London based actor went out of his way to make sure that Camilla Belle, 22, didn't forget about him. A source told US, "Robert was in Europe promoting Twilight and he called her to tell her he was thinking of her." The source reported "Camilla was thrilled! Robert is trying to keep her interested. And it's definitely working."

Camilla Belle stars in the Jonas Brothers Lovebug video and vacationed with Joe Jonas, 19, in Mexico, but due to a commitment...
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I found this and I wondered what everyone would think. Do you agree or disagree?

Carlisle's History-- It's clear that the Cullens operate with a different set of rules than most vampires. However, without knowing that it took two centuries of "torturous effort" for the clan's patriarch to perfect his self-control, or that now, nearly 300 years later, he's developed an immunity to the scent of human blood, you can't really grasp the struggle that the relatively young Edward faces each time he's near Bella. Or for that matter, the way his actions put the entire Cullen coven at risk.

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posted by mrsblack_1089
This might make you feel a little, weird, just rate and comment according to your feelings about it and I hope everyone enjoys, regardless of the slightly changed storyline...

Light streamed in through the window of our bedroom, reflecting off the yellow walls and turning them the beautiful color I had imagined they would be. I was lying on top of Jacob's chest, breathing in his woodsy-pine scent. He breathed steadily in and out, as calm as if he were sleeping, though he was awake, too. A pile of fabric was lying next to the bed. After a second of staring at it, I realized it was my nightgown,...
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