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posted by She_wolf
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
I hope you like this, it's my first fan fiction so please tell me if it's terrible. This chapter is a bit long, the next one will be shorter :D

I reached the clearing just after Leah, panting like a steam train. I threw my self to the ground as we past the finishing line.
Still think you’re getting faster Embry? Leah thought tauntingly. I bared my teeth then turned to Seth, Leah’s younger brother.
“Impressive.” He grinned looking at the time on the stop watch. “Leah wins by a nose. 3 minutes 25 seconds for Leah and 3 minutes 30 for Embry!”
We were out in the forest messing around as we’d done every night for the last few months. There was no more trouble with vampires, so we were out of a job. Jake and Quil were always with Reneesme and Claire now, so it was just me, Seth and Leah.
Seth ran off into some nearby trees, and then reappeared as the gangly, sandy coloured wolf. He had the stop watch in his teeth and he threw it in my direction.
My turn. He thought seriously If you see a sandy coloured flash go by you, don’t worry Leah. It’s just me. He added playfully.
Leah rolled her eyes. I bounded off to the trees, and phased back into my human form. I pulled on the pair of cut off jeans that was mandatory for us to wear, and jogged back to the clearing. Even though I was used to it I still felt a little self concious being half naked. Leah and Seth were waiting expectantly, for me. I sat down on a rock in the middle of the clearing and fumbled with the stop watch. I finally found the reset button with some help from Seth and then began the count down, feeling a bit of a prat “Err…3…2…1…Go!” My voice cracked as I said ‘go’. No doubt Leah would give me hell for that later, saying my voice was finally breaking. I watched as Leah easily and with no effort over took Seth and created a big distance between them before they’d even got out the clearing. I chuckled as I heard the inevitable crash as Seth tripped on a root or something and went flying into some trees. He hadnt quite got the grace the rest of us had, yet.
Then I was alone. I’d been alone a lot recently, Jake and Quil; my best friends were always too busy with their imprintees, and when I’d hung out with Quil and Claire, it was just odd even a bit sickening to watch. Jake would be even worse to hang out with, as his imprintee lived with the Cullen’s. I sighed, watching the sun set behind the hills. The clouds behind it were stained blood red. I’d been the one to suggest to Seth that we, the remainders of the pack who hadn’t imprinted hung out. Not that I minded hanging out with Seth, it was just Leah. She was always so catty and if she wasn’t diluted by Seth’s easy going, care free attitude, she was just plain annoying. But I couldn’t help thinking that one day it would just be me and Leah hanging out. I knew Seth would imprint one day, he just never got out much to look at girls because he was hanging out with us losers. Leah thought she wouldn’t imprint because of her ‘girly stuff’, that I didn’t want to think about. And I defiantly wouldn’t. Jake had said once that his dad Billy had said he thought we imprinted to make stronger wolves. So that defiantly counted me out. I looked down at my self. I was tall and thin, my muscles were hardly noticable on my arms. I just looked lightly toned. I was average at everything wolfy, before Leah I had been the fastest but now I was just the average one. I combed my hand angrily threw my hair. I was growing it back out, but it took a long time. I heard Leah’s return, and within a few seconds she burst threw the undergrowth. I swiftly pressed the button on the stop watch. After what seemed like hours, Seth appeared, going flat out. He promptly tripped over his own paws and fell flat on his face. I stifled a laugh and looked at the stop watch.
“Err Leah you got 3 minutes 20 seconds and Seth 4 minutes 50 seconds.” I saw Seth himself laugh in the odd way that wolves did, and Leah howled happily. Both Leah and Seth disappeared to different places to phase back. Seth reappeared first, only having to pull on a pair of jeans. He smiled when he saw me. He too was growing his hair out again.
“I was so close to over taking Leah!” He joked before sitting on the ground next to me. “Hey Embry look!” He showed me his arm. The muscles on it looked slightly more pronounced. “Cool eh? I reckon I’m gonna give Jake a run for his money one day!” He said happily. I really liked Seth. He was always so confident and happy.
“You’re the lucky one!” I said bitterly. “I’m still a bean pole.”
“At least you look your age.” He smiled. “Did you know its nearly my birthday?” I smiled only half listening “Great huh? I get to have my birthday in the summer holiday.” He chatted excitedly. Then said proudly “I’ll be 16!”
“Oh cool.” I said flatly. Seth was silent for awhile.
Then he said hesitantly “Do you want to hang out on my birthday? I don’t really have any friends my age… not anymore. You, Quil, Jake and the Cullen’s are my only real friends.”
“Yeah sure!” I smiled suddenly “Hey you ever ridden a dirt bike?” Seth’s eyes lit up and he shook his head. “Well I’ve got one, and I’m sure Jake’ll lend me Bella’s old bike. There’s a great place to ride them behind my house.” Seth hung on my every word.
“That would be awe-some!” He gasped, nodding his head in approval. Just then Leah reappeared.
“Leah guess what Embry said!” Seth said excitedly “He said he’d take me out on his dirt bike.”
Leah snorted then mumbled something that sounded like “Y chromosome”. I blushed and Leah rolled her eyes.
“Seriously Embry you are so self conscious!” she rolled her eyes. That made me blush more. “Oh yeah did your voice actually beak this time?” she raised her eyebrow then turned her back to me. “C’mon Seth. Mom said she wanted us back early to day.” She yelled as she walked away.
Seth shrugged apologetically at me, before getting up and running after Leah. “See you Embry!” he waved.
“Yeah, bye Seth!” I yelled back. I heard Leah laugh. My voice always went an octave higher when I shouted. I blushed again; Leah was always so catty to me nowadays. Before I went below her radar but now she just picked on me. I sat for a few minutes not wanting to go back home. My mom was super strict, but also slightly out of control. Secretly I preferred being on my own. I’d always been the reserved, shy one never really fitting in perfectly. I was thick as a plank as my mom put it, shy around everyone apart from Jake, Quil and maybe Seth and I was the scandalous kid. The one whose dad was Quil senior, Billy Black or Joshua Uley, who were all married at the time before and after I was born. I was the one how might tear La push apart, if I ever found out who my Dad was. I watched the sun for awhile, and then got up to head back home. I realised that one small tear was trickling down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly, and mentally locked everything about my family back up in the corner of my brain I never used.

Hope you liked it :)
posted by teamalice_0
Hey peoples srry i didnt post on Monday my computer is messin up and still is.

"I guess that is true, with sibilings you want to be an only child if your an only child you want sibilings."

"Isnt that how most of life goes? Why people changed their looks hair color, jobs and lives? I dont see why they cant be content with their life."

"People are just wanting options they dont have."


Biology ended quickly or so it seemed to me. Anglea met me outside the door and we walked to her car. Edward followed behind close enough to be within...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Hi I am Isabella Swan. (Bella for short.) I am a 16 year old girl with mates who are 16 years old as well. Even at the age of 16, I am not the girlfriend type. Would you believe, I have never had a boyfriend, or a first kiss? Tragic; yet true...
The memory was too embarrasing to remember. Some evil girls at my school, thought they were doing a favour to help me out. But all they were trying to do; was to embarrass me infront of people. But I will fill in the story so you know....

As I was walking down, after school has ended, I noticed the girls looking at me. They were...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Jacob's POV:

I took out the one who is named Aro. The pack and the vampires helped me. I took most of him apart for I was pissed at him. He hurt Bella. I happened to hear Carlisle say "for the baby." Was he talking about Bella? I thought werewolves and vampires can't have babies. And we're supposed to be enemies! "No. Not my Bella. Please. Bella come back!" I heard Edward yell. I knew right there she must have died.

Alice looked at me and nodded towards Edward. Alice and I walked over and grabbed him and started to pull him away but he was stronger then us combined so he happened to fight back....
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
I couldn't help, but stare into her eyes the minute we were so close together. Her warm brown eyes; have such depth. 1...2...3 and go! We started moving to a waltz. It was swan lake. The moment we started moving, it felt like a reherse dance for strictly come dancing or something. It was in time and somehow, we knew what to do. It was easy to lead her, and I did a few turns and dips. "Ok stop what you are doing, now one by one each show me your dance." Mrs Dane instructed. "Edward and Bella, you two, go first."
Eventhough, Bella wasn't shy about dancing she somehow got really nervous....
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posted by jacob_lover5253
OMG! I am SOOOOOO srry tht i haven't posted for the longest time it's just tht i have a huge case of writer's so here it is!

Jacob POV:

I walked in and scrunched my face as soon as I smelled them. They reaked! Bella why did you have to imprint on him?! "Jacob, just shut up! You had your chance." Edward said to me. Bella looked at me confused. Esme walked up to Bella and hugged her. Alice practically jumped on her. "Come on Bella!" She said walking away with Bella.

"Alice no. I know what your gonna do, no!" Bella pleaded. "Come on it'll take a few minutes! It'll be fun!" Alice...
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Everyone, was having a realaxed day at the Cullens house until, Emmetts voice boomed; "We have an ivitation for all the Cullen kids to spend a night at a haunted mansion and we can bring one guest!" Everbody was thinking until Edward spoke, "if we all go can Bella be our guest?" No one could argue with that as each of them had their partener anyway. But Bellas face turn a bit pale, "Edward I don't know a haunted house? I am not sure." As always Edward was the brave one to speak and answered, "if anything happens I will protect you ok? Nothing will happen to you." Then both of them had a smile...
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posted by uniquezandy
Before I begin I really want to say a special thanks to shelly_fanpire. I have been having writers block and she helped me by giving me this obvious idea, that I forgot. So since she helped me; I am giving you all the next part. Enjoy!


Bellas POV
What happened? All I remember was, going to the park and picking a daisy then.... oh yeah, now I remember. Thats why there is a cut on my leg. It was completley magicle. (Apart from the falling down), but that was also magicle, in it's weird, random and funny way. I had to hide it though, so I put on...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
English lit. Great. I already done a lifes work on it and we are going so slow. It is agony! At least I got my Bella to comfort me. So what happened was me and Bella were going down to class walking as a couple (everyone knows we are a couple,)and Bella says, "haven't we got that Romeo and Juliet play soon and they are deciding the people today?" I replied "yes my love but hopefully, we don't have to worry about us being in it."
Boy I was so wrong....

(Teacher) " So I decided that Bella swan and Edward Cullen will perform as Romeo and Juilet."

I could tell Bella was not looking forward...
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posted by JaroLover
I know many people who love Edward, Bella, Jacob, the Cullens and all the other characters.

But then there are the other fans: the ones who love the Volturi. And one day I asked myself if they are really as evil as they are portrayed as... I don't think so to be honest. I mean, just look at Marcus and Didyme. They were so cute together and now they are the tragic lovers in this saga. But does anybody care? No. A few days ago, my friend asked me why I find them so sad... They would just be another Twilight pairing... Do I have to say how mad I was? No, but really, I'm a hard Volturi Fan and I won't change that anytime soon. Why do you love them? Or why not?
posted by mia1emmett
the ring
the ring
sorry this is short. my brother wont let me finish and i wanted it up today. so yeah..

Chapter 16
I ran past the treaty line and I ran all the way home. Edward was home with Alice and Bella. Alice was holding up 3 outfits in front of Nessie and Bella and Edward were at the piano. Everyone was looking at me and I started screaming in my head because I couldn’t find my voice ‘ITS ME STELLA…’. Edward was next to me in a second “what happened?” I forgot that I was tearing until Bella wiped them away. Alice asked me “whats wrong...
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posted by mia1emmett
This was writen on my phone ~~~

    Our lips locked for a quick second before Paul pulled me away and said to Embry "see you later lover boy" I laughed and walked with Paul to class. Paul sat next to me and asked me "what happend over there?" I laughed and said "my gift to Embry" I winked at Paul and he laughed. The bell didn't ring yet but the class was full almost all the guys were in. They all moved their seats towards me and Paul. A guy turned to me and said "so your stella?" "yup!" "hot..." Paul gave him a death look. I laughed and said "thanks. You are?" "um...I am...Ben"...
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posted by NewMoonG
I feel very sorry for Rob. Ever since he was casted for Twilight, people made videos that he shouldn't be Edward Cullen, but too late now! Too bad so sad for the people who think that he didn't make a perfect Edward, which he did! And how he can't get a girlfriend (besides Kristen) when girls just blow him off! People are just plain STUPID! I HATE them for that!

He'd be better off having an normal life, people, HELLO! He is just a normal person like everyone else! Like that time when he got HIT BY A CAR in New York! And the paparazzi still got all up in his face after that... Idiots! They didn't...
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posted by NeeNee14
I didn't want to move to Forks , but my dad got a position at their hospital the head surgeon. We were moving onto a Indian Reservation called La Push. I used to come here all the time when I was little and spend time with my Aunt. I used to play with a couple of the kids there too. We pulled in front of a small house.
"Well this is our house Lanise." he said to me.
"Really?" I said trying to hide my dislike for it.
"Yes really" He said after I got out the car
I grabbed my bags and and walked into the house. I walked up stairs and into my room. I decided to put up my things later.
"I'm going...
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I know that Will will come here. He is going to want all the truth, but I can't give it to him.

Jacob and Micah fell asleep in the hammock last night, but they still haven't come in.

At this instant I hear the doorbell ring. I hesitate and finally walk to the door.

Will's shadow is on the other side.

I open the door and see his solemn face.

"Will," I pause. "what are you doing here." I look at his face and notice the lines creasing his forehead.

"What was that call all about?" He stares into my eyes with anger.

"I told you. I can't." I start to close the door, but he pushes it back open...
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Chapter 9

So Its the last day of school for the Seniors and you get your last report card. You and Emmett get all A's. but there is still one matter to be one before Graduation. You had to get your wedding dress.

You and Emmett go back home and You Alice Rosalie and Esme go to 1 last store to try to find the PERFECT dresses.

You guys walk into the Bridal shop and you Intantly see the dress you want.

Alice-___ that would look so pretty on you! (she messes with your hair) if you did your hair up in curls with a little tiara, ooohh you need to get it ___.

You-Alice, I havent even tried it on yet.

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You went through the rest of the school week like a ghost. You couldn't get that dream out of your mind. Mike, Angela, Jessica, Erik, Ben, Lauren, and Tyler kept on making sure that you couldn't go and you told them. That it was a family deal. You was in your last class on Friday and the bell rang. You got out of the class and went to your locker seeing that your sibbling were waiting for you by your locker. You almost made it when Mike stopped and started talking to you.
Mike: Are you okay?
You: What do you mean?
Mike: I mean you have been quiet for the rest of the week.
You: Yeah I am fine. Just...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Jerek, Tabra and I entered the house-like headquarters, and I was amazed how nice it looked on the inside compared to the size of it on the outside.
    "This way," Jerek directed us.
    "Alright." Tabra followed Jerek down some steps and I followed him.
    "Shropee!" Jerek called in front of him, and a girl a few inches shorter than me came up to Tabra and took him to the medical couch she talked to him about.
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I may have left you on a bit of a cliff hanger last time. So here's part 3.

I woke up lying on my stomach. Jasper was sat with Rosalie in front of me holding me hand, which I found incredibly odd. I couldn’t see anybody else in the room. There could have been somebody behind me but because I had my head to one side I couldn’t see if there was. I couldn’t feel my back, legs or arms and I felt dizzy. “Where am I?” My voice sounded croaky, like someone had just shoved ad knife down my throat. “You’re in hospital Bella everything’s going to be ok” Ok that was strange...
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was time to set off to go to school,i said bye to mom and dad and then i walked out the door ,I was so excited i couldnt wait to see Jacob tonight,i was round the corner from School and my cell phone rang it was him Ring* Ring*
"Hello" i said down the phone.
"Hey its me,are you still up for tonight?"He asked me.
"yeah i sure am,icant wait it will be great."
"Good,me either anyways i gotta go love you"
"Haha Okay Love you to bye"
I put the phone down i still had a huge cheesy grin on my face.
I walked into the school gates and Lucy came running up to me as usual.
"Hey,did you understand the science...
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posted by Tatti
Alice's past, Alice POV

1913, October 14

- Mary Alice, where are are you? Come here, young lady!- my mother's voice interrupted my thoughts. I was daydreaming about tomorrow, about one of the most happiest days of my life. That gorgeous dress and the jewelery will look simply perfect...
- Mary Alice, I am not going to shout anymore, if you would not come here...
- I'm coming, mom! - I was already at the the door. My intuitinion told me that if I wouldn't come downstairs, I would have problems. And one thing I truly learned during 12 years of my life was to trust my intuition. My intuition was the...
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