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Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
`Come on let's go, let's go, let's go!` I thought silently.
I dragged Rachel across the marble school floors. Her forearm in my grasp. She was flailing her bag around and almost tripping over her own feet. I smiled then pushed open heavy glass paned doors. I saw the boy standing by the edge of the forest. Leaning against a tree that seemed to be suffocated in moss and vines. He flipped his brown hair to one side then gave a slight little smile and wave.
I mentally whispered to Rachel `Care full. Hey-Rachel, I think he really likes you`
She rolled her eyes at me then causiously took a big step over the protruding root.
Me and Rachel have been best friends ever since second grade. She was there for me when I didn't have anyone. I was there for her when she was in need of a trustworthy friend. I'd learned over the years that she wasn't the type who was all out there. She liked to blend in with the crowd and go with the flow. Which meant she hid who she liked. As for me I was the opposite. Well, as the saying goes.. Opposites attract. Or is that just for magnets?
The boy turned and ran swiftly into the forest. Rachel and I had gone running together before. She always got on my back, like we were piggybacking. So that's what we did this time too.
I gingerly moved through the forest after the boy. I didn't want to hurt Rachel by jumping up to fast or something. I kept my brown-golden eyes locked on the moving target. I smiled then pushed myself harder to catch up to him. My light carmel locks smothered Rachel. She spat out sections of hair then ducked so she wouldn't get hit again with the tide of curls. I laughed then smiled a wide pearly smile.
Soon we were running through a narrow valley. I glanced up to see tall tree tops and blue sky with big marshmellowy clouds dotted about.. Birds chirps filled my ears and the songs of katydids flew through the wind. Crisp and sharp the sir pulled through my lungs. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.
It'd felt like someone had taken a jackknife and driven it up through my ribs. I immediatly slowed down to about 5 mph. I dropped Rachel down a little harder than I'd expected then plumeted into the cold mucky dirt.
I opened my eyes but as I opened them sharp pains were inflicted to my sides. Invisible claws dug through my torso. I screamed, a piercing, blood curdling scream. I wanted out of there. I wanted out of my body, my mind, just to go some place else. Red tinted tears masked my face. I pinched my eyes closed tightly just for a moment then opened them to see the vampire boy's hand reaching out to touch my trembling cheek.
His marble hand cradled my face.
The pain was liquified away, I could feel the sadness and suffering ooze away from me like an egg is cracked and poured. The contained inflicted agony was relieved from my body. My features were blank. I wanted to smile and thank the boy a million times but I felt myself slip away into a deep sleep. I wanted desperatly to stay awake but.. I- just..couldn't..

I woke up feeling disoriented and frozen in place. I looked around the small area I was in. I attempted to sit up. I found that all of my pain was now gone and I could move freely. I very, very slowly sat up to see the vampire boy sitting on a medium sized boulder looking at the sky. Golden shafts of sunlight danced across his skin of crystal---he didn't seem to mind. I then regained most of my consiousness and asked weakly
"Where is Rachel?"
He slowly tilted his head around towards me but not moving his body. His features were calm and caring. He smiled warmly and spoke as softly as I had
"She went back to school."
"How long was I out?"
I questioned, hoping he wouldn't say 'Three days' or something insane.
"Just about one day."
He said peacefully, closing his eyes and arching his thin lips in a smile.
One day?! Mom and Dad are going to kill me! Wait, maybe he was messing with me..
"Are you serious?"
I pondered the situation.. Could I have really blacked out for that long?
He stared at me with very intense eyes.
"May I come sit with you?" He questioned.
I stammered out the word. Am I nervous? I shouldn't be. He seemed cool. He liked Rachel.. I think.. so I shouldn't like him. I closed my eyes tightly then opened them back up with more enthusiasm.
"Yeah." I added.
"So, hey- um how did you like, what's it called..?" I asked while biting my lip. I pulled my brows together in concentration and looked up at the sky.
"Heal you?" He finished.
"Yeah! So, how'd you do that?"
"That's one of my powers." He said cheerfully.
One? I screamed in my head. Aren't vampires only supposed to have one and one only of their special powers? I calmed myself down and questioned dumbly
"You have two powers?"
"Yes, watch this."
I felt my body move involuntarily. I looked at him.He was deep in concentration. He began to move farther away, where was he going all of a sudden? Then I realized he wasn't going anywhere. I was going up, He was moving me with his mind!
"Whoa! That is awesome! I've never met anyone other vampires who've done that!" I squealed, almost hugging him. I controled myslef though. He smiled brightly.
"By the way.." I commented.
"Yes?" He said deeply, So deep it was almost scary.
"What's your name?"
"My name is Vince, I apoligize for not introducing myself sooner."
"It's fine, I was just curious." I smiled to myself. Vince.. Hmm.. That was a nice name. There was that feeling again.. Huh..? I pondered this odd feeling.
I glanced up at Vince he was smiling brightly at me. I realized now his eyes were a blue-golden. A tiny flutter clicked inside of me. My eyes fluttered. What was going on? Then that light bulb inside my head turned on.
I was attracted to him. He was perfect. So kind, caring.. a vampire, handsome, sweet.. a vampire, His name was Vince a very strong and honorable name, polite.. a vampire..
My body lost control all together. My heavy girl emotions turned on and I melted. His face was so close to mine, I could feel him breathing on my nose. I lifted my head and tilted it just at the right angle that our lips collided. He closed his eyes and went along with the kiss and I went overboard. I rose to my knees and pressed into his chest, putting all of my weight on his shoulders. He didn't budge. My arms curled around his neck pulling him closer to me. I wound my fingers through his brown hair. But, then he started to very slowly pull away. Sadness and dissapointment washed through me. The kiss didn't last very long but I was fully content with myself for being that brave. But, I realized that I needed to consider his feelings about it too.
"I.. uhh..sorry."
I stuttered with the words. Carelessly bouncing them around inside my head and in the air.
"You know Renesmee, You should learn to control your gift more. But, You don't have to be sorry, It's not like I didn't want you too. I was going to try and get to you first, but I wasn't brave enough. I'm sorry If I pressured you thorugh it."
I smiled bright and wide at him. Hes so understanding too! I like him a lot already. Then I looked over to my left.. Standing frozen as a block of ice was Rachel. Tears streaming down her face, she dropped what she was carrying and ran back through the forest. Oh no.. Oh no.. Oh no..
"Relax, Renesmee.. Everything's going to get cleared up.." His words comforted me a little but I couldn't get the image of Rachel crying out of my mind. I turned away from Vince and stared at the sky hoping a miracle would happen soon.
Look anime Vince!!! haha xD *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
Look anime Vince!!! haha xD *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
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