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Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
I spent the whole night thinking about the note warning me about the Volturi and who could have sent it. And who was in my room. But I came up with nothing. I read the note again to see if I recognized the handwriting but I didn't. One thing was for sure that who ever it was knew me way to well. Specially now that they had all my stuff from the future. "What are you thinking about?" I jumped off my bed ready to run if it was the Volturi and gasped.

Out of no where Aunt Alice shows up in my room. "Sorry. Did I scare you Taylor? she asked "Ya you did. But it's fine. I thought you were Edward or the person that was in my room when no one was here. What are you doing here. And why did you climb here to through the window? We have a front door you know." I asked Alice laughed with out humor. "I didn't come through the window. Charlie let me in. I wanted to talk to you." she admitted. "Talk about what?" I asked hoping she wouldn't want to talk about the whole not being able to see me issue.

"About who is after you Edward told us about who was in your room yesterday. We now think that who ever it was that they are after you. And for some strange reason I couldn't them you weren't even in here when they came in here. If you would have been here then I wouldn't be able to see them. But you weren't here you were with us in the forest with werewolves. And they weren't here either. So why couldn't I see the person that was in here?" she admitted again but this time in whispering voice. "Maybe who ever it was in my room has something to do with the noise we heard yesterday when we had that meeting in the forest with the wolves. Did Edward also tell you that the smell found in my room is not the same as the you guys and the werewolves found and chased into Mexico?" I asked.

Alice looked at me like I was right everything. Maybe I was right and I just didn't know it. "Yes he did say that. That brings us to think that whoever it was that came here was sent by someone else who is after you. Obviously they clearly knew that I wouldn't be able to see them if they were a werewolf. But Edward said the scent wasn't werewolf, vampire or even human. So what is it? I just wish I see what it is. It's so frustrating not knowing who and what they are. And I think you might be right about the sound we heard in the forest thing." she said it like as if she was talking to herself.

"It's not your fault that you can't see who it was." I pointed out. She looked at me like as if she had forgotten that I was here.And I could see that she could see the worry in my face. "I know. Taylor don't worry about all the chaos that is going on right. We cant handle it. And I have a feeling that Jacob won't let anything happen to you. So don't worry about anything."she said sounding just like Edward and Jacob. That was really annoying considering that they both said that every time that something was wrong. Like when the Volturi was going to check up on me, and Jacob for the 3rd time.

That was the same day they found out that they found out I was pregnant. That made the Volturi furious.The worst part was that the Volturi stayed until I gave birth to what they called "the evil forbidden child." But lucky the Volturi didn't have to stay for the whole 9 months. Thank god that Jacob Daniel the second aka "the evil forbidden child" inherited mine and Jacob's growing jeans. Then 3 years later the Volturi came back to check on us. That was the same day that they sent me here.

But this time being here was different. Because no one knew who I really was or anything about me. Well the real me any way. People only knew me as "Taylor Elizabeth Swan" or sometimes I would known as "Bella's younger but older looking sister." And this time I was warned that the Volturi was after me by a unknown source. And Alice couldn't see who it was. I completely forgot that Alice was here until she tried to get my attention. "Taylor are you alright?" she asked in a worried tone. "Ya." I said

But suddenly Aunt Alice was the one that looked like something was wrong with her. She was as white as a ghost. Her face was blank. "Alice are you ok? What do you see?" I asked while touching her icy cold hands. "Bella! Get in here now. I think there is something wrong with her or she is seeing something. And she won't tell me what it is." I called out to Bella. She was in here in a second with Edward beside her. "What do you see Alice?" Bella asked in a worried tone.

This time Alice answered. "I'm not sure. It looks like 2 sets of the Volturi. But that is impossible. The Volturi don't have twins. And they are coming here. That's all I see. It doesn't make sense. How can there be 2 sets of the Volturi." Alice admitted in a confused tone. I admittedly froze. Now I would have to leave Forks before the Volturi could find me. "Two sets of the Volturi. Are you sure you saw that Alice? If you are sure that you saw that is it possible?" Bella asked in a curious voice. "Yes I'm sure I saw that. I don't know if it's possible for the Volturi to have twins that we don't know about.It must be something else because I that the Volturi wouldn't hide something like that.Unless they don't want us to know. Or they didn't know that they was twins. But it doesn't make sense." Alice said "But why are they coming here?" Dad asked "I don't know." Alice answered.

I decided to to get out of the house. And think about whether or not to leave Forks for good,or maybe until this Volturi thing was over. And should I do about this whole mess that I was in, and everyday getting my family more involved in it. And they didn't even know what was going on. I was almost out the door when Charlie saw me and notice that I was in a hurry to get out of the house. "Why are you in such a hurry Taylor? And do you look like you're going to run away, or nervous about something?" He asked. Why did he have to be so observant today. Today of all days. Before I could say something Edward was here. I bet he was wondering where I was going. But I ignored him. And answered Charlie's questions. "Um. I going to study for a test. That's why I'm in a hurry. And I need to get to the library before it closes."I lied but Charlie looked convinced. But Edward was another story.

But I still ignored him, and got out of the house. "Going somewhere Taylor." Edward asked "I'm going out for a while Edward. Stop following me. Go back to Bella and Alice and keep talking about the Volturi and their twins siblings." I told him. "Bella was wondering where you were going. Do you want someone to go with you to where ever you are going? Just in case something happens to you. Or if you find something. Where are you going exactly?" he asked. "No I don't want anyone to come with me. I don't know where I'm going. I might just do what I told Charlie I would do. If I find something, or if something is wrong I'll call you guys. Ok?" He nodded once and went back into the house.

I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing. But I knew it was something that I had to do. I was running away. Out of the blue I heard someone talk to me like if they knew me. "Finally you get the message. I was starting to think that you nuts or suicidal, or something. But not a good something either." they said from somewhere in the forest. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" I asked start to get uneasy, and starting to get ready to run if it was the Volturi. "Boo! I can't believe you didn't know it was me that took your stuff that the Volturi gave you. I mean who else knows about that stuff. Didn't you get the note I left you on your bed. Didn't you hear the warning that I was giving you when I was making that noise from yesterday when you,the rest of the vampire side of the family, dad, and the rest of the pack had that meeting. And when grandpa and dad said said the smell in your room wasn't werewolf, vampire, or even human. That's because I'm all 3 things." he pointed out.

Once he said the that last part I knew who it was. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked and starting to get mad at him for coming here. What was he thinking? If the Volturi is after me they most be after him too. He is insane to come here when the Volturi is looking for me. Now they might look for him too. "Um I'm warning you about the Volturi duh. They already checked up on me.So you don't need to worry about them finding me mom. Now they are coming to check on you. They didn't say that but I read their minds. I got the mind reading genes from both sides of the family. So come on lets go." he hurried me. "Does your dad know you're here? Does anyone know that you're here right here? Or did you sneak here? And did anyone come with you here?" I asked.

He sighed "No I didn't sneak here. But I guess I have because Great Grandma Esme is worried sick about us. Which you know I hate doing that. Yes everyone knows I'm here. They also know why too. No one came with me. But cousin Sam, Paul, Seth, and Emmet and oh ya dad wanted to came. But grandpa Edward and Grandpa said no because you might not want to runaway if you knew. So I'm here alone." He sounded confident about what he said. But a bit to confident. I wondered if Leah was here with him. And he didn't want to tell me. He and Leah were inseparable since he born was and they laid eyes on each other. And imprinted on each other. He imprinted on her, And she and imprinted on him.

"Maybe they would have been right. But with the recent turn of events they are wrong. We are running as far away from here as possible, and as soon as possible. How about Leah is she here? Wait a minute I hope you aren't the that is killing all those humans, and who is on the killing spree. Are you the one that is doing that? If you are the one that-" he cut me off. And laughed first. "Mom I'm not the one that is doing that. It's the Volturi. They are the ones doing it. I was following them until dad caught their scent. That's when I stopped following them. And decided to watch over you until now. I haven't hunted since I got here. And the Volturi haven't hunted since they sent you here. And that was 3 years ago. They just started hunting again. And Leah isn't here. She wanted to come. But I wouldn't let her. Wait what recent turn of events just happened?"he asked.

"You do know that you don't have to hide from me. And I'm not saying anything else until I see your face. You starting to make me think that you are the Volturi Jacob Daniel Cullen Black the second. Wait how long have you been here in Forks?" I asked while getting to ready run in case it was the Volturi. "Wow that's the first time you have ever said my full name. Ok, but I have to warn you that you might think it's dad. But it's not dad it's me your son. Not dad ok." he laughed when he said that. I wondered I would confuse or mix up my own son and my husband. "Ok. But why do you think that I would think you are Jacob aka your dad. Not you." This was confusing me. "Oh you'll see. And I've been here in Forks for at least a year and 5 months or so. But not more than that."he told me

He suddenly sighed and came out. And then I knew what he meant by that I might confuse him with Jacob. He looked just like Jacob. He could be his twin brother. The only difference was that Jacob was 16 years old and looked like a 20 year old and Jacob Daniel was just 3 years old but he still looked like a 20 year old man. Which was insane but he did inherited the insane growing genes from me. I felt my mouth fall open.

"Wow. Ok now I know what you mean. What are we going to do if someone sees you they are going to think that it's your dad that is running away. And Jacob might start snooping around if he sees you. Because you two like identical. I don't think that anyone could tell you two apart. It's a good thing that we are running away as soon as possible. Especially since Aunt Alice saw 2 sets of the Volturi coming here. Which means that one of them is our Volturi from the future. And the other one is from here." I starting to think of all the problems that having my son, and the future Volturi with the present time Volturi here would cause. And what I came up with was exposure for me and him.

"Wait Alice saw the Volturi coming here. 2 sets of the Volturi? Ok we have to run. Our Volturi don't know that I'm here. But it doesn't mean that they don't doubt I'm here. They are checking on you. I don't know if that is all they are going to do. I do know that they aren't here to punish you or anything. I bet the Volturi from here found out about the future Volturi coming here. And wondering why they here,and get information from the future." he sounded like he was talking himself. I was already running away. I wasn't going to take any chances for both of the Volturi to find me. Until my Daniel finally caught me running away.

"Ok weirdo are you sure about the Volturi not coming to punish me thing? Did Aunt Alice see anything before you came here?" I asked but he was gone. "Jacob Daniel Cullen Black the second where are you?" I called out. "You must be really mad or worried to keep on saying my full name. Incoming mom. It smells like both that wolf pack ,and the vampire side of the family are coming. But they are just coming to get you, Great Aunt Alice, Grandma, and Grandpa for another meeting. At the Cullen's house. Don't worry mom I'll be hiding, and looking around to see if I find something. Oh I almost forgot that Alice did see something. She said that the Volturi were after you. But you already Know that. She also said that they are deciding on what they are going to do. If they are just coming here to talk to you, just check up on you, or are they going to just send you back home to the future. Which I doubt that they'll send you back to the future. They sent you here for a purpose. And that purpose is unknown for now. Mom stop worrying about all this. It'll all be fine. I don't think that the Volturi from here will do anything. They do know anything about us. So what are they going to do? They'll do nothing unless the Volturi from the future says something about us. Then the Volturi from here might do something. If Alice from the future sees something she'll call me."

He sounded super confident, and like he was hiding something from me. But what was it? But the confidence in his voice made me more worried. I guess my wryness was so obvious in my expression that my son had that stop worrying look on his face. "What can't I be worried about you when a clan of vampires and a pack of werewolves and oh ya the Volturi is after you. So isn't it obvious that I would worried about you weirdo. And what are you hiding from me?" I didn't realize that was I yelling like Bella sometimes did. I have to stop hanging out with her. "Yes you do." Daniel answered my thought even though it wasn't a question.

"Ok I now seriously have to hid the family is coming for another meeting. Just remember I'll hiding be around. So if something goes wrong I can get you and run. And you stop calling me weirdo? Why are you calling me by my middle name?And what I'm what I was hiding from you was that the Volturi want me to join them and become a member of the Volturi. But I denied. They won't stop asking till I say yes. And that will never happen. You are a weirdo too." he pointed out.

I froze when he said that the Volturi wanted him. I had a feeling that the Volturi were going to ask him to become a member of them. But not so soon. "Ya but I'm not one that was born as dog, then 2 years later became a human. And who has every single special ability that the whole vampire world has. That's probably what the Volturi want you to join them. Because of your special abilities and you have a great potential in your future, and a great future ahead of you as Aro would say. But I'm surprised that they asked you. Because you are half werewolf and they hate werewolves. And don't hide near the house go hunting. If I need I'll call you. Ok. An I'm calling you by your middle so I don't get confused with you and Jacob." He looked like he hadn't hunted in a while.

He laughed when I was talking what Aro would say. "Ok. When you put it that way I am more of a weirdo than you. My middle name will be my fake name until we go back to the future. Then it'll go back to my middle name. And that thing you said about me having a great potential in a my future and all that other stuff about that subject is exactly what Aro did say when he checked on me. Why do I have to go hunting?"he asked as if he didn't already know the answer, and like the thirst for blood wasn't killing him or driving him nuts.

"Um because you look like you haven't hunted in a while. Yours eyes are a darker shade brown almost black. And you look like you are about to attack a lion. How long has it been since you hunted?" I asked "It's been a year and 5 months since I hunted. And the thirst for blood is killing me. I stopped hunting when the Volturi checked on up me and they about checking on you. I've been living on human food since that happened. Ok that I think about it I am going hunting. But I'll keep a eye on you. Remember if there is any trouble, or Alice sees something you have to call me.Even though she can't see us because we are mixed breeds so there will be trouble because of that. Oh and before I forget I'll be in your room to see that I didn't forget anything when I took your stuff that the Volturi give you when they sent you here. Ok?"

I totally forgot that about the missing things that he took from my room. I wondered where he put them or dug them. I was going to ask him but I could smell the wolf pack getting closer. And that meant that Daniel had to leave before the wolf pack saw him and they might kill him or start snooping around then exposure. Which was not good at all. "Ok now get out of here. The pack is getting closer. I can hear and smell them specially your dad." I told him. "Ya I know. I can hear and smell them too. Bye mom." And he was gone.
Renesme ( Taylor ) and her son  aka ( Daniel ) or ( the evil forbidden child)
Renesme ( Taylor ) and her son aka ( Daniel ) or ( the evil forbidden child)
posted by 2468244
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand...
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
I've waited a hundred years
And I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for of the privilege of being yours, I do
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
But I would have known what I was living for all along
What I've been living for

Your love is my turning page
Only the sweetest words remain
Every kiss is a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining phrase
I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart
If I had only felt how it feels to be yours
I would have known what I've been living for all along
What I've been living for

Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you well I knew we'd tell it well
With the whisper we will tame the vicious scenes
Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees
Well I can go a million miles an hour
But I’ve been bored so try to drag me down into the night
But if the morning I knew the song
In the arms of a miracle
Come back and see where you’re from

I can see the sun is on the rush
The pulse is strong, it warms you better than the Joe they left behind
But in the breath before you go
In the arms of a miracle
Come back and see where you’ve gone

It starts as a battle of luck
In the end it’s in the hands of a ghost
Well I am
Well I am

I can go a million miles an hour
But I can see the sun upon their eyes
I can go a million miles an hour
I can see it’s all true
You start to feel it finally

It starts as a battle of luck
But it ends when the hands of a ghost lay it down yeah
posted by 2468244
My love
Leave yourself behind
Beat inside me
Leave you blind

My love
You have found peace
You were searching
For release

You gave it all
Into the call
You took a chance and
You took the fall for us

You came thoughtfully
Loved me faithfully
You taught me honor
You did it for me

You will sleep for good
You will wait
For me my love

Now I am strong
You gave me all
You gave all you had
And now I am home

My love
Leave yourself behind
Beat inside me
Leave you blind

My love
Look what you can do
I am mending
I’ll be with you

You took my hand
Added a plan
You gave me your heart
I asked you to dance with me

You loved honestly
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We can never go home
We no longer have one
I’ll help you carry the load
I’ll carry you in my arms
The kiss of the snow
The crescent moon above us
Our blood is cold and we’re alone
But I’m alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it light together
Help me to carry the fire
It will light our way forever

If I say shut your eyes
If I say look away
Bury your face in my shoulder
Think of a birthday
The things you put in your head
They will stay here forever
Our blood is cold and we’re alone, love
But I’m alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it light together
Help me to carry the...
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
So pretty, so smart
Such a waste of her young heart
What a pity, what a sham
What’s the matter with you man

Don’t you see it’s wrong, can’t you get it right
Out of mind and out of sight
Call on all your girls, don’t forget the boys
Put a lid on all that noise

I’m a satellite heart
Lost in the dark
I’m spun out so far
You stop, I start
But I’ll be true to you

I hear you’re living out of state
Running in a whole new scene
You know I haven’t slept in weeks
You’re the only thing I see

I’m a satellite heart
Lost in the dark
I’m spun out so far
You stop, I start
But I’ll be true to you

I’m a satellite heart
Lost in the dark
I’m spun out so far
You stop, I start
But I’ll be true to you
No matter what you do
Yeah I’ll be true to you
White demon love song down the hall
White demon shadow on the road
Back up your mind there is a call
He hears it coming after all
Of this time
She likes the way he sings
White demon love song’s in her dreams

White demon where’s your selfish kiss
White demon sorrow will arrange
Let’s not forget about the fear
Black invitation to a place that cannot change
While strangely holy, come for a rain

White demon widen your heart’s scope
White demon who let your friend go
White demon widen your heart’s scope
White demon who let your friend go

Let us be in love
(Let us be in love)
Let’s do old and gray...
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posted by 2468244
There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All that I had was all I’m gonna get


There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All I’m gonna get is gone with your stare
All I’m gonna get is gone with your stare

So tell me when you hear my heart stop
You’re the only one that knows
Tell me when you hear my silence
There’s a possibility I wouldn’t know


Know that when you leave
Know that when you leave
By blood and by me, you walk like a thief
By blood and by me, and I fall when you leave

So tell me when you hear my heart stop
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posted by 2468244
All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something I can’t put my finger on
Maybe I’ve been living for the weekend
Maybe I’ve been living for this cyber soul
But every Friday just about midnight
All my problems seem to disappear
Everyone that I miss when I’m distant
Everybody’s here

I need love
‘Cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
And my friends ‘cause they’re so beautiful
Yeah my friends they are so beautiful
They’re my friends

All my life I’ve been wasting, wasting
Wasting all my money, all my time
All the time that I’m waiting, waiting
Waiting for the moment...
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I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere

Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping
Or lost you
American mouth
Big pill looming

Now I’m a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain streams

Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounding, bleeding
Or lost you
American mouth
Big pill stuck going down
posted by 2468244
Down to you
You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don’t know what I

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should’ve never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should’ve never thought of you

Of you
You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don’t know what I want
No, I don’t know what I want

You got it, you got it, some kid of magic
Hypnotic, hypnotic, you’re leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this, you’re not the one I believe in
With God as my witness

Now when I caught myself, I...
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posted by 2468244
How can I decide what’s right
When you’re clouding up my mind
I can’t win your losing fight
All the time

How could I ever own what’s mine
When you’re always taking sides
But you won’t take away my pride
No, not this time
Not this time

How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
Well, how did we get here
Well, I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it’s hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can’t see

What kind of man that you are
If you’re a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own

(I’m screaming I love you so)
On my own
(But my thoughts...
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posted by mrscullen43299
Everyone loves Twilight, but check out this story I made up about what everyone from Twilight is like twenty years from now.....

Bella's POV:
Edward and I were ready to hunt. I had become so good at this now. I no longer end up a mess after feeding. Alice only buys me designer now anyway. So, I have to keep my clothes clean. "Okay. Im ready," I said to Edward. I still couldnt believe it after all this time. I was just as beautiful as him. The same temperature. It was unbelievable. Then he caught me off guard. "Good," He said. "Ill race ya!" Then he...
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posted by vampnarutogirl1
"you have no idea what you have done!" Mrs Chridils voice was bleak "Her wings are not fake, just as her note is not fake" she turns to me with a warm and caring smile on her face "Come with me Maria we'll go fix your wing" I slowly get up and glare at the english teacher one more time before i slowly start to walk out the room. "she's such a freak. I bet she can't fly" says the boy in the back row thinking i can't hear him. I stoped dead in my tracks frozen with anger and rage. "I think she heard you" says the little girl to the left of the boy. I disappear then reappear next to the boy and...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
Authors Note

1.    This story is about Jacob and Bella’s daughter
2.    If Bella and Jacob had ended up together after Eclipse
3.    The whole Cullen family and everyone who was in the story is still in the story except for Reneesme of course
4.    I am not a team Jacob, Trust me I’m Team Edward, but I don’t have anything against Jacob
5.    Jacob and Bella’s daughter is born December 6th, 2010
6.    Her name is Lauren Savannah Black
7.    She has a older...
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Authors Note

1.    This story is about Jacob and Bella’s daughter
2.    If Bella and Jacob had ended up together after Eclipse
3.    Edward is still close to the two of them
4.    The whole Cullen family and everyone who was in the story is still in the story except for Reneesme of course
5.    I am not a team Jacob, Trust me I’m Team Edward, but I don’t have anything against Jacob
6.    Jacob and Bella’s daughter is born December 6th, 2009
7.    Her name...
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posted by VivienneJane
Karina pov.

they where upstairs fight with the volturi just to save me i felt bad, my best friends mother and father and her family were fighting to save me, when i had almost killed her during birth, this wasnt fair. My bff had had many occasions when he had hit Demitri in the head with a brick, that had made me laugh.when i walked into a room and finds something that the wolski's are hidding is this what the volturi came for this little piontless rock.
the volturi want me to join them and i didn't so when i didn't now i have to turn my back on my family but i'm really trying to find out more...
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I couldn't say a word. What would I say? I stared down at the anxious face of Elisbeth. My whole world had paused for a moment. Although I hadn't known this child well, I felt so close to her. Maybe it's because I've been where she is - Or maybe it's just a hybrid thing; But either way I didn't wan't anything to happen to Elisabeth.

I refused to watch the large, mahogany door that closed behind us. Rejected to acknowladge the awful truth that only moments ago, the few words I was told, Has now effected everything. I was scared for Elisabeth.

I looked down in Elisbeth's direction. She may be...
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posted by gryffindorgal
A heavy flowery scent wafted under my nostrils, and I felt my eyebrows raise. I cursed under my breath as I remembered Edward's new girlfriend was visiting today. The ground flowed beneath my bare feet as I flew through the forest. I drew in a deep breath, and gently retracted my arms from their wide stretch. My toes gently grasped the edge of the creek bed, and I launched myself over the roaring water. I landed with a light thud and continued on. "I'm sorry, Olliander will be here momentarily. She has a bit of an issue with time." I heard Esme from not too far away. I heard the soft creak...
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Movie star Taylor Lautner has revealed the next installment of the Twilight franchise, Breaking Dawn, is "different."

The actor, who stars as werewolf Jacob Black in the popular movie series, says the final movie has come together "really well" and he can't wait to show the finished product to the world.

Speaking at the annual Beverly Hills Foreign Press Association luncheon - where he was named as Hollywood's hottest new talent by Mark Wahlberg - he praised Twilight director Bill Condon for his work.

"I'm super excited, it's coming out soon and we're all really proud of it, it came together really...
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