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posted by twilight-7
Today was not going so well. I had been a bit harsh. I should not have thrown Rosalie across the room. But then again she should not have said those horrible things. Did she not think I knew what I was getting myself into? I had thought about every single thing she’d said and more. I knew that Carlisle’s theory might be wrong and I will grow old. I knew that there was a slight chance I could die if Edward and I ever went that far. I knew that staying with Edward meant no children. But I was only eighteen so kids right now was not an option for me. Then they’re would be the constant moving around so the Cullens could lead normal lives. I’d have to wait at home or get a job because I’d be too old supposing the venom did not render me immortal. And then I’d be old. And it wouldn’t look right if I was with Edward because he wouldn’t be old. At least not in appearance. And people would think I was his mother and then his grandmother and then I’d die. And if Edward hadn’t fallen out of love with me he’d be completely inconsolable and run to the Volturi to commit suicide and then the rest of the Cullens would be devastated. And if I was immortal I wouldn’t be able to live in Forks for more than a few years and then I’d have to leave Charlie behind and Jacob. I wouldn’t be able to visit my mother in England because I’d be too young looking. And then my life would be going down the tubes.
But then just having Edward would make it somewhat worthwhile. Just knowing he was there to love me would help me through it. Knowing he was there to support me and talk to me and listen to my incessant whining could make it a little bearable. Even after three years I still thought that Edward was a figment of my imagination. Someone I had conjured up because I was mentally deranged. And then when I figured out he was real it took me a while to remember that he did love me and wasn’t in love with a completely different person. The ring on my left hand helped a lot.
I had gone to bed as soon as I got home. I stuck my head under my pillow to block out the light and closed my eyes.
Edward would be home soon, I thought. I would be having a few words with him. How can he buy my wedding dress? He isn’t supposed to see it until the wedding day. It’s bad luck if he does! Doesn’t he know anything?! But I smiled nevertheless. He is sweet. He just wants me to have the perfect dress because he wants the day to be perfect for me. He didn’t care what the ceremony was like as long as we were married. He was doing this for me. I do love him. I drifted off into a nice sleep where no premonitions abducted me and stopped my rest.
I was just on the verge of kissing Robert Pattinson, a British actor who had played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when my cell phone rang and disturbed me. I watched as Robert Pattinson faded to black and cursed the caller. I pulled the cell phone out my pocket and flipped it open, answering the call, still with my head under the pillow.
“Kayla, are you okay?”
That was strange. He never called me when he was hunting. Never. From my vision last night I could see why. He was a total animal when he hunted and animals do not use cell phones.
“Yes,” he said, a smile in his voice. “Who did you think it was?”
“You never call me when you’re hunting,” I told him. “You’re never in the position to.”
“I heard you were talking to Rosalie.”
“How did you hear?” I asked.
Silence from me. I wonder just how much she told Edward. Did she include the part where I assaulted her? I sat up, my pillow falling behind me.
“She came to find Emmett, not to tell me all about it,” Edward said. “She seemed rather upset and then blurted out the entire story. I just want to know if you’re okay.”
I could answer this question truthfully. ‘No, Edward I am not okay. You’re evil sister had made me doubt the venom will work thus making me doubt marrying you, I may consider wanting children now and the idea of making love to you scares me s**tless. I think my father is going to get eaten by a vampire because a dream I had last year turned out to be a premonition and now I am worried for his safety’. Or I could lie.
“I’m fine, Edward.” Lying took less effort.
“Are you sure? Rosalie said some nasty things. I got it all from her mind.”
“I’m sure.” I lied again.
He didn’t sound convinced of my lie. He asked again and again if I was okay. I repeated my lie several times and told him to go hunt some mountain lions.
“But are you okay?” he asked, his voice was low and velvety. “I don’t want you lying to me to spare my feelings. I want to know everything you’re thinking right now.”
That would take a while and what I was thinking shouldn’t be shared on the phone.
“Go back to hunting. Emmett will be getting irritable if he can’t hunt his grizzly bears.”
He sighed.
“Okay. I’ll just pester you when I get back.”
“Good to know. Love you. Bye.”
“Love you.”
I hung up and lay back down on my pillow, my feet against the headboard. I should have told him how I was feeling but then he’d come all the way back to comfort me and reassure me and that would spoil his hunt with Emmett and I didn’t want that. I’d tell him everything when he got back. Especially the dream. It was weird, the dream. I’d had it over a year ago. But then I thought it was just a dream, my guilt for not telling Charlie that I had been bitten, but here it was again. I had told Charlie I was bitten so there were no secrets. I was sure I wasn’t turning into a blood-sucking vampire so that person couldn’t be me. Most of my dream premonitions were like I was someone else. The person I was usually wasn’t me and if it were I would know. The person in my dream, who was eating Charlie, wasn’t me. I wouldn’t kill my own dad, bloodlust or no bloodlust. I needed someone much more intelligent than myself to help me figure this out.
This was no good. I couldn’t sleep with all this stuff going through my head. Maybe I should call Charlie. Check on him. See if there was still blood pumping in his veins.
I dialled his cell and I heard the ringing. He didn’t pick up on the first or second ring. My nails dug into the palm of my hand probably making little crescent indentations. Was there something wrong? Was I too late? He should have answered by now.
“Police Chief Swan,” Charlie answered in his special Chief voice on the fourth ring.
“Dad, it’s me,” I said, sighing with relief when he answered. Panic over.
“Hi Kayla.” He reverted back to his normal voice. “I was just about to call you.”
“Oh really, why?”
“I want you to do me a favour,” he said, all serious. “There have been some wolf attacks. Couple of hikers have found some animal carcasses.”
“You can’t stop a wolf from catching its dinner, Dad,” I said, smiling. “It’s not against the law.”
“They found a body as well.”
“Okay, that’s different then. But what can I do?”
“Call Jacob for me,” he said. “Ask him if he knows anything about it. The wolves might have seen something.”
“Sure,” I replied. “I’ll call him as soon as I hang up.”
“Oh and I’ll also be in late. I’m going into the forest to have a look.”
“The forest?” My heart stopped. That’s were he died. In the forest. What if a vampire was lurking in there? What if it wasn’t a wolf attack but a vampire attack?
“Have yourself a pizza or something,” Charlie continued. “I’ll sort myself out when I get home.”
“But the forest is dangerous,” I said, trying to stop him. “You shouldn’t go in alone.”
“I am more than capable of handling myself,” Charlie laughed. “Don’t worry.”
“I should meet you. Go with you. Two’s better than one.”
He laughed again.
“Stop sounding so worried. I’ll be fine. Bye, love.”
What if it was tonight that the vampire was in the forest? What if Charlie was going to be attacked tonight? I had to stop it. But I didn’t know where it was or when it was. I needed a premonition now!
I called Jacob, just like I said I would.
“Hey Kay,” Jacob answered cheerfully. “What’s up?”
“Charlie said there had been some wolf attacks,” I got straight into it. “Some dead animal carcasses were found and a body by some hikers.”
“That’s bad.”
“Yeah. Charlie wants to know if any of the pack has seen something. Or heard anything.”
“Kayla, we’re not the only wolves in this forest.” Jacob sounded a little angry. Did he think I was blaming him?
“I’m not saying you did it,” I said, hastily. “I was just asking if you might have seen a wolf pack sneaking about or some other animals.”
“You think the guilty wolves would be ‘sneaking about’?” Jacob laughed. “Honestly Kayla, some of the wolves are just animals. They wouldn’t really sneak about.”
Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say.
“Could you keep an eye out?” I asked. “Maybe send Quil or Embry to scout around, see what they can find out. Keep watch.”
“I’ll see Sam,” Jacob said. “Anything else?”
I contemplated telling Jacob my dream. He’d make everything seem alright. He had that effect. He was like a ray of sun on a cloudy day. Shouldn’t the pack know if a vampire was coming to Forks? They had to be prepared.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “Nothing else. Charlie just wanted to let you know.”
“Okay then,” he said, not sounding convinced. He knew there was something else. “I’ll see you later then.”
“Charlie’s going to be late home tonight. If you’re not doing anything you could come over and share a pizza with me.”
“Wouldn’t Edward be upset about that?”
“Screw Edward,” I said. “Come on over. I’ll order a few extra pizzas for you.”
“Well,” he said. “It couldn’t hurt to come over.”
I smiled.
“Good doggie,” I laughed.
“Woof woof.”

OK please do not be mad, Guys. I know its been over a month since something was posted. I know that you have probably given up but please don't. I'm trying and trying. It's just stuff gets in the way you know? You try to write something and then something happens and then more somethings happen and so on. Trust me when I wake up I will be sitting down notebook next to me writing up more and more chapters.
I promise.
Vampzi Swear.
Thank You for being so patient. I do not deserve fans like you. I am very mean.
xox Emmii-Lou xox
The End of the World Means Save Twilight?

Posted by Twilight_News - 16/09/09 at 11:09 am

The Sony Pictures website has a series of polls going on what items should be saved if the world ended in 2012. It’s all part of a PR stunt for their new movie 2012 which, as you may have guessed, is one of those end of the world as its premise type of flicks.
Anyway, Twilight already won as the top movie that people would preserve. It finished just ahead of Moonwalker and Star Wars.
Now, the Twilight Saga and The Host are up for contention in the literature category, and need your votes. They are also collecting nominations for music, so submit your favorite artist.
We’re wondering if some Sony executive is banging his/her head against the wall because the nominees and winners aren’t a landslide of Sony backed productions
posted by superfan43
part 1 the was a stormy night in joes bar. methos and and dunkin were drinking like always. hey boy scout said methos with a smerk. yes old man? said you remember when we drove throw forks? asked methos.yes i do said dunkin.well i want to go back i loved the beer they had in forks said methos as he smiled.flash back to last year.dunkin were are we? wined methos. a small town named forks said dunkin.well can we get a beer and some m"n"ms? asked methos.fine if it will shut you up old man said dunkin.ok old man were here said here i come said methos. but what they find is bella swan and she is with edward cullen. methos looked at dunkin sensing another immortl but they don't know who it is.

if you liked this just ask for part 2 the vampires meet immortls cullens time.
10: Tell her that Edward and Bella are going to get married in Vegas.

9: Tell her Aro is coming back for Bella. When she asks you why she didn’t see this coming, laugh at her. Run away before she can react.

8: Lock Jasper in a closet for two months. Throw mutt boy in with him so Alice can’t figure out what happened to him. When she asks you where he is tell her he is on his honeymoon with Jane. Refuse to tell her where they went.

7: Give all her clothes to charity.

6: Encourage Jacob Black to follow her around. Constantly.

5: Ask her to go shopping with you. Don’t buy anything.

4: Ask her “what’s Jacob doing right now?”.

3: Trip her up and ask if she saw it coming

2: Ask her what you will be doing in five minutes every ten minutes.

1: Take her credit cards and shopping vouchers, hold them above your head and tell her to “jump for it”.
posted by RATHBONE07
Hope you all love this Ha she’s finally fighting back

I stood by Embelline door, listening to everything James was telling her.
“Why’d you do it Em? Why? You knew we still had something. Why?” I felt like a huge ice brig was in my throat that second, I couldn’t swallow. What we had? There was something going on between James and Embelline? How could he not tell me? No wonder they both acted funny every time they were near me. Then something came into my mind. Mary had once told me that she was with James. Was James just with everyone? That little cheater. I didn’t want to talk to...
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Below are our top 10 "Twilight" MTV moments. Which is your favorite?

Spunk Ransom Is Born
In one of his first interviews for the "Twilight" franchise, MTV News had nearly an hour alone with the soon-to-be A-lister on the set of the film. Among the many questions we brought him was: "What do you think of your nickname RPattz?" He responded in his usual charming, rambling manner, insisting that he wanted a new nickname: Spunk Ransom. The term has stuck, been officially defined, yielded some very cool "Twilight" merch and is reportedly the easiest way to get a smile out of Rob — er, Spunk —...
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So in Alice&Jaspers wierd&love Alice finds out she has a daughter and Alex(her daughter)changes her diet and brings her home to the family,everyone likes her!!

So in the New Story Alex and Renesmee become best friends and they start school together and go through everything together like with family,friends,crush's,the imprinting and maybe falling in love!

hope u like it!!!when it comes out!!
Read to find out what happens!!in this new story!!!
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
No, lets suprise them! Jake said. How? I asked. We can get into an agrument about something. Jake said. About what? I asked. Do I have to come up with a plan? Jake asked. Yes! Your such a selfish little child! Jake said. Okay kid is one thing but chil and I am not selfish! I yelled. Jake, your the selfish little wolf! I yelled. You have a short fuse! You blow up about everything! Jake screamed. Me blow up about everything? You started the fight! I yelled. Than he wispered phase now. I closed my eye and phased. I leaped into the air and culided with Jake in his wolf form. We turned around...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up to the birds chirping. I wished it would be rainy all day. I couldn't hear anyone in the house, that was the best sigh ever. I didn't know why Jake was mad but I didn't really care. I heard the phone ring but no on answeredi heard the answering machine pick up. It was Carisle! Hey Taylor, I got your new hearing aid in. Stop by anytime so I can put it in for you. Bye. Than he hung up. I unlocked the door, went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. There was a not on the table saying " Taylor, I went to the store, probably will be there a while, Jake is doing shift back to back....
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look for edward's reveiw of breaking dawn is hilarious really!!!
and i have a question are robert p. and kristen s. really dating now cause i saw some pics of them on a concert but im not sure????????????

Alice's pov

it had been 4 months since noah and i had join the volturi well not join force to join would be the right words.

they had been the most miserables months in my life.....

the only thing they make us do is practice our powers our fighting abilities and then go hunting
(noah and i had been teach sooo many thing about fighting that i think i could take jasper easily
i miss jasper

i hadn't...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Hope you all like this one:)

All was quiet. Embelline stood in back of Laurent crouched by the ground.
“You always want to attack from the position that they least expect it.” She demonstrated by pinning Laurent to the ground and biting his neck. “See, Laurent expected nothing.” She started laughing. Laurent got of the floor and brushed the dirt of his knee. “You got it Vic?” I looked once more at the hole on the ground, the one Embelline had just tackled Laurent through.
“Yeah. Seems simple enough. “ She stood up as well, towering over me, her blonde hair sticking out in every...
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posted by teamalice_0

I hesitated, she told me about them, there was alot of vampires. More tha I liked, actualy. Alot of guys too. Girls I could deal with, I grew up around them, guys... I was dead scared of. A man, hurt me so emotionaly, I could never get over it.

I cringe near them, I shook if I touched them. Just touching them was bad enough. I nodded. I couldn't be afraid of them forever now could I? I would have to get over it soon. Anyways she wanted to know more abput me. Since she was done describing what little she knew. But her gift surpirsed...
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nessie's pov

noah wasn't here ........
pain in my heart was horrible
how many days have i been in our room crying ???
but now i was so hungry i needed to eat noah wouldn't like that i starve myself...
i went downstairs everybody had a pain look in there faces
jake had come the 30 day but he went back to la push he has extremley surprized when he found me crying so hard , he thought it was just a crush with noah ....
i went to the kitchen i eat everything from the frige and the donated blood they had
"honey i know it's hard but you'll see things will get better" my granma said hugging me

but i fetl...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Ever since I was a little girl, I had watched the birds dive and swoop through the air. Gliding and soaring over tree-tops and houses. When I had walked, hand-in-hand, with my Gramps through the park we’d collect their feathers. Duck feathers, swan feathers. If we were lucky and searched hard we would sometimes come across abandoned nests with hollow eggs left inside. I would handle them with great care, like they were going to crack any minute and out would pop a brand new baby bird.
‘Can I be a bird, Gramps?’ I always used to ask.
‘You can. Do you want me to teach you how to be a bird?’...
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey all I'm gonna post 1 chapter today for my friend ashesandwine and of course for all of YOU thx for reading.Now I'm gonna shut up and let you read. P.S. Don't kill me

Bella's POV

"Alice have you hunted yet?" I asked her ,looking her straight in the eyes."Well no.I kinda forgot with all the planning for your party.But who cares." Alice said in her It Doesn't Matter voice.I rolled my eyes.It was so Alice to forget hunting while planning a party."Let's take a few pictures before open any more presents"Esme said.I Took pictures with all of them even Rosalie.Then Alice shoved a wrapped box into...
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posted by surfergal
That morning I woke up and decided that I didn't want to go school. Sure I had been missing a lot of school but I didn't care. I looked over and Nathen as still by my side as I had fallen asleep that night. It was nice to wake up and Nathen was still by me I was so warm and comfy I didn't want to get out of bed but I had a feeling that the waves were going to be good today.I went over to the computer and checked the surf report and of course my feelin was right the perfect swells were here. I went to my bathroom and put on my bathingsuit and then grabbed my wetsuit that I leave hangin up in...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He stopped, for a few seconds, which let me get out of his grip since I was stronger than him. It was funny to me that I was stronger than Emmett. Emmett was so much taller and really big, I was short and skinny. Okay, very good Zoe, but I think I'll let some others try. Whos next? It was Alice's turn. I went back to Sawyer side. You did great, He said as he held my hand. Alice was great at fighting Jasper. She captured Jasper and kissed him on his neck. Alice had won. Next it was Sawer's turn. He did pretty good and he tied like me. Everyone went back in side. We dicided that this wold be...
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Boo Stewart: I’m Signed On For Three Movies
By Twilight_News |
Access Hollywood managed to get Boo Boo Stewart on their Dish of Salt program and got the following info:
“I heard there’s going to be three more movies,” he told Access Hollywood’s Laura “Dish of Salt” Saltman in a new interview. “‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there should be one more.”
The star’s rep also noted the additional films when Boo Boo’s casting was announced to Access.
“Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’...
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posted by RATHBONE07
“So, Victoria, you don’t know why you’re here, you don’t even know where. You must be really worried, it must be killing you.” Mary was standing in front of me, I was tied to a chair. She was leaning forward, looking stunningly beautiful, whispering her plans to me. “Your not going to die, at least not today. But trust me, every freakin second, you will be wishing you were dead.” Her smile got wider, showing her bloody teeth. I cringed. “You’re the most important thing right now, for the first time ever, if you fail, I will personally kill you, slowly. And trust me, I have...
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renesmee's pov

i couldn't let nothing happen to Noah or to Jacob it was my fault

i run as fast as i could between noah and jacob because jacob was going to attack Noah and Noah was looking at me so he had no idea


i was just in time to put myself in front of noah just a second before jacob attack him

"NO NESSIE!!!!" i heard noah and daddy scream but it was too late jacob's teeth were on my neck

i felt the pain in my neck and then a blow of aire pushing me away toward my dad that was running towards me

the aire must had been noah trying to safe me, how could...
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thanks for the great comments im writing as fast as i can go lol

Noah's pov

While this jacob was in the air i raised a wall from the floor to protect my love my world
how this Dog could tell me that the girl i love is his and then attack me while she was so close of course he didn't love her as much as i do

Nessie was crying her deep brown eyes were so miserable
i had to make this stop seeing her like this was worst than any toruture i've been through
i kissed her in her forhead both her cheeks and at her lips and walk to face ,and kill the dog that had make so miserable my reason for...
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