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posted by stepphy-rox
Chapter 4: I Knew It Was To Good To Be True!!!
After I had a good chat to everyone, Bella called me over to her.
“Let’s go for a walk” she grabbed my hand gently and we walked outside to the edge of the little shimmering river near the border of the forest.
“How are you” she asked
“Great, how about you?”
“Good how is Renee I really miss her”
“Actually she is in Australia at the moment so I haven’t seen her since we moved.”
“Wow that’s amazing” she laughed.
“You and Edward are amazing. I hope me and my boyfriend have a good relationship.”
“You have a boyfriend! What’s his name?” she asked curious.
“Zane Fletcher!”
She gasped.
“No it can’t be. You know that he is a vampire”
“Yea, so you didn’t have a problem with that!”
“It’s not that he is a vampire, it is because he is a part of the Volturi he is a double agent. He spies on different covens.”
“No that can’t be right, he said he lived with you” I said confused.
“Yea he did, he was spying on us. Ever since the ....misunderstanding last year with Renesmee Aro has been the Fletchers to the covens, but he spies on the Volturi as well. The last I heard he was with Alissa Di Genova one of the Volturi guards”
I was furiated. I knew Zane and I had only been together for 3 days but he could have said something.”
“Are you alright Steph? I’m not saying you can’t love him but just be careful, If he finds your my sister he might turn us all in to the Volturi” she stared at me seriously and then started laughing.
“What’s so funny Bella” I asked.
“It’s just that we must like vampires because we have both fallen in love with them”
I giggled
“That’s true”
We laughed and decided to go inside. Everyone was chatting and once we got inside Bella flew to Edwards’s side. His eyes went wide and then all of a sudden he was beside Carlisle. They kept swiftly moving on to all the Cullen’s and then Charlie got up.
“I think it’s time to go kid” he whispered
“When they do this it is our queue to go”
“Do what Dad?”
“Go all quiet and walk around the room”
He stopped mid-sentence as Emmett laughed loudly.
“We’re off Bella thanks for having us”
Bella came over and kissed us both on our cheeks.
“Thank you for coming” she smiled and then waved. We quickly left as it was getting dark and Charlie wanted to watch the football game. I unloaded all my stuff and put it in my room. I went to bed early I had such a big day. I didn’t get much sleep but I just lay in my bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about all the things I found out. I finally fell asleep at 3.00 in the morning.
I woke up the next morning late so had to hurry to get ready. Once I woke up I got some skinny jeans a red long sleeved shirt and my toiletries and had a quick shower. When I got downstairs I found a letter on the table, it said;
Dear Steph,
Sorry I left early,
There has been some trouble down at the station,
Help yourself to anything, I will be home late so grab
Something to eat. I love you.

I scrunched the letter up and put it in the bin. I quickly grabbed a granola bar and practically swallowed it whole. I ran out to my car and sped off to school. I got to school and the bell just rang so I locked my car, ran to my locker, got my biology and art books and ran to first class. I made it just in time as they were walking into class so I pretended I was there the whole time. Mrs Williams my biology teacher was in a bad mood this morning so I quickly sat down. We were learning about Sedimentary, Igneous and metamorphic rocks. It was pretty boring since I hated it. Everyone was being loud so Mrs Williams made us stay in for ten minutes.
I walked slowly to next class since I was already late. My next class was art and Zane was in my art class. Although I loved him I was pretty disappointed he couldn’t trust me. I walked in and sat at the front because I knew Zane would move and that was my plan. I opened my art book and started sketching his name and mine. He sat down and stared at me.
“Did I do something wrong Steph?” he asked confused.
“Sort of, not really, but yea” I said stilling looking down and sketching.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Zane why didn’t you tell me”
“Tell you what” he was getting frustrated now.
“That you are a double agent for the Volturi” I blurted out in a sour tone.
Then there was silence.
“How did you know that?”
I couldn’t tell him the real reason-even though I wanted to- without revealing that I was Bella’s sister,
but I loved him too much to keep a secret from him.
“I didn’t it just came to me” I lied
“It couldn’t have just come to you. I hate spying for the Volturi I never have liked it. They already
know that I’m with you.” He looked down.
“Zane I have something to say to you but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone” I said
“I’m Bella Cullen’s sister”
He gawked and then he stopped breathing.
“What I have been looking for them everywhere. They still live out of town don’t they?”
“Yea I wasn’t meant to tell you” I remembered back to yesterday and what Bella said.
“You can’t tell the Volturi or else half the vampire covens will be killed even my family, who I just got
back I can’t lose them”
“Steph I’m sorry I have to tell them I promise to come back and protect them.”
“If you wanted to protect me you wouldn’t tell them in the first place.”
I quickly got up and every one stared at me as I ran out. I ran to my car and sped off towards the
Cullen’s house. I was starting to regret telling Zane I thought I could trust him. When I got there
No one was home so I sat near the river and curled up in a ball and cried. Now I had put my family in danger and all the other covens too. It was all my fault. As I laid there crying, I listened to all the birds whistling, I could hear the little waves of the river crashing into the rocks. Then someone pulled me up and hugged me. It was Alice I could tell by her spiky hair pokey me in the face.
“Steph it’s alright” she said soothingly.
“I thought I could trust him” I choked out between my sobs.
“I have endangered you all, it’s all my fault”
“I saw it coming but I thought he would change his mind when he saw you leave.” She was feeling the same as I did.
I couldn’t stop crying, it felt like he didn’t love me that he just wanted my family and I to die.
“The only reason he is telling the Volturi is if he didn’t Aro would kill his family and then keep Zane to be one of the guards. He was going to come back and protect you”
“If he wanted to protect me why would he tell them?”
“He cares about his family to just like I do”
We stopped talking for a moment and I decided to break it.
“Did you tell anyone I was here” I asked worried if Bella found out.
“No, I tried not to” she said pleased.
“Thanks Alice you’re a great friend”
She smiled and nodded.
“I know” she giggled and then got up.
“I think I should go and tell Bella”
“Look I will tell her you go back to school and talk to Zane!”
“Thankyou” I smiled.
She flew through the forest at eye blinding speed. I got up and walked to my car. It was probably 10 minutes to lunch so I had some time to talk to him.
When I got to school the bell just rang for lunch so I quickly got out of my car and ran to the table in the cafeteria we usually sat at. I sat down before anyone else was in there and tried to pull myself together. Zane, Samarah, Katelyn, Jeremy and Alex walked around the corner and came to an abrupt stop when they saw me. I saw Zane’s mouth move and then he was sitting across from me. I stared at him and bit my lip.
“Zane...I am so sorry, I was just shocked. I didn’t really see your side, but I’m sorry I acted so ridiculously, I love you and I always will. I understand now that you would save your family before saving me” I just let everything on my chest go.
“Steph, listen my family are fast they can save themselves. I will protect you” he lowered his head
“Why a change of mind?”
“I didn’t mean my family when I said we. I was intending on meaning my family, I had two choices either to join the Volturi or tell them where the Cullen’s were. I decided to tell them but I had a Plan B”
“What do you mean had?”
“You remember Jess, Ash and Arnie, one of them has a power to control minds and that is what they did to you, but they did it while you were asleep so nothing looked suspicious.”
“Who did that?”
“Ashleigh she can control minds to see what she wants to see” he explained.
“What’s going to happen now” I asked shocked
“I don’t know but we must be prepared”
“I know a way we can find out for sure” I smiled a reassuring smile.
“Alice, she can see the future she will tell us if they are going to attack” I got his hand and tried pulling him towards my car. He was like cement stuck the chair he didn’t budge.
“What’s wrong Zane?”
“It’s just they don’t trust me they wouldn’t want to see me.”
I took in his information and stared at him.
“Bella will understand, she knows that I love you she wouldn’t want me to be upset. The question is do you love me?”
His mouth dropped and then he stared at me angry now.
“Why would you ask that, I love you more than any other thing in this universe.”
I laughed
“I know”
He scowled and then led me to his car.
“What about my car?”
“I’ll get Samarah to take to your house.” I nodded
We hopped in his car and drove off to the Cullen’s house.
When I got there the house seemed empty, there was no usual light shimmering off the windows and for the first time I couldn’t hear Emmett laughing. I felt there was something terribly wrong so I ran to the house and found the door unlocked, without thinking I ran in then I saw Bella in a corner, someone was holding her back and he seemed pretty strong as he held her back. I saw all the other Cullen’s lying on the floor curled up.
“Bella what’s going on” I screamed across the room. Everyone was staring at me now.
“Don’t even think about it Jane” Bella yelled. I followed her gaze and found a beautiful pale, blonde haired girl facing towards the Cullen’s. I felt Zane’s sweet cool breath on the back of my neck as he stood behind me.
“Jane leave the Cullen’s, they have done nothing wrong”
“Zane, dear you saw what happened that day they violated the law”
“Jane, I am quite sure you heard Aro, they have done no harm”
“Zane leave us to do our job” she growled at him.
“Your job.....I know who sent you Caius right?”
“Maybe...but that is none of your business” she was annoyed now. The next minute Zane was on the floor. I knew what Jane was doing and I didn’t know what to do. I tried comforting him, but I couldn’t move.
“Jane..Sstop it, stop hurting them” I stuttered.
“Ahh the young one speaks” she snickered.
Zane got off the floor and stood in front of me in a protective guard.
“Don’t touch her Jane” Zane yelled out of his gritted teeth. He was on the floor again and then something hit me in the head, I could hear him calling my name as he writhed in pain and then everything went black.

When I woke up I heard low whispers I tried listening:
“She knows too much we can’t keep her human she will tell everyone. If she is anything like her sister she would be good for our guard. She would be much better then Ranata, she could protect us all without touching us”
“Caius listen to me we could use he but...”
“Marcus I know you want to change her, Aro will be pleased I assure you”
“Fine but it was your all your idea” the one named Marcus joked.
I felt a cool breeze next to me, and then he sunk his teeth in my neck. I was so painful, so excruciating, I let out a huge scream. It felt like I was on fire, like my whole body was on fire. Everything was burning. As I lay there in pain the two guys watched me warily. I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on something other than the pain. It was sort of work but the pain was like a firefly in a starless night. It stood out so badly, but I knew I was strong.

“Marcus it’s nearly finished” Caius whispered.
“Go and get Alissa please we will need her as soon as possible.”
I heard light footsteps head towards the door and then the burning returned, making my heart race a million miles. Then as is beat its last beat the pain was gone like it evaporated into thin air. Then my eyes flew open and I could literally see little particles floating through the air. As I took in my surroundings I saw Marcus or Caius staring at me. I flew off the bed and landed on my feet in the corner of the room.
“Quick Alissa see if it works”
Then I felt a jolt of pain in my head. One of the guys approached me and held his hands up as if to surrender.
“Please, don’t be afraid. I’m Marcus this is Caius and Alissa” he gestured towards them as he said their names.
“Do you know a guy named Zane Fletcher?” Caius asked.
“No who is he?” I was so confused my voice was different.
“What about Edward or Bella Cullen”
“No, why are you asking me?”
“We are just curious my dear, well done Alissa you did it”
They all laughed in unison. As I looked around I was even more confused of my new surroundings.
“Where am I?” I asked
“Volterra” Caius responded.
posted by Bella_Swan3

Rosalie had been especially difficult to be around for the past few weeks.

When Edward decided to play "Let's make Rosalie really, really, mad, and see if she tries to kill us!", in particular. It was scary enough to make mortals cower in terror.

Edward was stressing over the most recent developement; namely, his daughter becoming pregnant with a human/vampire/werewolf hybrid.

Carlisle said it would be fine, no reason to worry, *normally indescernable medical terms* and about three months left.

Typical day at the Cullen residence. You know, half vamps and werewolves reproducing. But...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
I'm sorry that this article is really short. I'll post another later tonight.


“How are you feeling?” he asked in that musical voice.
    “Fine” I lied.
    “Hmm, doesn’t look fine. I think your leg is broken but I’m not positive. How did you injure it?”
    “Well…I slipped out of a tree I was climbing” I muttered embarrassed to tell him I was a 16-year-old who still climbed trees. I chose to tell him the truth, though, rather than lie because I knew he would talk to...
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posted by _madz_
okay, big news. i have finally made a spot just for eternal night. it has articles, pictures, links etc...
im not forcing you to join, but it would be great for anyone who is interested. im encourging anyone to add things to the eternal night spot, any ideas are welcome :)

this is part 21, and its a little longer than usual to celebrate the new spot! enjoy :)

“Really?” I managed to get out. “Then what would be your greatest problem? That would make Victoria’s returning for you seem like such an inconsequential matter in comparison?” I finished trying to hold onto my calm. Werewolves,...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
"Calm down Rennesme." She says as she softly pushes me back down.

"Mom Where is Jake?" I ask again this time sitting up all the way.

"Honey he is in the other room. Grandpa is taking a look right now." Right as she finishes my grandpa walks in. His expression is grim.

"Whats going on Grandpa, whats wrong with him?" I ask with a shakey tone.

"Bella why don't you let me talk to Rennesme. Edward is out in the hall." My mother stands up at his comand. My grandpa walks slowly towards me and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Rennesme Jacob is not healing. I think that the injury is so great that...
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Chapter 8: What Is and What Should Never Be

My head snapped up, my attention directed away from the little cherub that I was holding. I met Emily’s eyes; they held a sisterly wisdom to them as if she was prepared to bestow some vital understanding upon me. She took a deep breath, “When Sam and I were dating I was attracted to him of course, but it was vey different from anything that I had ever experienced. It was magnetic, I couldn’t concentrate on anything except for him and he became my entire life. After we were married, we discussed having children and the minute that I got the idea...
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Chapter 3: Feliz Sempre Após Começa Agora
Jake and I had decided to use my 16th birthday presents from my grandparents as well as the Denali coven for our honeymoon. We were going to visit Zafrina. For our wedding gift, my grandparents extended the stay by two weeks and Tanya had switched the reservations from a hotel to a private chalet in the rain forest. We got on the plane, hand in hand. I couldn’t remember ever being happier. My family was safe, I was Mrs. Jacob Black, my father approved of it, and Jacob and I were together forever. A smile spread upon my lips at the thought. He looked...
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posted by Doopey
Here is another chapter :D

Chapter seven

Before i even turned around i knew who it was. A growl burst through my lips before i could stop it. The only reason i left was to protect them but they come here anyway.
"What are you doing here?" I hissed at them through my teeth. My anger was slowly building up.
"Do you really think i would miss out on a fight!" Of course Emmett was amused by the situation. I growled at him.
Then Edwards hands ran down my arms. I knew it was him because of how my body reacted to his touch. I turn round slowly but i couldnt look into his eyes. I couldnt look and see...
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posted by Doopey
Here is the first chapter :)
i hope you like it. This happened after Breaking Dawn. (:

Chapter one

My life couldnt get any better. I was lying on top of my beautiful husband. I look up and see his golden eyes looking at me.
"Good morning." Edward said. I could hear the reluctant tone in his voice. He hated the sun coming up in the morning. Making us get dressed and leave our heaven, to go back to reality. I knew exactly how he felt.
"Good morning." I replied. He heard the same reluctant tone in my voice. This made him smile. I looked over to the clock next to our bed. It was 8:00. Time to get...
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I think we need to know more about Rosalie so I'll write in her POV often in the story. Things are going to get REALLY wierd!

When I woke up, I was in a barrier chamber next to Alice. Alice woke up before I did.
" Alice! What the HELL just happened?!?!?!?!"
" I warned you to run, but you didn't listen." she sighed.
" Well, now that we are here, can you tell me what's going on!?!?!!?"

When she was about to speak someone came in the room.
" Hello Rosalie." the man said in a solemn voice.
" How do you know my name?" I demanded.
" Can you remember me at all?" he asked.
Then I saw something familiar......
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posted by iluvtwilight123
SO this isnt my best just read it!

Bella's POV

I couldn't endure it because while everyone was fighting i had to focus on my sheild. I already know what his gift was and it was like yesterday that he annouced it.
Everyone was trying to rip Trenton's head off i found it kinda funny. Hmmmm..... I was right about Trenton wich is really wierd because Edward was usually right.
" Bella start a fire!" Jasper shouted. Then pieces of vampire skin flew past my head and i got the fire started in no time. I threw the pieces into the fire and purpleish smoke started to appear on top of the cottage.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
“Renesmee Carlie Cullen,” my mom used my full name. I glanced up at her with no idea of what expression was on my face. “I will never let anything happen to you. Do you understand? You mean more to me than my own life.” As she said these last words she came to look me strait in the eyes. “I love you, honey” she whispered in my ear and held me tight in her arms. Then she released me, but didn’t move from my side.
    “What do we do?” Esme asked.
    “What else can we do? We fight!” Uncle Emmett answered her question while a grin stretched...
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posted by renesmeblack

Urrrgh. I don't feel well. Why am I so cold? What happened? Why do I feel like there's something in my shoulder? I tried to stand, but then realized I WAS standing. I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, and my ears were ringing. Suddenly, the ringing stopped and the scene in front of me became clearer. There was a redheaded boy wearing a dress suit, and a lovely-but strangely familiar-girl in a cream-colored wedding dress. This was no wedding like I've ever seen, though.There was no preacher, but an altar covered in bottles with heavy scents and a candle. The girl and boy looked at...
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    The reception was alright. I can't get over how it was official now. Bella and Edward were married. And soon, she would be one of us. Living in this place I call hell. She was stupid, very stupid. It wasn't that I completely hated Bella. I just hated the decision she made.
    Everyone danced and laughed. We'll except me. But soon I could hear Bella talking to someone in the darkness of the trees. Then I smelt it. Ugh, the dog. How dare he come here. It was their wedding for christ sake!

    "May I have this dance?" Edward asked....
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I'm only writting 1 or 2 today. I'm in Orlando and is going sightseeing soon!

Alice's POV

Trouble can never avoid us. Can it? Sometimes, I wish that I didn't have the gift of seeing the future. It annoys me sometimes. But, I am grateful because if I didn't have this vision, we could all be killed in about 2 weeks. This is a HUGE problem! Maybe the Volturi can even solve this mess.. unless they are causing this!

I must be somewhere in South America. Stupid me! forgot to bring a map! I'm looking thorough the woods seeing if I could find anything that is similar to my vision. I sighed. I can't find...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Renee almost touched me, then seemed to think better of it.

"Sit down," Renee whispered again, gesturing towards the porch swing. I sat, she sat.

"But Bella... died... " Renee whispered.

Lovely. So THAT was what this woman believed.

"She died. I saw her. Dead. Almost eighteen years ago. She was a victim of hit and run," Renee said, sounding panicked, as if she were only trying to convince herself.

I decided to play along, it was convenient. For my family.

"I was born a few months before that. She didn't want you to know," I lied easily.

"And the rest of the Cullens?" Renee whispered,...
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Hi! This is my first time writting for the Twilight Saga so please comment and you can also add suggestions. I'm only 13 years old so PLEASE be merciful if this is horrible.

Bella's POV

It has been two years since my marriage with Edward, the birth of Renesmee, and my transformation as being a vampire. Things were normal and the love between Edward and me hasn't change. Renesmee looks about 10 years old and is still growing fast. Things were getting too dreamlike, things were too perfect....

I feel like my brain is going to explode! I have nothing to do these days except to study for finals at...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Jacksonville?" I asked Jake.
"Bella wants you to meet Renee," Jake said.
"Who's that?" I had no idea who this Renee person was.
"Bella's mother. Your grandmother. Up till now, she had no idea you even existed."

I was speechless.

"Why am I meeting her then?" I managed to say. "She'll get mad at Bella for leaving her out of the life of her grandchild."

"Bella didn't want to leave her out of your life any longer." Jake said, pulling into the driveway of a small white house with faded yellow trimming and pale green shutters.

* * *

I was nervously biting my lip, my hands were clasped in...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Edward and I were playing chess, hilariously fun, when I saw an image that did not involve chess pieces. I stiffened; then relaxed. So they liked Isle Renesmee. Good. It WAS my idea, after all.

And suddenly, I saw something that did not make me smile. I sighed and flicked my king over. It wasn't worth it.

* * *

Edward was the only one who would play chess with me anymore, mainly because it was fair.

I was a little depressed that there wasn't any wedding to be planned, and I didn't have any new project planned. Then, it hit me. RENESMEE'S CLOSET! Well, I'd already stocked her new house's (Esme had given them their own house, she'd designed it and everything) mega-sized walk in closet and helped furnish the house, but I could always remodel her closet to look like a boutique!

I smiled in anticipation. I had to go call Esme!
posted by _madz_
okay, here is the next one. its short, im sorry ive got exams but i couldn't leave you with nothing.

I reached out to gently brush her pouting bottom lip.
“Bella, you seem to be under a misapprehension.” I couldn’t believe she didn’t understand. I suppose she wouldn’t if she thought I didn’t want her. I closed my eyes, shaking my head back and forth, a slight smile on my lips. How to make her see?
“I thought I’d explained it clearly before. Bella,” just speaking her name brought me so much pleasure. “I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist.”
The frown on...
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this is her most of the time on the floor crying
this is her most of the time on the floor crying
Book Two
~ ~


1.    Lifeless Days
2.    Who Am I Fooling
3.    A Good Distraction
4.    I Hate This Part
5.    Flirting with fire
6.    A Hope For Peace
7.    No Where To Run
8.    A Long Open Road
9.    Walking On Another Thin Line
10.    Look At This Photograph
11.    In Another Life
12.    Washington’s Next Top Model
13.    Fly...
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