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Chapter 20: Mutiny (Nessie’s POV)

Hours later we were still deeply immersed in my “big thank you” when Jake’s phone began to ring at the most inopportune moment. He sighed and looked towards it but then shook his head and leaned in towards me bringing his lips back to my neck as he continued to push me even further towards ecstasy but then he stopped. I groaned in frustration as he placed his forehead against my cheek apologetically while offering me a sheepish smile.

“What if something is wrong with the babies, Ness?”

It melted my heart to see how good of a dad he was. I of course cared just as much about our children’s well-being but something was strange in my nature now. I wasn’t the typical newborn in terms of my appetite for blood but I seemed to make up for my lack in that department with a voracious desire for my husband. Whenever he was near me a veil seemed to cover every other facet of my brain and all I could think of was him…wanting him desperately.

I placed my hand on his cheek showing him this and telling him how much of a turn on it was to see him as a concerned daddy. He chuckled as he reached over to grab his phone muttering that I wasn’t making it any easier for him to stop. As he snapped his phone open my hands continued to send shivers along his body as they trailed along his skin. My lips fluttered over his neck, as well as his available ear and flitted around his lips as they moved.

His voice was gruff from the distractions that I was causing him as he all but barked into the phone, “What do you want? Are they ok?” The scowl melted off his face at once as he rolled off of me- I could tell that our second honeymoon had officially come to an end. His face remained serious for a moment and that was all it took to pull me out of my state of enrapture.
Was something wrong with our babies? I placed my hand on Jake’s cheek letting him know that if I were still part human I would be hyperventilating and if he knew what was good for him he had better clue me in. He waved me off as his somber expression melted into one of amusement.

“Alice, tell Nessie before she freaks out.”

“Already there!” I snarled as I grabbed the phone from my husband the strongest vampire hybrid in the world so roughly that he cowered back.


“Sorry,” I hissed as I wasted no time in putting the phone to my ear.

“Aunt Alice what’s wrong?” I heard what sounded like a dozen angry growls in the background and felt my heart sink. Why had I agreed to come here so selfishly leaving my poor innocent, helpless babies? God help whoever was growling like that in the backdrop I would kill them if they harmed one hair on my babies’ heads…

“Sorry to ahem… interrupt. Relax there’s nothing wrong per say…” I could hear my aunt Rosalie in the background.

“Nothing WRONG? You are joking right? Tell the mongrel to get back here NOW!”

Aunt Alice sighed in exasperation, “Rose stop being such a drama queen I know you can’t help it but… HEY STOP THEM THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE MANOLOS!!!!” The phone dropped to the floor and I panicked. Overhearing my aunts, Jake started cracking up and I shot him a murderous glare.

“How can you be LAUGHING right now?” I turned my back to him in anger and concentrated on getting my aunt back on the phone. “AUNT ALICE!” I screeched. Moments later she came back. “SPEAK. NOW. What happened are the babies alright?” I could hear the unease in her voice as she held back on telling me all at once.

“Ok Nessie, sit down. Don’t freak out…it’s not anything horrible… it’s just well… kind of strange. We need more hands…”
Her voice started to drop in volume and rise in speed making it so that had I not had highly sensitive vampiric hearing I would have missed the whole thing.“Ok, so first of all they kind of grew more… they look like 3 month olds…”

“WHAT?!” They were only a couple of days old. I don’t think that even I grew that quickly. My heart sank and I looked over to see Jake’s worried face reflecting my own concern in that matter. He rubbed my hand gently trying to reassure me. Aunt Alice continued much to my dismay.

“There’s more… you know how your babies are part wolf like their father? Well apparently they are A LOT of wolf… they have all phased and are running around the house and they can all communicate through Sarah and none of us know what they are up to since they are talking behind our backs. Your father and Carlisle are at the hospital working. We called your father and told him to come home so that he can at least try to clue us in as to what they are thinking. I don’t think that they know how to phase back and they aren’t listening to Seth and Leah. I was going to call Sam but I don’t want to put him in danger. We are kind of outnumbered. Nahuel, Amore, your mother and Jazz are out hunting. I called him though he is on his way back so that we can try to calm them because Seth explained that it’s easier to phase back when you are calm. Seth and Leah have phased and are running around the house trying to herd them or something but I think that it is scaring them more than anything.”

I heard something shatter and Aunt Alice groaned as Uncle Emmett wailed, “NOOOOO not the TV!”

Aunt Alice sighed, “SETH, LEAH JUST PHASE BACK IT’S NOT WORKING!” She came back to the conversation. “So anywhoo as I was saying…we are totally overthrown by your pups… Em has two of them biting at his ankles Rose is chasing another one, Esme is trying to keep three of them out of the dining room and so we were kind of hoping that Jake could come back and tell-”

“We will be there as soon as possible.” As I snapped the phone shut I heard a crash and then my grandmother moan, “No! I have had that Vase for almost a century Carlisle bought it for me…”

Jake continued to look at me with his goofy grin and his eyes lit up mischievously. “I would hate for you to have to suffer through your newfound urges… I think that they can hold down the fort for a few moments longer, this is the sweetest revenge I could have ever had against Blondie she has two packs running around her precious house.” He moved in and started kissing my neck. I tensed my body up and tried to move away from him before my feeble will gave way to my overpowering desires.

“No Jacob, we need to get back there…”

“Aw, a houseful of vampires and vamp-wolf hybrids can’t handle six babies?”

I snorted in laughter at the image as I brought my lips to his. I spoke between kisses as I mused, “Well they already broke the TV; I wonder how long it will take them to find the garage.”

That did it.

As if I had dumped a bucket of cold water on him, he broke away from me and started packing up at the thought of his out of control children harming his most defenseless baby…his Ducati.

I grinned, “I thought that you weren’t concerned…you know? The family can handle it?”

He looked visibly shaken, “Why take any chances.” He pulled me to his side and kissed me sweetly. “We will take another trip like this soon princess, I promise.”

My phone rang again I picked it up to find my aunt on the line again.

“Oh no you won’t! Free babysitting is over until they aren’t toddlers anymore so I hope you enjoyed it.” She vowed before hanging up quickly as I could hear the shouting in the background. Jake and I burst into laughter as he grabbed my hand and we ran back to our children not knowing what to expect when we got there- but I did know that no matter what we would be facing it together.
added by neeki
Source: Image Credit:
added by neeki
added by neeki
posted by AmberrBlueeyes
To Fall In Love, First We Must Befriend...

It was the cold, harsh light of morning that woke her up, her naked form was peaking out from the big quilt covering her legs. As she rolled over, she caught sight of the beautiful man laying next to her. She sighed in contentment as she snuggled closer to him, his sleeping form peaceful and relaxed. She began to stroke his chest, willing him to wake up so she could look into his big emerald green eyes. He turned to her, his eyes opening and a soft smile playing with his luscious lips. "Hi" he breathed, soft as cashmere, the smile that spread her lips...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


That night at dinner, Charlie seemed enthusiastic about my trip to La Push in the morning. I think he felt guilty for leaving me home alone on the weekends, but he'd spent too many years building his habits to break them now.
Of course he knew the names of all the kids going, and their parents, and their great-grandparents, too, probably. He seemed to approve. I wondered if he would aprove of my plan to ride to Seattle with Edward Cullen. Now that I was going to tell him.
"Dad, do you know a place called Goat Rocks or something like that?...
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Bella searching for "their" meadow
Bella searching for "their" meadow
This is sort of an informal rant/observation.

We all know that New Moon is about tragedy and the loss of love and the aftermath. Edward left Bella. But why did he leave her?

Since New Moon is being adapted into a feature length film, I've been seeing alot of questions and accusations reguarding Edward's absense.

- Jacob's better than Edward because he didn't leave Bella!
- Why would Edward leave Bella if he loved her?
- Edward's scum. When you love someone, you don't just abandon them and leave them to die!

Despite the fact that I'm Team Edward, I find these accusations to be...
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Author's Note:Okay.So first of all,all the characters in this fanfic are human.I thought I's make that clear.LoL.Second of all,the families are pretty much all the same,but they're also kinda different.

The Cullens--Carlisle{father},Alice{daughter},Emmett{son},and Edward{son}
~Their mother,Ana,died 15 years ago

The Hales--Esme{mother},Rosalie{daughter},and Jasper{son}
~Their father,Peter,died while Esme was only seven months pregnant

The Swans--Charlie{father},Renee{mother},and Bella{daughter}
~Renee and Charlie never split up

So,in this fanfic,Rosalie,Alice,Edward,Emmett, Jasper,and Bella are best...
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posted by twilighter-duh
Hello ladies lets have a debate!! Team Edward or Team Jacob?!?! Why do you like that character better than the other? What is you favorite quote from Edward or Jacob(doesn't have to be your favorite characters quote!)Are you in love with that character? Do you like there actor that plays him(i know i do!!) Voice your choice!!

P.S These are my answers: I like Edward better because he is sensitive and protective. My favorite quote is "Do i dazzle you?" i am in love with Edward!! Duh, i like Robert Pattinson!!
These are the most popular questions that I got while on tour. This page is thick with explicit spoilers, so I would recommend not reading this if you have not yet read the book but are still planning to.

What does the cover mean?

Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.

What does the title mean?

The title Breaking Dawn is a reference...
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added by sinai114
!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!! ONLY FOR ADULTS!!!!!!

Hello friends. Thank you for your support.
And hope, that you'll like the other chapter.

“Edward, please….don’t…don’t stop” I couldn’t hear pain in her voice any more. The next second she was in my arms, my lips traced down her neck, moving to her firm breasts, my hands tracing every rib. Bella’s hands were in my hair again. My name escaping from her parted lips. I knew, that I can’t lose control anymore - I slowed down me breathing, so it couldn’t intoxicate me in a such force.

“Hush, Bella, trust me” I whispered. I forced myself...
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