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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoe's POV
The last thing I remember is that I got shot in the calf and Collin was carrying me home. I sat up on a table and looked behind my shoulder. I jumped up, my family scarred me. Emmet, Bella, Jasper, and Edwad were standing in the front crouch like they were protecting the rest of the family. So this means I am a Cullen now? I asked everyone. They sorta of laughed. I looked at Alice and than everyone elses, there hazel eyes all stared at me wide and in shock. I looked down and notice i wasn't standing I was floating in mid air! I could fly, I guess you could put it that way. How do I get back down I asked kinda
of scarred. Alice came over and reached up for my leg and pulled me down. Thank you, I hugged her. She said oww. Before I knew it Emmett and Bella had me on the ground. I tried to wiggle free but Bella was just as strong as me so it wasn't easy. Jasper was asking Alice if she was okay. She said she was. Can I get up now? I asked exspecting my
voice to be shaky but it wasn't. It sounded weird and unlike me. Everyone looked different from my point of veiw. It was cool I could move so fast and hear everything. You have to be kidding me!! They're here, how is this possible?!? This was unbelieveble. Jasper was trying to calm me down, I didn't feel like so I pushed him out. Jasper came you please quiet trying to control my feelings. Sorry, is all he said and looked down. Sorry Jasper, it just makes me mad that they would come and do this to me. I need yall more then them, I don't need them here. How come my throat burns so bad? I asked anyone who would want to answer. It's because you are thirsty Carisle answered. May I please have some water? I asked. Zoey you're thristy for blood not water. Oh, yeah I didn't relize that. They started laughing, I laughed with them. Alice walked out of the room. Alice where are you going? I'll be right back, I promise. Okay, I went and sat o. The table and stared at everyone. Do you remember anything about bcoming a vampire? Carisle asked. No, I remember being in Collin's arms and then waking up on the table 5 minutes ago. Alice walked back into the room with a huge mirrow. Come look in the mirrow she said excitedly. I looked at Jasper and he nodded. I was sort of scarred to look in the mirrow. I didn't want to see my pale skin or bright red eyes. I got in front of the mirrow and looked at myself. I was pale, I was going to miss being tan. Nexted I looked at my eyes. They were blue!! I had blue eyes!!! How come my eyes are blue and not red? We don't know Carisle said. I glad I got to keep my blue eyes! I started towards the door. Where are
you going? Emmett asked me. Down stairs why? My baby sister isn't allowed down stair since there are some half humans down there. Okay...I said than Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the window, we're going hunting! Wait, don't I need to change into something old?? I asked Alice. "Nah, its okay if you mess that out fit up, we have others that look all most the same, Alice said". Okay than Jasper jumped out of the window. That would have been a blur if I was human but now I'm a vampire so now I could see everything! I look back, smiled and jumped out of the window. Everything looked different, smelled different too. We got to the stream, when I was human I would have to get someone to help me get across. I looked at the house and saw everyone. I start to walk towards the house. Zoey I know you want to see everyone but you need to go hunting first. Okay sorry, than I leapped over the stream. It was fun, i had a fealing there would be a lot of stuff that was going to be fun. We raced through the trees, Jasper stopped and then I did. What are we hunting?? I asked Jasper. Well, I think we will hunt something easy first. Myabe somthing like deer Jaser said. All I said was okay. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I open them and the started running, I saw the bigest deer and went for it. It was good, I went for the next biggest deer, than the next. I had had 5 deers before I knew it and I was still hungry I think. How do you know when you have had enough, I asked Jasper. Well, you will feel full but your throat might be burning still. Okay, I don't like the burning feeling. I don't either.He said. I had a couple of morer deers and than we headed home. I don't feel full, I told Jasper. Well, you might want a couple of more deer. He said. I want to catch something a lot harder, please- I begged Jasper. He caved in and we went towards the moutains. There was a moutain lion on one of the rocks I leapped for it. I pinned his feet to the ground and started drinking. It tasted so much better than a deer. I got up, I didn't have a dropped of blood on my clothes! The first time Bella went hunting she had blood all over her outfit. We headed towards the house, we raced back. I won of course since I was a newborn. I didn't like that term. I had slowed down, not relizing it. Zoey, whats wrong? Jasper asked very consurned. I was thinking about when yall call me a "newborn", I don't really like that term even though I am a new born. Oh, I see well, we won't call you a new born. Emmett migh call you a new born just to get into a fight with you. Okay, I think I can handle that. Why is the Volturi here, it is still a couple of days till my birthday? "Your aren't 16, you are 17. We wait till the time that you were born so you would be 17. Jasper said". I hugged him tightly on purpose but not that tight, I was hoping. We were at the stream by the house.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Ok, so here is what we figured out: We had to kill Haus, no matter how long it takes us. We have to kill him. Duh, but I mean, we can't wait for him to attack, we have to attack him! But how?
    "Didn't that doctor say he was immortal?" I pointed out and they both nodded.
    "You caught that, huh?" Tabra said and I nodded.
    "Well, he is."
    "How? Is he a God or the son of Nicholas Flamel or...what?"...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Oh.." I said and he nodded in agreement on how bad that truely was.
    "Tabra didn' was just me. I was Haus's favorite." He spat Haus's name as if he was spitting on his face for a final goodbye.
    "I'm so sorry." I said and he looked at me, and I could have sworn he was a bit teary-eyed.
    "Don't be. It's not your fault. I went to them in my time of need, and I agreed to killing them. I was blinded by love from...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    We got into Jerek's car, and he started back to his hous or headquarters, wherever Jerek was taking us too.
    "So, do you have the symbol of the Death Clan on you?" I asked Jerek. Tabra was laying in the back, and Jerek and I were in the front.
    "Yea, I do. I regret seeing it everyday, I regret what I did the little time I was there. But I do."
    "Have you forgiven yourself?"
    "Not fully." He said,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    It was time. I could visit Tabra now. I went into room 10, and saw he was awake, but looked like he was hurting a bit.
    "Hey," I said, sitting in a chair by his bed.
    "Hello, Cyd."
    "Yea, about that..." I said and he looked confused, it was a good think they didn't put him on meds to make him all loopy right now. That would be bad.
    "What is it?" He asked.
    "Hau...Haus is alive..."...
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I can’t believe this is Monday already, time to go to school and act human, with all those people “Humans”
“Nessi are you ready honey” my aunt Alice yelled.
“Yes I’m on my way” I graph my backpack and I started walking to the door.
“Rennesme sweetheart can we talk for a minute” my mom asked me
“Sure mom”
“Well honey tell me what’s going on? I see you that you are very sad”
“Mom I feel so bad, I can’t understand what’s going on, I fell so badly with JACOB, I told very horrible stuff and now I need him, he was my best friend and my big brother. He was there for me...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
    "Let's take her to the Room." Tabra said and Haus lead the way.
    "I counted seven in that room," Tabra whispered. I nodded.
    "Welcome to my new, refurbished Room." There were weapons along the walls, and there were even a few tortured people laying on the ground almost dead. It reeked of fish. Ew. "Put Cydnee in the chair."
    The chair lay in the middle of the Room, and it was blood stained, with a bullet hole in the back of it....
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Per Stephenie during a fan interview 6/22/2010

Question..."What about Midnight Sun?"

Anwser..."I know that’s what everyone cares about. I also know that the right answer would be for me to say “Oh yah, it’s done! And it’ll be out next month!” But that’s not true. It’s also not true that I’ve got a ton of work done on it, and that’s what I’m working on. What’s true is that I’m really burned out on vampires. And, I don’t want to write it badly. So I want to wait until I’m excited about the material again, and I’m excited about Edward, and that it’s something that’s...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
We got into Tabra's truck, and started over to the headquarters of the Death Clan of the Fallen. I was nervous, and I felt like I was gonna' throw-up.
"Is it too late to back out?" I asked him and he laughed nervously.
"Right now, yes." He kept on driving, and I thought to myself how better life will be once this is over.
Alright Cyd, stop being nervous! Sure you can die, but think about how much ass you'll kick!? Think about how bad ass you'll be pointing and shooting a gun, especially at the guy who threw a knife...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
So, if you forgot the last three things that have happened, here is exactly what did happen:
1.) A knife was thrown at my head.
2.) I almost consumed a poisonous chicken
and 3.) The Death Clan of the Fallen are after me.
Pretty scary right? If you think it isn't, well then leave right now, because it is. Not only do they know where I live, but they probably have been watching me for a while. Hopefully Tabra and I can get through this. We have to, right? Hero triumphs over the Villain!?
I sure hope so...
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"so thats it then?"
"well no then they got married and they all moved away she got ill of something i forgot now but yeah and they havnt been back since" there was more i could see it in his eyes.
"what is it? theres more right?"
"well yeah erm you may thing this sounds crazy but the thing is me and my dad both belive there is somthing more to them then meets the eye that they have a secret. something no one els should no about but i wont to tell you onless you think im crazy"
"what is it?"
" well there certain things in that story that ticked my mind i think the cullens could possibly be vampires...
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"now i know" he mutted
"know what" i was curious.
"where u got you looks from" i smiled while he blushed.

we arived at the house it was a pretty house not something i was use too as it was a little small.
"what?" i hadnt realised that he was looking at me ontil he had spoken.
"you house. its its beautiful isnt it?"i didnt realise ontil i said it that this was true his house was beautiful. i could see my self living in it.
"its allright nothing compared to your though" he smiled but i could see he felt emivious.
i didnt like the hurt in his eyes it somehow caused me pain.
"so are we just going...
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"nessie? ness? RENESMEE!!!" i hadnt realised someone was calling my name ontil the sound was right next to me.
"oh sorry alice i still had my headphones in whats up?"
"well there is a little thing happerning tonight and yeah i guess its called SCHOOL!" oh crap she was right
"how long?" i asked allready gettin up.
"30 minutes which gives me time to make you beautiful" she grinned and i smiled back.

she worked on every part of me from my hair which she left long and flowing curly down my back. and also i made sure she didnt die it again she left it chocolate brown just like mums. (who was my sister...
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[2 days have past since Alice and Emmet have kissed]OH MY GOD Bella need to talk to you know something 2 days ago that I should have told you about.
"what what is the imerjecny."
alice says "erm...maybe you should sit down."
bella says "why.."
Alice says "Ok I...Kissed Emmet"
Bella Says "what what when where how why and is he a good kisser"
Alice says "Yea hes a good kisser and I like him too what should i do my mind is going everywhere help me Bell please."
Bella says well if you ask me you are talking to the wrong person go and talk to Emmet."
Alice says "ok then I will I`ll Go and see him right...
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posted by Darktimes104
Hope you enjoy, I think I updated quicker than last time. :D

Emmett's POV:
I ran around down stairs getting ready, everyone yelling different thing at each other. I didn't understand a word they were saying. Butterfly were building in my stomach but I am not nervous, I am excited.
"Ready?" Carlisle asked from the doorway of the room I was in.
"Yes." I answered simply with a big smile spread across my face.
He smiled back and said,"Follow Edward outside, I am going to check on the progress upstairs." He turned to leave the room and Edward took his place.
I followed him outside into the very rare...
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A Youtube Script:
Episode Three:
*Dead Soon*
(Jasper’s P.O.V):
I never thought about how short a life span is.
And Bella’s was very short.
Mine was everlasting.
I couldn’t be trampled.
I wished I could.
And I certainly do not blame Edward for wanting me dead.
I would want me dead too.

(Black Screen)
*Reminder: this is two days after the accident*
Alice’s P.O.V:
Bella: Ever since the accident Edward’s been freaking out.
Alice: Well I’ve been *vomits*
Bella: Ali what’s wrong with you? *worried*
Alice: I’m not sure but *vomits*
Bella: You have got to Carlisle. *pats her back*
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys, Thanks for all the great comments :) Hope you guys are enjoying my story. Please comment!!!

Bella's POV

"Why not!?" I asked getting a little pissed off now.
"Well you see Bella" Tash paused "The thing is... I haven't told you everything that you need to know"
"What do you mean? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked getting confused again.
"Well see I was going to tell you but you passed out" She told me.
"Has this got something to do with, Why you're dressed up in old fashioned clothes? And why at least half of you're house is old fashioned? Because this has been really bugging me!"
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posted by Cullens4eva
Alice Pov
I’m so bored! Mom’s cleaning, dad’s of saving lives, Bella’s recovering from a break up with a senior called Jacob and Rosalie’s admiring her perfection.
There’s nothing to do! Nearly all forks malls are rubbish, it takes a while to get to port Angeles and Seattle. And I couldn’t go anyway because I’ve reached my limit of spending for the month. But thats so unfair, I mean Gucci shoes are a need of life. Well for a girl anyway.
Its at times like this that I wish I had an older brother, someone to tease me and mess around with and play dares. Maybe I’ll take a lovely...
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posted by Darktimes104
I'm so sorry it has been 4-ever since I last updated...I've been so busy. Tried to escape to write but, they roped me right back in. That's enough of my rambling, on to the story.

Emmett's POV:
We were woken,in one way or another, early the next morning by someone knocking at our bedroom door. I looked over to Rose who was no longer laying beside me. "Five minutes." A soft voice called from the door then left. I heard Rose in the closet. I thought she packed all her stuff last night, maybe I was wrong.
I went to my suit case and put on a button up shirt and a pair of jeans. Rose emerged from...
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posted by LexisFaith
Hey guys! Since so many of you wanted teh next one so soon, I decided I would go ahead a do it.
As you can see this one is in Renesmee's point of view for those team edwards out there. Hope you enjoy!

Drive faster was not in order when Dad was driving. His speedometer needle couldn't go any further but Mom continued to tell him to hurry.
"Bella, I'm going as fast as I can. I quite frankly can't go any faster."
Mom sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

When we reach the hospital Jake carried me in with all the rest of my family behind me. We...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I’d been a vampire for almost two months now. Nobody in my family thought I had a power, but the truth is I do. I just don’t want to tell anyone though. I could make the dead rise. I know it sounds pretty creepy but I find it amazing. I’d seen Royce, Rosalie’s ex fiancé. He seemed a nice guy, he told me he didn’t like Rosalie as it always had to be her, her, her. I’d met Edward’s mum, she was nutty, we’re great friends and I’m glad I have this talent to meet her. I hadn’t met Edwards’s dad yet though. I’d met Alice’s brother that she doesn’t know about. I made up...
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