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now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
now available in trade paperback, coming soon to Kindle
I [Edward Fairfax] was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Jenni Frendswith, the author of the new novel Stonecraft, now available on Her book is a part of a web-hosting program at the homesite of author Fletcher Rhoden ( where there is contact information and a discount code and link. In the interests of full disclosure, my own book Views of a Progressive Christian is also on the site.

Q: This is your first book, Jenni. What made you want to write, and why this story?
A: Well, I’ve always been a reader, read just about anything I could find. I guess it’s taken me this long to get up the nerve to write something myself. As for why I chose this story for my first book, well, I didn’t really have ten stories to chose from. This one just kind of popped into my head, and I liked it and I liked what I thought I could do with it, so that’s the one I wrote. I’m not sure I would have written anything at all if I didn’t have a great story to begin with.
Q: There are similarities to the Twilight Saga. Why should readers pick up Stonecraft?
A: Do people think it’s a lot like Twilight? Well, it does have a teenage girl who falls for a gorgeous guy with incredible powers and a mysterious past. But that’s, like, most every young adult or romance novel I’ve ever read. Fifty Shades of Grey is basically that but older and more erotic, right? They’re all kind of similar, yet each one is different. My story is a different story than the one told in Twilight, there are just some similar themes, some structural similarities that all books of this type share. Without calling it better than any other story, I can say my own story moves quickly and has a lot of interesting twists. I think the writing is just descriptive enough without being overbearing. I like the action scenes quite a bit. I tend to appeal to the senses when I can, so there are a lot of textures and scents and flavors that I hope will really activate the readers’ imaginations. There’s just a little bit of social commentary, because I think if you’re going on and on for 50,000 words you might as well make a point or two along the way. I tried not to repeat things, such as an annoying and constant biting of the lip or whatever. I feel like the love between my two leads is really hard-won and well deserved. They don’t just fall instantly into an affair the way the Shades characters do. And I’m not saying Twilight’s Bella and Edward don’t deserve to be together. It’s not really better or worse, they’re just different -- different characters doing different things. I think there’s plenty of room for both. If somebody liked Twilight they’re bound to love Stonecraft. It doesn’t have to be either/or. Besides, if they’ve already read the Twilight books they’ve got read something else, right? I loved [F.D.Rhoden’s] Sisterella, but I wouldn’t sit around reading it over and over again.
Q: What publicity are you doing? What do you recommend other authors do?
A: I’m doing as much online publicity as I can, including the social media marketing outlets, that sort of thing. Even getting reviews can be tough because review copies are expensive to order and ship and there’s no way to know if you’re even going to get reviewed at all, much less a good review. But I’m doing interviews like these as much as I can, trying to reach as many people as possible. There are some blogs and .orgs and things like that. It’s not easy, but I really believe that cream rises to the top. If something is good, someone’ll find it and spread the word. I hope. And if not, I’m proud just to have written Stonecraft. That’s an amazing thing I never thought I’d be able to do.
Q: Why’s that?
A: It’s just so intimidating! So many words, they all have to be just right. And you’re opening yourself up to such scrutiny. It’s daunting to say the least. I’m really glad I did it. Even if I never sell another copy, nobody will ever be able to take that away from me.
Q: You worked with (Stonecraft editor and Gasping in the Shadows author) Lucretia Mars. What was that like?
A: It was great. I guess she’s got some kind of weird reputation because of her book, but I know Lucretia and I’m a big fan. I thought Gasping in the Shadows was really compelling! It’s pretty dark, for sure. I mean, I wouldn’t give it to my grandmother to read. But Lucretia’s got a really strong work ethic and a natural way with writing. She taught me a lot.
Q: Your book is a lot more mainstream than Gasping in the Shadows.
A: Well, like I said, her book has some dark stuff. A lot of people like that, though. Look at how well the Shades trilogy did. And even if you don’t find the fetish themes, um, to your taste, you can still appreciate Lucretia’s writing, the characterizations, the way the story is constructed. I think that could be a pretty hot movie franchise, but it’s not even as mainstream as the bondage elements of the Fifty Shades books. Hollywood might not be ready for Lucretia. But you never know.
Q: Stonecraft clearly establishes where the story will go in future installments. Is there a sequel planned? Do you hope for a movie franchise of your own?
A: There is a continuation of the story, absolutely. It stands alone quite well, I think. But the stage is set for the next one, for sure. I’ll only write it if the public shows a real interest in the first one. If nobody buys the first, there’s no real point in having a sequel, right? As for a film franchise, I think this would definitely be a huge movie thing, several films for sure. It’s got everything a movie like this needs and wants -- young couple, corrupt government operatives, love on the run. I’d go see it. And the next one... well, I don’t want to give anything away, but if the next Stonecraft novel comes out it will not disappoint, I promise you that.
Q: How many books ahead have you planned?
A: So far I know where the second book ends. Much of the third book probably won’t be uncovered until I’m through with the second. And that’s a when/if situation.
Q: What’s your opinion of the publishing market today?
A: I’m amazed by it. I think Harry Potter turned the whole thing around. It didn’t seem like anybody was really reading novels as much, there was a lot of nonfiction, self-help, and there still is. But look at the crazy success of the Potter books, the Twilight and Shades sagas. People are buying novels again, which I think is wonderful and not only because I’ve got a book to sell. Novels are great, they withstand the test of time the way a lot of other media just don’t or never will. There will never be a computer game that achieves the kind of longevity of a great book like Frankenstein or the Scarlet Letter.
Q: You mention Frankenstein. That’s kind of the basis for this story, isn’t it?
A: It’s the inspiration for it. The project designation Stonecraft is from [Frankenstein author] Mary Shelley’s middle name, Wollestonecraft. The hero’s own government handlers call him Rhett, short for Wretch, which is how Shelley often refers to Frankenstein’s creation in the book. To bring it back to the Twilight comparison; instead of vampires, it’s a man-made creature. But instead of parts of different bodies sewn together, it’s strands of different people’s DNA. That makes it relevant to today’s society, with our stem cell research and all that. But he’s still a compendium of other men, and like the original Frankenstein creature, he’s isolated and alone, outcast by his creators, shunned and hunted. There’s something about that which speaks to us all, isn’t there? Don’t we all feel that way sometimes? And, y’know, Rhett’s not green and lumbering with bolts in his neck. He’s gorgeous and intelligent, a superior man in just about every way. In a lot of ways, he could almost be Tarzan, who is a similar kind of character; primitive, isolated, powerful. Rhett is well-educated and not quite as primitive. And Rhett isn’t a product of the jungle or he almost would be Tarzan. Rhett is a product of science, and that puts him in a different fictive tradition.
Q: What’s the writing process like for you? What can you recommend to new or aspiring authors?
A: Well, this is my first book, so it’s hard to say that I have a process. I know authors take years and many books to refine their processes. I’m just not there. But I can tell you how I wrote this book, and that was to shut out as much of the rest of the world as I could. Once you’ve gotten the story and the characters and all that planned out, I think the real danger is in letting distractions get in your way, prevent you from finishing. I think, and more experienced authors have told me this, that most books which are begun never get finished, and that’ s why. Once the rough draft of Stonecraft was done, I just went back and kept going at it. But since the story and characters were all pretty well outlined, there wasn’t a lot of refining to do.
Q: You worked with an outline then.
A: Oh, absolutely! With a thing as big as a novel, I’d think it’d be pretty crazy not to outline. I guess some people can do that. But everything I studied and everybody I talked to pointed me in the same direction: Outline. The trick is, I think, not to be a slave to the outline, give yourself room to be inspired, to change your mind, to be inventive. Lucretia taught me that. You can change the outline as you go and discover new things about the story you never would have thought of before you started writing. For example, I didn’t know exactly what the last scene of the book was going to be, even if I did know how the climax was going to happen, how the denouement was going to go. If I’d paced around worried about the very last scene, I’d still be pacing and the book wouldn’t have been written at all.
Q: Your book has a very solid three-act structure, mid-point and other plot points in just the right spots. Where did you learn this?
A: Well, I actually learned the three-act from our web host’s DVD, [Fletcher Rhoden’s] Write Makes Might: Stronger Structure in Storytelling [on amazon]. I’m grateful to him for hosting my book, of course, but that’s not why I’m saying it. The reason I know him at all is through his DVD, which I bought and liked. I became a fan. It’s a great DVD for anybody who needs a crash course in storytelling. It’s like reading 10 books in 30 minutes.
Q: What’s next for Jenni Frendswith?
A: Just trying to get the word out on Stonecraft, waiting to see what that brings.
Q: Many good things, I’m sure. Thanks for taking some time to speak with me.
Q: My pleasure, Edward. Thank you.
posted by RATHBONE07
Thanks for all the good feed back:) this ones for you guys:)

“What’d you do over the weekend?” Lizzie asked me as we ate our lunch.
“Nothing. Cleaned, did my homework, the usual.” She looked down at her half eaten sandwich, and then carefully put it back in her bag.
“Have you noticed Ashley lately. She’s gotten so skinny, all the boys are paying to much attention to her, especially David.” She said, that last part a whisper. Lizzie had like David for as long as I could remember, she never really admitted it, but I knew that this really bothered her.
“Its Okay, trust me, he’s...
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today was monday and after school i was going home jacob would watch vic while i do my home work then i would help jacob with his and we would make super for billy and charlie, as i was walking out of my last class with angela jassica came up to us "so bella what are you doing after school?"she asked
"well i have a buddy coming over and we are going to do homework and make diner for are dads when they get back from fishing."i said smiling at her

"oh well fun got to run bye"she said and ran off
"wow she is such a bitch."angela said i laughed
"well i dont care"i said
"so what...
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posted by surfergal
Once I got up stairs and into my room I checked the surf report and it said it was flat. Great what am I gonna do now. I can't stop thinking about Cody he kent so much to me and he was always there for and always protected me from everything from other vamps or just tripping and falling. He was always there to catch me and now he wasn't and I didn't know what to do. I went back to my bed and just lyed there thinking of Cody. I couldn't help it, we had been together ever sinse we meet. I guess the pull the love I felt toward him was only me. I feel asleep crying again. I hated when that would...
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~ Hey guys! I'm really into writing fanfiction (hence I joined three fanfiction websites), so I've decided to write one on here! This is just the summary/trailer because I want to see if you guys like the plot. Tell me what you think! Also this takes place after Edward leaves Bella in New Moon and she discovers a little site called Blogger... (grins) - musiclover755 ~

Bella's POV

It's been six months since Edward has left me. Charlie says I'm pretty much a zombie almost. And I agree. As much as I miss the Cullens' with a passion, especially Edward, I've been in need to find...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Alice's POV
I didn't know if Jasper and I were maknig the right decion my waiting to make her a vampire or not.  I sat in the middle Jasper and Seth. Seth had his head down on the bed holding her hand. Jasper was sitting beside me holding my hand. It was torture to just sit here and wait for the time to change her. Carisle came in and asked to speak to Jasper and I. We walked to his office and sat down in the chairs. Carisle-I wanted to talk about which venom we want to give her. Jasper said -he didn't understand what he ment. Would you like Zoey to have my venom or one of your venom...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Emmett and I watched tv for hours. I sat in the same position with my phone in my hands waiting for Collin to call. My phone started ringing and I picked it up and said hello very excited. It turned out to be a wrong number. Emmett and Rose were laighing at me. I ate dinner and Collin still had not called. Alice told me to wait for him to call but he never did. I stayed up till 2:30 in the morning, me and Emmett was watching tv and playing video games. I didn't really play much attion to the game, I was hoping that Collin would call. It was 3 am so I decided to go to bed. I didn't fall asleep right away. I heard/ felt Jasper come in my room. Hey Jasper. Hey Zoey. There was a long pause... So Jasper what do you want, its 3am? Nothing I thought I would he trailed off. Help me sleep I contued for him. Yeah, so he did and than before I knew it I was asleep.
before I start I just want to say thank you to my friend Alicelover92 and also princesspinkla for helping me with my writers block thank you and also Stassja thank you for your brill comment :)

Chapter 3 The cult

“What you on about.?” I was shaking with anger. How dare she say what I am and what I'm not. “forget you”
I walked away from her, suddenly James was in front of me, smirking at me. He had a evil glint in his eyes then he slowly vanished.
I had to get out of here.
By the time I come back it will be to late. I was walking down the empty street the sun had set already. How long have...
continue reading...
Chapter 5- Refuge

The next morning I woke up, unaware of where I was and not knowing what I was doing there. All I knew was I was sore everywhere and I had a splitting headache. I sat there for what seemed like hours in pure agony, when everything came rushing back. It had been Charles... again.

As soon as I could gather the strength to stand I changed clothes, wrapped a scarf around my head and headed to the home of the only person I felt I could trust, that was in the area anyway.

“Esie? Is that you?” Tom asked as he opened the door and took in my probably horrific appearance.

I nodded....
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Summit Blames Rachelle's "Lack of Cooperative Spirit" for Eclipse DissSource: E! Online Thu Jul 30, 2009, 3:44 am EDT

Blood is starting to boil over in the Twilight zone.

Earlier today, the deposed Rachelle Lefevre revealed that she was "stunned" and "greatly saddened" by Summit Entertainment's decision to recast Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of villainous Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

And now Summit has fired back, saying the Canadian actress failed to inform the studio until July 20 that she was planning to be in Europe shooting an indie film when the Twilight gang was convening...
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posted by surfergal
Ok, So I thought I took the news pretty well. But as Emmet told me I was sitting on the bed when he walk in and I what seemed liek it was in a trance aka I didnt talk for 5 mintues new record for me. Emmet finally got me to speak and then I just went to sleep. The next morning Alice came in and woke me up for school but I told her I didnt feel like going, when she walked out of the room I feel back asleep. it was around 11aam when i woke up by phone telling me i had a text message. It was max asking if I wanted to come over and have a movie day because he had the day off.I texted him back saying...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
[u][b]Once Bruised, Twice Broken[b][u]

"Go Into The Storm Brave One...That's Where Life Is!"

[u][b]Chapter One: Remember December[b][u]
So lets get things straight...
My life is okay for a fifteen year old girl I guess. My name is Eve Barnes. And I live two minutes away from my school, here in North Carolina. My parents died a year ago in a car crash. It was a head on collision. This person was backing out of there driveway, my parents were taking a short cut home, and they swerved out of the way so they didn't hit them. And along came a truck and BAM! They died. I was with my aunt and uncle...
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posted by nessienjake
I dreamt thıs fıctıon whıle ı was ın a aıroplane to Australıa and told ıt to my sıster she hand wrote ıt ın her dıary and know ı stole ıt and typed ıt warnıng dont be too hard she trıed ıt and shes smaller than me.(lol but ı trıed to ımprove ıt and make ıt longer)
İ was walking quıckly through the clouded place ın the mıddle of the nıght ın L.A
ı had my MP3 open and ı was sıngıng whıle steppıng on the wet grass.
ı thought ı heard somethıng so ı looked back stıll walkıng...ıt was only a cat lookıng for food ın the garbage.İ...
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posted by surfergal
When I got into the car, emmet scared the crap out of me he was sitting in the backseat. I said " here Emmet you drive". "no Max will notice if someone is sitting in the front passenger seat addi" Emmet said. Okay fine I said. When we got far enough away we switched seats to where emmet was driving. I started crying I couldn't control it. Awe Addi, please dont cry on me He said. Do you think I'm crying on cause i want to? I ask but continued before he could answer. I can't control this Emmet, I can't stop feeling like crap. I just, I don't know anymore. Addi its ok, he said. I'm sorry I shouldnt...
continue reading...
posted by surfergal
When I got to his house I could see him standing on his side walk. It
makes me happy when I see him. When I got out he said sweet ride sis.
I know it's awesome my favorite kind of car in the world. He ask if it
had a good base in it and I said there's only one way to find that
out. So we hoped in my jeep turned up the music and went for a
drive,then he got a call so I took him to the base. He told me sorry
for having to leave and that he would call later.

I had the best people in my life. People to take care of me people who
actually cared. I went back to the house and of course Jacob and Seth...
continue reading...
posted by surfergal
When we were done treading water it was about 5 am and we got to dry
off and go eat breakfast I think everyone was hungry. We went to class
afterward for what it seemed like forever but we watched a few videos
and answered some questions so of wasn't that bad. Then we all went
for a jog. It was so cold outside that you could see your breath. We
had ran about 2 miles when I started to have trouble breathing. I was
like great. So I fell behind some of the others and Senior Chief was
pulling up the so I fell back behind him a little bit. He asked “if I
was okay” he said “that he could hear...
continue reading...
"EDDIE! EDDIE! EDDIE!", I said. "First, DON'T CALL ME EDDIE! EVER! Second what do you want?", he asked. "I figured out another way to annoy Alice.", I said. "OH. HELL TO THE HELL NO!!!", he screamed."Oh, well I guess Jasper was right. Shame shame.",I started. "What did Jasper."
"Oh nothing really. Just that you were I mean ARE terrified of a little, tinky, tiny, istsy bitsy pettite...shall I go on?",I interupted. "NO. And I am not afriad of little old..", he started to say."Me?", Alice finished. "No. We were just talking about ...", he said unable to finish. "How horrified of wolves he is.",...
continue reading...
I'm currently suffering writers' block. I am open to any ideas.
I was bored the entire week, so I came up with a few chapters, but I promised an explanation in the next chapter, which I didn't have. I may have to skip a few chapters...

I also want to use this as a thank-you to all of my fans and people who I'm a fan of and loved my stories, which is a great boost for my eagerness to write. (Sounds cheesie, I know...)

For those who recently supported -and, frankly, pleaded until I had a headache- my writing of Renesmee Black's Story:

princesspinkla; thanks for your support,...
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posted by pie-102
hi i dont know what to call this but heres the first chapter if you have any ideas tell me

"Alice we don't need to dress up it's just high school.again." I said under my breath.
"Oh come on Bella can't you let me have some fun today."
"Fine." I said giving up trying to argue with Alice. Alice had me in dark washed skinny jeans and high heel ankle boots,with a purple long-sleeved layered casual t.
"Just today though."Not wanting her to get the wrong idea that i would let her do this everyday.
"Agreed.Now stay still I'm almost finished.
"Time to go Renesemee,Jacob."I yelled upstairs. Jacob was now moved in with us we all pretty much not breath anymore but we had to get used to it again since we can go to schol again beacause renesemee is 7 now and stoped ageing
posted by CoolMandyz43
Hi my name is Amanda and I have helped a few people out on fanpop. I'm in a college English course and wanted to put up and ad for myself! Anyone looking for an editor for there fan fiction I'm the one. I do not changes stories I just add more descriptive elements like how stephanie Myers is so descriptive. You can email your story at and then I will send them back to you and you can post it or change somethings I did. I would love to write my own fan fiction but I'm not a great idea person but I can really edit stories to the point of perfection! So anyone who wants a helping POV get at me!
Edward's Pov.

I wake up, finding myself asleep, in ropes, mouth covered. Everyone else is sleeping,
and I can't break myself out of it. Then, Jasper and the man, come in. I pretend to sleep.

"Should we do it now? Or later?"

"The killing of Bella? We will wait until she goes through what these guys experienced,
then, we will do them first. Then her."

No. No. NO!!!!! I must get my self out of this! I must find Bella and fast!!
What am I going to do! I can't get myself out!

Rosalie: Uh...

Jasper: Looks like sumbody's up! Can we do it now master? Please!?
Just so I know what to do with the others?

Master: Alright, but just her.

Rosalie: AH Mrjekjsnubgu!!!

NO!!! NOT ROSALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!