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Chapter 10: The Cat’s Out of the Bag
I was in complete awe of my body as well as the little miracle that it contained, “She knows your voice Jake,” I told him through my tears of happiness. He smiled at me and seemed to be genuinely happy for the first time since he found out that I was pregnant. He again kissed my stomach and then continued with a trail of kisses leading to my face, kissing my cheeks and nose, “I love you so much Renesmee.” I kissed his ear, “I love you too,” his lips found mine and he kissed me so overpoweringly that I fell back into the bed with him. He lay there looking at me rubbing my face, “I cannot believe that you are giving me a daughter,” He spoke softly. It was as if the joy of this realization was hitting him for the first time. “She is going to be so beautiful, if she is anything like her mother,” he whispered. I smiled at him as he kissed me again. “I’m sorry that I have been such a jerk Ness, I really am happy I just worry about you.” I kissed his nose, “stop worrying, and just be happy.” He looked at me pleadingly, “Will you do me a favor, princess?” I looked at him receptively, “Anything.” “I need you to eat something.” My stomach lurched at the thought and my hand flew to my mouth. “What?” He asked in alarm his hand poised over me ready to go to whatever spot was causing me discomfort. “I’m just so nauseas Jake. The thought of …food or blood...”I shuddered visibly at the thought. He looked at me in concern, “you have to put something in your stomach, have you told your grandfather about this?” I shook my head. “I don’t want to worry anyone.” He stood up furiously, “Renesmee you have to tell him,” “Wait!” I called after him weakly, “I will try. I will eat something and try a little blood too; you know to see what she prefers.” He smiled at me. “What do you want, I will bring you anything.” I smiled at him impishly, “Cherry Garcia?” He rolled his eyes and grinned, “I should have known.” He kissed my forehead and locked his eyes onto mine, “I absolutely swear I will be right back this time, and then after you eat we will talk to your family.” I narrowed my eyes at him, “you’d better,” I attempted a weak snarl and kissed him, and then watched as he slipped out of the door closing it behind him. After he left I sighed and then placed my hands on my growing stomach. I looked down at it and smiled, “Sarah, mommy loves you so much. I bet you are hungry, don’t worry we are going to figure out what you want mommy to feed you.” I felt a little poke from her inside of my stomach and an overwhelming sense of love for her swept through my body so forcefully that it took my breathe away. Moments later Jake was back he had my ice cream and a cup with a straw. He sat down on the edge of my bed, “What do you want to try first?” I took the blood, “Well she is most likely part vampire so let’s try it.” I placed the straw in my mouth. The scent of the blood alone was enough to send me running to the bathroom, but I forced myself to stay put. My head spun and I felt sweat breaking out along my forehead as I gagged. Jake looked at me anxiously, “human blood is your favorite.” I brought my hand to my head, “Apparently our daughter doesn’t agree with me.” I whispered. Jake went to take the cup he placed it on the night stand, “Here Nessie, try this instead.” He opened the container of ice cream and gave that to me. I placed a spoonful of it in my mouth. I gagged as I choked down. He looked at me helplessly. “We have to do something, you have to eat.” I waved him off, “I am fine,” I said; but the gagging had brought little tears to my eyes that betrayed me. He shook his head, “I’m going to get your grandfather, “No, Jake, I will eat all of this and then we will see if it gets better.” I forced myself to finish half of the pint of ice cream and to drink the blood. It was one of the hardest things that I had ever done, the entire time the contents threatened to force their way back up. But I did it. Jake’s eyes searched my face, “Are you alright?” I nodded I couldn’t open my mouth for fear that it would all come back up. I lay myself back down until my stomach settled. Then I smiled at Jake, “Let’s go and tell them, now.” He looked at me uncertainly, “Are you sure that you want to get up just yet?” I nodded, “I feel fine,” I attempted to ignore my queasiness. He helped me up; I stood up and slowly made my way to the mirror, “Oh god.” I said when I saw myself. My face was ashen, making the deep purple circles under my lifeless eyes even more noticeable. My hair was a matted mess, “I have to take a shower first Jake I look horrible.” He nodded and helped me into the bathroom, “I’m ok, I reassured him. He looked at me skeptically but decided to pick his battles with me and said, “I will be back in Amore’s room if you need anything.” I nodded I was starting to feel weak again but I didn’t want to worry him. As soon as he left I felt myself getting sick again. I shut the door and ran the shower so that it would cover the sound as I collapsed over the toilet, my stomach heaving. After it was over I shakily got up and I took my clothes off. I looked at my stomach in wonder. I didn’t know if my eyes were playing tricks on me but it looked even larger than it had this afternoon. I patted it lovingly and I felt another nudge from within. “What do you want me to feed you?” I whispered frantically to her. I stepped into the shower the water felt marvelous as it washed over my sore body. I felt much better, my head had stopped spinning and my stomach; emptied of the unacceptable contents was at peace. I showered quickly, excited by what we were about to do. I got out and dried off quickly, wrapping the towel around me, I went back into the room I found clothes on my bed, someone had already shopped for larger clothing for me; I guessed it was my aunt Alice but then became confused when I saw that it was a casual outfit. Jake looked at me, “Amore brought these for you; she said it’s her first “god-motherly duty.” I snorted, “She isn’t going to give in, huh?” He shrugged and I smiled to myself as I dropped my towel and prepared to get dressed. Jake gasped, “What?” I asked. He looked at my stomach, “Nessie, I swear your stomach is larger and it has only been a day”. I swallowed hard mildly concerned but shook it off. “My grandfather said that my mother grew rapidly with me too.” Jake looked at me as doubt flickered through his eyes briefly and in that instant I felt myself start to panic. He sensed it and quickly changed the subject, “Come on let’s see what Amore has picked out for you,” I smiled at him weakly as I let him help me to put the slightly larger jeans and t shirt on. Jake looked at the dark grey shirt and laughed, “What I asked?” He held it up for me to read, “I grow people, what’s your superpower?” I rolled my eyes at Amore’s selection. “She is such a dork. I guess it will be kind of funny to see if anyone notices the shirt…” I got dressed and then ran a brush through my hair. I borrowed some of her make up I had to cover those circles under my eyes. Jake watched me intently, “If you don’t feel up to this it’s ok, you don’t have to go to all this trouble Ness.” I smiled at him, “I’m fine. This is an important moment. I want to look nice.” He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he kissed the top of my head. “It would be impossible for you to be anything less than beautiful with or without all of this,” He said gesturing to the make up. “Come on.” He took my hand and led me downstairs. We walked slowly down the stairs he was even more gentle with me now than ever before. I gasped when I saw everyone gathered. Billy was in the living room, looking slightly apprehensive as he spoke with Sam. Even Emily was downstairs with the babies. Aunt Rose held one while Emily held the other. My whole family looked at us. “Are you feeling any better, sweetie?” My mother asked. I nodded. Jake looked at me expectantly but I waited I wanted to see who would notice the shirt first. I walked up to my father in law and he smiled at me, “how was the honeymoon?” I sighed happily, “It was perfect,” I said as I shot Jake a private smile remembering the highlights of the trip. My father groaned, “Not again…” as my mother elbowed him. “Oops” I though to myself realizing with chagrin that he saw everything I was remembering. Aunt Alice came walking up to me shaking her head in displeasure, “What are you wearing? I definitely did not pick it out for you.” She looked at my shirt closely, “What does that mean; your super power is that you grow people? Who does that?!” She shrugged in agitation and turned away, “Nessie I will go get you something to wear, I swear you leave my sight for a week and you come back forgetting how to dress.” She started to walk away and then my grandmother looked up her eyes flickering excitedly, “Oh my god… Renesmee, are you PREGNANT?!?!” I nodded happily and she squealed. Jake and I were suddenly swarmed by people. Aunt Alice came back to me with a scowl, “How come I didn’t see this coming, I thought that I could see Jake now.” Jake laughed at her visibly pleased to have an ounce of privacy for once. We were hugged by everyone, I caught my father and Jake exchanging a look of trepidation over my head; but I put it out of my mind. I was too happy. My mother came up and kissed me and my father did as well. Emily walked up to me slowly and hugged me, whispering, “I told you that it would work out”. Seth and Amore walked up to us, “So”, Amore said excitedly, “Any other news?” she elbowed Jake. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes in exasperation. “Amore and Seth are the godparents.” Jake said in mock aggravation. Amore squealed, “I had no idea! We are so honored, right Seth?” She smacked his arm. He nodded shaking his head at her “It is all her,” he mouthed to us. Uncle Emmett looked at his daughter in amusement, “Amor, immortals kind of don’t need godparents.” She stomped her foot and looked at him obstinately, “Yes they do!” She hugged me, “I am so happy for you Nessie.” She brought her head down to my stomach, “we are going to have many shopping trips so you rest up while you can Aunt Amore is going to keep you vey busy!” I laughed at her. My grandfather strolled up to us a smile playing on his perfect lips, “I do still want to do the ultrasound we didn’t get around to doing it earlier.” My aunt Alice Looked at him angrily, “You knew and didn’t tell us?” He shrugged at her, “Patient confidentiality.” I looked down remembering how Jake had left. I felt his hand around mine. “Grandpa we don’t need it, I told you it’s a girl.” My hand flew up to my mouth. “Oops.” Everyone looked up, “How do you know that?” My aunt Rose asked. I shrugged; the cat was out of the bag. “I have been having dreams about her.” I turned to Billy, “we are going to name her Sarah.” His eyes turned red and he started to blink, “That is beautiful…” he said we went over to him and he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Then he turned to his son, “You know I am way too young to be a grandpa…but I will take it!” He chuckled as he hugged his son. My aunt Rose handed the baby to Sam cam up to me and hugged me tightly squealing, “I’m so excited congratulations.” She turned to Jake and hugged him too. He looked at her in surprise, “What no comment about having a puppy or housebreaking/” She looked at him in shock feigning innocence, “Why, Jacob, I thought that we were past all of that.” He rolled his eyes t her. “No seriously, my great niece is off limits as far as being made fun of. You on the other hand, dog, it is always open season.” Jake snickered. She hugged him, “Congratulations Mongrel.” “Thanks Blondie.” Uncle Emmett came up and looked at me wistfully, “So I guess you are off limits with the rough housing for awhile.” I snorted, “It’s just temporary; and then I will have an ally to tag team you with.” He winked at me and snorted, “You don’t scare me; as long as you don’t chuck a picture frame at me.” He chortled as he patted an exasperated Jake on the shoulder and hugged me “Congratulations you two.”
Sam came up with Leah and Nahuel next to congratulate us. By that time I was starting to feel very tired, Jake looked down at me worry creasing his brow. “Do you want to go back upstairs?” He asked me. I shook my head, “No it’s nice to be out of bed.” He put an arm around my waist and held me to him. I nestled my head into his chest and closed my eyes. I loved it when his arms were around me and I was encircled by his scent, I felt so safe. When I opened my eyes again we were on the couch. Jake’s father was gone and the only people in the living room with us were my grandparents and Aunt Rose who was mindlessly flipping through the channels. I looked up at Jake who was still holding me on his lap. “Where is everyone?” He smiled down on me, “My dad went home, Sam and Em are sleeping and everyone else is hunting.”
“What happened?” I asked, in a state of disorientation. He grinned, “You fell asleep standing up.” My grandmother chuckled from across the room. I felt my face flush, “Oh, guess I was more tired than I thought.” My grandfather looked at me kindly, “Nessie, you need to make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Why don’t you go upstairs and go to bed? I will try to do the ultrasound in the morning. Did you eat at all today?” My stomach reeled at the memory. I nodded weakly. I let Jake help me up and he started to walk me up the stairs but my legs gave out, I was exhausted. He picked me up and carried me to bed, lying down next to me stoking my hair. “You made my father really happy.” I looked at him in surprise, “He is thrilled that we are naming her Sarah. He is really excited to be a grandfather.” I smiled as I felt my eyes shutting, “that’s nice…” I whispered. I nuzzled my head up to his neck and fell asleep, content. Everything was as it should be.
posted by RATHBONE07
“So, Victoria, you don’t know why you’re here, you don’t even know where. You must be really worried, it must be killing you.” Mary was standing in front of me, I was tied to a chair. She was leaning forward, looking stunningly beautiful, whispering her plans to me. “Your not going to die, at least not today. But trust me, every freakin second, you will be wishing you were dead.” Her smile got wider, showing her bloody teeth. I cringed. “You’re the most important thing right now, for the first time ever, if you fail, I will personally kill you, slowly. And trust me, I have...
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renesmee's pov

i couldn't let nothing happen to Noah or to Jacob it was my fault

i run as fast as i could between noah and jacob because jacob was going to attack Noah and Noah was looking at me so he had no idea


i was just in time to put myself in front of noah just a second before jacob attack him

"NO NESSIE!!!!" i heard noah and daddy scream but it was too late jacob's teeth were on my neck

i felt the pain in my neck and then a blow of aire pushing me away toward my dad that was running towards me

the aire must had been noah trying to safe me, how could...
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thanks for the great comments im writing as fast as i can go lol

Noah's pov

While this jacob was in the air i raised a wall from the floor to protect my love my world
how this Dog could tell me that the girl i love is his and then attack me while she was so close of course he didn't love her as much as i do

Nessie was crying her deep brown eyes were so miserable
i had to make this stop seeing her like this was worst than any toruture i've been through
i kissed her in her forhead both her cheeks and at her lips and walk to face ,and kill the dog that had make so miserable my reason for...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up I was lying in a hospital. Alice and jasper were sitting on a loveseat holding hands and Emmet was sitting in a chair and Rose was sitting in his lap and Esme was standing by the window with Carlisle. Nathen was sitting in a chair right beside my bed holding my hand with his head down like he was asleep. Everyone looked supper worried and then all of the sudden everything hit at once all the flashbacks of what happen a coue if days ago. Carlisle came over to my bed and ask;
Hey Addi, everything is gonna be okay. He said.
It feels like a truck hit me in my side. I told him.
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posted by teamalice_0
I have this story on two spots, Twiight Fanfictio and The Twilight spot. Enjoy!

I paced the room with 10 minutes 'till the others would wake. I had to get dressd. I went to my suitcase and pulled some clothes out.

I pulled, some dark washed designer jeans. Black turtle neck, A black baseball hat, and a hoodie. It was just in case thing. IF my aunt was alive I looked just liked her. I could have someone noticing me as her.

But I know I would see the Dr. so I couldn't be noticed by him. I would be at the back of the group, I can...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Thanks for all the good feed back:) this ones for you guys:)

“What’d you do over the weekend?” Lizzie asked me as we ate our lunch.
“Nothing. Cleaned, did my homework, the usual.” She looked down at her half eaten sandwich, and then carefully put it back in her bag.
“Have you noticed Ashley lately. She’s gotten so skinny, all the boys are paying to much attention to her, especially David.” She said, that last part a whisper. Lizzie had like David for as long as I could remember, she never really admitted it, but I knew that this really bothered her.
“Its Okay, trust me, he’s...
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today was monday and after school i was going home jacob would watch vic while i do my home work then i would help jacob with his and we would make super for billy and charlie, as i was walking out of my last class with angela jassica came up to us "so bella what are you doing after school?"she asked
"well i have a buddy coming over and we are going to do homework and make diner for are dads when they get back from fishing."i said smiling at her

"oh well fun got to run bye"she said and ran off
"wow she is such a bitch."angela said i laughed
"well i dont care"i said
"so what...
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posted by surfergal
Once I got up stairs and into my room I checked the surf report and it said it was flat. Great what am I gonna do now. I can't stop thinking about Cody he kent so much to me and he was always there for and always protected me from everything from other vamps or just tripping and falling. He was always there to catch me and now he wasn't and I didn't know what to do. I went back to my bed and just lyed there thinking of Cody. I couldn't help it, we had been together ever sinse we meet. I guess the pull the love I felt toward him was only me. I feel asleep crying again. I hated when that would...
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~ Hey guys! I'm really into writing fanfiction (hence I joined three fanfiction websites), so I've decided to write one on here! This is just the summary/trailer because I want to see if you guys like the plot. Tell me what you think! Also this takes place after Edward leaves Bella in New Moon and she discovers a little site called Blogger... (grins) - musiclover755 ~

Bella's POV

It's been six months since Edward has left me. Charlie says I'm pretty much a zombie almost. And I agree. As much as I miss the Cullens' with a passion, especially Edward, I've been in need to find...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Alice's POV
I didn't know if Jasper and I were maknig the right decion my waiting to make her a vampire or not.  I sat in the middle Jasper and Seth. Seth had his head down on the bed holding her hand. Jasper was sitting beside me holding my hand. It was torture to just sit here and wait for the time to change her. Carisle came in and asked to speak to Jasper and I. We walked to his office and sat down in the chairs. Carisle-I wanted to talk about which venom we want to give her. Jasper said -he didn't understand what he ment. Would you like Zoey to have my venom or one of your venom...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Emmett and I watched tv for hours. I sat in the same position with my phone in my hands waiting for Collin to call. My phone started ringing and I picked it up and said hello very excited. It turned out to be a wrong number. Emmett and Rose were laighing at me. I ate dinner and Collin still had not called. Alice told me to wait for him to call but he never did. I stayed up till 2:30 in the morning, me and Emmett was watching tv and playing video games. I didn't really play much attion to the game, I was hoping that Collin would call. It was 3 am so I decided to go to bed. I didn't fall asleep right away. I heard/ felt Jasper come in my room. Hey Jasper. Hey Zoey. There was a long pause... So Jasper what do you want, its 3am? Nothing I thought I would he trailed off. Help me sleep I contued for him. Yeah, so he did and than before I knew it I was asleep.
before I start I just want to say thank you to my friend Alicelover92 and also princesspinkla for helping me with my writers block thank you and also Stassja thank you for your brill comment :)

Chapter 3 The cult

“What you on about.?” I was shaking with anger. How dare she say what I am and what I'm not. “forget you”
I walked away from her, suddenly James was in front of me, smirking at me. He had a evil glint in his eyes then he slowly vanished.
I had to get out of here.
By the time I come back it will be to late. I was walking down the empty street the sun had set already. How long have...
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Chapter 5- Refuge

The next morning I woke up, unaware of where I was and not knowing what I was doing there. All I knew was I was sore everywhere and I had a splitting headache. I sat there for what seemed like hours in pure agony, when everything came rushing back. It had been Charles... again.

As soon as I could gather the strength to stand I changed clothes, wrapped a scarf around my head and headed to the home of the only person I felt I could trust, that was in the area anyway.

“Esie? Is that you?” Tom asked as he opened the door and took in my probably horrific appearance.

I nodded....
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Summit Blames Rachelle's "Lack of Cooperative Spirit" for Eclipse DissSource: E! Online Thu Jul 30, 2009, 3:44 am EDT

Blood is starting to boil over in the Twilight zone.

Earlier today, the deposed Rachelle Lefevre revealed that she was "stunned" and "greatly saddened" by Summit Entertainment's decision to recast Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of villainous Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

And now Summit has fired back, saying the Canadian actress failed to inform the studio until July 20 that she was planning to be in Europe shooting an indie film when the Twilight gang was convening...
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posted by surfergal
Ok, So I thought I took the news pretty well. But as Emmet told me I was sitting on the bed when he walk in and I what seemed liek it was in a trance aka I didnt talk for 5 mintues new record for me. Emmet finally got me to speak and then I just went to sleep. The next morning Alice came in and woke me up for school but I told her I didnt feel like going, when she walked out of the room I feel back asleep. it was around 11aam when i woke up by phone telling me i had a text message. It was max asking if I wanted to come over and have a movie day because he had the day off.I texted him back saying...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
[u][b]Once Bruised, Twice Broken[b][u]

"Go Into The Storm Brave One...That's Where Life Is!"

[u][b]Chapter One: Remember December[b][u]
So lets get things straight...
My life is okay for a fifteen year old girl I guess. My name is Eve Barnes. And I live two minutes away from my school, here in North Carolina. My parents died a year ago in a car crash. It was a head on collision. This person was backing out of there driveway, my parents were taking a short cut home, and they swerved out of the way so they didn't hit them. And along came a truck and BAM! They died. I was with my aunt and uncle...
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posted by nessienjake
I dreamt thıs fıctıon whıle ı was ın a aıroplane to Australıa and told ıt to my sıster she hand wrote ıt ın her dıary and know ı stole ıt and typed ıt warnıng dont be too hard she trıed ıt and shes smaller than me.(lol but ı trıed to ımprove ıt and make ıt longer)
İ was walking quıckly through the clouded place ın the mıddle of the nıght ın L.A
ı had my MP3 open and ı was sıngıng whıle steppıng on the wet grass.
ı thought ı heard somethıng so ı looked back stıll walkıng...ıt was only a cat lookıng for food ın the garbage.İ...
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posted by surfergal
When I got into the car, emmet scared the crap out of me he was sitting in the backseat. I said " here Emmet you drive". "no Max will notice if someone is sitting in the front passenger seat addi" Emmet said. Okay fine I said. When we got far enough away we switched seats to where emmet was driving. I started crying I couldn't control it. Awe Addi, please dont cry on me He said. Do you think I'm crying on cause i want to? I ask but continued before he could answer. I can't control this Emmet, I can't stop feeling like crap. I just, I don't know anymore. Addi its ok, he said. I'm sorry I shouldnt...
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posted by surfergal
When I got to his house I could see him standing on his side walk. It
makes me happy when I see him. When I got out he said sweet ride sis.
I know it's awesome my favorite kind of car in the world. He ask if it
had a good base in it and I said there's only one way to find that
out. So we hoped in my jeep turned up the music and went for a
drive,then he got a call so I took him to the base. He told me sorry
for having to leave and that he would call later.

I had the best people in my life. People to take care of me people who
actually cared. I went back to the house and of course Jacob and Seth...
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posted by surfergal
When we were done treading water it was about 5 am and we got to dry
off and go eat breakfast I think everyone was hungry. We went to class
afterward for what it seemed like forever but we watched a few videos
and answered some questions so of wasn't that bad. Then we all went
for a jog. It was so cold outside that you could see your breath. We
had ran about 2 miles when I started to have trouble breathing. I was
like great. So I fell behind some of the others and Senior Chief was
pulling up the so I fell back behind him a little bit. He asked “if I
was okay” he said “that he could hear...
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