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One of the best scenes in Twilight was when Bella descovered what Edward is..!The dialogue was perfect and Edward's face was something between sweet and sad,scared and worried!He didn't know how bad could Bella react,or how could her reaction effect their relantioship!Bella seems to not was afraid just a little like she couldn't just believe it! She knew that Edward wouldn't hurt her..
----“Your impossibly fast and strong, your skin is pail white and ice cold, your eyes change color and sometimes you speak like your from a different time, you never eat or drink anything, you dot go out in the sunlight, how old are you?” Bella asked...
“Seventeen” Edward said
“How long have you been seventeen?” Bella asked
“A while” Edward said
“I know what you are” Bella said
“Say it, out loud, say it!” Edward said
“Vampire” Bella said
“Are you afraid?” Edward asked
“No” Bella said...-----------
How could we react if we learnt something like this???Well,I think that many girls have thought how could they react,if they learnt that someone they are fall in love with, is a VIMPIRE! Some could be afraid,scared or even shocked,while oters could be ok! All these in case that their VIMPIRE could never loose control with them!
Well,bella had fathe and knew that Edward could never hurt her.!That was why she wasn't afraid of him but she just was afraid of losing him!...
------“Then ask me the most basic question, what do we eat?” Edward said
“You won’t hurt me, where are we going?” Bella asked
(Edward grabs her arm, leading her up the hill)
“Up the mountain, out of the cloud bank, you need to see what I look like in the sun light, this is why we don’t show our self in the sunlight, people would know we were different, this is who I am” Edward said
“Its like diamonds, you’re beautiful!” Bella said
“Beautiful? This is a skin of a killer Bella, I’m a killer” Edward said
“I don’t believe that” Bella said
“It’s because you believe a lie, camouflage, I’m the world’s most dangerous predator, every thing about me invites you in, my voice my face, even my smell, as if I wouldn’t need any of that, like you could out run me, like you could fight me off, I was designed to kill” Edward said
(Troughs tree branch)
“I don’t care” Bella said
‘I’ve killed people before” Edward said
“That doesn’t matter” Bella said
“I wanted to kill you, I never wanted a human’s blood so much in my life” Edward said
“I trust you” Bella said
“Don’t” Edward said
“I’m here I trust you” Bella said--------------

'''I still don’t know if I
can control myself....'''
I’m the world’s most dangerous predator...
I’m the world’s most dangerous predator...
I know what you are!
I know what you are!
added by Brysis
added by Elena2597
Source: Elena2597
added by aninha_cb
posted by lucie98
Okay thinking of writing a new story heres a little bit.

The winding, overgrown path lies before me. I'd always been good with horror movies but this was too much. Stupid car breaking down in a place like this. Why did this house have to be the first one I came to. My first step triggered something. As my foot landed on the hard gravel with a soft thud, it all started. Suddenly the wind picked up and turned into a blowing gale, throwint the leaves into a swirl around me. My vision became blurred making the mossy ground before me disappear. The trees, hung low at an akward angle as if held there...
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posted by vampnarutogirl1
"Hey" someone shouts. I turn around
"er..... Yeah" i replie.
"what lesson do you have next?" asks Sam "i have science in room 208"
"erm.... Let me check" i replie to sam looking at my planner. Hmm i have science in the same room i thought.
"Guess what"
"what?" sam asks confused.
"I'm in the same room as you" i say.

This is just a normal day for me. Mondays to fridays school days. Yes i'm just a normal kid. In highschool, just trying to get my GCSE's. I have made some good friends who just like me want to work hard to get their GCSE's and get a job. I just didn't realize just how much they were like...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 19
Ivan opened his eyes a little and then a little more until he opened ham all the way.
“nessie?” he said quietly. He remembers me. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face and then I tried to put up a smile too but I failed miserably.
“ivan , how did u get in an accident?” I asked him. Eager to know.
“when I left the reservation I was driving back home but then I remembered your face how you looked at me before you left so I turned around and started driving back to the reservation but then a car came out of nowhere and that’s all I remember” he told me.
“the good...
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posted by LexisFaith
Hey guys! An idea for you all! Take one of my articles, and make your own one page story (a one shot) from it. No certin length, doesn't have to end pretty, and it doesn't matter which one you choose. It can even be one's that I have already ended.


It needs to be put on my Lexis Faith Articles page. That way everyone's is in one spot.

It has to be one of my stories but with YOUR twist.

It must be done and added by October 16. No late articles will be judged.

Jessica (JessElizabeth) my best friend will be helping me judge. Yes I know her personally, we go to school together and have been...
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posted by NeeNee14
I got home and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I went outside and sat on the porch, listening to the city sounds of Seattle.

I was thinking about Ryan, I have known him for over a month now and I really like him, I feel...complete when he's around.He makes me smile.....I heard a car pull up in front of my house and I saw a big guy, with a ski mask on his face get out and come towards me. I tried to get up and run, but he was too fast. I tried to scream and fight back, but he hit me in the face and everything went black.

I opened my eyes. I could hear the buzzing of the dim lights...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 20
Damn when I start writing a story I cant stop. Please tell me when to stop..
“ivan!” I yelled in happiness. I gave him a long kiss. Ryan was walking by with his friends.
“dude I think ou’re out look at them” ryan’s firnd said.
“don’t worry I’ll be with her.” Ryan told him. I pulled away from Ivan.
“how did you some here?” I asked him.
“you said you’re grandfather would be looking after me so he took me with him” he told him.
“im sohappy right now” I told him and hugged him tightly.
“its about time, you make everyone happy and you don’t care if you get...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Have you ever thought of a reason to stay inside for the day? Was it because you felt sick, or was it because you were just too lazy to throw your legs over the side of the bed, get up, and start the day? Whichever answer you choose, if it's you feeling sick, or you being to lazy, or because of a different reason, then tell me this: what have you done that day to feel good about yourself? Did you clean your house because your family/guests are coming over? Did you get up to make breakfast...
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posted by mia1emmett
>>if you see car-- that means i forgot how to spell dr.cullens name :/ not a very good twilight fan i know :(
            Chapter 5
As I was walking down my stairs I saw a jeep pull up in front of my
House. When Emmett poked his head out he said "Ella come on" I got in to
Find rose Alice jasper and Emmett all in the car I smiled to everyone.
Then I felt something sharp as if it was hitting me in the gut. I said
"Thank you guys you didn't have to pick me up. I know me finding my
Brother isn't something that you guys should be doing...
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This is dedicated to kstewrox who has given me ideas for this story thank you so much!!!

These past couple of months have been fantastic, I quit going to ballet practice since I was to advanced for the classes. Me and Seth were closer than ever, both volitionally and physically. School was out.
I went to the store in Port Angeles with Nessie and Kim. We walked into The CVS because the needed "Girl" things. I was walking with them, when I realized I hadn't had my Period in two months. I stopped and sat on the floor. Kim and Ness came up to, tears streaming down my face.
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posted by groovychicklisa
My nerves started acting up during the week that followed. Though Doctor Jamieson had told me that most first time mothers went over the due date, I still analyzed every feeling. I had experienced some Braxton Hicks contractions over the past month or so, but Doctor Jamieson had assured me that I would know when the real thing started.

May eleventh came – and went – and still no baby.

"The doctor did say to expect this." Charlie pointed out that Friday, three days after my due date.

"I know." I grumbled, rubbing my back. "I was just hoping that I had passed on my punctuality."

"You weren't...
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Hey everyone,
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while.
My family and I went camping for the fourth of July. We have been gone since Friday and just got back today.
I was camping, boating, and tubing, so I am fried and crispy lol.
I am going to write another Ever After a little later. Sorry for the wait!!!
Thank you for all who read and love my articles!


ps. I'm not so sure I am going to continue my Happiness article. I think I'm going to try another one about Edward and Bella and see if I like that one better. Hope you all don't mind.
I ran all the way back to Jake's. I knocked on the door until someone came to the door. It was Billy.
"Hey Billy. Is Jake home?'I asked.
"He's in his room Nessie."He said back. Billy moved out of my way so I could come in. I knocked on Jacob's door.
"Come in" He said. I opened his door. He looked at me and took in my red-rimmed eyes.
"Ness, what's wrong?" He asked. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his cheek to show him what happened. When it was over he hugged me and rubbed my back.
"Do you wanna stay here for tonight?" He asked me after I calmed down. I shook my head yes.
Later that night...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    I walked on into the kitchen, and all of their heads snapped towards me. Great. "Don't mind me," This southern thing was sticking well. "I'm just an exterminator. One of you called me, I'm just trying to find the source of the bug problem." I smiled and tipped my hat.
    They went back to there conversation as I drew quickly and un-noticedly on my note-pad. They didn't even ask me what I was doing, so I just kept moving on until...
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posted by Tatti
So I've decided to start new fanfic and I hope it won't be boring. Please comment what you liked the most and what you think I could improve.
It's happening two years after the end of Breaking Dawn.


The match was exciting! I was never really into sports but after becoming a vampire (which meant after losing my clumsiness) I started to enjoy it. Edward likes to joke that I'm almost as bad as Emmett. But how can I didn't like that wonderful feeling when you almost fly?
Today's match was also amazing because everyone was playing so we were able to form two strong teams of four people. Nessie...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Tabra and I followed Jerek into his room, we closed the door and talked this out.
    "We're the spies?" Tabra asked.
    "Yupp." Jerek said and removed his shirt, and went to his closet. "Why?"
    "I'm good with it, but I don't think Cyd is."
    "No, not really! For one, if he catches us, it'll be Tabra and I who get toasted first. Well no, scratch that, Jerek will be toasted first. We'll be tortured...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
" Jacob, i know, and I;m sorry."
"you have a new baby?" He eyes winced as he glanced at edward.
A part of me half expected Jacob to start ranting on about the treaty. But EJ was still at an age where you couldn't tell, "what" he was.
my heart cringed as i started to see the pain in the eyes of my ex lover.
I part of me will always Love jacob, there is no getting out of that.
We have a child together. We were Married. And we loved. He was, he is my best friend.
And i hurt him , more then i dont think anyone could have.
Sometimes i think that what i done was just so bad that i wondered how even...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's more for all you adoring Twihearts!!! Comment and let me know how you feel about this update, please! :D Much love to all you guys!!! ^.^
Bella’s terrified expression turned blank; a half vampire? How was that even possible? And how did she know Carlisle and the Volturi? If this Summer Rose girl had an intimate relationship with the Volturi clan, she could jeopardize the lives of everyone she loves. “Edward—“, but before Bella could finish, Carlisle lithely stood with the rest of the leaving crowd and walked over to Edward and...
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