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Chapter 40: Captivity Loves Company (Nessie's POV)

Jane kept shooting Amore and I the dirtiest looks. She was jealous because we were Aro’s new pets, I was confident that he wouldn’t hurt us. We were too valuable to him. I worried for Nahuel though; they kept him locked up since he had already betrayed them once by trying to warn us. Amore was terrified and cried tearlessly most of the time. I touched her hand, “Stay strong, my sister. We will be alright.” She looked at me worriedly and held my hand tighter, “I want to go home.” I made sure not to have these silent conversations with her whenever Aro touched one of us, which was unfortunately a frequent event. He was so curious about us; he wanted to learn all that he could. I smiled at Amore sadly. I knew she was worried about Seth; it had looked as though Nahuel had killed him. The memory brought me back to the memory of Jake being held under Jane’s power writhing in pain. I felt Amore stiffen as she picked up the memory I was having. We were sitting in the main room with Aro, Caius, Marcus and the rest of the guard when someone announced, “We have visitors.” Everything was a blur, the doors slammed open as my entire family walked into the room. My father led the way the look on his face was so scary that it caused me to gasp. He was flanked by Uncle Emmett who was also furious and my grandfather on his other side. There were three people with him that I didn’t recognize; they walked right behind them, protecting the rest of the family. The three strangers looked oddly familiar. “Aro,” My grandfather’s voice boomed, “We need to talk.” Aro stood up graciously, “Welcome my friend, I wish that you would have informed me of your impending visit.” Jane stood by smiling wickedly waiting to be called upon for service. “What is the meaning of this, “my father added. “Now, Edward please be calm. Everything is fine.” Aro cooed. Emmett growled, “Let the girls go.” Aro turned his gaze on my Uncle. Amore froze in worry. “I had meant to congratulate you and Rosalie on your beautiful daughter, she is really something,” He said as he gently stroked her cheek, Amore grunted as she cringed and pulled back. My Uncle Emmett growled and stepped forward, but my Aunt Rosalie held him back. Jane stepped forward defensively. My mother hurriedly stepped forward and raised her shield to protect the family. Aro watched the scene unfold and clapped his hands as he chuckled, “My, this is exciting. Really Bella, there is no need for shielding anyone we mean you no harm. We borrowed the girls in order to get you to come for an overdue visit. We knew that you wouldn’t make the time to come otherwise, being that you are all so busy these days.” Aro placed an arm around Amore and I. A series of growls emitted from various members of our family, Amore looked at me worriedly and I turned my face to stone and nodded encouragingly. “What do you want Aro,” my father demanded, he was losing his patience. Aro smiled, but it was a dangerous smile. I hadn’t been around him very long, but I had already learned how deceiving his friendliness was. Aro looked at his brothers and looked back at my father focusing his opaque red eyes on him, “Your family has grown quite a bit Carlisle, and you all for the most part have wonderful attributes that you can offer to the greater good of keeping our kind safe. We want to propose a merger of sorts. We want all of you to join us.” My father’s eyes flashed, “Never.” Aro nodded and smiled widely he was clearly enjoying this, “Very well, then say goodbye to your daughter and niece as they will be joining, I have great plans for them.” My father looked at me with the most heartbreaking look at that moment. I blinked back the tears that were coming. I had to stay strong for him. Aro gestured for one of the guard to get Nahuel, “I have big plans for your daughter, Edward. She will spend an eternity with Nahuel. Did you know that they are the only two of their kind that are left in the world? Imagine the possibilities; the powers that their children will be able to provide us with.” I gasped. My fathers face filled with hatred. Suddenly one of the strange men growled furiously, “Let her go!” I looked at him and suddenly recognized in horror that it was my Jacob, well not exactly my Jacob. But it was Jacob. What had happened to him, he looked different, so pale… his eyes were red. “Oh no,” I gasped. Suddenly Nahuel stumbled forward, “Aro where are my sisters, why would you say that Renesmee and I are the only ones.” Caius smiled widely, “you broke your side of the deal and we broke ours. Your sisters and aunt are no longer with us.” Nahuel howled in rage and suddenly was writhing on he ground as Jane smiled viciously at him. “Ah thank you my child, you bring me such joy.” Aro commended her as she beamed. “Yes master.” She replied gleefully. Aro’s attention was focused on Jacob and the two others who were with him a man and woman, “and who do we have here, Carlisle? Your family seems to get larger by the day.” Aro had removed his hands from us so I took this as my chance to communicate with Amore. I reached behind Aro’s back and found her hand, “It’s Jake. I think that is Seth and Leah with him!” I told her, “What happened to them…they look like one of us” she whispered back in her mind. My grandfather looked at him sternly, “It is no concern of yours Aro. They are family.” Jane spoke up, “Master, the two males are the wolves that we overtook in the woods.” I shot her an evil look and she stuck her tongue out at me. Caius’s eyes narrowed, “werewolves,” he growled. “How dare they set foot here. It is an aberration.” My grandfather looked at Caius, “They are of our kind, Caius. They are vampires.” Amore and I gasped at the same time. Aro smiled and grabbed both of us and led us down to where my family stood, his shield Renata stepped forward and began following closely behind holding onto his back, whimpering. “Amazing,” he commented, “How did they withstand the change, I thought that venom killed their kind.” My grandfather patiently replied, “They never were werewolves.” I looked into Jake’s eyes and I felt the tears welling up. I couldn’t believe what he had done. The look on his face scared me I could feel his pain; his eyes were tortured at how close I was but yet so far away. Amore was looking at Seth in the same way. Aro was distracted by the conversation he was having with my grandfather. It all happened so fast, one moment Aro was holding onto Amore and I and the next Jake ran out from the shield to where we stood, he was completely exposed, “Jacob no!” My grandfather yelled. He grabbed us and ran back to the family, leaving a stunned Aro behind. Jake and I stepped into my mothers shield with Amore behind suddenly she tripped. Jane took advantage of her one moment of weakness, Amore shrieked and fell to the ground writhing I looked over and saw Jane grinning smugly at her. Aunt Rosalie let out a feral snarl and within seconds Jane was on the ground convulsing as Seth picked up a very bewildered Amore and brought her next to Jake and I within the safety of my mother’s shield. Everyone looked at Jane in awe. “NOBODY harms my child,” my Aunt Rosalie growled. At the sound of her voice everyone looked to her in shock. She broke her concentration from Jane and ran to Amore. It was as though she had turned Jane’s power against her, and given her a taste of her own medicine. Alec helped Jane up and she turned to us and growled furiously, as she crouched waiting to attack. Nahuel took advantage of this moment of distraction and ran over to our side. My father growled at him, but I turned to him, “daddy, it’s ok, he’s one of us.” Aunt Rosalie embraced Amore tightly and Uncle Emmett ran to them .My father rushed to my side he held me tightly and kissed my forehead. My mother was distracted with keeping her shield in tact. Aro looked disturbed, “Enough, there is no need for violence on either side.” He turned his attention on my Aunt Rosalie, “Rosalie I had no idea that you were gifted.” She looked at him through narrowed eyes. Aro’s eyes tapered in return.” Unfortunately if you refuse to form an alliance we will not be able to resolve this amicably.” Demetri and Felix stepped forward. Jane and Alec were trying to penetrate my mother’s shield and couldn’t. Just as Demetri stepped forward to attack me Nahuel stepped in front of me and Jake protectively and closed his eyes. Demetri dropped his hand from where it was positioned in front of my throat. He howled in pain and backed away with wide and frightened eyes. Jake threw me behind him and Leah. Aro’s eyes boggled. “Another shield?” He asked in amazement. My grandfather stepped forward, my mother and Nahuel close behind shielding him from any mental or physical attacks. “Aro, we simply want to take the girls and Nahuel and be on our way. We did not intend to cause you any harm. We will be leaving now.” Caius thundered, “That will not be possible.” He stood up and floated down next to his brother. Marcus followed closely behind, looking bored. Aro looked at Caius unable to mask his uncertainty. My grandfather’s forehead became lined. Ironically he looked as though he had aged over the past few days, “I was afraid that you might say that, I had truly hoped that it wouldn’t come to this.” The doors slammed open again, Amore and I as well as the Volturi and their guard looked on in shock. My father and grandfather had assembled all of the covens who had defended me years ago. Tanya led the way. Aro seemingly shaken tried to regain his composure, “Tanya, how nice of you to join us.” She looked at him through narrowed slits and snarled. She and Kate were still mourning their fallen sister whom the Volturi had executed 7 years ago. “We aren’t here for a social visit Aro, enough is enough. Release them. We do not want to fight but are prepared to.” I had to smile to myself. There was nothing that the Volturi could do. They were cornered. Although we were on their turf they were grossly outnumbered, and dangerously close to being overthrown. Even if the numbers were even, our side had far greater gifts than theirs did. We had two shields so all of their attacks were useless. My aunt Rosalie seemed able to turn a person’s power on them, not to mention all of the gifts of the other covens. I was so proud of my grandfather; he was brilliant. Jake grasped my hand as we awaited the verdict. Aro was in counsel with his two brothers. He turned back to us, “You are all free to go. We are sorry that things took such a bad turn. We never intended to hurt your granddaughters Carlisle.” My grandfather looked at him skeptically. My father growled at Aro’s thoughts. “Oh, and Carlisle. Do not ever set foot in Volterra again.” His eyes darkened, “there will not be any exceptions the next time. Your family is no longer welcome here.” My grandfather nodded. “Fair enough, as long as you stay out of my territory, and those of the covens that stand with me.” Growls erupted from the Volturi guard. They were not used to being dealt ultimatums. Aro’s eyes became very dull, “Good bye my old friend. May our paths cease to meet again.” Everyone started to back out slowly, my mother and Nahuel kept their shields up for the entire duration. They didn’t drop the shields until well after we were on the plane and even then they were guarded.
posted by LexisFaith
Emma Pov

"McKenzi Shae Hollis!" She knew she was in trouble. She walked in, her blonde bob hiding her face. "Did you break this?" I asked pointing to the picture frame.

"I didn't mean to, Momma! Miles and me was running and I bumped into the table and it fell down and Miles told me not to tell you so I didn't and he set it back up on the table and we ran." Miles did have some of Aaron's mischeviousness.

"Miles Spencer Hollis!" I yelled for him.

He walked in next with his head bowed also. "Why did you tell your sister to not tell?"

"Because she would get in trouble." He didn't like it when she was...
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The rest of the nights were as plain and ordinary as the rest. I have never really been a fan of the night, even though that's when we were forced to hunt when it was hunting season. All the humans got to hunt when they could just go to the supermarket, and we had to wait. I couldn't blame them though. Fresh meats tastes better than store bought. Charlie taught me that.

The drizzle didn't stop for the whole night, that I didn't even notice that it was 8:37. It didn't leave that much time to get to school, only 3 minutes. "Guys!" I called out, rushing to Nathan's room. "Nathan. Wake up!" He woke...
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I quickly turned my head away. Just feeling his presence near me, makes me want to melt.

"Bella. Look at me." He placed his hand on to my arm, before he jerked back. I looked up, to see Johnson holding him back.

"Get away." He growled into Edward's ear. Even if I didn't see him for such a long time, it still hurt me to see Edward in so much pain like this. It shouldn't, in fact bother me at all, but for some strange reason, I felt like hitting Johnson in the face for even putting a hand on Edward.

"But... Bella." He said, in that smooth velvety voice, the one he used to use on me, to get what...
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Bellas POV
I am at school just like normal. I've been mainly chatting to my friends; but they got their own lives and boyfriends. And yet- I haven't got one. I am perfectly fine with that; but I can't help wondering what it would be like if I had one. Mike is just a good friend, so is Tyler and all the other guys at school, but Edward... was different. I met him on my first day in class, (in bio,) cause we are parteners. But I don't know because we are kinda rivals in a way because he hates me for some reason. I done nothing to him, but he judges me before he even knows me. He doesn't speak...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "He's a dead man!" Tabra blurted, and I swerved a bit on the road.
    "We need to get to him before they do."
    "This is borad day light, he can't sneak past the guards like before." I was thinking outloud, and no one interrupted me. "He won't make it three steps with that weapon in his hand, and he'll be shot down."
    "Maybe not." Shropee said, and I turned a left curve.
    "What do you mean?" I asked her,...
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We sit down and I can instantly tell that Micah is uncomfortable. He looks around and then stares at the salt shaker.

"Whats wrong Micah?" I lean over and try to see what he is staring at.

"Why is there a dead bug in the salt?" His eyes widen as it starts to move.

He scoots his chair back slightly, and doesn't take his eyes off the beetle in the salt shaker.

He looks at me for a split seccond and says, "Can we go somewhere else?" There is fright in his eyes and I feel symathetic for him. He has always hated bugs. He got it from me.

"Yes." I stand up grab my purse and watch as he jusmps out...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Two words. Two words was all Jerek said after Tabra told him what Shropee told us. "I'm in." Those two words confined our next job. With those two words, I was scared. With those two words I knew this would come out in a disaster. Those two little words told me many things. And they asked the familiars: who, what, when, where, and why. Well, just for a second until those two words brought me back into the conversation. Two words was all it took. Two words brought me to my death.

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posted by mia1emmett
i dont know should this be the last chapter... ok ill see if i want to right more
Chapter 9
I remember that day
I was on the stairs on my laptop typing away when Jacob ran through the doors. Edward growled for a second then he stood in shock. Jacob ran into Emmett’s face and was screaming:
Jake: “Emmett Embry imprinted on her”
Em: “who?”
Jake: “you know who!”
Em: “no he couldn’t have!”
Jake: “he did”
Em: “when?!”
Jake: “yesterday at the bonfire”
Em: “she was there?
Jake: “yeah”
Em: “Embry...
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Chapter Three:
Alice’s P.O.V:
As we pulled into the little hut we would be staying in we heard Bella whine. “Can’t we go to a hotel?” I shook my head, “No, Bella. We’re staying somewhere private!” She finally gave up whenever she saw her room. “Nice!” It was bigger than the outside appeared and on the side of the beach. The wooden frame was painted a light green that sparked in the light. The kitchen was well kept with a cherry wood table and a glass vase full of daisies on the table-top. My room was painted a very light pink like a powder room and had a queen sized bed. It...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
Chapter 8

Just thought I would give you some of Ethan’s point of view.

It pained me to leave her but I had to. I try to see and be in her dream but she wasn’t dreaming. This confused me and frustrated me than my great aunt Alice. She had to play dress up with my imprint NOW. Alana was stone, cold on the bed unconscious. She was picking at my nerves and sending me over edge.
“Ethan you will survive. I know you don’t think so right now but you will because she needs you.” Edward was trying his best to keep me calm.
“How do you know? You can’t even read her mind. You also don’t...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Here is Jacob's POV sorry I didn't post earlier my dad dragged me on a fishing trip. lol...but it was fun! :)

Chapter 16. (Jacob)

I can't believe Bella would be so stupid to do this. I heard her thoughts go away as she phased. She addressed the vampires by name. I heard her talking to them. "Tanya, Kate, Carmen, Elenazer nice to finally meet you." I heard her say. "I know you don't know me but I would have meet you sooner or later. I'm Bella." She held her hand out for them to shake it. I growled. She could get herself killed. I tuned out what they were talking but I knew everyone was listening...
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posted by twilight_james
This story is also avaible on under the same name.
The only chapter from Edward's POV.
Disclaimer-You recognize, I don't own. Simple. Anything else=mine

I didn’t know how long it had been, since I had committed the atrocious deed. All I knew was that my chest had been carved open, and someone had wrenched my heart out. The pain was washing over my body in waves, each one worse than the last, each one dragging me further into my personal hell.
I heard a car come up the driveway. My hands clenched around the floorboards, ripping some of the up in the process, as my screams continued...
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Looking for Download Twilight Eclipse Movie a popular movie released this week & we know you’re so excited to link with DVD Format,then you’re at perfect destination to you can also Transfer Twilight Eclipse Movie download to watch on iPod,Zune,Dvd or PSP

This weekend could go down in history as the Fourth of July when the vampires and werewolves took over. Based on preliminary figures from Wednesday night's opening of "Eclipse," Deadline Hollywood is reporting that the third "Twilight" movie is expected to have the best-ever midweek opening in history, with a $65 million...
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"This was never going to end was it?"-This story takes during Eclipse
"This was never going to end was it?"-This story takes during Eclipse
True Lies, Teen Girls:
Alice’s P.O.V:
“Umm, Mr.?” I asked the man upfront. He kept driving, “Yes?” “Can I talk…to my brother?” I asked. He grumbled then finally sighed, “I guess.” “Thanks.” “Whatever.” I sighed and looked over at Edward, “I didn’t do this.” He rolled his eyes, “Alice! When are you gonna realize that Charlie hates me.” I looked at him. “I’m never gonna get out. And I’ll NEVER see Bella again.” I shook my head, “Carlisle’s gonna bail us out, Ed.” Edward looked down, “Look, Ali. I love you. You know that. I always will...but…just...
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You got done petting the dog and then saw the time it was 8 at night.
You: Sabrina dear it is time for bed.
She nodded and ran to the house. You laughed and went towards the house. You went in and put her to bed after she was in her pajamas. You kissed her night and went to your room. You saw Emmett looking at a photo album.
You: Well, handsome what are you looking at?
Em: Oh just pictures and imagining you in a sexy outfit.
He smiled and you giggled and shut the door and went to him in no time. You kissed him and before you knew it you both were naked. (I am going to let you use your imagination)...
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You got there and saw Rose and Edward making out on the couch. You laughed and then cleared your throat.
You: Wow. Didn't see that coming.
Alice: Me either. This is very awkward.
They were staring at you guys now embaressed.
Em: Now that you both are done making out. Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper please get in here.
They got there in no time.
Carlisle: Yes Emmett.
Your thoughts: I hope they believe.
You froze again.
*Vision 3*
The little girl is still tied up and is being raped. She is screaming and crying. But, then he cuts her throat. She is bleeding to death.
*End of Vision*
You: Alice. It is getting worse....
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You have been in so much pain with the burning going through your body. You feel like screaming and pouring water on your body to put out the fire. The thing that is keeping you sane is the pictures of your family. You only see them and that is what you think is pulling you through. You see all of their smiling face. But, now they are starting to disappear. No they can't disappear. All that you see now is darkness pure black darkness. You are so confused. You are trying search for the images but, all you see is nothing. You still feel the fire burning in you.
Emmett POV:
It has been 2 1/2 days...
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Bella’s P.O.V:
“What?” she asked Alice confused. “We’re…you; I and Edward are going to jail.” “What the hell, Alice?” I screamed. I wasn’t going to jail. Charlie would absolutely kill me. Kill me. I ran over to the phone and called Edward on his cell phone. “Whoa, whoa, Bella…you’ll disturb him and he’ll fr-e...” Edward had already picked it up, “Bella? Alice? Rosalie?” he asked. “Bella.” I answered. “Oh, hello my love.” I giggled, happily, “Yeah, umm are you almost done?” He appeared to be thinking, “Yes, love-let me finish up this elk and I will...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    The next thing I knew, was that it was only half-past midnight and Jerek was gone. I looked at the bathroom door and saw it was opened all the way. So, I got up, feeling groggy, and wondering where he went. I went into the kitchen, and noticed the place felt eerily quiet. The air was thick with death, and I could only wonder what happened. I passed through the meeting room, and saw it empty. I went into the kitchen, it was vacant too. I checked the bunkers and checked to see if everyone...
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posted by a-jforever
After fixing and eating tea I decided I was tired enough to go to bed. It was ten o’clock so I guess it was acceptable. I climbed under the cold sheets, quickly falling asleep, dreaming of my visit to Renesmee’s tomorrow.

I moaned as my alarm went off knowing it was six thirty and that I had to go to school. I switched on my giant stereo dancing around to some of my favourite songs while I was showering and getting dressed. By the time I had turned if off and got down stairs my parents had already left for work which ment I needed to hunt for my keys. There was a knock at the front door....
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