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posted by just_bella
Ok I wasn't going to write anymore but I really wasn't happy with the last chapter. So I decided to try again :)

End of Chapter 10

I don't know how much time passed, no one said anything. Jasper continued to hold me, occasionally running his hands through my hair. I kept looking into the future, hoping that Edward would change his mind, maybe Carlisle would talk to him. No matter how much I looked everything stayed the same.

I had stopped looking, the pain cutting me in half, I couldn't handle it anymore. I decided to sit up and try to figure out where we were, and much to my surprise we were almost to Tanya's house.

"Alice?" I heard Rosalie say.

"Yes Rose?" I answered.

"I know that you two are the closest, is he going to be ok?" She sounded honestly concerned.

"I don't think so, I'm not sure. I can't see his future, he keeps changing things." I whispered.

"We're almost there, look you can see the house." Emmett said, the excitement in his voice.

I looked out the front window and saw the huge log house. I looked at Jasper and smiled slightly, I knew that staying here was only a temporary arrangement.

I closed my eyes one more time and focused on Edward. About 7 hours had passed since we left, I wasn't sure if he had talked to Bella yet. There wasn't any clarity with her when I focused on her, but when I focused on Edward I saw him running. I thought that he was somewhere in the south, maybe Louisiana or Texas.

I tried to make sense of this but I couldn't, why would he go south? Why go where there is more sun?

Chapter 11

We pulled up front of the house and saw everyone standing waiting for us. Tanya, Irina, Kate, Carmen and lastly Eleazar. They all were standing with smiles on their faces, they obviously knew we were coming and came out to welcome us.

Emmett jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and ran over to the group. Rosalie followed behind, excited to be somewhere new. Jasper climbed out next, turning back to look at me.

"You coming?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be along in a second. You go ahead." I said as I tried to smile.

"Ok, remember I love you right?" He asked.

"I know Jazz, I'm just not in the mood to be around people right now. Go ahead, I'm just going to go for a walk." I said as I looked around at the woods that bordered the property.

Jasper kissed me gently and climbed out of the car, walking over to greet our exteded family. I heard someone mention my name and Jasper began to explain that I needed to be alone for a while. They all started walking into the house, Tanya turning back to look at me before closing the door.

When everyone was inside and probably answering all their questions about why we left and why I was still in the car when I got out of the car and ran into the woods. My legs carried me as far away as I dared to get, I stopped when I found a rock that was big enough to hold me.

I looked around, wishing Edward was here because I knew that he would enjoy being out here away from Tanya.

I smiled a little as I thought about how long Tanya had been lusting after Edward. He was always such a gentleman to her, not leading her on yet being carefull about how he worded that he was not interested. I hoped that she wouldn't start pushing him again, I was sure that he wasn't ready for that yet. I felt myself smile at the thought of him turning her down again.

I laid back on the rock and looked around at the stars that were beginning to brighten the sky. I imagined Edward laying here when he left town origionally to get away from Isabella so that he wouldn't kill her.

I closed my eyes, focusing on Bella. I know he told me not to look but well he didn't always keep his promises so why should I. Plus he made it clear that he wasn't coming here so he would never know.

I focused on Bella and what her future held. It was the strangest thing I had seen, her future was so scrambled. One second she was laying in her bed, not moving or responding to anyone. The next second I saw her trying to move on, smiling at lunch with our friends.

I focused on that last vision the most, Bella smiling and acting as if nothing had changed. I really hoped that this would be the future that she choose.

I think I was on that rock for about 2 hours when I heard footsteps behind me. I jumped to my feet and took a defensive stance, not knowing who it was because they were still far enough away.

"Alice, can we talk?" Tanya asked.

"Oh Tanya, it's you. I'm really not in the mood to talk right now, I would rather be alone." I said quietly.

"Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper told us what is happeneing. I came out because Carlisle and Esme just arrived and they are worried about you, and to tell you truth so are we." She said as she walked out of the woods and came to sit beside me.

"I'm not the one everyone should worry about." I said bitterly.

"Yes, they are more worried about Edward. However; they have never seen you lost before." She explained.

"I'm not lost, I know where I am. I am the last person to worry about. They should worry about Bella, when I look I see her not responding to anyone. Her father and mother are trying to get her to respond but she just lies there and stares into space." I said, the sobs returning to my voice.

"They don't know what to do. Esme feels lost, she hasn't been without Edward and now she feels like she is loosing you. She can not handle feeling like her family is falling apart." She said.

"Hmph. She's not loosing me, and I think it has already fallen apart." I said as I walked past her and started running back to the house.

When I walked in everyone turned to watch me. Jasper walked over and hugged me tightly. I rested my head against his chest, taking in his smell that always seemed to calm me.Esme and Carlisle came over and hugged me next, the fear showing in Esme's normally happy face.

"Can you see anything about him?" Esme asked.

"He's somewhere south,some where sunny. Texas possibly? I can't see what he's doing, he's blocking me from seeing his future." I said quietly.

"Can he do that?" Rosalie asked.

"I didn't know he could now but when I look his future disappears. I think he is blocking me from seeing what he's doing so I don't find him." I whispered.

"And Bella?" Carlisle asked.

"I'm not suppose to look." I said defensivly.

I took a deep breath and sighed before continuing. "She's crushed, she is not responding to anyone or anything." I said as I walked over and sat next to Emmett who wrapped his arm around me.

Esme sighed and came to sit next to my feet. I felt my family supporting me and felt terribly guilty. They should be supporting Edward, not me.

I know this was probably pointless, but I grabbed my phone out of my pocked and dialed his number. It rang 7 times before the voicemail beeped.

"Edward it's Alice, call me please." I said.

"He's not answering any of us. We've all tried." Carlisle said.

We all sat around trying to figure out what our family would do now. Carlisle was saying that he would like to study again and Jasper agreed. Esme said that a new house might be the thing to keep herself busy. Emmett and Rosalie wanted to stay here for a while, a get away for them I guess.

I wished that I could see everything like Emmett, like everything happened for a reason but there was always a bright side to everything. Right now nothing seemed bright, everything was dull and unhappy.

We all sat around talking for a few hours. Tanya told us that we could stay as long as we wanted, that we were not in the way. I didn't want to stay, I wanted to go find Edward. I wanted to fix everything and didn't care about what I promised to Edward.
posted by emmaliecullen18
Emmett's POV.

"I know there is more to it than just that" She whispered.

I looked into her eyes. One of the purest shade of gold.Loving. How can I hurt my mother like this. My wife,my family. These people have given me all the love and happiness that I longed for.I sighed heavily and continued "Mom , it's nothing. Nothing you should worry about. I know that I've got myself in a mess, but please don't overreact." I studied her hoping she would buy it.Obviously not.She drew her hands from her hands lightly from my hair and patted my a cheek."Please feel free to talk to me....whenever...
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posted by 2468244
Your lips are nettles
Your tongue is wine
Your laughter’s liquid
But your body’s pine

You love all sailors
But hate the beach
You say come touch me
But you’re always out of reach

In the dark you tell me of a flower
That only blooms in the violet hour

Your arms are lovely
Yellow and rose
Your back’s a meadow
Covered in snow

Your thighs are thistles
And hot-house grapes
You breathe your sweet breath
And have me wait

In the dark you tell me of a flower
That only blooms in the violet hour

I turn the lights out
I clean the sheets
You change the station
Turned up the heat

And now you’re sitting
Upon your chair
You’ve got me tangled up
Inside your beautiful black hair

In the dark you tell me of a flower
That only blooms in the violet hour

In the dark you tell me of a flower
That only blooms in the violet hour
posted by teamjane99
Don't worry people; chapter four is in the works.
And again, WARNING: coarse language.


She exhaled deeply, a heavy sigh. “God, I have a feeling I’m going to regret telling you this,” she whispered, a hint of pink spilling across her caramel-colored cheeks.
“How could you think that?” I wondered.
“Because I’m a freak, that’s why. People always run from people like me, because of the damn stereotypes and it pisses me off.” She sighed. “I guess I can’t put it off any longer,” she said, taking a deep breath before continuing. “There are...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Emmett POV.
(btw Breck Dale and Roach Drad are purely mine.No SM involved)
(After Rose explains him)
"Hey Em, do you want to see their picture?" Rose asked.Breck..Roach.hmmm...these names are bugging me, definitely for the reason that one of them introduced Rose to her death but there is something more to it..Breck. I had a feeling that I knew this guy, At first I got very excited to know who the hell was mad enough to cause this damage to my girl.People really are getting sicker. "Emmett ? Are you okay?" I realized that I had not moved an inch after our talk and didn't answer her question.She...
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Edward's POV.

Post New Moon. Edward finally caves in to check up on Bella in forks after 3 years of being separated, only the find something opposite. [I haven't written in a while, so I apologise in advance]

Name: New Beginnings.
Author: KatiiCullen93
Rating: PG-13
Themes: Love, marriage, pregnancy, vampire,
Couplings: Jacob/Bella, Edward/Bella

Edwards POV

Three years almost seems like three days in this small town. Driving in, I instantly came to the realization that everything was the same as the time as I left. I'm not sure exactly what I expected but Forks was the same.

The sky was clouded overcast,...
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Chapter 2:
I woke up at 7 o clock, I was a little to excited to sleep any longer as today I was going to the castle of Volterra for a tour. I love my history, I learned that every year the people of Volterra hold a festival celebrating St Marcus’s day. They believe that Marcus chased vampires out of the Volterra and to this day is still chasing vampires to keep them out of the Volterra. It was absurd I know but they believe it. It was really hot out today so I wore light jean shorts, white belly top with my white pumps, I put my hair in a messy bun, with my dark framed sunglasses, I brought...
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posted by DWLoverTBCEDT
AU: I own a Cullen Crest wristband, and necklace, and a Team Edward bracelet. Unfortunately, I don't own Twilight. If I did there would have been a lot more Edward and a lot less Jacob. Kinda this chapter. As I promised, Edward. Have fun. Huge thanks to state of delusion for fixing my mistakes.

Chapter 3


I'm waiting for my moment to come,

I'm waiting for the movie to begin,

I waiting for a revelation,

I'm waiting for someone to count me in.

'Cause now I only see my dreams, in everything I touch,

Feel their cold hands on everything that I Love.

Cold like some magnificent skyline,

Out of my reach...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards pov
Where do I begin? The fact that killing is my job, and I send people to an early death? It never used to be like this though. If people did wrong; I stabbed them in the heart. What happened was; one day, the King and queen in our village; needed a fearless protector; to keep evil away from them. Somehow it ended up to be me, when there were no brave men to take up the challenge. So that is where I am today. It is my duty; to serve the King and queen and be a humble protector.

It was another sunny day, a day I thought; that I would get through without one muder. I felt happy. But...
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Twi­light star Robert Pat­tin­son turned down a lucra­tive record deal with Simon Cow­ell because he was con­vinced no one would like his music.

The actor, who plays gui­tar and piano, and com­poses his own songs, has rejected offers from sev­eral major music com­pa­nies and admits for­mer Amer­i­can Idol judge Cow­ell was des­per­ate to recruit him for his own firm.

But Pat­tin­son insists he wouldn’t fit in with the real­ity TV star’s tal­ent ros­ter — because Cow­ell only works with artists who are pop­u­lar with the public.

He says, “I love Simon, I think he...
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Director revealed new Twilight Breaking Dawn movie Info. “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” movie director Bill Condon recently posted a new update about the movie on the official “Twilight” Facebook Page. He revealed that they’re in the thick of pre-production,and more.

He stated, “Has it really been five months and a day since my last dispatch? In my defense, they’ve been five months spent immersed in the world of TWILIGHT,something I’m sure you can all appreciate. We’re in the thick of pre-production now, juggling everything from casting to storyboarding to location scouting, getting it all ready to go, but I do want to take a moment to announce to you exclusively a few of the amazing production team members who are hard at work alongside me, bringing these movies to life. I hope you’ll be as excited about them as I am:
posted by KatiiCullen94
What is fifty to a vampire? 50 years is two weeks in comparision. Can you complete your greive in two weeks, i prove evidence of that.

Flash Back;

"Mum, are you comming with me to get my wedding dress? you have to, i could do it without you, Alice is coming too" Renesemee moaned in complaint. As if she acatully did think that i diddnt want to come to and pick my daughters own dress to wed to my best friend, wow thats sounds twisted but so is my life.
Her small fique was neverageless so she always looked flawless, at least wont find her in trouble, such as night clubs and cigarettes, as may be...
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posted by LexisFaith
Emma Pov

"McKenzi Shae Hollis!" She knew she was in trouble. She walked in, her blonde bob hiding her face. "Did you break this?" I asked pointing to the picture frame.

"I didn't mean to, Momma! Miles and me was running and I bumped into the table and it fell down and Miles told me not to tell you so I didn't and he set it back up on the table and we ran." Miles did have some of Aaron's mischeviousness.

"Miles Spencer Hollis!" I yelled for him.

He walked in next with his head bowed also. "Why did you tell your sister to not tell?"

"Because she would get in trouble." He didn't like it when she was...
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I quickly turned my head away. Just feeling his presence near me, makes me want to melt.

"Bella. Look at me." He placed his hand on to my arm, before he jerked back. I looked up, to see Johnson holding him back.

"Get away." He growled into Edward's ear. Even if I didn't see him for such a long time, it still hurt me to see Edward in so much pain like this. It shouldn't, in fact bother me at all, but for some strange reason, I felt like hitting Johnson in the face for even putting a hand on Edward.

"But... Bella." He said, in that smooth velvety voice, the one he used to use on me, to get what...
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Bellas POV
I am at school just like normal. I've been mainly chatting to my friends; but they got their own lives and boyfriends. And yet- I haven't got one. I am perfectly fine with that; but I can't help wondering what it would be like if I had one. Mike is just a good friend, so is Tyler and all the other guys at school, but Edward... was different. I met him on my first day in class, (in bio,) cause we are parteners. But I don't know because we are kinda rivals in a way because he hates me for some reason. I done nothing to him, but he judges me before he even knows me. He doesn't speak...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "He's a dead man!" Tabra blurted, and I swerved a bit on the road.
    "We need to get to him before they do."
    "This is borad day light, he can't sneak past the guards like before." I was thinking outloud, and no one interrupted me. "He won't make it three steps with that weapon in his hand, and he'll be shot down."
    "Maybe not." Shropee said, and I turned a left curve.
    "What do you mean?" I asked her,...
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We sit down and I can instantly tell that Micah is uncomfortable. He looks around and then stares at the salt shaker.

"Whats wrong Micah?" I lean over and try to see what he is staring at.

"Why is there a dead bug in the salt?" His eyes widen as it starts to move.

He scoots his chair back slightly, and doesn't take his eyes off the beetle in the salt shaker.

He looks at me for a split seccond and says, "Can we go somewhere else?" There is fright in his eyes and I feel symathetic for him. He has always hated bugs. He got it from me.

"Yes." I stand up grab my purse and watch as he jusmps out...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Two words. Two words was all Jerek said after Tabra told him what Shropee told us. "I'm in." Those two words confined our next job. With those two words, I was scared. With those two words I knew this would come out in a disaster. Those two little words told me many things. And they asked the familiars: who, what, when, where, and why. Well, just for a second until those two words brought me back into the conversation. Two words was all it took. Two words brought me to my death.

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posted by mia1emmett
i dont know should this be the last chapter... ok ill see if i want to right more
Chapter 9
I remember that day
I was on the stairs on my laptop typing away when Jacob ran through the doors. Edward growled for a second then he stood in shock. Jacob ran into Emmett’s face and was screaming:
Jake: “Emmett Embry imprinted on her”
Em: “who?”
Jake: “you know who!”
Em: “no he couldn’t have!”
Jake: “he did”
Em: “when?!”
Jake: “yesterday at the bonfire”
Em: “she was there?
Jake: “yeah”
Em: “Embry...
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Chapter Three:
Alice’s P.O.V:
As we pulled into the little hut we would be staying in we heard Bella whine. “Can’t we go to a hotel?” I shook my head, “No, Bella. We’re staying somewhere private!” She finally gave up whenever she saw her room. “Nice!” It was bigger than the outside appeared and on the side of the beach. The wooden frame was painted a light green that sparked in the light. The kitchen was well kept with a cherry wood table and a glass vase full of daisies on the table-top. My room was painted a very light pink like a powder room and had a queen sized bed. It...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
Chapter 8

Just thought I would give you some of Ethan’s point of view.

It pained me to leave her but I had to. I try to see and be in her dream but she wasn’t dreaming. This confused me and frustrated me than my great aunt Alice. She had to play dress up with my imprint NOW. Alana was stone, cold on the bed unconscious. She was picking at my nerves and sending me over edge.
“Ethan you will survive. I know you don’t think so right now but you will because she needs you.” Edward was trying his best to keep me calm.
“How do you know? You can’t even read her mind. You also don’t...
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