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posted by just_bella
YEAH! When I finish this I will have written all 3 of my stories in one day. I don't know if this is something I will do often, but hey it was fun for tonight.

Last time:

We all went into our tents to get ready/go to bed. Jasper and I laid down, I rest my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. It seemed like we were laying there forever when I heard a zipper on another tent.

"Jazz, before you go can I ask you a question?" I said quietly.

He wrapped his arms around me again and kissed my nose.

"Anything, you know that." He said, concerned about my tone.

"Do you mind if I bring the book with, maybe after we hung we could read more?" I asked.

"Of course love, I think that is a wonderful idea, as long as you feel up to it. I know this is all taking it's toll on you." He said as he got to his knees infront of me.

I smiled up at him, realizing how lucky I was to have someone who cared for me regardless as to who I was in my past. He did care about my past, but at the same time it didn't change how we felt about eachother.

"Thanks, I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for going through all this with me, I don't know how I would do it alone." I said as I got to my knees and wrapped my arms around his back. I kissed him with all the love I had, we sat there embrassing eachother. I knew that everyone else had left, and that we should be going...but right now I needed Jasper, the animals and journal could wait.


We laid in eachothers arms smiling. I looked up at him and watched him smile.

"I suppose we should go eat, unless." Jasper said as he lifted my chin to kiss me again.

"Mmmm tough decision." I said kissing him back

"Ok well, we should go...we can finish this later. I mean we've got lots of time, and everyone will give us a hard time if when we get home we have to go hunting." Jasper said.

I sat up and started sorting out the clothing that was all over the tent. When we had our clothing back where it belonged we steped out of the tent.

We had about 4 hours before the sun would come up and we all would have to be back in our tents, so that we could continue this charade.

Jasper opened the tent and motioned for me to go first. I quickly grabbed the journal and got out, waiting for him to finish zipping the tent closed before we took off into the woods.

We did hunt, I found a herd of moose and took down a smaller female while Jasper went for the large mule that was turned to protect the rest of the herd.

I finished first, Jasper was still eating when I walked over and sat on a tree that had fallen close to where we ate.

When he finished he jogged over to me. "Full?" He asked.

"Yeah, a moose is a big animal. I'm good, you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm good, that bull put up a fight. I might have to remember that for next time I get to choose dinner." He said as he smiled down at me.

"Shall we?" He said as he offered his hand to me. I took it happily and we took off running back to where I was earlier today, the bluff with the beautiful view.

Jasper took out a small blanket that he had stored in his jacket and laid it out for us to sit on. I smiled at him and took a seat on the blanket. Jasper laid behind me so that I was supported by him.

"Ok, my turn to read this time." I said as I took the book out and laid it on my bent knees.

"It's dated May 1st. It says...Ok they are letting Dr. G and I have time away from the treatment rooms. He says that these times are for me to get everything off my chest. I find myself spilling everything to him. How much I want my family to come, how much I want to get out, how I would do {b} ANYTHING [/b} to get out of here.

He says that this is something we will discuss further in the future, I wonder what he means by this? I have a lot more freedom now, I can be alone all night, they still do either the treatments or private talking time with Dr. Gordon during the day.

I still hide this, I don't want people to know everything that I am thinking. Plus this is my private thoughts and no one should be able to read this but me.

Where was I?

Oh mother and father had gone off to talk to Dr. Gordon alone. They came back and that's when I was told that I was staying here.

I didn't understand, why would I have to stay here? I was crying very hard and had a lot of questions I wanted to ask my family.

"Why? Why do I have to stay here?" I wimpered.

"Mary, this is where they help people like you." Father said, looking around at the grounds instead of looking at me.

"How long do I have to stay, will you visit?" I asked my mother.

"Mary, you will have to stay until they feel you have made progress. And yes of course we will visit you. You are our daughter, we love you. We just want to help you." Mother said as she knelt down to my leavel and ran her hands over my face, wiping my tears away.

"Is there any way I can go home, I promise to get help. I will be good. I won't have visions anymore. I will be good." I said crying again.

My mother looked up at my father, her eyes pleading. Father looked down at me for the first time and then back to mother. He shook his head a few times. It was obvious where he stood with this and no one would change his mind.

"No Mary, I'm sorry. We will come visit often, I promise. The doctor says that you will be having treatments and that you should be 'back to normal' in no time." Mother said.

Cynthia came over and grabbed my hand, she looked up at mother. "Can I stay too? We haven't been apart, I will miss her. Please can I stay?" She begged.

"No Cynthia, you can't stay. I need you at home. You will get to come and visit as often as possible, we won't be too far from here and we will come very very often." Mother said.

The way she said it, it almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince Cynthia.

"It's time." Father said.

He came over and hugged me roughly, it was very aqward. It was like he didn't want to touch me but felt it was what I needed.

Mother came over next and knelt down infront of me. "We will be back soon, don't be scared. Dr. Gordon said that they will take very good care of you and he will watch out for you personally." She said as she hugged me tightly.

Cynthia came over last. The tears flowing down her face. We hadn't been apart for more then one day and both of us knew that this was going to be a bit longer then that.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me as tight as she could. We both knelt on the ground crying, niether one of us wanting to let go.

That's my favorite memory of my sister, we weren't going to let go of eachother. I remember that often when I get sad...which happens a bit around here.

I will write more the next time I am alone, please understand."

That was all that was written. I laid there my head back against Jasper wishing I could cry. I must have been so lonely, so scared, so hurt. I can't imagine a small girl left by her family.

Jasper took my hand and smiled down at me. "We should get back. Everyone will be back by now and people will be getting up soon." He said as we both stood up and started running back to the camp.
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Source: Kstewartfans
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Source: fuckyeahtwilightsaga tumblr