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posted by UchihaYuki
“Edward!!!!” Alice yelled from the front doorstep of the cottage, I was reading “Weathering Heights” again, wile Edward was watching Tv, He got up and went to the door I followed him, Alice was standing right outside the door, “You know it wasn’t locked Alice...” “Yes, I know but I just felt like yelling” she giggled, then turned serious again “Edward, I had a vision....” she trailed off, Edward was reading her mind as she thought, finally I said “What?, What was your vision about Alice...?” Edward looked at me then at Alice, “Aro’s coming Bella...” “W-w-why?” I shuddered, “Let me finish please,” I looked down for a second then locked eyes with Alice “Aro’s coming, He’s just carious, about Nessie... he means no harm to come, He’s actually bring a gift” she smiled, so did I, Edward was still serious, “Edward, go make Jasper calm you down!” I laughed, this time, he did too. “I just don’t like the thought of the Volturi coming here...” “It’s not the Volturi, its just Aro, Edward,” “Yes, but he’s the head of the Volturi Bella” “Edward, I think you should listen to Bella, and go have Jasper calm you down” Me and Alice both laughed,
“Alice, how long until Aro gets here?” I thought about what I just said Of course he’d be coming at night, duh. Alice didn’t answer, she knew I wasn’t thinking. “But around what time of night?..” Edward said, backing me up, “Um around midnight, he wanted to make sure no humans where around at all” “That makes since.. I guess.” I mumbled, then I looked up at the clock it was exactly 7pm “But what if Jane decides to come along?” I asked, not thinking again.. I knew Jane didn’t like coming here, but I did know she liked torturing Edward. “Never mind...” Alice came in and sat down, I sat next to her wile Edward went and sat on the big couch since we took the little one, we all sat there in silence at first, then I broke the silence “So... he’s only a couple of hours from being here?” I asked, “Yes, I assume so... as I said before he means no harm, he just wants to see Nessie, the last time he saw her was when we where about to fight last winter..I guess he just wants to see how she’s grown..and such, you know?... And it’s almost her Birthday! So I’m guessing that’s what the present’s for...” I wondered to my self, Nessie would only be 1 or 2, in human years, but she seemed like she was 6 or 7, I guess years didn’t really matter, Alice loved throwing party’s, especially Birthdays. I laughed quietly, we had nothing to do besides wait, so Alice turned on the Tv and flipped threw the channels for about a minuet, “Nothing good is on, Bella you go pick out a movie..” I got up and went to the Tv, and picked out one of my favorite movies, “William Shakespear’s Romeo and Juliet” with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, I stuck the movie in and went back to sit with Alice, but Edward grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his lap, I put my arm around his neck and he kissed my forehead, I didn’t get up, I really didn’t mind sitting this way, Alice laughed “Really Bella? Romeo and Juliet? Again.. How many times have you seen this?” I laughed also, enough times to where I can recite the whole movie, that time Edward laughed, We’d watched it twice on Isle Esme, And I’d probably watched it 5 to 9 times a month. We where half way threw the movie, when Nessie came out of her room, to investigate what was happening, “Mommy... I’m hungry, could you get me something to eat?...” “Sure Nessie, I hopped out of Edward’s arms and walked into the Kitchen, Nessie followed me, I leaned down to get on her level to talk to her, “What would you like to eat honey?”... “Macaroni and Cheese, please?” “Okay,” I got the noodles out of the cabinet and the cheese out of the fridge and heated up the noodles and melted the cheese with them, the I put them in a little bowl and gave it to Nessie “There you are Hun” “Thank you mommy!..Um, I have a question..” “Okay, what is it Sweetie?... Why is Aro coming?, I herd Alice talking about him,...He’s the bad guy right?” “Well, he’s carious, about you.. He wonders how big you’ve gotten, He also remembered it was gonna be your Birthday soon, so he’s bringing you a gift.”
“Oh....Okay!,...” she said as she trotted off, I went back to where I was, sitting on Edward’s lap,
Alice was deep into the movie, she didn’t eve notice that I was back in the room, “It’s almost time, Love..” Edward whispered into my ear,”Yes, I know..” I didn’t really, I looked up at the clock, it was 11:45pm that meant there was only about 13 or 14 minuets till midnight. The movie ended 5 minuets before 12am, Edward was looking at Alice, then he lifted his stare at Alice and looked out the window, “D-did you hear something Edward?” “Yes, it sounds like he’s here...” Edward and I got up I went and got Nessie from her room and carried her back to Edward.
The second I got into the living room there was a knock at the door, I took a deep breath and went and stood next to Edward, holding onto Nessie tightly, Edward opened the door, There was Aro, tall and young, he must of been turned when he was 16 or 17 I guessed, “Hello, Edward, Bella....” “You forgot me,” Alice said as she got up and danced to stand next to me,
“Well, Hello.. Alice.” “Aro, I knew you where coming” she smirked, “Yes, I thought you’d see me, I tried not to make up my mind, but you saw me anyways, so this isn’t much of a surprise”
I was still holding tightly onto Nessie, “Ah...This must be Renesmee or may I call her Nessie...”
“Nessie will do,”Edward said trying not to growl, or hiss.. Nessie leaned over to touch Aro’s face, that meant she was showing him something, “My Nessie, you’ve grown.. Since I last saw you..” Then suddenly Alice and Edward both started hissing, I wondered why for a second, Then Jane popped out from behind Aro, Edward hissed even louder “Peace Edward, Peace Alice, she will do no harm, she just wondered about Nessie her self,” Edward laughed quietly Alice was standing in front of me and Nessie, “Jane, dear go back to the forest, they do not like you here”
Jane growled, then turned away and walked out into the forest, “Well, Nessie.. I’ve got a gift for you, I picked it up in China a wile ago,” Nessie didn’t talk, she looked at Edward then at me, I sat her down after she whispered in my ear to let her, Alice looked at me I shot her a “its okay” glance, then she calmed down, Edward was still tense beside me I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, then I lent over and whispered into his ear “Edward don’t worry, if he dose something I don’t like or you don’t like, I can just use my shield so he can’t touch her, Chill out..Calm down, It’s okay.” he nodded back, and squeezed my hand gently back and didn’t let go. Nessie carefully walked up to Aro and looked up at him, he got on his knees to be on her level and gave her the little golden box, she turned her head to look at me and Edward, we nodded, to let her know it was okay. She sat on the floor in front of Aro and opened the box, there was another little box inside she opened it also, and took out a little Music box that played some Chinese music, it was very pretty, it must of been expansive she got up carefully and handed it to Alice to hold for her, then she went up slowly and hugged Aro’s leg, “Thank you!!, I love it... Aro” she said still hugging his leg, he patted her back with his hand, “Your welcome my dear, I’m happy you like it. I had hoped you would” she let go of his leg and came and stood in front of me, I put my arms around her, and Edward put his hand on her shoulder, I smiled faintly at Aro, “Thank you Aro,....” “Yes...Thank you.”Edward said threw his teeth, “Thank you for coming...” I said slowly,
“It was... uh Nice to see you Again.” “Yes, well I’d better get going, Goodbye, Edward, Bella, Nessie.. And Alice. Oh Edward, give Carlisle my regards” “Will do.” Edward said more nicely,
“Goodbye Aro” I repeated, He closed the door and was gone, I sighed with relief as did Edward and Alice. I laughed, they both looked at me like I was an alien “What?, I thought that went well..., you two barely talked, I guess I just don’t know Aro as good as you two do, I mean I know he’s not all that great, but he was trying to be nice...” Alice handed Nessie the music box Aro had gotten her, and she went back to her room, “Yes, it went better then I expected...” Edward said kindly, Then we all went back and sat down. We sat there for a wile watching Tv, then Alice got up, and headed to the door ” Bella, I have plans for us tomorrow, so be ready,.. It includes Nessie too,” she smirked as she got up from the couch “What kind of plans Alice?” I asked looking at her “You’ll see,” she laughed as she walked out the door, “See you Tomorrow!”
I got up and went and put Nessie to bed, then came back out to Edward, I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, he put his arm around me and kissed my forehead, I leaned my head up and looked at him and smiled as he kissed me. “I love you, my Love.” ...”I love you too Edward.”
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
Second Chapter, please comment below and let me know what you think

Uh great, are you kidding me? My car would have to break down in front of this house of all them wouldn’t it? Gosh my life sucks. The creepy house down the road stared at me menacingly; I was closer to this house now than I had ever wanted to be in my entire life.
It was pouring down buckets and I could scarcely see because the now arising fog. I’d have to go to the house to get help, after all I could leave my car stalled in the middle of the street like this, but the big guy scared me so much that I was willing to sit here...
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posted by countrygirl2008
Some say once you start your life as a vampire you gradually forget your human life over time.That's not my case.I remember clearly like it was yesterday.
I was born in the early 1640's .My father Xviar was an angelican pastor.His hobby which was also his life was killing vampires and werewolves.He was devoted to it.More than he was to us.My mother Rebecca was a home maker.She was loved by me and the farm hands.After i was born she couldnt have any more kids.So i was her one and only child.Her light.I loved spending time with my mother in the kitchen or hanging around and helping the farm hands.The...
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posted by ebcullen4ever
Have you ever wondered what was Edward's POV of New Moon?I thought I would try to do what Stephenie did by writing Edward's POV for Twilight with Midnight Sun and write his POV of New Moon.

This is my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction,so please be kind.I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1: My Beautiful Bella

After coming home from my hunting trip,I went to my room to get ready to go to school.As I was getting ready,my eyes drifted to the picture on my dresser and I smiled looking at it.The picture was of my angel,my reason for existing,my beautiful Bella.It was a picture of the two of us at prom.It...
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posted by ebcullen4ever
These are my fave quotes from the Eclipse book and movie.I hope you enjoy them.

The word boyfriend had me chewing on the inside of my cheek with a familiar tension while I stirred. It wasn’t the right word, not at all. I needed something more expressive of eternal commitment… But words like destiny and fate sounded hokey when you used them in casual conversation.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.6

It worked — your cooking skills have me soft as a marshmallow.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.9

I wrenched the door out of my way — ridiculously eager — and there he was, my personal...
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I'M BACK!!!!! Sorry I've been gone for so long.I had a major writers block and my life has been hectic!! Anyways! AT LAST!!! A NEW Chapter of My Brother's Roommate!! *cheers*

"Is this the last box Bells?" Emmett asked me as he sat the last box in the living room.

"Yea, Everything else is being shipped." I said back and leaned against the wall. I couldn't believe it. I loved my new house.The fresh new paint smell, the porch, the was perfect.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, it was dark and Edward was laying next to me looking into my eyes.

"Hi" He whispered and smiled...
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posted by Vamp_Fan_25
These are some Twilight teams and why you should be part of them!

Team Edward....because mysteries are fun to solve

Team Jacob....beacuse well I think we all know why were on his side

Team Bella....beacause nice girls always finish first

Team Alice....beacuse good things come in small packages

Team Jasper....beacause he'll protect you

Team Rosalie....because beauty comes before brains

Team Emmett....beacuse Jacob's muscles are flimsy

Team Esme....beacuse mum's rule the world

Team Carlisle....beacuase he is the only hot doctor you will find
posted by SenTay
Disclaimer I don't own anything related to Jackson Rathbone. Except my obsession.

Edward's POV

"Daddy!" screamed Renesme. Another nightmare. "What's wrong princess?" "I had a nightmare! A man! He was standing in the kitchen, and his knife was ITCHY!" Confused, I started to remember something. In the kitchen with a knife that's itchin...... I ran back to the house. "Emmett!" I screamed, " For the eighth time! "Keep Awake" is NOT a lullaby!"

I will kill you in your sleep
So you better try, try and keep awake
I will kill you in your sleep
So you better try, try and keep awake
I will kill you in your...
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Chapter 4 is now up please read and comment below. Chapter 5 is coming soon and so is the wedding with a few funny bits from Emmett in them. Look out for it.

Alice's POV
As I braked the car in a perfect posistion right outside the front door, I caught it. It was a vision I had whilst I was thinking about how to get Bella to co-operate without a fuss.
In my vision I plainly walked into the room, dress in my hand, in plain sight,as to not scare her with the unknown. As my vision self walked to the edge of the room her heart had suddenly increased. She had tried to run out, when Edward had walked...
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posted by LexisFaith
Tough, I ain’t never been nothin’ but tough
All my edges have always been rough
But Jesus loves me anyway
Oh, back home, there ain’t nothing wrong
With a woman that got a little back bone
Just wait 'til you taste her kind of love…
You want a shy little thing, a pretty little high-heel thing
You’re gonna cry if I don’t polish up… tough

Tough~ Kellie Pickler
Bella Pov
"Just kiddin'!" Emmett burst out laughing. "You sould have seen your face!" He was doubled over, hands on his knees.
I kicked his shin. "You ass!"
"Mom and Dad are gonna' sleep...
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This is the second book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager! I suggest reading my first book (as the sun sets), so you can better understand this one (Daylight)

This will take place just where we left off in the first novel! Please Enjoy, and thank-you! I hope you enjoy this book as much (if not more) as you did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a comment or message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

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This is a small book i am writing about the life of Renesmee cullen after (Breaking Dawn) It is in he rpoint of view for almost the whole time (with a few exceptions) I suggest starting from chapter 1 to get the full impact and information (:

Chapter 25: Avoided

I was relived when the air smelt fresh when i arrived home. Although i hadn't fed, my thirst didn't burn my throat as it had before. I walked up the large stairs and into my grandfathers home, carefully closing the door behind myself.
As soon as i stepped foot into the doorway, my mother had me in her arms.

"Oh Renesmee!" She hugged...
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posted by LexisFaith
Bella POV

I woke up next Edward on Sunday morning. We had fallen asleep while he was crying. That heartless bitch. I could see that at least in his sleep he was peaceful. I got in the shower and lathered up in my Herbal Essences Hello Hydration shampoo- the smell was amazing- and conditioner and coconut liquid body wash. So I like the smell of coconut. What?
After I got out, I dried my hair in my room so not to wake Edward, and slipped into a cobalt blue summer dress. I walked through the bathrooms and walked into Edward's room to wake him.
"Edward." I shook him gently. His eyes opened and found...
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posted by LexisFaith
Right now, I am listening to 'Knee Deep' by Zac Brown Band. It's pretty upbeat and nice for this chapter. Certin parts of the song go along with this last...yes..this last chapter :) So if you wanna listen to it, go get on youtube!! :)

Bella was 8 and a half months pregnant with a girl. Charlee Ann Cullen. Charlee after Bella's beloved father, and Ann, my mother's middle name. Mason was all about having a little sister. He talked about reading to her and feeding her but he would not "under any circumstamps, play tea party". He stopped off mad...
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