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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
-At Jacob’s house-

Jacob: Alright… a response to this gay note Bella gave to her dad to give to my dad to give to me. I’ll have to try and sound sincere. And angry. I’ll press the pen into the paper to dent it so she feels guilty.

Billy: -appears out of thin air- talking to No one again, son?

Jacob: Yep. I trust him with aaaalllll my secrets.

No one: Somehow it’s always us two when you speak your thoughts like this. I guess I just repulse people. –Sobs– Were is Jasper when I need him?! And where the hell is my knife?!

Jacob: Damn you, No one! You aren’t supposed to reply when I tell you about these things. It makes the moment feel less deep and meaningful.

No one: You were talking about revenge, in a sense. Is that meaningful?

Jacob: Piss off! –Throws lamp with werewolf strength and then walks through wall–

Billy: Why didn’t you use the front door, Jacob?

Jacob: This is more dramatic. And I’m dramatic. And hot. I have a whole .5 percent of Twilighters in my fanclub. –Strikes a pose–

Billy: My boy! You’re famous! And hot. Mmm…

Jacob: I know, dad. I know.

-at Bella’s house-

Bella: Edward, I need to go see Jacob. I mean, look at the dents on this paper! It must have taken an awful lot of work and strength and anger to do that!

Edward: NO! I can’t let you see your best friend! That would be sick! It would be wrong! It’s illegal.

Bella: How’s it illegal?

Edward: It just… it just is, okay?

Bella: I don’t believe you.

Edward: Damn. Must dazzle you… -dazzles-

Bella: Aummuhh… seven?

Edward: Exactly.

Bella: You won’t get away with this.

Edward: But I will. Anyways, Jacob might have been part of the group that wanted a quarter from you a year ago! If you are alone with him, he might finally get that quarter. I can’t let that happen to you!

Bella: you’re too overprotective. It’s really creepy.

Edward: Bitch…

Bella: Slut!

Edward: How can I be a slut? I’m a guy.

Bella: You can’t prove that! (A/N My catch phrase :D)

Edward: Actually, I can. But I’m too much of a prude to show you.

Bella: Why won’t you sleep with me?! Do you hate me?! -Sobs- JASPER!

Edward: Damn Jasper and his “sensitive side”! I think he’s gay. But comforting, nonetheless. JASPER!

-The next day-

Bella: I’m alone… must go to Jacob’s!

Edward: No! Ha! I got here before you! You just got served, bitch!

Bella: What the hell did you do to my frickin car?!

Edward: I took out the engine.

Bella: Really?

Edward: I have no idea. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to put whatever the hell this is back in you’re car by tomorrow, though, or else you’re screwed.

Bella: Go to hell.

Edward: Already there, Bella. Already there. If you don’t want me to stalk you tonight I’ll understand.

Bella: Nah. The thought of… always being watched… is comforting. Murderer or not, you’re still hot.

Edward: That I am, Bella. That I am.

-The next day at Bella’s job-

Bella: Call 1-800, Newton’s! Michael Newton has the girls pukin’! (A/N sing this to the tune of the Stanley Steemer commercial)

Mike: Ouch. That was cold.

Bella: But true.

Mike: I know. I’ve seen it in action. But you don’t need to rub it in.

Bella: You want me to get no one to do it for me?

Mike: -sighs- no. Just… go home.

Bella: Why?

Mike: I dunno. The author of this parody doesn’t have a sarcastic or witty line to write here.

Bella: …Okay then. I guess I’ll go to Jacob’s now. I can’t believe Edward got that piece back in my truck.

Mike: You sound so proud.

Bella: I am. Last week he was learning to take his first steps. My little boy is growing up!

Mike: That makes no sense.

Bella: I know. Ponder THAT!

Mike: I’ll try. But it will hurt, a lot.

Bella: Well, while you go kill yourself trying to get those non-existent brain cells working, I’m gonna go see Jacob. And there’s No one to stop me now!

No one: I can’t stop you! Look at these arms! They are smaller than Barbie’s!

Bella: You have a point there, Mr. Manorexic. (A/N My twin sister, Cara, loves this word. This sentence is dedicated to you! ;) ) I guess I can go now without being stopped!

-At Jacob’s house-

Jacob: Bells! You’re here!

Bella: Don’t call me Bells. MY dad calls me that, and if you wanna get laid I don’t want to see you as my father figure. Also, do I look like a piece of metal that chimes to you?

Jacob: Yes.

Bella: That’s not going to help you get some, either.

Jacob: No.

Bella: That’s better. Anyways, of course I’m here. Thanks for stating the obvious.

Jacob: No problem! I was told you were a bit slow, so I thought it would help.

Bella: Who said that?

Jacob: No one.

No one: Why does everyone always accuse me of saying these things?

Bella: Because you’d be the easiest to kill if you ever tried to defend yourself.

No one: Damn you and your logic…

-A few hours later-

Bella: I’m going home now.

Jacob: Whhhhyyyy??

Bella: So Edward doesn’t know I am cheating on him by being with you so long.

Jacob: Fine then.

-Back at Charlie’s house-

Bella: Hey Eddie!

Edward: Did you give him the quarter?

Bella: No…

Edward: You got lucky. He’s just trying to gain your trust so it doesn’t look suspicious.

Bella: Probably. You can’t change the past though.

Edward: Not YET.

Bella: What’s that supposed to mean?

Edward: You’ll find out… in some… alternate universe 5th book…

Bella: Oookay then.

-The next day-

Edward: Dammit Bella! You keep interrupting my hunting trips because of your need to rape young boys!

Bella: Isn’t that Michael Jackson’s job?

Edward: That’s beside the point! I’m having Alice watch over you for the next couple days.

Bella: Screw you.

Edward: -leaves-

Alice: Hi Bella!

Bella: Hi Rhonda.

Alice: Rhonda? My name is Alice!

Bella: Oh. I thought it was Rhonda.

Alice: Close.


Alice: Probably crawled up in the corner of our room with a knife.

Bella: Oh. I’ll look for him later then. I’m going to bed.

-One hour later-

Rosalie: Hey Bella! Just came in here to tell you why I would rather choke kittens and then eat their flesh before making you officially part of the family.

Bella: Which is?

Rosalie: I was raped.

Bella: Oh. Um… What does that have to do with me becoming a vampire?

Rosalie: -shrugs- I dunno. I thought that maybe if you pitied me you would feel bad and do things my way. Do you sympathize?

Bella: Not really, no.

Rosalie: Damn. –walks out of room-

-At school-

Jacob: Come on, Bella! Let’s go!

Bella: Damn you, peer pressure!

-At beach-

Jacob: So…

Bella: So.

Jacob: Yeah.

Bella: Mhmm…

Jacob: So I hear you’re pregnant.

Bella: Huh? What the hell?

Jacob: Just trying to make conversation…

Bella: By asking if I’m pregnant? God, I’m not that fat, am I?

Jacob: Well…

Bella: Oh god! –Runs to bathroom and shoves finger down throat– How bout now?

Jacob: So you’re not pregnant?

Bella: Nope. Vampires can’t have children, and I’m going to be one.

Jacob: No! I’ll kill you before that happens!

Bella: Edward already has dibs.

Jacob: Damn.

-The next night-

Bella: Edward? Is that you?

Edward: Nope. I’m the Ghost from Christmas Past. Go back to sleep.

Bella: -falls asleep-

-The next day-

Bella: Why are all my clothes missing?

Edward: Someone’s been here.

Bella: Who?

Edward: Santa.

Bella: But it’s summer.

Edward: Oh… Then maybe it was a leprechaun. Or the Easter Bunny.

Bella: Or the Volturi. Or an army of newborns.

Edward: Nah, that doesn’t seem at all likely.

Bella: We should prepare though. I’m going to see Jacob.

Edward: Fine. But don’t bring any money.

-At Jacob’s house-

Jacob: Bella, I have something to tell you.

Bella: What is it?

Jacob: I want you to choose me. I love you.

Bella: I know.

Jacob: Oh, you do? Well, that’s humiliating.

Bella: Very. Besides, real men sparkle. I choose Edward.

Jacob: Dammit, Bella! I’ll make you love me!

Bella: No! Don’t rape me!

Jacob: I won’t. Not yet, anyway. –Kisses Bella–

Bella: Abuse! Harassment! Violation! Ick!

Jacob: I didn’t rape you yet, god. You have to wait until I put—

Bella: Stop! Edward hasn’t told me how to do the rest yet!

Jacob: Um… ew?

Bella: Gah! –Punches Jacob–

Jacob: What was that for?

Bella: I have no idea. It was part of the storyline. Whatever the reason, though, it broke my hand.

Jacob: Shouldn’t you be writhing in pain?

Bella: …Oh yeah. –Flails arm unenthusiastically–

Jacob: I guess I should take you home now.

Bella: Hells-to-the-freaking-yes! (A/N aha sorry I’ve always wanted to make her say that)

-Graduation Day-

Bella: That was a HUGE time skip! Anyways Alice, I think the person raiding my closet and the hormonal newborns are the same people and they are coming after me.

Alice: How could I have not seen this coming?

Bella: Do I look like the wizard of oz or someone else who could give you all the answers?

Alice: No. You look more like one of the munchkins.

Bella: Look who’s talking, shortie.

Alice: -kicks Bella with super vampire strength- Don’t piss of short people, tall…ie…

Bella: I’m not that tall. Anyways, I guess we should tell Edward.

Alice: Nope. I guess YOU should tell Edward. I’m hooking up with Jasper after the ceremony.

Bella: Damn. I thought I had dibs on emo boy.

-At graduation-

Bella: Guess what, Edward? Some newborns are off to kill me!

Edward: I thought that was my job!

Bella: I guess they didn’t get the message.

Edward: Probably. Well, -sighs- I guess we should try and save you from your killer(s). Again.

Bella: That’s the spirit!

-At party-

Bella: This party… is sooo gay…

Edward: I know, right? Wait here. I’m going to talk to Alice because of my strong and needy dependency of her.

Bella: Fine then. I’ll just go talk to wolf boy. –Sneezes–

Jacob: Hey Bella! I got you a present!

Bella: Aw, thanks Jake! You -sneeze- shouldn’t have! -Sneeze-

Jacob: See? It’s a bracelet, and it has a wolf on it!

Bella: -Sneeze- I see –sneeze- that you –sneeze- are –sneeze- cheerful. –sneeze-

Jacob: Do you have allergies?

Bella: Huh. Maybe. When I was younger I was tested positive for animals, like do—oh.

Jacob: Oh.

-awkward silence-

Jacob: Well, uh, I guess I should go. But first, isn’t there something you have to tell me?

Bella: No…

Jacob: Yes there is! You are supposed to tell me that you’ve got lots of newborn vampires coming after you!

Bella: Er… okay… I’ve got lots of newborn vampires coming after me.

Jacob: -gasp- how did I not know about this?!

-after party-

Bella: That party was so gay.

Edward: I know. But hey, at least there were chips.

Bella: You don’t even eat chips, though.

Edward: That’s what YOU think.

Jasper: Ahem. Anyways, since I’ve got into a bunch of knife fights before, I have the most experience fighting than you lame ass pacifists. So, I’ll teach you guys how to knife our opponents.

Edward: But they’re vampires. The blade would fall off before they could get cut.


Alice: Fine. Show us how to go all second-hand emo on them.

Jasper: Fine, I will. –Flips now black side bangs-

-In Bella’s room-

Edward: Hey Bella? Will you marry me?

Bella: Hmm… If I do, can I steal your virginity?

Edward: Fine.

Bella: Sweet. Then yes. Smart deal, Bella. Just how do you do it?

Edward: Well, usually it starts by the removal of shirts and—

Bella: That’s not what I meant!

Edward: Sure its not.

-In forest-

Edward: Ugh. I’m so bored. Jasper is over there trying to find new directions to cut his wrists, Rosalie and Emmett are making out, Carlisle is talking to himself about cancer… again…, Esme is trying to find yet another way to pronounce her name, Alice is trying to buy Target, and No one is still trying to convince Jacob that No one is a worse name than Anybody. What should WE do?

Bella: I dunno. Let’s try and see how long it takes for me to pass out by banging my head against your rock hard abs.

Edward: Alright. Three… two… one… and go!

-Five minutes later-

Bella: -wakes up- How long did it take?

Edward: I counted about thirty-six seconds.

Bella: It’s a new record!

Edward: Or at least better than last time with that whopping eight seconds.

Bella: I think everyone is done now. Let’s go back!

Edward: It doesn’t look done yet. See? Alice is really close to a bargain!

Bella: And look at Jasper crying those frustrated sobs because the knives keep breaking on his skin! What a pansy.

Edward: I know. The Pacific Ocean has less water than his eyes are pouring out! You’re right. He is a pansy.

Bella: You can almost see the salt.

Edward: -nods solemnly-

Bella: But seriously, I wanna go home.

Edward: Fine. But only because I’m knee high in Jasper’s non-producible tears.

-During the fight-

Bella: Edward, I have something to tell you. I’m in love with Jacob.

Edward: Why?

Bella: I dunno. Maybe it’s the way he can stuff all those burritos in his mouth so quickly. And the way he explodes into a giant animal just makes my heart flutter.

Edward: That’s understandable. I mean, if I, you know, ‘rolled that way’, I’d feel the same way.

Bella: Thanks. Can you give us a minute?

Edward: Okay, I’ll even get him for you. Anything for alone time with him.

Jacob: Hey Bella. So I’m planning a suicide mission tonight at the fight.

Bella: No! You have so much to live for!

Jacob: Like what?

Bella: Er… um… pancakes! You make Aunt Jemima proud to be your syrup. And also, what about those previous .5 percent of readers that like you?

Jacob: You need to kiss me so I can believe it.

Bella: That sounds reasonable enough. Pucker up, pretty boy.

Jacob: Come on. We all know Edward’s the pretty boy. I mean, have you seen those muscles? Mmm…

Bella: No. I haven’t seen those muscles. He’s a prude, remember? How did you see those muscles? Wait, are you gay?

Jacob: What? N-n-no! of… of course not! I just… I just think he’s mildly attractive, is all…

Bella: Huh. He said the same thing about you.

Jacob: -squeals- really?

Bella: No. But he says if he was gay he’d have the hots for you. Let’s make out.

Jacob: On it.

-5 minutes later-

Bella: That was interesting.

Jacob: I know. Who knew pencils could be used like that?

Bella: Yep. I’ve never seen such a thing. Anyways, you’re a good kisser.

Jacob: -smiles smugly- I know.

Bella: How would you know? Before me, you’ve never even held hands with a girl.

Jacob: I’ve held hands before!

Bella: I said never held hands with a GIRL.

Jacob: Oh.

Bella: Oh shit! I made out with you! GUILT! GUILT! SHAME!

Jacob: I think now would be a good time for you to team up with Jasper.

Bella: Nah. I’ll just use reverse psychology to make Edward feel guilty.

Jacob: Works for me.

-In tent-

Bella: Oh, Edward! I—

Edward: That’s what she said.

Bella: What?

Edward: That’s what she said. You know that joke, right?

Bella: Err… okay. Ahem. As I was saying. Oh, Edward! I made out with another man! I’m a horrible person!

Edward: Yes, yes you are.

Bella: Yes I— wait, what? You agree with me?

Edward: Yep.

Bella: No! You’re supposed to disagree! Go alone with the plot!

Edward: Oh… sorry. –clears throat- No you’re not, Bella!

Bella: I’m not?

Edward: Uh, no! Just because you are in love with another man while you are engaged to me, I don’t see anything wrong with that picture!

Bella: Thanks, Edward! I knew you’d understand.

Edward: Don’t I always? I mean, I AM perfect.

Bella: I know you are. That’s why it’s weird that I’m in love with Jacob.

Edward: True dat.

Bella: Do you hear that?

Edward: Yeah! Victoria’s here! Gasp!

Bella: Go kill her, Eddie!

Edward: Kay! –Rips Victoria’s head off- done. That was easy.

Bella: To YOU, maybe.

Edward: Yep, because you are a stupid and wimpy human.

Bella: Ouch.

Edward: Oh, and by the way, Jacob just broke half his bones.

Bella: -Passes out-

-Five minutes later-

Bella: -Wakes up-

Edward: What happened? Did you pass out because hearing that information was painful?

Bella: Ugh, no, I think I was hit in the back of the head with a frying pan or something.

No one: -Grins sheepishly-

Bella: Now do you understand why we all hate you?

-At Cullen house-

Alice: Hey Bella, check out this pimpin’ wedding dress!

Bella: That’s hot.

Edward: That’s what she said!

Alice and Bella: …

Edward: This is gay. I’m going to the meadow.

Bella: Wait for me!

-At meadow-

Bella: Wow. This is a lot less meaningful than I thought it would be.

Edward: I know. They don’t even have any soda machines here! Just trees. And grass.

Bella: Damn you, nature…

Edward: Exactly. We finally agree on something. Which makes me want to give up and do it with you, and then force you into eternal damnation.

Bella: No wait, I—

Edward: -Tries to rape Bella-

Bella: STOP! I have matches AND a lighter! Get the fuck off me! Besides, I have AIDs.

Edward: God, fine, I’ll stop, but only because of the whole STDs thing.

Bella: I wanna keep my virtue.

Edward: Doesn’t that kind of ruin the point of the whole raping thing?

Bella: I guess. But I don’t think you want to lose your virginity to plain old me.

Edward: No, I’M not good enough for YOU! Woe is me…

Bella: Save it for Jasper. He’d appreciate your impersonation.

Edward: So we’re NOT going to have sex?

Bella: Nope.

Edward: Damn.

Bella: Let’s try something equally as dangerous. Telling Charlie!

Edward: Good luck staying out of his line of bullet fire! Muahaha!
posted by a-jforever
Sorry I havn't posted this story in so long. I've been buzy. Hope you enjoy.XX Please comment on improvement

Emmett’s POV

The day was over. It wasn’t so bad, if I say so myself. Other than Gym which Jasper hadn’t turned up for. I guess it was too much for him, poor kid. We did badger him on about it a bit though, and it got on his nerves. Maybe I would see if he wanted to wrestle to take his mind off things. I grinned to myself scaring the little girl walking next to me. I joined Alice and Rose in Edwards Volvo.
“Where’s Edward?” I asked.

“Funny. I was gonna ask you the same thing”...
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posted by Tatti
Cullens residence

"And what is it, dog? Let me guess, someone of your dog herd will imprint her and solve all this?" Rosalie was harsh and that made Nessie frown, she didn't like that kind of talks about her Jacob. But Jacob didn't react to Rosalie, he was too excited about his idea.
"We know where she is staying, don't we? So we also could do a little expedition and try to find some clues about her aims. If she investigating, she must have some evidence with her?"
Everyone seemed surprised.
"That's a great idea, Jacob" - Carlisle said and Rosalie snorted.
"But who will go this time?"
"I think it...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I made out a black figure, and a cloak draped on his shoulders.
“CYNNDDYLAN!” I roared furiously, he approached us, and then threw his cloak off onto the ground.
“You called…?” he asked quietly, his eyes amused and challenging.
“Where is my daughter?” I demanded.
“How should I know? Well, it’s not MY fault you cant look after her properly.” He said smugly “But… I DO know WHERE she is… for a price!” he added, my eyes widened with anger and disgust.
“I don’t want to play your stupid games!” I shouted angrily, he rose an eyebrow and smiled, but it was a cold,...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
She turned and walked out gracefully. Once she was out the room, I counted to a hundred. With a hand trembling I touched the latest stinging bite and grimaced in pain. Blood was on my finger-tips.
I felt like crying! But will I really start blubbering like a lost child? Give Cornelia satisfaction of knowing how I took this? No! No! No, I won't!
But, WHY ME?! Tough I would be guilty I would see someone in my place, like this. Hm. Yet again, I sighed.
I can't take this frustration much longer! I felt like screaming! I, reluctantly, brought my eyes to the look of the "food". Sigh. I picked it...
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the newspaper headline glared at me from a little metal vending meshien SEATLE UNDER SIEGE - DEATH TOLL RISES AGAIN. i hadnt seen this one yet some paperboy must of just restocked the meshien. luckey for him he was nowhere around now.

great riley was going to blow a gasket. i would make sure i wasnt rithin reach when he saw the paper. let him ripp someone elses arm off.

i stood in a shadow behind a shabbt three story building trying to be inconspicuous while i waited for someone to make a decision. no wanting to meet anyones eyes, i stared at the wall beside me instead. the ground floor of...
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posted by daja625
Thanks for waiting and please comment and tell me what you think of my story.

Chapter 3
“This, this man” I said posing “this man is my long, long lost brother Jasper Swan” I said holding his hand. She came towards us and said so this is your lovely and beautiful Jasper” she said with a lovely smile that would make your heart pound with beauty.
“And this young man is? She said with her lovely smile again. I froze for a second hopping that but she didn’t, she looked at me with a questionable face.
“Well this is Edward my, my, my” I started stuttering. “Well?” she asked questionably....
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How could he do this to me.I thought we would be together forever and rose she is like a sister to me for crying out loud if i fell like this god knows what Emmet is going through.I want to go and take his head of I just dont get it.

"Alice you are my best friend and you are my sister let me give some advice why dont you just talk to him scream at him do what you want to him or you can talk to me."
"I think I just want to be alone and dont let him come any where near because I might not be able to control myself."
"That is fine with me."
Alice goes in her room and does not talk to any one and she...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys heres part 8 at long last :)

“Renee why are you so desperate to get to the Cullen’s?”

“Because she can remember Rosalie and maybe Rosalie can help her remember the others”

“Rosalie hates Bella I doubt she’ll help her”

“I don’t care I’m still taking her there”

“Mum I love Jacob no one else we don’t have to go to the Cullen’s”

“Bella honey you need to go to the Cullen’s and Jacob stop smiling because she loves you” I leant over to Jacob and kissed him not wanting to let go. He kissed back holding me tight against him. I don’t know how long we were...
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*by Sephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

"Anyway, you don't irritate the Volturi," Edward went on, interrupting my reverie. "Not unless you want to die - or whatever it is we do." His voice was so calm, it amde him sound almost bored by the prospect.
My anger turned to horror. I took his marble face between my hands and held it very tightly.
"You must never, never, never think of anything like that again!" I said. "No matter what might ever happen to me, you are not allowed to hurt yourself!"
"I'll neve rput you in danger again, so it's a moot point."
"Put me in danger! I thought we'd...
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This is the dress Bella wore(don't worry-it'll be the same dare-she won't be wearing this for long)
This is the dress Bella wore(don't worry-it'll be the same dare-she won't be wearing this for long)
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I was frickin’ mad. I could seduce Edward Cullen. It’s not really that hard. He’s a boy, for crying out loud. When I got home, Emmett was watching football screaming, “NO! YES! NO! YES! YES!!!!!” then he looked over at me, “Oh hey, heard you and Bella and Alice got in a fight.” “Yep.” I said. “But what do you care, you still like her.” “You will then, eventually.” He turned the TV off and put me on his lap. “Thanks,” I whispered. He smiled, “For what?” “Making me feel bet…” that’s when she walked in. Emmett looked over and took me...
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OK Bella finds Renesmee and Victoria kidnaps Bella.Bella is pregnant.Victoria and Bella become friends and she help Bella give birth.Bella almost dies and she bites her.So Bella's a vampire

All of the Cullen's are telling Edward to move on and marry Tanya.So there getting married.Renesmee doesn't like it and she knows that Bella `s alive well a vampire buy know one will believe her only Alice.Tanya doesn't do anything with Renesmee.Its day before wedding when Bella knocks at the door.
Bella had a baby boy called Edward Jacob Cullen.

So tell me what you think,should I keep it like the way it was.Or should I keep going,because I think they cant just live happily ever after just yet.
posted by daja625
Rosalie and Emmett in one car, Alice and Jasper In the other, and me and Edward in mine. They all fallowed me to my house. I told them to park in the back and to be quiet.
“Why are we quiet” Jasper asked. Edward spoke before I did “she doesn’t want her mom to know” Edward giggled. “Shut up” I said then we jumped to my balcony.
When we got to my room they sat and watched TV why’ll I slept? After an hour I woke up at the sound of my mother’s voice. They all just looked at me when they herd my mom’s voice “shh” I told them. Edward started giggled “shh” I said again....
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hope you like it

I was so glad I had Hannah as a friend because if I didn’t I wouldn’t know what to do. The plane landed in Italy at last. “Well how are we going to get a car so we can drive up to volterra?”

“We could steal one” Esme just looked at me “What?”

“I thought leaving Carlisle was insane but stealing a car!”

“Do you want to find Edward?”

“Yes I do”

“Then stealing a car it is” Me and Esme went off to find a car we could steal. “How about this one?” Esme asked pointing do a red Porsche. “Ok” I got in the driver’s seat “How come you get...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"A son, bella" Edwards hand caressed my face adoringly.
My ribs hurt with extreme pain. I was exhusted, and like being kicked in the gut put on top.
"Emmett, fetch my more morphine" Carlisle struggled, holding my new screaming boy.
"Who wants to cut the chord?" Edward suggested.
A small voice sounded from the the back of the room. Rosalie.
"I will" She slowly approuched me and smiled a wide grin once she came into my eyeshot.
Emmett wiped back with a large needle.
oh god, i dont like the size of that needle. I graped onto Edward wrist.
"It's alright Bella, it wont hurt" Carlisle assured me....
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posted by CarlislesLover
Parrt 5 :)XXXXX

I drove home picking Renesmee up on the way. “Have a good day at school”

“You know you were on about that man in the black cloak?”


“Well he was hovering outside the school gates today. He looked exactly as you’d described him”

“Oh god no”

“He was really freaky” Something had to be done about this man in the black cloak. He was not only scaring me now he was scaring Renesmee too. Renesmee went to be later than usual so she was bound to be tired tomorrow. I sat down in the living room thinking how to get this man to go away. I certainly didn’t want...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hope you all like it :)XX

“Charlie can I go back home to mum now?” I groaned at him “Charlie it’s probably best if you let her go. I’ll explain everything to Edward and then if we get Bella back down here and try to resolve this”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Charlie. She looks very confused”

“Umm ok then”

“See you later Charlie”

“Good bye Dr Cullen” Charlie pushed me out of the hospital and lifted me in to the car. “Well we can’t let you fly alone so I’m gonna have to get your mum down here to pick you up” I sat in silence whilst he rang mum “Hi Renee this is Charlie....
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posted by CarlislesLover
And i'm back fianly with art 4 :)XXX

Suddenly a mask was placed over my face and yet again I went into blackness.

I could hear people talking and I had no idea of how long I’d been in blackness for. I woke up lying on my stomach. I had no clothes on apart from my knickers. The rest of me was covered in bandage and cast. I tried looking around. I recognised the place but wasn’t sure of where I was. “Bells are you awake?” Charlie asked. I didn’t know he was in the room. “Where am I Charlie?”

“In your room”

“It smells like the hospital though”

“You’ve been in hospital unconscious...
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Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will present the clip live on June 6.

You didn’t think we were going to have a vampire-less 2010 MTV Movie Awards, did you? That there’d be no werewolf sniffing out the Golden Popcorn? No beautiful high school girl from Forks, Washington, smiling shyly at the crowd?

Like we’d do that to you! “Twilight”-verse, prepare, because Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be appearing live and in-house at the Movie Awards on Sunday, June 6, to introduce an exclusive clip from “Eclipse.”

Just let that soak in for a minute,...
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I lost this article about 8 months ago. thanks to my cousin, alistair! for helping me find this. pls comment and tell me if i should continue.

Chapter 10

Bella’s pov

I was resting on his arms, contented. As he closed his eyes, I stared at him. He was so beautiful. As long as My Greek-godlike husband was with me, I’m complete... I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back as he kissed my hair. I faced him but didn’t open my eyes. He crushed his lips on mine.
I giggled and leaned back on his chest.
He spoke.
“I’m glad that you believed Alice. “
“She’s my sister, Edward....
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posted by lollipopszx3
Me : Oh my god! A fly monkey is about to eat me!

*that awkward cough that someone just has to do*

Me : AHH! You'll never take me alive! NEVER!! *starts running around, while hitting the air*

Jane : *whispers to Alec* Your mate's crazy.

Me : I'm not! Now begone!

Aro : I know this amazing physician that will heal you within minutes.

Me : Healed? I don't need to be healed! I need to dance! *starts doing the funky chicken*

Gianna : What is she doing??

Felix : HEY! What are you doing!?

*all turns to look as Shannon takes a pencil from his pocket*

Shannon : Nothing.... Distraction Stephanie!

Me : Look at me!...
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