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Chapter 15: Coffee Talk (Sienna’s Point of View)

I woke up un-rested. I had more strange dreams last night. This time Nessie and I were running with the two wolves again but we were not chasing them…something was chasing us. The smaller of the two wolves nuzzled me onto his back and let out a whimper as he ran faster, I lost sight of Nessie and the wolf that she was on suddenly I felt arms ripping me away from the wolf I was riding on a bloodcurdling howl was emitted from the wolf and I woke up in a cold sweat, realizing that the howl cam from myself, not the wolf. I clasped my mouth with both hands as I sat straight up in my bed, my chest heaving. As soon as I was breathing normally, I grabbed my sketch book and started drawing the images in my dream. Renesmee, with a large russet colored wolf, and that same girl with the long black hair and eerily pretty face, along with a slightly smaller tan wolf. I didn’t have an image of what they were running from, it was just an ominous mist of blackness that was enclosing upon them so I shaded the background of the forest in. When this happened… these dreams it was as if someone else had control of my hands as my fingers flew across the sketchpad bringing the images to life before my feverish mind could erase the images. I finally dropped my charcoal pencil and sketchbook; it was over. I took in a shaky breath; the nightmare was so real… when my phone rang I nearly jumped off of my bed. “Hello?” I squeaked into my cell. “Sienna? Are you ok?” Seth’s concerned voice inquired. I breathed a sigh of relief and a smile spread across my face as I relived my first moments with him last night at Nessie's party. Nessie. I suddenly remembered her being rushed into the house by her family and the party wrapping up shortly thereafter. Her aunt Rosalie had driven me home telling me that she was sick again and that it must be food poisoning that she had. I liked Nessie’s aunt Rose. For some reason I felt very comfortable around her even though I had only known her for a very short time. I felt as though I could talk to her about anything. It was so odd how at home I felt with the Cullen’s and Seth I had known them for only a few days and yet I felt closer to them in an odd way in comparison with my own father and sister whom I very rarely saw. “Sienna?” Seth urged, sounding mildly panicked. “Hi Seth, I’m sorry I’m not a morning person.” I offered apologetically. “UM, Sienna its one o’clock in the afternoon, it’s not really the morning anymore.” “Aw crap!” I said as I slapped my hand against my forehead, “I am so sorry about breakfast!” I had made plans with him o get something to eat this morning and slept right through it. Story of my life I finally had a date with the most gorgeous guy I had laid eyes on and I slept through it having nightmares about wolves. “Its fine”, he assured me, “too much dancing last night, I hope that I didn’t wear you out too much,” he joked. I smiled into the phone. “Are you sure that you are alright?” He asked again. I noticed that he was very sensitive and perceptive my cheeks flushed as it made me realize that I liked him even more than I had thought. I wasn’t used to having a man this interested in what I had to say, my own father only spoke with me when it was absolutely necessary. “Well, I started unsure of myself, “I had a horrible nightmare last night.” I confessed. “You can tell me about it if you want; it might make you feel better.” He suggested. “Ok, but promise me you won’t laugh or think that I am crazy.” I winced as I made my futile request. He laughed gently “I promise” “Ok, well I was having this dream that Renesmee and this girl with long black hair were in the woods riding two wolves” “What?” He asked. “I said Nessie and this girl I have never seen before were riding two wolves one was a russet colored wolf that is the one Nessie was riding and this other girl was riding a tan colored wolf the wolves were trying to help Nessie and that girl escape from something or someone but I don’t know who. I never saw it but it was just this dark feeling.” Seth was very quiet on the other line. “Seth are you there? You don’t think I am crazy do you?” I asked worried that I had scared him away. “It’s nothing Seth; I have just been having these odd dreams lately.” I waited for him to answer. “Hey could I come over? I wanted to talk to you, and then maybe we can go for lunch.” “Ok I agreed. I gave him my address and he told me that he would be there to pick me up in an hour. I hung up the phone and stood up to walk over to my mirror. I looked at the image staring back at me “Ech!! I gasped; I had dark circles under my eyes and was very pale. I definitely was not well rested for my fitful night of odd dreams. I smoothed my hair so that it was out of my face and padded off to the shower. The house was so quiet…too quiet as usual. I stepped into the blissfully hot shower, as I warmed up and was consumed by the steam my freaky dream melted away. In its place I started to think of my family. My face hardened. It had been two weeks since I had last heard from my father. He had called me from France he was on a business trip that was leading him throughout Europe, or so he said. I knew it was just that he was running from his heartache…the loss of my mother and he was running from his most painful reminder… me. I look so much like my mother it is almost scary. I could have been her twin, I am dead serious. My sister used to be here although she was never particularly nice to me either. She is the one who told me that my father didn’t love me. I killed her. Tears were running down my cheeks a low sob caught in my throat as the guilt wracked my body. I killed her. She gave me life and I killed her. I know that if my father could have undone my conception, if he could have gone back to that night he would have in a second. My sister hated me too. She was never kind to me, never showed me any of the things that an older sister should teach her little sister. She basically ignored me and acted like I didn’t exist. As strange as it sounds I accepted this treatment from both of them. It was my punishment; she was dead because of me, I suppose dealing with their hatred of me was my punishment. I leaned against the wall of the shower as the sobs now broke free from my throat and shook my body until I curled up into a ball on the shower floor. “Ok Si,” I told myself, “you need to get it together.” I talked myself down and picked myself up off of the floor and finished my shower as serenely as possible. I was used to this I had been fighting this unbearable grief my entire life. I never told a soul about any of this. I hade never had a close friend, Renesmee Cullen was my first one and I certainly wasn’t going to scare her or Seth away with my issues. I turned the shower off, and stepped out into the chilly bathroom. I wrapped a towel tightly around my slender body and another around my hair. I looked in the mirror and forced a smile, “It’s ok, forget it for now, you have a date. I took one last despairing look in the mirror and went to my room to get dressed. What am I going to wear?” I asked aloud and then cracked up at the irony of the question I had asked, “Hmm black shirt? Grey shirt?” Even my wardrobe was in constant mourning. I settled on a deep purple v-neck tee and a pair of dark washed jeans. I dried my hair off and looked into the mirror to do my make up. That was funny too, since I hardly bothered with make up. I put some eye shadow on and some concealer under my eyes to hide the deep circles. It helped a little but they were still there. I looked at the clock realizing that Seth would be here at any moment and gave up on attempting to do anything else with myself. Instead, I walked downstairs with my sketchbook. I drew as I waited. I love art, it is my one escape. As I started sketching my hand took over, it was almost as if I could just close my eyes and it would still come out perfectly on its own, I didn’t need my eyes. As the doorbell rang, my eyes snapped open. I hurriedly put my sketchbook down and opened the door. Seth stood on my front steps holding a single white rose. He smiled as he handed it to me. “Thanks Seth it’s beautiful.” “It is pretty” He agreed “but definitely not the prettiest thing I have ever laid eyes upon.” The way he looked at me as he sad that made me blush. “Um, well come on in.” I led him into the living room. He sat down. “Do you want some coffee? I asked. “Uh, yea sure.” I went into the kitchen and started the coffee maker. When I cam back his face was pale. “Sienna, did you draw this?” He asked. “Um yea, that was the image from my dreams last night I drew this first thing this morning.” He flipped the page; his beautiful face looked slightly confused. “When did you draw this?” I looked at the picture. “Oh… I said. It was the picture I was drawing when he arrived I didn’t even have a chance to look at it. It was a picture of me, in the beautiful green gown I had worn last night that Nessie’s aunt Alice had loaned me. I was sitting in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by the lit trees in the Cullen’s spacious back yard…with the tan wolf laying next to me with its head on my lap as I pet it. “Um, I, I’m not sure what that is. I said lamely. When I draw images just come to me, they don’t always make sense.” I looked down embarrassed. “Its weird and I know that they aren’t any good…” Seth snapped out of his trance, “No they are really good it’s just…” he had a puzzled look on his face. “I needed to talk to you.” He said. “Sure let me just grab our coffee,” when I returned with two steaming cups he accepted his gratefully, it seemed as though he was happy to have something to do with his hands he seemed nervous. “So what’s up?” I asked him. “Look,” he said. “I don’t even know how to say all of this so please keep an open mind before you say anything.” I stared into his beautiful brown eyes his eyelashes were so thick; I hadn’t noticed it yesterday since it was dark. He was even more striking in daylight. I nodded my agreement. He could have been talking about algebra and I would have been captivated by him. “I really like you…a lot. I know it sounds ridiculous since I have just met you but there is something about you that just draws me to you.” I smiled at him in relief. “I feel exactly the same way about you.” I confided. “Really?” He asked confidence creeping into his voice. “I don’t know what it is Seth but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, I just want to be with you at all times.” His eyes clouded over. There is something that you need to know about me. About my family, if we are going to be together. I looked at him inquisitively. “Ok, tell me.” He looked away, “I don’t know if I can” he said shyly. I put my hand in his free hand, “I’m listening” I said gently. “Alright, he took a deep breath. My tribe is the Quileute tribe. Our ancestors are said to have descended from wolves. I felt the blood drain from my face as I looked down at the picture I had just drawn of myself with a wolf. His eyes met my gaze. “I know” he whispered quietly. “How did you know?” He asked sounding mildly afraid. “Seth I honestly had no idea that this meant anything. I have been having strange dreams for months now about this strange girl” I showed him the one of the girl with the black hair and then I showed him the picture f the guy who I in the picture with her. He has dark eyes, pale skin, and dark hair. Seth stared at it for a moment and then said, “They both look oddly familiar yet I cannot place it.” “I know!” I replied in frustration I have thought the same thing myself. He turned back to me. “There is more to my story. Please tell me if it becomes too much. We are not allowed to tell anyone but there are exceptions. You cannot tell a soul.” I looked at him with wide eyes, “What is it some sort of Mafia or something I asked in disbelief. He chuckled, “Not quite, it’s actually stranger than that.” “Well go on I can handle it” I urged him. I was telling the truth too, I really liked this guy if he could accept my oddness I could at least entertain his situation. “Well, as I said the Quileute’s are descendant from wolves. It all started many years ago, when our tribe came across a different kind. They were a threat to our people. They were referred to as the cold ones; they killed many people from our tribe. Our men had inherited a power to change into wolves in order to protect the people.” “Protect the people from what?” I asked in a small voice< “What were the cold ones.” I asked him. He looked up to meet my eyes. “Vampires.” He said quietly. I sat there in shock, “So you mean that your ancestors were werewolves that protected humans from vampires?” I stared at him n astonishment. “Yes.” He replied searching my face for an expected reaction that wasn’t there. I wasn’t scared if that is what he was wondering I was intrigued. “Ok so what does this have to do with now, why am I drawing this stuff?” “That I can’t tell you he told me while stroking my hand, “But Sienna, I am what m ancestors were. It has never died off completely. It has been passed through the blood lines over the years. It only develops if there is a need to protect our people.” I gulped, “So you are telling me that you are a werewolf and there are vampires here in Forks which is why you are like this.” “Yes” he said calmly as his eyes searched my face trying to determine if I was going to be ok with this information overload. I sat back in my chair, “Huh…” I thought aloud to myself. He looked at me in surprise, “You aren’t scared, you aren’t going to pass out or anything? I’m not good in those situations.” He warned raising an eyebrow. I thought about it and assessed my body for am moment. I was totally fine none of this bothered me at all. I wasn’t scared I had so many questions. “Why me?” I asked. His face fell. “I knew that this was too much.” He said in desolation. “Huh? I asked, “Oh, no Seth I didn’t mean it like that I meant why in the world would you want me? I am not like you…” He smiled in relief. “So you aren’t scared at all?” He asked in bewilderment. “Nope” I smiled at him “I don’t scare so easily.” He snickered at me, “Sienna Stanley you are something else.” I smiled inquisitively, “Are there other werewolves?” “Yes, he said, Jacob and my sister Leah we are in a pack together. There is also another pack in La Push.” I looked down at my sketchbook and then I looked at Seth again,” So who are they?” I asked. “What?” He asked in surprise. “The people in my drawings, you have to know them if I am drawing wolves maybe it all ties together. The picture of me with you as a wolf makes sense.” I showed him the picture from my nightmare. “What about Nessie?” I asked “Is she a werewolf too? I noticed that she and her family acted a little different but I never questioned her about it.” “Um… no”. Seth said, “She is something else.” Suddenly it all clicked. “Is she a vampire?!” I asked him through my teeth. He looked down, “Yes.” I sat back in my chair again and sipped my coffee. It all made sense, why I never saw her eating hardly anything, why her family seemed so different. “Are they all vampires?” I asked him. “Who?” he asked. “The Cullen’s,” I replied. “Yes.” Seth told me. “But you have to swear that you will not tell a soul.” “Seth, do you really think I would rat out my best friend and her entire family.” I suddenly laughed out loud. He looked at me as though I might be going crazy.” What are you laughing at?” He asked. “So you are telling me I was partying with vampires and werewolves last night?” He nodded, “Huh…” I said again as I pondered that thought. “You aren’t even remotely concerned?” he asked. “Nope, not really.” I told him “Here is my theory I am not in any danger with any of you. I f I was don’t you think someone would have attacked me last night when I was with all of you in the middle of nowhere at the Cullen’s?” He thought for a moment and then said, “Sienna you are unlike anyone I know… you are right though. The Cullen’s are vegetarians. The only drink the blood of animals.” “What about Nessie?” I asked him “She can have human food if she wants it but she usually hunts animals as well.” It was amazing too me, all of it. What surprised me is that I didn’t find any of it shocking. He moved his chair closer to me. “So you really aren’t bothered by any of this?” “No, I’m not” I reassured him. “I oddly feel as though this is natural…as strange as that sounds.” He looked down again, “Um, threes more.” I cut him off, “what are there witches in Forks too??” I asked half joking. He laughed, “um, not that I have come across. There are a couple of other wolf things that you need to know though. Every wolf in the pack goes through something called imprinting. Basically you are made for one individual, and that person only. You meet this person and fall hopelessly for them, and that is the person that you are supposed to be with…forever.” I stared at him, this time he had shocked me. “What are you trying to say to me Seth” He stared into my eyes. “I am saying that I have never even noticed a girl until I saw you last night. It was like the earth opened up and swallowed me whole. I know it is odd and I haven’t known you but I feel as though I have been with you forever. We are made for each other and I am in love with you. I need to be with you Sienna.” I thought about what he said and pulled my thoughts together, I thought for a moment and then spoke. “I know.” “What?” He asked. “I felt the same way Seth, I have never had a boyfriend, and I have never been interested in anyone. It is almost as if I have been waiting for you. You seemed so familiar to me. I fell like I have known you before like in a past life or something. I want to be with you too.” Whispered “So you don’t mind the wolf thing?” He asked. “I think it’s kind of hot” I told him with a mischievous smile. He growled playfully and pulled me to him and started kissing me. I suddenly pulled away. “Can I ever see you as a wolf?” I asked. He looked at me cautiously. “It can be dangerous Sienna. He said he went on to tell me about a girl named Emily her husband (well fiancé at the time) had become angered too close to her and hurt her. I put my hand on his face,” Seth I trust you, I know you won’t hurt me. He looked into my eyes and pulled my face to his and kissed me again. Finally he pulled away and said, “alright but keep your distance until I am changed, just to be safe.” I agreed we stepped into the back yard. I grabbed my coat and he held my hand and led me out of my house towards the woods that lined my backyard we walked deep into the woods. “Hey I asked, “So Renesmee didn’t have food poisoning then huh?” Asked him. He shook his head. “She has had a lot going on but you should probably talk to her about it.” “Is she ok?” I asked with concern. “Jake told me that she was sleeping peacefully when he left last night. He suddenly put his arms around me and kissed my forehead, “Promise me you will stay right here, I will come back when it’s safe.” I raised my hands in a mock salute and he snickered at me and ran off into the woods taking his shirt off as he ran. I suddenly wished I hadn’t promised to stay put and then blushed at the thought. About ten minutes later he came back. He was a beautiful tan color just like I had drawn. He was as large as a horse. I couldn’t believe it. I slowly walked up to him. “Seth?” I asked quietly. I looked into his eyes and recognized the same beautiful, innocent eyes and I knew it was him. He rubbed his head against me and I leaned against him. All of a sudden he let out a whimper and slid me onto his back and before I knew what happened we were flying through the woods faster than I have ever gone before…
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