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posted by CharmedVamp101
We pulled up to the beautiful white house. I sat back in awe. Who had the ability to design something so simple, yet so extravagant at the same time? Probably Esme. Edward had said his family was a lot like him, which meant they were vampires too. They were all beautiful and pale skinned and had the eyes that changed from black to gold to black again. I wonder what made their eyes change.
I thought back to the ride home. It had been very quiet, Edward watched me a lot, so I starred out the window, when I felt his gaze upon me.
We didn't say a lot, I answered the questions that Edward asked me, and he answered mine. Like questions about my family, how they treated me, and about siblings.
"I've never had any, so there isn't much to say about that. I had a distant uncle, who didn't want anything to do with me. My mom was an only child and both of her parents were dead, so no relatives on that side. My grandparents are all dead, my grandmother on my father's side committed suicide after I had lived with them for one year. I was there, and I saw the whole thing, but I can't remember much about that. Just that there was a lot of blood, and she used a piece of broken mirror to do it.
"I remember staring at her, I was angry and I don't remember why, but I was staring at her, so angry I was shaking, I watched as a piece of glass impaled her, a piece she was holding."
I kept the fact that I had broken the mirror and that for some reason, I felt I killed her, even though I hadn't been any where near her, to myself.
I slowly climbed out of the car. I looked around the little clearing and then my eyes found Edward pulling my few suitcases out of the trunk. He led me inside.
WOW, I thought, it was huge in here. One wall was made entirely of glass, exactly how I wanted my house. The room we stood in was very spacious, a flat screen TV stood across from a couple of La Z Boy chairs and a white couch. Everything was pale in color.
"Would you like a grand tour,"Edward asked.
"Sure,"I replied.
"Emmett, will you take Liz's stuff up to my room. After the tour, can I have everyone outside, so that I can show Liz, what I promised to show her?"
I blushed.
He led me towards a large curving staircase and past it.
"This is the dining room,"he pointed out.
I marveled at the beautiful wooden table with matching chairs. The wall here was also made of glass, so this entire side of the house must be made of glass. We walked through a doorway into a room, that was obviously the kitchen.
"This is where we store the food. And since your human, we can cook for you if you want, or you can make your own if you prefer,"he gestured to the cabinets and stainless steel stove.
I stared at the beautiful tile floor and the counter top that looked nothing like the tiles, but went with it perfectly.
We walked back to the the curved stairs and for the first time I noticed a hallway behind him.
"Back this way is the bathroom and a cleaning closet, your free to use either, if you feel the need."
I smiled at him.
Then we headed up the ornately carved staircase. On the second floor he pointed out each room. Carlisle's office, Rosalie and Emmett's room, Alice's room, and Jasper's room. On the wall hung a beautifully carved wooden cross hanging on the wall.
"So, religious stuff doesn't hurt you?"I asked.
"No, that's a myth, like the sun, and we don't sleep."
"You don't sleep,"I whispered appalled.
"We can't."
"That sounds boring. What do you do at night, since you can't sleep?"
"Play the piano, read. What else is there to do?"
"I don't know, how old are you, both physically and realistically?"
"Well physically, I'm 17. Realistically, I was born in 1901."
I did the math in my head. If he was turned when he was 17, then he was turned in 1918. It was 2006 now, so then he was 105 years old.
I felt my mouth drop open and my eyes pop. I couldn't remember how to close my mouth.
"You're 105 years old?"
"Yes, you seem surprised."
"Well, yeah, you're an old guy trapped in a 17 year old body."
"Yeah, but I still feel like I'm 17. So what does it matter if I'm actually 105?"
"It doesn't really matter, but I guess I'm just shocked is all."
"You know, this cross is from the mid 1600s, Carlisle's dad made it. Carlisle was turned by a wild vampire whose coven was living in the sewers under the streets of London. He changed while he stayed quiet, a surprising thing, since the change is so painful. He tried killing himself, but it's really hard to kill a vampire. He never fed on a human, he was hiding in the forest, away from civilization when he realized he could live off of animals. So starved was he that he drank from deer. He became more civilized and over time, he swam the channel to France. He made his way to Italy, where he met another coven of vampires, this one more civilized than the wraiths under the streets of London. They are the Volturi, they're the royalty to us vampires, the law. He stayed with Aro, Marcus, and Caius for a decade, trying to persuade them to try animals, while the tried to persuade him to keep the natural food source. He decided to come to the new world."
"Poor Carlisle, to have to fight what he is, just because he was turned."
"Carlisle changed me, and everyone else in my family, except Alice and Jasper. Jasper was the youngest major during the civil war, while Alice was in an assylum for her human life. Carlisle only changed us because we were dying. I almost died of the Spanish Influenza, Esme jumped off a cliff, they took her straight to the mortuary. Rosalie was beaten by her drunk fiance and left to die on the street, she saved Emmett from a grizzly bear and brought him to Carlisle."
I stared at the floor, poor people, known of them chose it. They all were suffering, but I've always wanted to be a vampire, I could deal with the blood drinking and pain of the change, as long as I got to be beautiful and strong, and could see so much. It would be so cool. Now I knew one, so maybe my wish would be fulfilled.
"Well, let's continue our tour, shall we?"
He led me up a second set of stairs. There were five doors, one at the end of the hall, and two on either side of it. The two doors on the right were Alice's fashion room and the Library. On the left were Carlisle and Esme's room, and Esme's office. The door at the end of the hall was Edward's room.
He opened the door and I gasped. His room had a glass wall, so it must be facing the same way the living room and dining room were. The carpet was gold and the walls were a lighter shade of gold. In the middle of the room was a king size, if not bigger, bed with gold and black covers and black iron roses welded to the head board. He had a black sofa pushed against the north wall and a complicated stereo on the other side of the bed. Nailed to the walls were shelves and shelves of CDs. There were enough CDs here, that it could have been a music store.
"How are these ordered,"I asked my eyes wide once more.
"By year, than by preference."
I walked along the walls, reading each title, there were just so many.
After that I jumped on the bed. I noticed my stuff in front of the couch.
"So, if you don't sleep, why do you have this very comfortable bed here?"
"Well, Bella,"he winced,"used to sleep in it, and I didn't feel like getting rid of it."
"Oh,"I couldn't think of a more sympathetic answer.
I looked out the window wall an for the first time noticed the beautiful view.
"Wow, what a beautiful landscape."
"Yeah. I can't argue from my view point either."
I looked over at him to see where his viewpoint led and he was looking at me. I blushed and smiled as I looked down.
"Ready to see what we can do?"
I smiled wider as I looked up at him.
"Of course."
Then he took my hand and led me back down stairs.
"renesme ? nessie sweety ?" a deep voice woke me. he flet some shaking me.
my head hurt. what had happened to me? i tried to look back on what had just happened but my mind was blank.
"wh what happened to me?" i asked the man sttod over me i didnt know him but all i knew was that he was the one calling me so i must know him.
"your in italy darling you were just atacked by two very strong vampires. do you not remember?" i shook me head.
"do you remember me?" he asked
i shook my head again.
"oh my you must of lost your memorie" oh i thought he was about to say mind.
"im sorry but who are you and...
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posted by CoolMandyz43
Hi everyone just had to write this because I am so hyped from just seeing Eclipse. I work at a movie thearter in Michigan and got to go see it with 2 family members. Let me say I was scared when I heard about David Slade directing it at first. Now this man is a twilight god! He took this movie and really stayed as true as he could! I thought Chris did alright with NM but David killed IT! From one Twi-hard to another, there are not many things to worry about. There are no huge scense taken out that needed to be in there. Only things really are no Bella getting stuck at with Alice and having...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Sorry I haven't typed for a while. I've been busy...really busy. I had many graduation parties to go to...Lol I haven't realized how many friends and cousins I had...haha! Enjoy reading!! :)

End of Chapter 7. (Bella)
His shorts were shreaded all over the place. "You exploded your shorts?" Again he shook his head up and down. "Go home and get shorts on. Then I'll talk to you later." Jacob nodded his big wolf head. I petted him. I put my clothes on and drove home. Charlie left for work already so it was good for me. At least I don't need to explain why I am wet. I dried my hair and pack my...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "Huh!?!" We all said in unison.
    "Yes. Cydnee does. And only her." Shropee was serious. And then she began laughing. "I'm just kidding, you all do."
    "Oh. Wait...huh!?" We all said, once more.
    "When Tabra was in the hospital, what happened?" She asked.
    "I found out Haus was alive, and then when I was telling Tabra a killer doctor walked in and tried to kill me but Jerek tackled him and tied...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Once we reached the bottom, I saw a HUUUUUUGE labratory of weapons and books and chemicals and a little computer base with like seven to ten computer screens mounted on a wall with one keyboard and one mouse, with one girl behind it all that was the same height as me.
    "Jerek!" She squealed after noticing our appearance. She jumped up and ran over to him, gave him a huge hug and stepped back to look at us. "So nice to see you again!"
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Gasping for breath, I jolted awake, bolting up-right into a sitting position on the bed. Jerek was next to me, I could feel him. My hand was on his stomach. But still, I looked at him to make sure it wasn't someone else. I sighed in relief as I saw Jerek's face, his chest, his muscles....CYD! Haha...umm...anyways, I laid back down, holding onto Jerek, and clinging onto him as much, and as best, as I could. And when I got setteled at the right spot, I fell back asleep. Even if it...
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posted by Tatti
Well, I must admit I really enjoy writing this story so I really hope you'll be able to enjoy it even a bit as I did. Thanks for all great comments you leave.


2nd chapter Playing


I was really concerned. How in the world is it possible for three couples, who would do anything to have children, to find three babies on their doorstep? Moreover, what is the possibility when these couples are vampires? And finally, these babies appear to be half-vampires?
While everybody was busy taking care and playing with little ones I kept waiting for something unexpected to happen. I waited and... Nothing....
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's an update to all my wonderful readers! Thankies so so much for commenting, and I hope you like this one too! Much love to each of you, and enjoy!! :]
Summer quietly stood to her feet and tiptoed into the hallway. She detected Carlisle’s scent in the study, but the door was closed. She knocked, “Come in, Summer.” She opened up the study door and peered into the room. Carlisle was smiling in her direction, “No, you’re not interrupting anything.” She giggled, “Sometimes I forget that you know me so well.” He pulled...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    I closed the door and locked it behind me. I then stripped down and ran the hot water in the shower, and I grabbed a rag from under the sink.
    When I got out of the shower, I dried off, got dressed, and ran back downstairs. But Jerek was gone.
    "Jerek?" I said, no answer.
    I went back upstairs. "Has anyone seen Jerek?" Everyone said he didn't go upstairs, but went into the secret basement. So, I went back down.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    Jerek looked at me. "I mean, he called up the department of Death Clan's, called down his men, the ones in this state only, and I went back to spy on him, see if he has any visible now, and I saw forty he was talking to."
    "Whoa. How many people do we have?" I asked.
    "We have twenty five, including the doctor's on there way."
    "Crap!" I hissed and he wrapped me in a hug.
    "We'll be fine." He promised....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    I let him leave, and I didn't leave the room until five minutes later. I felt so sorry for Jerek, I felt like crying too. But I didn't. I gathered my mixed feelings, and I walked out of the room, past the group of talking people, through the double doors, and heard Tabra behind a curtin with H on it in a big black letter outlined in maroony-red. Shroppe's hospital room, definitely.
    "Tabra?" I said, and he was bending over backwards, jumping up and down, running...
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posted by bluemc24
As I lay on the steps ,my head in Alice's lap,
I realised I love her more thn my own life, and maybe Bella was right. I might be over protective, but if Alice''s life ended,
so would mine. I would not live without her. Before I knew her I thought me life was ok,
but now I've met her I would never dream of going back to my life before her.
just then, i imagined the image of her tiny body
fighting a newborn.
the thought made me shudder. maybe like wolves vampires could imprint, carlisle and esme, rosealie and emmet, me and alice. i woud of finished that thought if alice hadn't started talking to herself and mumbling about the pictures being striaght but not straight anough.....
posted by a-jforever
Ok so this is my new fanfic. Please tell me what you think of it.XX

“Ella you’re amazing.” Renesmee shouted as me and my horse Faith crossed our final jump and stopped in front of her. I dismounted patting Faith’s nose and Nessie hugged her. “You’re going to thrash everyone in your competition in two weeks time.” “Thanks.” I murmured thinking about the trip up I made on the first jump. If I want to qualify I can’t be doing that anymore. Nessie’s phone started singing her favourite song startling Flo.

“Whoa easy.” I said taking firmer hold of the reins and sliding my...
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"what is it? whats happened?" i found myself worring about them both in the same way and not just friend worring about another friend and ex lover worring about the one she loves i found myself worring like i loved them both. in the same way. what did that mean? i didnt have time to drell on that this instence. as alice was still talking.
"its the fight you carnt be in it nessie" she could see i was about to argue again. but she carried on s[eaking."you carnt be in it beacuse i see that if your there then blake is going to come looking for you and is going to get hurt by trying to get to you...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
Cynddylans marble face was pinching into a grimace. His, now, burgundy eyes were all sad and in them held…quilt? He missed his sister, my brain told me. I never have had a brother or sister, and never will. If I ever had one, it would bring me into great sadness, if we didn’t live together, or love each other. Cynddylan obviously wanted his sister back. “Do you miss her?” I said in a very quiet whisper. He just looked up, his eyes no longer sad, and said, “Question me.” I was annoyed that he didn’t answer and that he changed the subject, but I did what he said. “Right, so if...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
"WHAT!?" A deep voice called, and someone ran to the stairs and looked up at us. " target Cydnee." He had a smile on his face, and he looked creepy.
    "Let go of me you jerk!" I said and Haus laughed.
    "When will you learn?" Tabra asked me and started down the steps.
    "LET ME GO!" I shouted and struggeled, but his grip tightened.
    "Nice to see you again, Tabra." Haus said. "I knew you'd return."
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
"Okay, so I've had a knife thrown at my head, and now a poisonous sandwhich!? How am I suppossed to do anything around my house without any paranoia of everything being a death trap!?" I asked Tabra.
"I'm not sure. But you are right about that guy knowing where you live. The only other way I can think of a safe strategy is to come live with me in the spare bedroom." Tabra sat on the couch and I stayed standing.
"Yea, I don't mind. I would just leave now, you never know if this place is rigged with...
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posted by Tatti
"Who?" I didn't know what expression I had, but I definitely couldn't feel my body. I stared at Alice without blinking, but she avoided my gaze.
"Everyone" she whispered.
"We will lose?!" I squeaked.
"No, not that" she still didn't look at me. What her words mean then? "With your help I saw more possible variants of the future than I ever could see. But in all visions we lost someone. Sometimes it was one of the wolves, sometimes one of us, sometimes it was..."
"Me?" I asked calmly and she nodded. I was surprised that her words about my possible death didn't scare me much. After all I already knew...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Robert Pattinson Not a 'Twihard,' Saw 'Twilight' for The First Time 'A Few Days Ago'

by Joe Lynch · June 14, 2010

With the third installment in the Twilight series hitting theaters June 30, those still unfamiliar with the phenomenon might be finally getting caught up on what they've been missing. While "Twihards" (diehard fans of the vampire series) may find it surprising that anyone could miss out on their beloved saga, they'll probably be even more surprised to find out who is among the uninitiated: Edward Cullen himself.

Yep, "Twilight" antihero, Robert Pattinson has admitted that, until quite...
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posted by smileyfaceddude

We had travelled to and from countries and now we were in Wales. It was raining (perfect weather for vampires) and cold. It didn’t matter because we were immune to feeling it, I was just so sick of looking for Renesmee. I just wanted to see her running to me and hugging me. I missed her so much. Edward had done his best to cheer me up but even he was finding it hard. I also felt sorry for Jacob. He was the most depressed; he had a permanent grimace on his russet face. Occasionally, I would see a girl across the street, think it was Renesmee and try and dash for the random girl, but Edward...
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