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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 6: An Invitation

I maneuvered my car along the long and windy driveway that led to the house. Jake made up some lame excuse about having something to take care of at home and took off, I couldn’t help but notice how angry he was as he left; he was trembling. I knew he was going to phase at any moment so I was kind of glad that he took off before he lashed out. “I am sorry for how rude my friend was to you, he is not usually like that something must be going on, “I told Nahuel. He smiled warmly at me, and said, “It’s perfectly fine, I hope I did not cause any problems for you” with a worried crease in his brow. I reassured him that everything was fine as I parked my car in my grandparent’s monstrously huge garage. When I walked in the door I heard the beautiful sound of my father playing the piano, as my mother sat with him and watched. My grandmother sat at the table going over what I assumed to be party plans for my birthday (gag!). “Hi everyone, look who I found at school today.” My father stopped playing and smiled, “Hello Nahuel. How are you? He walked up to shake his hand. “What brings you to Forks?” Nahuel received his hand warmly, “My aunt and I have come here for a fresh start, we have decided to try the vegetarian way of life and we thought that this would be the best place to start, since we knew that your coven was here.” My mother smiled warmly, remembering that he had saved us all, “Nahuel we will be more than happy to do what we can to help you both.” The door opened and my Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie glided into the room bickering over party arrangements, “Alice she is not going to like it you know how she feels about big parties,” Aunt Alice replied in annoyance “Rose you are really killing me here. Do you realize that this is a momentous occasion on top of the fact it has been so long since I have thrown a good party and you know how I like-“she trailed off as she saw Nahuel. My uncles came in behind them with my grandfather who had just come home from the hospital. “Nahuel” Carlisle smiled warmly as he embraced him, “how are you my friend?” Nahuel explained again to everyone why he was here. My family was so happy to see him, but my father kept to himself a bit. I thought it was strange and unlike him, but I brushed it off thinking he was still upset with me for my brash words the other day. After visiting for a bit, Nahuel stood up, “Thank you so much for your kindness I already feel very welcome here, my Aunt will be sorry that she missed this.” My Aunt Alice smiled widely with an impish look in her eyes, “Nahuel, Renesmee’s birthday party is in two days, and you should come and invite your aunt as well. We are considering this her sweet 16, since it is her last mortal birthday.” He looked down at me and smiled in such a private way that I had to look away from him, “Well, he said in his beautiful accent. “that all depends on what Renesmee thinks would you like me to come?” I felt the blood rush to my face amidst a snicker that was let out by my Uncle Emmett as my Aunt Rosalie smacked him. I slowly met Nahuel’s eyes with my own, “Um, sure, it would be great if you want to that is” way to go I thought to myself after my intelligent conversation at lunch he is just going to be thrilled to spend even more time with me now. He laughed politely, “Of course I would like to” he turned to my Aunt Alice, “well it’s settled, I will see all of you then, thank you for the gracious invitation.” I couldn’t stop staring at his intense chocolate brown eyes it could have been hours for all I knew that I sat there when I finally felt a hand on my shoulder. My mother looked at me with a bemused twinkle in her eye, “Why don’t you give Nahuel a ride home and then we will hunt when you return.” My face flushed as I realized that I had made a fool of myself yet again, “Oh sure” I mumbled. I grabbed my car keys and led Nahuel out as he politely said goodbye to everyone. When we stepped outside he took my hand and stopped me. He pulled me so that I was in front of him, and inches from his face. He spoke softly, “I’m sorry, did I do anything to offend you in there?” Once again I was caught up in a trance by his intense eyes, “Oh, no… no of course not, it’s just been a long day…” He placed a hand under my chin, “In that case why don’t we get going so that you can come home and get some rest. This face is far too beautiful, to not be taken care of properly.” I forgot to breath for the entire time that he was speaking and started to get dizzy. “Are you alright?” He asked in concern. “I’m fine, must be thirsty” I offered quickly I turned around so that I could attempt to maintain what was left of my dignity. I took a deep breath and told myself, “Ok, he is dangerously beautiful but you can do this without making a total fool of yourself, just do not look into his eyes and it will be ok.” He opened the door for me and then slid gracefully into the passenger seat. I tried to think of something interesting to say in order to strike up a conversation so that I wouldn’t smash up my new car in my distracted state. “So, um you cut you hair?” I wanted to smack myself as soon as I had opened my mouth there’s a line that will sweep him off of his feet, I thought to myself sarcastically. “Yes, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try something new.” I made the mistake of looking at his face as he spoke; he smiled a beautiful smile that produced two dimples in its wake devastating me even more. I tore my eyes away from his as an angry horn blared from a car in the opposite lane apparently I had veered to close for comfort. I gasped and swerved just in time. “Pull over he instructed gently. I obeyed and closed my eyes for a minute. “Are you alright?” He asked again looking even more concerned than before. “Yes I’m fine I must really just be tired, it’s been a long day.” Well, I thought to myself, that wasn’t a total lie. He smiled at me and said, “why don’t you let me drive so that you can relax a bit.” I agreed and stepped out of the car once he was behind the wheel I was able to focus a little more on conversation, “What made you come here Nahuel?” His content smile shifted into an emotionless expression. “Family issues.” Was all he offered, I decided to switch tactics. “I’m sorry that my Aunt cornered you into coming to my party she shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that-“ I stopped talking as he pulled into the school parking lot. He parked the car and turned to me, with an amused smile, “Do you think I would really have agreed to come if I didn’t want to? How could I not attend the sweet 16th party of the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on?” That did it, I officially wasn’t breathing normally, I didn’t have a particularly brilliant response so I didn’t offer one. I just stared into his eyes that suddenly burned with a deep intensity, “Renesmee you are amazing and what’s more you understand me, every fiber of my being. We are two of a kind. I most certainly want to spend more time with you, that is, if you don’t mind.” I managed to squeak out my approval. “Wonderful” he said as he continued to keep his eyes locked on mine. “I have forgotten something in school so I need to go, I can walk home from here”. He got out of the car and walked around to open my door for me. He held his hand out to me and helped me up I was grateful for his help since I didn’t trust my wobbly knees just yet. “Will I see you tomorrow then?” He asked as he still held onto my hand. I nodded as I continued to remain lost in the sea of his eyes he leaned in and brushed his lips against my cheek. “Will you be ok to drive home?” He asked once again looking concerned. “Yes, I will be fine,” I assured him. “Good” he murmured as he touched his hand to my cheek, “Get some rest.” With that he sauntered away from me into the school, I watched him as he disappeared into the building, it just shouldn’t be legal for a guy to be that god-like. I sighed and then got into my car thinking to myself, “What just happened?!” I groaned as I realized what a fool I had made of myself. He was probably just being polite with the kiss on the cheek and I was totally blowing it out of proportion, I laid my head against the steering wheel in defeat. My thoughts were disturbed by a fist pounding on the passenger side of my car. I let out a shocked scream as I looked into two very angry eyes.
posted by NeeNee14
Kammie's Tattoo
Kammie's Tattoo
Thx shiver-zimmy for helping me write this chapter!!

I cried for days. I lied and said I was fine when my parents asked. They were so excited that I was home, I was too, until it happened. They went out again tonight. It was funny how often my parents went out, yet they never came home drunk, just extremly happy. I wished I had that, but it was taken from me. I crawled under my covers and let the tears come, more forcefully then before.

I wanted to make myself hurt. I figured that if I cried about everything tonight, I would be out of tears. He wasn't the only guy in the world. Everyone...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode nineteen*
*Bella’s P.O.V*
Bella: This is nice…I think we’re bonding!
Rosalie: Yeah, but we’ve already bonding tons.
Alice: Rose is right…but now we’re *whispers* pregnant *back to normal voice*
Rosalie: Good point, Ali. *smiles and takes a sip of Alice’s blood*
Alice: *sees her* Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you drinking that?
Rosalie: *rolls eyes* Duh, I’m pregnant too.
Bella: Hey, so am I!
Alice: Yeah, well then let me get more for you…don’t drink mine! *leaves*
Bella: Thanks, Cupcake!
Alice: Yeah, Belly…BRB!

~Inside Emmett’s Game~
(key: virtual...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by mia1emmett
"hey, my name's Mike Newton" i said "hey, Elizabeth Cullen. but i think you knew that" he laughed and said "walk you to class?" i smiled and said "no thanks, Emmett and I have all the same classes" Mike looked sad but he just nodded and walked away. I ran into Alice and she said "hey, your brother Jasper is so nice!" i smiled at her and said "did he tell you my name?" she nodded and i told her "call me Liz" she smiled and nodded. i started walking to class Alice is so nice and she does seem perfect for Jasper! i smiled to myself and i bumped into something that felt like a brick wall....
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posted by LexisFaith
This is a VAMPIRE DIARIES one-shot in Stefan's POV. If I didn't put it on here, it would never get read so, before you starting chewing me out for that, I KNOW!! Okay, I really hope you guys like this.
I laid back on my bed, shoving my palms into my eyes, to try and stop the tears. Despite my efforts, tears seaped through and soaked my hair and pillow.

Just a week ago, Elena was laying beside me, bringing light into my old battered room. She was running her fingers though my hair, telling me how everything would work out. She was kissing me with...
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posted by mia1emmett
i made the Cullen's human and i added a character.
Idea: Dr.Cullen and his wife Esme have 4 adopted children.Emmett and Elizabeth twins, then Edward and Jasper and Renesmee
**twilight is not owned by me, a.k.a all the characters that belong to the book belong to S.Meyer. the only thing owned by me is Elizabeth**
***The characters might be different, they are in the way i thought of them***
*Elizabeth :: 6'4", dark brown hair that looks almost black that was wavy, light brown eyes.*

Elizabeth's P.O.V:
Renesmee ran down the stairs she was holding out BoB Emmett's pet duck. Emmett jumped off the...
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posted by NeeNee14
I got out of the bed, but Cords were puling me back.I ripped them out my arm and the machines started beeping rapidly. Carlisle came in, he looked at me and walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms. I stood there and cried. I didn't notice he was gone and someone else came in to hug me. These arms where warm...
I looked up at who was holding me.She looked back at me and smiled. I saw my reflection in her eyes. I looked horrible, my eyes where puffy and my hair was a mess.
"He loves you, he would never do anything to hurt you...and if he ever did hurt you.I will kill him..I don't care if He's...
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posted by basketballstar
This is a follow on to my story of Alice's Obsession. It was slightly difficult to write, as I never intended a follow on for the first one! Please comment and tell me what you think!

The night was pitch black as I approached my house. The moon shone down upon it, creating an eerie shadow across the meadow. The fact that there were no lights on inside didn’t strike me as strange, as I could hear the thoughts inside. I managed to shut them out before I could get too grossed out.... I made a mental note to stay away from all their rooms.
I scaled the side of the building quickly....
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Edward was taking us to the Hamptons for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school. His family was already there, so we would tell them the new about our engagement when we see them.

We arrived at this big white house, it was so beautiful and had alot of balconies. I took the bags and carried them upstairs, no one was here. I heard the door bell ring and was about to answer it but Edward was already there. I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair at the door, she was all smiles.
"Eddie!!!!It so good to see you." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You too Tanya." He said and...
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posted by mia1emmett
:) ;) i love how i ended this chapter
Chapter 14
            School is fun
    Today was my first day at the packs school. Me Paul and Jared are in the same grade then Jake, Quill, Embry, Leah then Seth. It was 6:30 I got up and walked to Jake’s bathroom quickly showered and grabbed a t-shirt with a peace sign and all over writing that said peace. Then I grabbed cut off shorts. I changed and walked out grabbed my white nikes and let Jake in to change and get ready. I made us breakfast and I noticed that Billy was...
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posted by mia1emmett
Tell me if you want to see *sparks* ;)
Chapter 13
     Welcome to the pack
    I drove into Jakes drive way and I turned my car off. It was raining so my vampire scent had gone. I walked out into the soaking rain and knocked on jakes door. Jacob answered it and said “right this way”. I walked in and saw the whole pack was there jake, embry, seth, paul, sam, leah, jared, quil. them all and sat down on the empty chair I said “um.. I am guessing jake told you all to come. Well thing is the Volturi are coming they smelt me, Edward, and Emmett in Italy...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Later that night, I got out of the shower, ready to go to bed, anxious for Verona's arrival tomorrow morning. I was tired and anxious. If you're anxious, doesn't that mean that you should be awake and a bit energized? Anyways, I am tired and anxious, and if that wasn't possible before, it now is.
    "You tired?" I asked Jerek once I crawled into bed.
    "Yea. Being nervous, and now anxious, made me tired. Plus, I had to fight a few people in...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Five minutes later, seven knocks came to the door again, and I let Ethan back into the room.
    "He's there. I told him to lock the door, and watch out for people." Ethan said, and I felt better now.
    "Thanks so much." I said, and he nodded.
    "So, when does Shropee get here?" He asked.
    "We don't know. She said she'll knock ten times on the door so we know it's her and Jerek." Tabra answered.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Cydnee, right?" The doctor said, and I nodded. "You must be Tabra." Tabra nodded. "Hi, I'm Dr. Black. But call me Ethan, please."
    "Alright, Ethan." Tabra rose to his feet and shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya'."
    "Yea. Can I ask you something, Ethan?" I sat on my bed, and he nodded.
    "Did you ever have Verona as a patient?" I asked him. "She's on this floor, room 23."
    "Yes, I did. I know why...
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posted by mia1emmett
i know this is short sorry.
Chapter 12
    I was running with Embry and Seth. Embry stopped me and I asked “what? We have to go!” but then I heard Sam say “Embry don’t do it she’s not ready” Jake grabbed my hand but Embry smacked it away and growled. I tried to run but he held tighter, I screamed ‘help!’ and Paul came running to my side. He pushed Embry and grabbed me and started running with me but then Embry pushed Paul and Paul got mad. But then I gave Paul a look and he walked away and that’s when...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is how i pictured Estella
this is how i pictured Estella
ok this is very simple and short but you'll love the next chapter :)

Chapter 6
            WOULD YOU? O.o
Emmett honked his horn in my face and my face must have been funny
because I saw jasper and Emmett laugh, Alice came to my rescue and
smacked both of them. I laughed and opened the door. Alice and jasper
gave me a hard time about wanting to leave for Italy. I noticed rose was all silent. It puzzled me. I felt a change in emotion and I instantly hit jasper, Emmett laughed and I said "don't play with my emotions!" then jasper said...
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This is a sequel to "When The Stars Align" I hope you like it.☺☺☺

I lay in the bed, waiting for Tala to burst through my door and "wake" me up. I sighed, wishing that Seth was here with us, but he couldn't be, he was dead. I started to get up to see why she wasn't up yet. I peeked into her room, she was still asleep.
"Wake up Sunshine" I whispered in her ear. She opened her eyes and smiled.
"Morin' Mommy" She said and got out of bed. She went into the kitchen and sat in her chair.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her.
"PANCAKES!" She yelled and smiled. She looked so much like Seth...
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Edwards’s pov

Approaching the meadow was weird I mean we were about to try and get my daughter back os it was like I don’t know it’s really hard to explain it right now.
Bella has been playing with her hair all the way here and now stood here she is crying tearless tears.
She looked so helpless without our baby and I remembered back to the time she use to look like that when I first got her back when she didn’t have any life in them eyes. It pained me so.

It hit me a minute later their thoughts about whom and which one they are after I scanned across them until I reached nessies.
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posted by groovychicklisa
Music and Memories

Charlie had left by the time I got up the next morning; he was fishing with Billy again, and probably wouldn't be back until late. I did the homework that had to be done by Monday and cleaned the house, but it was still barely noon by the time I had finished. Edward hadn't said when he would call, so when the phone rang a few minutes later, I almost fell down the stairs in my hurry to get to it.

"Hello?" I answered breathlessly.

"Hi honey!"

I let out a slightly disappointed sigh; mom.

"Hey mom." I started twirling the chord around my finger, hoping this wouldn't turn out to be...
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posted by karpach_13
this is ivan
this is ivan
we walked upto jake and he just looked at eric. i wondered what he was planning to do but i wasn't really good at guessing so theres no help. i looked at jake. his eyes were burning with anger.
"jake whats wrong?" i asked him. no answer, only two of them staring at each other, it was like a staring competition. them i saw sam and seth come to the school. then i knew there was going to be danger for sure.
"sam!" i yelled. he walked up to and started whispering something to seth.
"what is it nessie?" he asked me.
"whats happening with jake?" i asked him. he didnt look worried at all, like it was...
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