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here is the next one!!

just before i start, if you read this and find a spelling mistake or anything else that's wrong, could you let me know? i know i sound like a perfectionist but it irritates me. thanks, hope you enjoy this bit!
p.s this story isnt mine all credit goes to steph meyer

Demetri and Felix relaxed instantly, and I dropped my arms in defeat.
“Jane.” I sighed in recognition and resignation.
Alice’s thoughts came from beside me. Just stick to the script, no deviations.
Alice crossed her arms and remained impassive. She had seen what would happen if a fight broke out now.
“Follow me.” Jane spoke again, her childish voice a monotone. Without turning to see if we were indeed following, she led the way back down the alley. She didn’t need to check if we were following. Who would dare appose her?
Felix gestured for us to go first, smirking.
Alice was already following after Jane so I wrapped my arm around Bella’s waist and pulled her gently alongside me. We walked in step with Alice as the alley angled downward and narrowed.
Bella looked up at me, a thousand questions in her eyes, but I just shook my head. Felix was watching us closely, his thoughts centred on Bella. If she said anything it could compromise Alice’s plans.
My role in Alice’s vision was coming up, but it was likely that I would have asked anyway.
“Well Alice,” I went on conversationally, feeling Bella pressed to my side, smelling her wonderful scent. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised to see you here.”
“It was my mistake,” Alice answered in the same tone. “It was my job to set it right.”
My curiosity spiked and I fought to keep my voice uninterested. “What happened?”
“It’s a long story.” Alice’s eyes flickered toward Bella then away. “In summary, she did jump off a cliff, but she wasn’t trying to kill herself. Bella’s all about the extreme sports these days.”
Bella’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Alice quickly told me the story in her head.
Near-drowning, Victoria, Laurent, Jacob and his werewolf friends. Her pain.
I only just managed to respond. “Hm.” Was all I could manage. What had I done?
After a loose curve in the alley we reached the open hole in the street. Jane had already dropped through and Alice didn’t hesitate or break stride as she strode toward the wall behind it. With easy grace she slid straight through.
Bella hadn’t noticed where we were heading until Alice disappeared. I felt her resist and when I looked down she looked paler than usual. I didn’t want her to be scared but I didn’t have a choice.
“It’s all right, Bella,” I tried to comfort her in a low voice. “Alice will catch you.”
She looked at the black hole, doubt all over her beautiful face. I didn’t want her to have to go before me, but with Demetri and especially Felix standing behind us, I couldn’t risk leaving her without Alice or myself.
I was forced to relinquish my grip of her waist as she crouched down over the hole, before lowering her legs through.
“Alice?” she whispered, her voice trembling.
“I'm right here, Bella” Alice reassured her.
I took her wrists, carefully holding on because she was so fragile, and lowered her into the darkness. Well, it was dark for her.
“Ready?” I asked Alice. I already knew she was waiting but I was making Bella feel safer.
“Drop her.” Alice called.
I saw Bella’s face crumple with terror but I let her fall. I didn’t have a choice.
I heard Alice catch her, and moved at inhuman speed so I could be with her sooner.
I moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her again, before towing her forward.
She responded, both her arms encircling my waist, as she tripped and stumbled her way along side me.
Her frantic heartbeat and erratic breathing told me how she was faring. I was sure she was close to screaming.
I held her more tightly and reached my free hand over to stroke her face, the first time in seven months. Her fragile cheek, just silk over glass, was warm to my touch. I traced her lips, so soft and warm like her cheek. I pressed my face into her hair, just enjoying the smell of her. I kissed her head, and felt the happiness of it, offsetting the fear the subterranean tunnel must be causing her. I could see every detail of the walls and ground, but I knew it would be very dark to her.
She pulled herself closer to me every now and then, realising this may be the only reunion we got.
Behind me, Felix was frustrated with the pace we were moving at and every now and then he would sigh.
Bella started shaking. I thought it was from the overwhelming fear of the tunnel and our company, but then her teeth started chattering. I realised she was cold and let go of her waist, keeping only her hand. I didn’t want to but she was a higher priority than what I wanted.
But she didn’t want me to let go. “N-n-no.” She chattered throwing her arms around me. I moved my hand up and down her arm, trying to warm her with the friction.
We continued to move through the tunnel at her pace, Felix sighing behind me.
I saw the end of the tunnel long before Bella did, the iron bars rusting, but as thick as her arm. A door made of thinner, interlaced bars stood open. We moved into the brighter room and Demetri closed it with a bang, snapping a lock shut at the same time. We moved through another set of doors into the same hallway I had walked through before.
Bella relaxed automatically as we walked into the brightly lit hallway, but I tensed, my jaw clenched tight. I gave the deceiving hallway a dark look as we followed Jane to an elevator at the end of it.
I barely noticed as the door was shut behind us and a bolt slid home. Jane was holding the elevator open for us, her expression indifferent. Her thoughts confirmed the expression. She was bored because we had come so easily.
Stepping inside the elevator the three Volturi relaxed. Their hoods fell back and their faces became calm.
Standing in the corner, Bella cringed against me. I was still rubbing her arm but I kept my eyes firmly locked on Jane.
We walked through the reception area, passing a woman called Gianna who acted as receptionist.
Too my surprise she knew exactly what we were.
“Good Afternoon, Jane.” Her face held no hint of the curiosity that burned inside her. She was very good at her job.
Jane nodded to her. “Gianna.”
As Felix walked past her he winked, Gianna’s thoughts becoming incoherent as she giggled.
As we walked past the receptionist, another kind of welcome was waiting. Alec was standing, waiting for us. His thoughts filled with relief as Jane walked around the corner.
“Jane.” He smiled reaching for her.
“Alec.” She responded, embracing him.
“They send you out for one and you come back with two...and a half.” He said, noticing Bella. “Nice work.” He complemented her.
Jane’s delighted laughter filled the room.
Alec’s attention turned to me. “Welcome back, Edward.” Alec greeted me. “You seem in a better mood.” He had picked up on my uplifted mood, now that I knew Bella was alive.
“Marginally.” I agreed in a flat voice. Although I was happy Bella was alive, I was extremely angry of our present situation.
Alec chuckled before turning to look at Bella. “And this is the cause of all the trouble?” he was very sceptical. He couldn’t understand my love for the beautiful creature beside me.
I smiled, contemptuous, but Felix’s thoughts interrupted me. He was claiming Bella for himself, to anger me.
“Dibs.” He called casually from behind.
I turned, a low snarl building deep in my chest.
Felix smiled, raising his hand in a gesture that said bring it on.
Alice stepped forward, touching my arm. “Patience.” She warned. Her vision showed what would happen if I fought Felix. I fought the urge to shudder at seeing the picture of Bella dead on the ground. That could not happen.
I took a deep breath before turning back to Alec.
“Aro will so pleased to see you again.” Alec said as if nothing had passed.
Jane, eager to agree with him added, “Let’s not keep him waiting.”
I nodded once, preparing myself for what was coming.
Holding hands, Alec and Jane led the way.
We walked into a different room to the one I had entered last time. Almost all of the Volturi was in here, excluding Caius and Marcus.
Aro was expecting us but he was still happy to see Jane again.
“Jane, dear one, you’ve returned!” he said with evident delight.
He moved forward and kissed Jane lightly on her lips before moving back slightly.
“Yes, Master.” Jane answered, the ever angelic child. “I brought him back alive, just as you wished.”
Aro hadn’t expected anything different, but he still complemented her. “You are such a comfort to me.” Still smiling.
He turned to us, taking in our group, and I watched as his smile became ecstatic.
“And Alice and Bella too!” he exclaimed clapping his hands together. “This is a happy surprise! Wonderful!” his thoughts were possessive, especially of Alice. He so wanted her to join the guard because of her unique gift.
He turned from us to Felix. “Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to miss this.”
“Yes, Master.” Felix nodded and disappeared back the way we had come.
“You see Edward?” Aro scolded like an adoring grandfather. “What did I tell you? Aren’t you glad I didn’t give you what you wanted?”
“Yes, Aro, I am.” I agreed, tightening my arm around Bella’s waist.
“I love a happy ending.” Aro sighed. “They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this happen? Alice?” he turned to Alice, his curiosity taking over. “Your brother seemed to think you were infallible, but apparently there was some mistake.”
“Oh, I’m far from infallible.” She flashed a dazzling smile, but at the same time was asking me how does he know what I can do?
There was no way I could answer her so I kept silent.
“As you can see today, I cause problems as often as I cure them.” She finished.
“You're too modest,” Aro chided. “I’ve seen some of your more amazing exploits, and I must admit I’ve never observed anything like your talent. Wonderful!” he exclaimed again, an undercurrent of longing in his thoughts.
Alice flicked a glance at me. How does he even know me?
I couldn’t answer because longing had filled Aro again, but for a different reason this time.
“I’m sorry, we haven’t been introduced properly at all, have we?” Aro continued. “It’s just that I feel like I know you already, and I tend to get ahead of myself. Your brother introduced us yesterday, in a peculiar way. You see, I share some of your brother’s talent, only I am limited in a way that he is not.” Aro shook his head, the envy breaking through his composed voice.
“And also exponentially more powerful.” I added dryly.
Alice was very frustrated. Edward, tell me!
I looked at her and swiftly explained. “Aro needs physical contact to hear your thoughts, but he hears much more than I do. You know I can only hear what’s passing through your head at the moment. Aro hears ever thought your mind has ever had.”
Alice raised her eyebrows. So that’s how he knows so much about me? Everything you know, he knows? I inclined my head. Aro didn’t miss that either.
“But to be able to hear from a distance...” Aro sighed, gestured to us and the exchange that had just taken place. “That would be so convenient.
Aro looked over us and I heard the thoughts of Caius and Marcus enter the room, slowly followed by Felix. Everyone turned to see the new arrivals, and of course Bella turned the slowest.
“Marcus, Caius, look!” Aro crooned. “Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn’t that wonderful?” both Marcus and Caius looked the same as they had last time, their thoughts the same as well.
“Let us have the story.” Aro said in his feathery voice.
Marcus and Caius glided toward their thrones but Marcus stoped next to Aro, lightly touching his hand. I snorted quietly. Marcus was surprised by the amount of love I had for Bella, and the amount she felt in return.
“Thank you, Marcus.” Aro said. “That’s quite interesting.”
Marcus glided to his chair.
I watched as Aro shook his head. “Amazing.” He said. “Absolutely amazing.”
Alice’s frustrated thoughts interrupted me again. What’s amazing?? Would it kill him to say it out loud?
I quickly explained. “Marcus sees relationships. He’s surprised by the intensity of ours.”
Aro smiled again. “So convenient.” He repeated, more to himself than anyone else. Then he spoke to us. “It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you. It’s just so difficult to understand, even now.” Aro went on, staring at my arm still wrapped around Bella. “How can you stand so close to her like that?” Love, I thought to myself, and practice.
“It’s not without effort.” I answered calmly.
“But still—la tua cantante! What a waste!”
I laughed once without humour. “I look at it as more of a price.”
Aro already knew how I felt, but he was still sceptical. “A very high price.”
“Opportunity cost.”
Aro laughed. “If I hadn’t smelled her through your memories, I wouldn’t have believed the call of anyone’s blood could be so strong. I’ve never felt anything like it myself. Most of us would trade much for such a gift, and yet you...”
I finished the sentence for him. “Waste it.” I couldn’t help the sarcastic tone of my voice.
Aro laughed again. “Ah, how I miss my friend Carlisle! You remind me of him—only he was not so angry.”
I didn’t like being compared to Carlisle. He was much better than I was. “Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well.”
“I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of things, but you put him to shame.”
“Hardly.” I said, impatient now. I knew the preliminaries had to end soon.
Beside me, Bella’s breathing spiked. She had sensed the impatience in my voice and knew what was coming.

i know this is another random stop but this is way longer than i thought. keep watching for the next one!
posted by surfergal
When I woke up this morning, I was running late a usually. I jumped in the shower right quick and luckly Alice had seen that I had no clue what to wear. It helps to have immortal family. Edward pack my lunch again and then Michael was there to pick me up. As I walked outside I noticed it finally started to snow again! I noticed a wolf coming out of the woods. It wasn't Jacob or any other, it was Cody! I had been thinking about him a little bit. cody came over in his wolf form and pulled on my jacket sleeve towards the woods. I ask What are you doind Cody, you dont ever want to see me again,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 9:
Esme moved to my side, placing her hand on my shoulder for a moment.
"Come on," She said, "We don't want to miss our flight." I nodded, taking Edward's hand. We followed Esme and Carlilse the way Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie had all gone. I called to Jacob, saying,
"C'mon, jake. We gotta go." he nodded. I pulled Renesmee closer into my body as I thought of the trechorous slopes of the Rocky mountains, and nessie walking on them. If she fell... I shudderd at the thought.

Part 10:
I worried about Renesmee on mountains for the entire flight. When Edward tried to talk to me,...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning was school and as usual I got up showered which is
very hard with a broken knee by the way. I put on some shorts cause
none of my pants would go over my cast and then I put on a sweat
shirt. Max cam and got me to take me to school. We talked the whole
way there an I told him sorry for falling off his porch and squishing
his flower bed. He said it was fine and that I didn't have to
apologize anymore. I arrived at school and saw Cody before I got out
if the car. I ask Max if he thought that Cody was good looking and max
said it's not about the looks it's about what's inside that...
continue reading...
posted by surfergal
As the weeks went on one Sergeant didn't like me I could tell he was
always making me work harder. His name was Sergeant Ray. He was weird.
Me and Max formed a brother sister kind of relation ship through the
weeks and I told him about the way Sergeant Ray was toward me and Max said “that be wouldn’t let him harm me in any way”. That night Senior Chief Randal came and woke us up around 3 am to teach us about hypothermia. We had to get in a cold pool full of ice in none other 5 degree weather. In 15 minutes we felt the full effect of it. I could barely walk. Once we got out Sergeant Ray...
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posted by scarlet13
Thank you to the people who commented on my last fan fiction even if there werent alot of you, come on people if you dont comment I cant get ideas and I need idea's!!!

"EDWARD!!!" I screamed and started to run towards him but he was being pulled into the forest, so I pushed my self to run faster, as I got to the forest edge some one wrapped their arms around me, to restrict me and then they whispered into my ear....

" My cousin wouldnt want you to get hurt now would he, not after all the planning it took to get everything ready for you, and dont even try to scream for him because if you dont...
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posted by bubble_babe
(heehee Ho NO)

I walked down the street well in the middle. I was going up into the woods to find a nice hole to die in. all i did to day was save this small pretty girl from gitting hit my a truck and all her husben did was yell at me saying it was stupied and i could have killed myslef. He cared about me more than his wife. shure she was walking rather fast, but still a nice thank you would have been nice. i finley came across the woods. without thinking i walking right into the woods.
After i was far into the woods where noone could find or see me, i reached into my pocket and pulled out...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey! Sorry this took so long! I was working on two other stories in my spare time, not to mention going to a wedding. I hope you are all still reading. Sorry!

End of Chapter 9

"I heard we needed a doctor," Carlisle said as he entered. "Lucky enough Alice caught me while I was in North America."
Searching through his thoughts, he was half wondering how I can stand breathing in this room. I was even surprised. I haven't hunted for six weeks. And yet I was breathing, no attention towards my thirst, at all.
"This will take a little while. Jacob, please take Edward out if you're...
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posted by scarlet13
Sorry for the wait everyone I've not had time lately, but I hope you like this and please comment!!

I frozein my seat ( a habit I picked up from the cullens) and stopped breathing for a few seconds and then I let the air escape my lungs all at once, realization hit, I was dreaming.
I had to be because he would never come back for a petty human like me.
I stood up takig another deep breath and turned to my dream character. The rest of my dreams hadn'y done him justice, he was breath-takingly beautiful.I felt something cold and wet slide down my face, I wiped it away in a hurry and looked at the...
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hey guys. just letting you know that i felt really ill last night so its kind of a mericle (see i cant even spell right) that i managed to come in to school today, espesally to post this article and to get my £30 for EMA. but i managed it. because i felt and still feel ill/weird, i havent managed to put as much detail into the story as i wanted to so ill change a few things around on monday probably. but anyway heres the next part.

part 6

“Hello?” I asked.

“Mom? Where’s Alice? I knew I dialled the wrong number.” Reneesmee said when I froze.

“Reneesmee, oh god where are you?” I asked...
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I wanna stay mysterious and unpredictable just like Edward!

1. Was it difficult to get the role of Edward in Twilight?
‘More then 5000 actors did auditions for the role as Edward, so it wasn’t easy that’s for sure. But once I did the screentest with Kristen everything went so fast. Because I admire her for years I was really nervious when I was standing in front of her.
Later I heard that she, just because I was showing my vulnerable side, concidered me allot to play the role.’

2. You 2 have a fantastic chemistry together, is there something more between you and Kristen?Kristen is very...
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posted by edwardcullen865
"Edward..Jacob asked Nessie to marry him and she said yes she unsure how you would take it. she is going to tell him what we said now ..."
"now Edward I'm not thrilled she is getting married either but she is and it is her choice not ours and you promised not to be mad."
"that was before i found out my daughter my only daughter was getting taken away from me."
"Edward she isn't going anywhere. she is still going to live near us just not with us anymore."
"I'm fine." he kept saying it. then i think i heard him say i'll kill you,but i wasn't sure till i looked...
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posted by edwardcullen865
" my love, Nessie is with Jacob as normal and Mason is with Esme . we are going to pick Mason up right now " Edward answered .
" well , okay i just don't like being away from him for so long ."
"it only been a day Bella ."
" i know but it seems longer than that."
We arrived at the Cullen's house a few seconds later.I Walked through the back door while Edward followed . I walked straight to Esme to get Mason.Esme turned to face me . I looked down at her arms for Mason , but he was not there . i started to get worried.
" Where is Mason? " i asked Esme with a little worry in my tone.i knew she...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

1) I have created my own spot for Sunrise, and updates will now be posted there.

2) See my profile "spots Bella_Swan3 has joined" for more information. Sunrise is the spot with the red rose.

3) All previous Sunrise chapters have been reposted there as well.

4) Thank you to Swhit2, who encouraged me to create my own spot.

5) If you see it and you liked Sunrise, please join it.

6) Please do not post articles on my spot unless it is a review, but you are free to add questions, picks, pictures, forum topics, videos(if you find anything that's relevant), links or quiz questions.

Thank you once again to everyone who ever commented and rated Sunrise. I love you people!
posted by Bella_Swan3

I terminate the call, and scream at the top of my lungs. It takes Carlisle and Rosalie thirty two seconds to reach me. The other Cullens are out hunting.

I find I can only speak in short bursts, so I focus only on Carlisle's voice, asking me what happened. I try to answer, but then, oh joy, more pain.

* * *

I've been in labour for the past eight hours now. Imagine, just for a moment, that Rosalie is capable of PMS. And that simultaneously, someone's hidden her hair products, her iPod, her BMW, and her laptop. I was currently in a mood that would make that look like a kitten having a tantrum.

I broke Jacob's wrist by accident.
posted by TwilightHearts
I have made a religion for all dedicated twilight fans, i am the first to join, i have followed these simple rules for three weeks and hope you will join. Iff you want to, repeat the words at the bottom of the page.
Here are the simple rules:

1) Do not say Volturi in a bad way (They are royalty)

2) Do not assosciate 'Fangs' with 'Vampires'

3) Name a child or pet after a Twilight character (or middle name)

4) Do not celebrate Halloween

5) Wear something to represent your love for twilight, E.G: Bracelet, Earrings, Necklace, Pin, Bag.... And wear it EVERYDAY. (not at sleep)

Words To join yourself:

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posted by MiaCullen_x
Chapter 2 - Dangerous
"Hey...I'm Jason..." he smiled. He looked vaguley familiar.
"I'm Renesmee... Do I know you? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude.." I mumbled whilst trying to pick up his scent. It was sweet. Sickly sweet. There was just one explanation for his scent. He's a vampire.
Someone hissed. I looked around and realised it must have been me, because Jason and I were the only ones left in the parking lot.
"Renesmee..." he started. The way he said my name made my insides melt. "D you need a lift home?" For a second, I was totally lost in his eyes. I felt as I could see all the way to his...
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Bella's POV

I pointed the lightning bolts at him and the it made a HUGE explosion. My lightning bolts knocked down the WHOLE house into rubble! I put a Physical Barrier around Edward and me. It's Renata's gift. Edward and I were fine. But I doubt that Royce survived. I see some remains that were already burining in the fire that were caused by my lightning bolts. About 10 minutes later, I decided to use my power over the element of water to brush over the fire. The house was completely burned down.

Edward started talking.
" Um..... Bella? HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!?!?"
I made a guilty...
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Bella's POV

How could I even think about killing my own daughter!?! What kind of monster would destroy that angel face!?!
Renesmee came up the steps and jumped into my arms.
" Mom, I'm so happy that you're ok!"
I gave her a hug.
" Yes, I'm fine. Before when I said your dad didn't love you, that's completely untrue. Your dad and I love you very much." I promised her.
"I love you mom." Renesmee said while hugging me. That thawed me out.
" I love you too." I told her sweetly.

"Bravo!" Royce said sarcasticly while clapping. "I see that there's alot of love in the room, but I didn't come here to...
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Edward's POV

"Ugh! Just when I was about to do something, I get interrupted! Anyway, Rosalie, you're free to go, I can see that Royce is too pre-occupied to hang out with a low-life like you! I can see that's he's more interrested in someone else. ME! HA!" Bella said.
That gave me pain and now I was determined to change Bella back. Royce got up from his chair and was next to Bella's side.
"Aww, Edward, you don't need to be jealous." she said with a grin.

That crossed the line, I jumped at Bella, and she was laying on the ground right below me. I forced the liquid down her throat. Then, Bella...
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posted by Bella11700
I woke up from a dream but i was still dreaming. I hate those dreams. Susan was there. she was sitting on her bed using her laptop she brought. when she saw me she said "Good morning sleeping buety"
I thought sence i was dreaming might as well make the best out of it.And i can feel so i went over too her and took her laptop of her lap and set it on the dresser i came back to her and started kissing her neck. She tried gently pushing me away but not in the way she would really want me off she laid back and whipered in my ear i knew you loved me. And she was right. A found my way to her lips.
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