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posted by twilight-7
The first thing I did was find Jasper. The guy had saved my life, I needed to thank him. I know that he could have just carried on and drained my body of all the blood but he stopped. This was nice of him.
The second thing I would have to do was call Charlie. Since there were no vampires hunting me I had to go home. It had been three days since I had left. I knew what I was going to say. I would leave the immortal thing until I saw him. I wanted to do this face to face.
I found Jasper in the living-room, sitting on the sofa with Alice. They were just watching TV but I could see that they weren’t actually paying attention. They were snuggled up close to each other and both their hands were entwined in the others. I didn’t really want to disturb them but I was calling Charlie soon and going home. So it had to be done and anyway they had the whole of eternity to hold hands.
“Jasper?” I called over from the doorway. His blonde head bobbed up and looked over the back of the sofa to me. “Can I talk to you?”
His head bobbed back down and I heard him whisper something to Alice but I couldn’t make out what it was. I only heard his low voice, no words.
I waited at the door while he walked over to me slowly. He stood not close but not far away either. It kind of surprised me, as he usually kept his distance. Except when he held my arm to run away from the vampires in the clearing.
“What’s up?”
“I just wanted to say thanks,” I said quickly. I didn’t want to embarrass him. “For saving my life. I know it must have been hard for you to drink my blood and stop. I know you’re new to the vegetarian thing and that and well I just want to say that I appreciate that you stopped.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jasper smiled at me. “Your blood was kinda sweet and delicious and that but I wanted to save your life and that overrode everything that said ‘Keep drinking’.”
“Well thanks. You don’t know how much I love you right now for saving me. I could hug you but that would probably make you uncomfortable.”
“Not really,” Jasper shrugged. “Your blood doesn’t smell the same now that there’s venom mixed in with it. You smell almost like us now.”
“Really?” I looked down at the veins on my arm. They were still the blue, like any other human’s veins but I swear they looked more like an icy blue. “So I could cut myself, right now, and you wouldn’t jump on me and attack me?”
Jasper laughed.
“I wouldn’t jump on you and attack but that’s more because I don’t want to kill you rather than you blood isn’t attractive.”
“Ah,” I said. “So is it ok for me to hug you?”
Jasper looked behind him and I saw Alice standing there, smiling happily at the both of us.
“She looks like she could cry,” I said, smiling at Alice.
“She’s just happy that I saved you,” Jasper explained. “She still has her Barbie doll to play with.”
“Now I wish you didn’t save me,” I joked.
Jasper held out his arms for me and I walked into them awkwardly. His arms folded around me lightly.
“I’ve never hugged a human before,” he said, thoughtfully. “You’re all warm and soft.”
“Thanks,” I said. I didn’t know if that was a compliment or not.
His arms let me go and I stepped back.
“You know, I’m not just thanking you for saving me,” I said. “You gave me more than my life back; you gave me an eternity with Edward.”
“I did?” Jasper looked confused.
“You kind of,” I said. “Jared bit me, it’s his venom inside me, but it was you that drank my blood and stopped the venom getting to my heart. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be standing here, I wouldn’t be going home to see Charlie again. I wouldn’t get to spend the rest of my life with Edward, still a teenager.”
Jasper seemed to understand the words that had come out my mouth in such a rush. After I had said it I don’t think I understood it and I was the one that came up with it.
“You know, you’re kinda cute, Kayla,” Jasper said. “I’m glad I didn’t kill you.”
He smiled at me and walked back to Alice who hugged him tight. I think she was proud of him.

Charlie didn’t care what my excuse was for me coming home. He was just so relieved that I did. Apparently he had been tearing his hair out because he was so worried for me. I think I did see some small bald patches but that might just be because he was getting old. He didn’t notice my pale skin or how cold I was. He picked me up into a bear hug that Jacob would be proud of and wouldn’t let me go until I complained that my lungs needed oxygen.
I didn’t want to tell him what had happened to me. Not because I wanted to keep secrets from him but because I didn’t want to hurt him. What would he think when he found out I was immortal? That there was venom in my blood and I was practically half vampire?
I didn’t want him to get into a rage and another fight between us started. He would obviously blame Edward for letting me get bitten, he would ban him from ever seeing me and I would get angry and probably try to kill him. I had become slightly temperamental since I changed from a human to Azdi. But now I was an Azdi/vampire. I was a Vampzi!
I did plan to tell him. He was sitting on the sofa, the TV was not on, and he was staring at me expectantly. I was sitting on the armchair, my hands fidgeting in my lap.
I opened my mouth to say that I was a Vampzi but the words wouldn’t come out. My lips wouldn’t for the words and my vocal chords seemed to have gotten confused on how to make a noise. I closed my mouth and stared down at my fidgeting hands.
“What did you want to tell me?” Charlie prompted me.
I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes so full of love for me. Would he still love me even though I wasn’t a proper Azdi anymore?
“I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry I left,” I said. It wasn’t an actual lie. I was sorry that I had left him. It just wasn’t what I was going to tell him right at this moment. “I just got angry and everything just seemed too much. I should have calmed down and thought things over but I was in such a rage that I had to get out. I’m sorry, Dad.”
“It’s ok,” Charlie said. He stood up and sat on the arm of the chair. He put an arm around my shoulder. “I don’t blame you. You don’t have to apologise because there’s nothing to apologise for. I understand that you needed to get away to have some space.”
“I’m glad Edward came after me.” This was a lie. “If he and Esme didn’t find me when they did God only knows where I would be now.”
“I have to pay them back the money they spent on that hotel for you,” Charlie murmured to himself. “It was nice of them to get you a place to stay so you could think things through.”
“You don’t have to pay them back,” I said, quickly. “They have tons of money. Carlisle’s like 345 or something. He’s had enough time to save up money and stuff. And they wouldn’t take it anyway.”
“But it’s nice to offer to repay them.”
“Ok. You do that. I’m going to my room.”
He gently squeezed my arms in a reassuring manner and let me go upstairs.
I was only just in my room when someone jumped in through my open window.
“Who are you?” I asked Edward. “Spiderman?”
“Just your friendly neighbourhood vampire,” he grinned at me.
I couldn’t help smiling when Edward did. His dazzling smiled just made me want to smile too. Like a flash of lightening, he was in front of me and kissing me. My arms snaked their way around him and my hands ran greedily through his hair.
I got seriously pissed off when my cell rang.
“Just ignore it,” Edward murmured, between kissing my lips.
“It might be someone important,” I whispered. One of my hands found my cell in my pocket.
“I bet it’s that mutt.”
I looked at the caller ID and almost smiled. It was Jacob.
Edward sighed and let me go. I looked at him apologetically and he sat on my bed, waiting patiently for my return into his arms.
“Hey,” Jacob sounded cheerful. “I heard you came back. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” I said.
“Did they get the leeches get the bloodsuckers that were after you?”
“Yes. They’re gone now.”
“You didn’t get hurt at all, did you?”
“No.” My voice went oddly high pitched.
“I thought I would come over and see you.” Jacob didn’t question the change of pitch in my voice but that didn’t mean he didn’t know I was lying. “You can give me all the gory details.”
My eyes widened. Jacob would know the difference in me. Charlie might not have seen it but he was ignorant to begin with. He wouldn’t notice if I had two extra heads and turned a fluorescent green
Edward, reading my mind, shook his head. He was right. If Jacob came over and saw the paleness of my skin and felt how cold I was, not to mention that I probably smelled almost vampish, the first thing that popped into his head would be that Edward had bit me.
“Not right now,” I told Jacob. “Charlie wants to cook me dinner and that. I think he wants me to himself, you know, coz I’ve been away and that. He wants to spoil me a little.”
“I understand,” Jacob said, sounding a little disappointed. “Maybe another time?”
“Yes,” I agreed. “Another time.”
We said bye and then I hung up.
“You’ll have to see him some time,” Edward said.
“I know,” I replied. I walked over to him and sat down in his lap. He hugged me to his chest and kissed my hair. “But I’ll tell him first so he can have time to prepare himself. So he won’t freak out. And anyway, that won’t be now. He can see me another time.”
I kissed Edward’s lips, that didn’t feel as cold as they used to. When he kissed me back,like always,every thought in my head was wiped from my mind.
Huh... I'm asleep I thought to myself thats impossible I'm a vampire and as far as I know we don't/ can't sleep. I then woke up with a jolt and realized I was hungry something else Vampires don't expirence. My husband Edward walked into the room with Renesmee and her son Jerimia. My daughter Renesmee had only months ago givin birth to the human that layed in front of me now. My daughter the half vampire/half human had had a one night affair with a human named Mike Zowe, and thus forth got pregnant with Jerimia. Now Jacob and Renesmee were once again in my room with my husband Edward. "Mom......
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posted by ktbminnie12
Edward’s POV

    I sat in my room moping. It has been 3 days. It was hard living without Bella in my life. She was the reason for my existence. The reason I’m still alive. Alice was downstairs, searching for anything on Bella’s future. Still cloudy. Still nothing.
    If I could cry, I would be spilling tears right now. I thought back to the night Bella was kidnapped, searching for anything that might lead me to her. I couldn’t think of anything.
    That night, I followed her trail before I called Charlie. Her trail ended at...
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this is the next part of the story. it's much longer than i thought it would be but i think it makes it better.
(P.S this is not my story all credit goes to steph meyer)

Caius, who was getting very frustrated, smiled hugely when Aro tacked on his little condition.
I knew this was coming, but I couldn’t mean it. I stared down at Bella, her soft, beautiful face staring up at me. “Mean it,” she whispered, agony written all over her heart-shaped face. “Please.”
I felt my expression twist at the tone of her voice. She still wanted it so badly, but I couldn’t give it to her. This good, pure,...
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posted by jacob_is_amazin
I'm writing this because I feel the need to defend Jacob Black. I would like to make it very clear that I adore Edward but I am Team Jacob, though I knew she would choose Edward.

Okay, so Jacob is extremely mistaken by a lot of Twilight fans(the Team Edward ones). I understand you guys all have your reasons for hating Jacob...things such as he's a douchebag, he trys to steal Bella, he's a jerk to the Cullens.

I really don't think Jacob is as much of a douche as everyone makes him out to be. Girls just automatically label him as that because compared to Edward he's just a normal guy. He's funny...
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Smash!!! I jumped up out of bed. The winds had started to pick up just like Aunt Alice predicted. I could see the clouds getting darker; the air was think and cold. I got out of bed trying not to wake up Jake and slipped on Jake’s T – shirt that was thrown on to the lamp shade next to my side of the bed. I stood up and was a little light headed I caught myself on the night stand. God, we have to not be so ruff in bed. I get to dizzy in the morning from all of it. I thought to myself. I don’t know what it is but there’s just this magnetic pull between Jacob and me. We could help it last...
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I took a deep breath and opened the door as softly as possible and tiptoed down the stairs. Of course, not calling attention to myself is something I could not get away with.

Ever since…I winced…Ever since I came back from the cliffs, my family has kept tabs on every breath I took. Dad held vigil right outside my door for…I don’t know how many days, how many nights exactly. I heard him moan in frustration as the pain knifed my heart into gazillion pieces mercilessly. I heard his teeth gnashing as I choked Jacob’s name over and over again.

All my family gave their fair share in coaxing...
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posted by just_bella
This takes place after Twilight, when Alice found out some of what happened in her past, or at least what I would like to think:

It was just like any other Saturday in the town of Forks, Washington. Every weekend someone from our family would have to drive the 140 miles to Seattle to get our mail. Now I know it seems a bit strange for a family of vampires to be getting mail, but we still have bills, magazine subscriptions, and miscellaneous mail that we get once weekly.

Unfortunately this time it was Jasper and my
turn, not that it took us the 6 hours (3 hours up and 3 hours back) that it took...
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posted by dinosteph
I reached out for his hand but he quickly moved out of reach. His eyes dark and unfocused as he took another step away from me.

“Edward?” I said confused. He continued walking backwards, getting farther away with each step. Slowly fading into the shadows. “Edward?!” I yelled after him, slowly walking forward. It seemed for every step I took, he took 5 steps farther. “Where are you going?!” I yelled after him, walking faster.
“Away from you.” He said harshly, staring me down as he stopped walking, holding his place he crossed his arms.
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posted by H20girlH20
i was in the car fast alseep. when Phil and Renee were in the front. i was going to meet my sister Bella and her husband Edward also Renessmen. i woke up "hey Karina were almost there" said Phil. I rolled my eyes. i saw a white house. i saw Bella and Edward there i got out of the car and ran to them "BELLA EDWARD!!!" i scream. i ran to them and gave them a hug. i saw a girl with brown hair "renessmen." i said "yes" she said i gave her a hug. "wow you're so grown up are you like 13 or what?" "i'm 17" she said "come one the rest are dying to see you" she said."hi hi" i said "AHHH KARINA" yelled Alice "hi" i gave them a hug
posted by Spotty_Vision21
I have come to a logical conclusion from some data I reviewed. Edward is not in fact Edward, but a female Edwina.

1.    Meyer claims “his” ability to knock up Bella is because they are like the incubi. Incubi were pretty much sex demons who knocked up innocent women. Why could they do so? They could change into succubi, the female version of the incubi and would sleep with men to steal their sperm.

2.    “He” wears lipstick. Vampires are dead. They do not have blood flow. And yet “his” lips are darker than Bella’s.

3.    “He”...
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posted by mwalsh
this a fanfiction bout seth hope you like it

(seths pov)
chapter one
i was out for my usuall run, in my wolf form i thought mabey later i would go see edward but first i was gonna do my job and be on patrol no vamp scent other than the cullen i thought knowing they were listening as they rarely let me run patrol on my own as i was "to young" as they put it. i was running through the forrest when i heard a girl scream, i ran in the direction that i heard it and found a a bear attacking this girl. she must have been around my age, i didnt think i pounced on the bear and killed it. she was shaking...
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posted by team_edward_
DISCLAIMER:I dont own Twilight just my ideas and Edward*GET CHASED DOWN BY THOUSANDS OF TWILIGHT FANS*ok fine just the ideas.(im only putting this on this chapter)


My name is Isabella (aka Bella) I’m 17 and I lived in Phoenix Arizona. I`m pretty plain except for one thing but I’ll get to that in a minute. I have brown hair and beautiful topaz eyes, well most of the time. Sometimes there black. I’m 5 foot 4 and very skinny. I love music, mostly classic like Debussy`s Clair De Lune. Like I said I’m pretty plain except one thing. I’m not human.

I was human 2 months...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
This is a long one...

I stayed up most of the night, brainstorming ideas for the wedding, while Jacob slept. Aunt Alice came in the cottage when the sky was a light pink. I gasped, seeing her frame in the doorway, though there was nothing scary about a four foot eleven height. "Aunt Alice!" I said, one hand over my heart. I got off the bed, careful not to wake Jacob. "You nearly scared me to death! What do you need?" "I need YOU!" she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. "What for?" "To PLAN, silly!" she picked me up and ran at a dangerously fast speed across the forest and hopped...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Chapter 9, here we come!! =D

Aunt Rosalie drove up a little later, avoiding all eye contact. Dad kept a smug smile on his face as he read her embarrassed thoughts. She held her head up high as she tossed Jacob's keys to him. "Your engine is terrible, by the way," she said. She walked in the house, her nose still in the air, trying to hold on to what dignity she had left. I would have laughed, except I liked my head on my body. "I like it that way!" Jacob yelled after her. As soon as she was out of earshot, Jacob turned to Dad, his face falling a little. "Does it run badly?" he asked. Dad shook...
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I had an original article that was like 8 pages that said my opinion on every single scene (lol) but I decided to shorten it and put it up here ;D. Ummm... I'm pretty critical, but please don't bash me if you don't agree. This is simply my opinion. It's not like it even matters... lol

One Word: Disappointment. If anyone asked me to describe the movie to them, that is what I would say. It was a disappointment. And, I think that's a generous statement for how awful it was.
(Now, to the people that loved the twilight movie, I'm sorry I don't agree with you. But, again, don't get really angry......
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Thanks to Empire for the picture.
Thanks to Empire for the picture.
From what I have heard through all the Chicago base Fanpopper.They too are dissapointed with the false and deceitful information from Hot Topic.From San Francsico to Texas to Chicago,Seem to me that twice Hot Topic have failed us miserably.Many numbers of fans were waiting in a cold hoping to see our favorite star Robert Pattinson.
With the false information which they did the same with San Francisco telling Fans that the lines will start at different time,but what most found out was that the wrist band had already been sold since the early hours of the morning. All the fans that showed up...
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Okay so I'm not one of those fans who wants the film to be exactly like the book-no offence to anyone- because I know thats just not going to happen.
But I was watching the new Twilight trailer and saw this:

Don't you think it's a little weird that all three cars are there, I thought the Cullens didn't want to bring any attention to themselves.Now I know all movies aren't like the books they're based on, Harry Potter is a great example of that. But I thought the Cullens wanting to keep themselves inconspicuous was an obvious fact that ran through the book.
I know other people have noticed changes in the movie too- like Bella having her jacket at the restaurant, and that they've changed the name of the restaurant.
I just wanted to know what other people felt about this. Either way I'm still going to see the movie, I can't wait. But does anyone think these changes will affect the experience?
posted by Bandgeek_XP
So Like now EVERYONE in my school is reading twilight when I read it like before they even started to film the movie. So what what's my point? Well, my point is that before before Breaking Dawn came out, when some was reading the books it was like you would talk to them and you would talk like you've been friends forever when you've just meet the person. Now I see someone reading twilight and I eathier get tried of seeing them or get sick. Ok maybe not get sick but still you can't talk to the person like you used to talk to them, all enthusiastic and excited! And for me most of the time the real exciting stuff is in the movie and the people who read the books nowa days don't know alot stuff about the movie. I believe that the people on the fansites are the REAL CRAZY fans, because if you ask anybody else what Spunk Randsom means, they wouldn't know. Anyway i just feel like it's so not exciting anymore....
posted by Bella_Cullen
Charlie’s POV
    As I stood watching my little girl, I felt overwhelmingly angry. I knew it was unfounded,
Bella loved Edward more then I’d ever seen anyone love anyone, and it was obvious from the way he looked at her now that he loved her back, possibly even more. No, I was angry because I didn’t want to see her hurt and, and… oh who was I kidding. I was going to miss my little girl. I’d always loved her, it broke my heart when her mother took her away, but I had to stay and take care of my parents, and by the time they passed away, it was too late. And then...
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OH MY GOD!!! I got this news from a friend telling me to go to so I did and this is for all of those who don't know yet:

Movie News Flash!

So, many of you have heard that the release of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been moved from this Thanksgiving to next summer. First and foremost, please know that this schedule change has absolutely nothing to do with Twilight, me, or Summit Films (so enough with the imdb death wishes, okay?). This is Warner Bros. decision, and it was not motivated by anything Twilight-related.

Now for the good...
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