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posted by Summer_Leanne
Hi everyone! Sorry that I've kept y'all waiting for three days. I've literally babysat for 9 hours in two consecutive days -.- CRAZY!!!! Heehee Anyways, here's chapter 3! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Carlisle offered to stay with the boy while I went to find Nessie and tell her the news. I was nervous though because I was uncertain as to how she would take the sudden blow. Shoe could understand many things, but this circumstance seemed particularly vague. Even I didn't fully comprehend the nature of my emotions for the newfound child. Carlisle understood a little only because he had been in similar emergencies. I trudged down the stairs at a human pace, but stopped on the last step. There was Renesmee standing right in front of me.

"Mom?" Her naturally delicate voice sounded apprehensive.

I looked at her for a moment. She had so much of her father in her. True, her hair and build were akin to my own, yet she had Edward's compassion and usual grace.

That, however, made me worry all the more. Since she emulated her father's spirit, then would she respond with the same disapproval as he did?

Nessie reached for my hand, "Mom, what's gotten into you? You look as though you've seen a ghost."

I glimpsed at her ample golden eyes and smiled pleasantly, "Yes, yes sweetheart, I'm fine."

Nessie giggled, "Thank goodness! I thought you were about to go into hysterics or something."

I laughed briefly to keep the mood calm, "Were you with Jake?"

She nodded happily, "Yup. It was so awkward when dad came and got me."

I sat down on the stairs. Renesmee took a seat next to me.

I put one arm around her, "So," I began, swaying her gently like I used to when she was little, "Has daddy told you the story yet?"

"No, he didn't, but I'm eager to hear it."

She examined my face and frowned, clearly displeased, "Mom, you shouldn't be so stressed. You always tell me that I can freely tell you anything. Doesn't the inverse of that rule count, too?"

I ran my hand through her silky pin-straight hair, "You know, you're much too smart sometimes. I think you need to dumb down a little."

Nessie playfully pushed away my hand. I tickled her under the chin, "That was a compliment, dearest."


"Yes?" I answered.

"You're running away from the topic." She warned. I chuckled nervously, "Right. Well sweetpea, something wonderful has happened."

I explained how I found the boy in the forest. Renesmee sat as still as a rock during my lengthy recollection. Her expression was austere and somber and tranquil. She wasn't frowning, but she wasn't smiling either. I refrained from asking her any questions until I finished my explanation. I mentally crossed my fingers, hoping she wouldn't take this situation the wrong way.

A long paused followed. I was the first to speak, "Nessie, darling, please tell me something. Anything. Why do you look so…" I searched for an appropriate word, "lifeless?"

She shifted her gaze to her feet but remained silent.

I leaned over to hug her but she pulled away quickly. I was astounded. I gawked at her in disbelief. She had never treated me in such a disrespectful manner.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach.

Renesmee shot a glare at me, "Don't look like that, mom. You expect me to be okay with this after it's hit me like a bullet in the chest? There's a possibility that the kid may want to kill me, but you make excuses to protect him!"

She bared her teeth in disgust. Everyone began gathering at the bottom of the stair case to see what all the fuss was about. Jasper tried to calm the mood, but I fought back; I wasn't about to let Renesmee hate me over this, so I let my anger get the best of me. Renesmee stomped her way to the door. Although Edward tried to persuade her to stay, she paid no attention to him.

With one hand on the doorknob, Nessie cast a slight glance over her shoulder, "I'd sooner join the Volturi than watch that mysterious boy become my parents' obsession."

She threw open the door, causing it to slam into the wall with great force. Pieces of shattered Glass flew across the pristine foyer.

"Nessie!" I called out as she escaped the house.

I ran after her, "Nessie! Ness—Renesmee Carlie Cullen, come back right now and apologize!"

Before I could say any more, she had disappeared into the forest. I dug my heels into the dirt and covered my face with my hands. Edward approached me slowly. Neither of us knew what to say on the topic. He embraced me from behind, clinging to me securely.

Nothing, however, could ease my pain at the moment, not even my affectionate Edward. I turned around and buried my face in his chest. He smoothed back my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Renesmee's voice echoed through every part of my head: "I'd sooner join the Volturi than watch that mysterious boy become my parents' obsession."

"Ugh," I groaned, "what's wrong with me?" I started to panic, "Can you believe it, Edward? She said she'd prefer to join the Volturi than welcome someone new to our family! What was I supposed to do, just let some innocent soul die after I had found him? I wonder if Carlisle took this much flak for saving you all?"

"Bella," Edward warned in his gentle manner, "you needn't be so hard on yourself. She didn't specifically say that she would prefer to join the Volturi. Nessie still has a lot to learn. In time, I'm sure she'll warm up to the boy."

Edward twitched his lip. He was preaching something that he could not readily admit to. He too wasn't very fond of the child at the moment, and I knew that very well. He still thought this "immortalizing a dying person" gig belonged to Carlisle and Esme. Yet, it did not feel wrong, so I must've been doing something right.

My thoughts turned back to Nessie, "Where do you think she's run off to?"

I searched his eyes, hoping to find a small ray of hope. None was offered, though.

"Let's go ask Alice," Edward suggested, "although I have a feeling that Renesmee has run home and locked herself in her bedroom like she always does when she's upset."

"She's never been this aggravated about anything before," I interjected.

"Exactly, which is why I suggest we go see Alice about this."

So we hurried back to the Cullens in attempt to track down our daughter.

"But Edward," I touched my hand to his face, "what if she runs off to find Jacob? Then Alice won't be able to see anything is Nessie's future. Do you think she will ask Jake to run away with her?"

Edward took of lock of my hair in his hand. He moved closer and kissed my trembling lips for a long minute. I sincerely wished that everything could have been as perfect as that moment. I reuluctantly forced myself to pull away from him.

I thought that becoming a vampire would make life a little easier. You know, without the rough patches. Obviously, I was mistaken.

We entered the house again. Edward went to get Alice while I strolled into the living room. Emmett sat watching ESPN sports news.

He caught me eyeing him, "What's wrong, Bella?"

"It's Nessie. She's run off and has us all worried now."

Emmett's eyes were glued to the TV screen, "Oh," he absentmindedly replied, "well, there's only one solution to your problem."

"Talk to Alice?" I guessed.

He shook his head and bellowed out a laugh, "No, of course not! I was going to say that you should've never gotten pregnant in the first place."

I scowled. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, "You're going to pay for that remark."

Emmett scoffed, "You want to duel it out?" I smirked, "Here's the deal: I get to punch you, and if it doesn't cause you any amount of pain, then you get to hit me with your best shot, got it?"

He flexed his arm muscles, "I'd like to see you try, doll."

I rolled my eyes.

It felt so exhilarating to let out all my anger and frustration in that one blow.

Emmett bit his lip, "Okay," he sounded disheartened, "fine. It hurt a little." I patted him on the back and stifled a laugh.

Soon after, Edward entered the room. He shook his head at Emmett's childish pout.

"Bella, Alice isn't anywhere near here," Edward explained, "She and Jasper went on a hunting trip and they haven't returned as yet. We should go home and check for Renesmee. If she's not there, then we'll see if she's with Jacob."

"Okay," I hurried him out the door, "let's get go."

I stared at the muddy hem of my jeans. Renesmee's haunting words still rang through my ears: "'I'd sooner join the Volturi…" What was the point of doing good if you were going to go through hell for it?

"Maybe I should just kill the boy instead," I wondered to myself. My eyes widened. I could barely believe that idea had even occurred to me. What on earth was going on? I moved closer to Edward, hoping he could protect me from the one thing that was beginning to scare me: myself.
Bella's got a point; hopefully, everything will turn out the way she wants... And where'd Renesmee go??! :O Please let me know if you liked it ^.^ I'm no stranger to constructive criticism, so if you have some, then tell me! Thanks for reading, you guys! As always, you all make me so darn happy ^.^
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Hello Dear Reader,
I am writing an original novel and I wanted people to at least hear the word of it before I tried to get it out in the world. It's called "The Death Contracts, Vol. 1: GLIMPSE" and it's the story of the main character named Astrid Marker.
The reason why I'm posting this link everywhere I know possible is because I want fans. Desperate? No. More like curious to see how many people can review what I have so far and tell me what they think. I have the first 8 Chapters posted on my profile at the website, the link to it plus the synopsis is straight below, but I wanted...
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