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posted by dinosteph
End of Chapter 2

“Bella.” Edward said, nudging me.

“Wha?!” I jumped, immediately closing my eyes again. “What time is it?” I asked, referring to the bright sun that managed to find its way through the tinted windows.

“Around 10:30” He said, as he turned off the highway, down a bumpy dirt road, causing me to jump in my seat.

“This...looks...romantic..” I laughed to myself, looking out the window at the thousands of trees surrounding us.

“Well we're not there yet” He laughed to himself, taking my hand in his. “It's sorta...out of the way. I figured privacy would be important, with the sun and all” I glanced out the window at the bright sun, and back to Edward, who was letting off a dull glimmer. Something I loved the first time I saw it. I looked down at my hand in his, and intertwined our fingers, moving his hand, causing it to shimmer slightly in the sun. I brought his hand up to my lips and lightly kissed his sparkling thumb, sending a spark through my lips. I smiled.

“And we're here!” He said, squeezing my hand as he took off his seatbelt. I glanced out the window, letting out a gasp.


“You've got to be kidding me” I said as I took off my seatbelt and stepped out of the car, completely surrounded by trees. ”If you think I'm roughing it, you've got another thing coming for you.” I said looking around.

    “Don't be silly” He said reaching out for me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

    “It's not funny Edward. I said, turning around to face him. “I failed an outdoor survival course once because I couldn't tie any knots properly, in fact, I can barely tie my own shoes.” I said looking down at my untied laces. “Why do you think I trip so much.” I teased. He glanced at my shoes and bent down to tie my laces. “I'm not sleeping outside” I grumbled.

    “I wouldn't have it” He said, standing back up to face me. “This is a little detour, we're really close. Now if you would just stop questioning everything I have planned and just enjoy it, trust me. I have your best interests in mine and I would never put you in any sort of situation that I know would make you uncomfortable.

    “Sure you would, It's called Valentines day” I grumbled, folding my arms across my chest.

    “Humor me, Bella, would ya.” He said as he headed towards the car.

    “But..” I started.    

    “Bella, do you trust me?” He asked turning back around.

    “Of course I do” I said, glancing around at the snow covered forest, walking closer to Edward.

    “Good, now close your eyes” He whispered, spinning me around, hugging my back to his chest. I hesitated, rolling my eyes.

     “Are they closed?” He asked.

     “Yeah” I sighed, finally closing my eyes.

    “Good, now listen carefully, tell me, what do you hear.” I thought this over for a minute, listening to my surroundings.

    “Nothing.” I whispered.

    “Give it a minute.” He whispered in my ear, sending a chill down my neck. I stood there with my eyes closed, listening, concentrating, and honestly, it was dead silent. All I could hear were my own thoughts.

    “Stop thinking, and just listen.” He whispered. I forced my mind blank, listening carefully. I could hear the cool winter air moving through the trees. Some squirrels climbing in a tree to my far left, causing me to turn my head slightly in their direction. I've never tried so hard to listen to nothing. “Farther” He whispered encouragingly. I took a deep breath, holding it in, so that it wouldn't distract me, and then I heard it.

    “Water?” I guessed, opening my eyes.

    “Water.” He said, squeezing me against
him before he left go and opened the trunk, pulling out one of my suitcases that Alice packed. I eyes him nervously as he dug through it, grabbing something and tossing it towards me as he continued shuffling through the suitcase. I fumbled around with the piece of fabric, noticing it was two items as one dropped to my feet. I reached down to pick it up realizing what it was.

    “EDWARD!” I yelled, not amused. “It's the middle of February!” I untwisted the mess of fabric and held it out away from me. It was a dark blue two-piece bathing suit, very simple and elegant, but that was besides the point. I glanced towards Edward who was standing beside the car holding what looked like swimming trunks, smiling back at me.

    “Have you lost your mind!?” I yelled at him again.

    “Bella, trust me” He said, opening the car door. “You can change in the car, I won't look, promise.” He chuckled. Here I was, standing out in the middle of the woods in February, appropriately dressed for the weather, and he wanted me to wear a bathing suit!. He nodded his head towards the car. I huffed and walked towards him.

    “If I get hypothermia I'm blaming you” I warned him as I climbed into the car, closing the door behind me. I sat there grumbling as I slowly undressed and changed into the two piece, feeling goosebumps slowly creeping up my arms. I opened the car door to find Edward fully dressed. “Edward?” I said confused. “Please tell me you have a good reason as to why your still dressed and I'm sitting here in a bathing suit.” I crossed my arms, feeling suddenly self-conscious of my exposed body. “Where are your shorts?” I asked, still sitting in the car.

    He burst out laughing, pointing to his waist. “Under my clothes.” He chuckled. “Bella, put your clothes on, over your bathing suit.”
    “Oh.” I said feeling embarrassed as I pulled my jeans back on. Once I was fully dressed I climbed back out of the car.

    “Ready to go?” He asked, holding a bag in one hand and reached out for me with his other.

    “No.” I said, taking his hand anyway. He led me through the woods, listening to the crunching of the snow under my feet as I took note of the beautiful snow covered trees. We came to a clearing when I finally saw what I had heard earlier. Water, surrounded by giant rocks with a small overhead waterfall. Steam swirling around on top of the water. It was absolutely beautiful. I had never seen anything like it.

    “Edward?” I said, confused, stopping.

    “It's called a hot spring” He answered. “The water is warm.” He said as he let go of my hand, pulling his sweater over his head. “You coming?” He asked, pulling his boots and jeans off. I just stood there, watching g him undress. I've never seen him so exposed. He stepped into the water, causing the steam to swirl around him. He was beautiful. He waded through the water, stopping when he got to the middle and turned to face me. “Bella?” He said. The sun came through the trees, shining on Edward, “My Edward” I thought, smiling to myself. He stood there, arms stretched out to me. At this point I could care less if I got frost bite and had to have some toes removed. I quickly fumbled with the sweater over my head, and removed my jeans, forgetting about my boots I stumbled over them laughing. I was now standing there in the blue bathing suit. I glanced back to up Edward, in the middle of the hot spring, mouth opened. Feeling self-conscious I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling the cool wind as it closed around me.    

    “Um” I mumbled, bringing Edward back to me. He closed his mouth into a big smile, arms still stretched out to me. I slowly walked close to the edge and dipped my right foot in, surprised, even though he already told me it was warm, that it was in fact warm. I gradually brought myself down, lowering myself in the warm water, causing the bathing suit to cling around my body. The steam wrapped around my face immediately, causing my face to turn red. The warm water relaxing my tense muscles.

    “There we go.” He said, reaching out for me. I took his hands in mine and pulled myself through the water towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding my body against him, and for once his body was almost the same temperature as mine. I reached around rubbing my hands up his warm back. “Bella.” He whispered, moving his hands around the back of my neck, bringing my face up to his, kissing my shoulders, my neck, and then finally with an intense amount of passion he moved to my lips. My hands found their way up to this hair, twisting as I pulled myself up higher, my feet losing the ground beneath me as I kissed him back. He finally pulled me away as I gasped for air. “mm” I whined pulling his face back to mine, he moved his lips along my neck, kissing as he went while I tried to catch my breath. He reached up and grabbed my hands from his hair. “No” I whimpered, unable to say more, as I felt myself slowly drift back down, feeling the rocks under my feet again.

    “We have all weekend.” He said smiling down at me as he brought my hands to his face, covering them in kisses.

    “Right” I mumbled. He pulled me farther into the water as he sat down on a rock, pulling me into his lap. I twisted around so that my back was against his. Finally enjoying the warmth that was rolling off him. I closed my eyes, sighing, as I stretched my legs out, making my toes poke out of the water through the steam. I felt Edwards warm hand reach out rub my leg, from the knee down my thigh, leaving a cool shock trailing behind.

    “What happened to 'we have all weekend'”. I asked trying not to laugh, and he immediately pulled his hand back, making me wish I never said anything. I twisted back around in his lap, bringing us face to face.

    “Do you like it here?” He asked, looking around.

    “MmmHmm.” I hummed, staring past him towards the waterfall. I swam out of his lap and made my way towards it, reaching out to touch the falling stream. I glanced back to see Edward still sitting, watching. I slowly walked under the water, letting it fall over my face, soaking my hair. I reached up and pushed the hair out of my face. It was my turn to persuade Edward. I turned around and reached my hand out towards him, silently pleading him to join me. He walked over and grabbed my hand as I pulled him under the water with me. I watched the water crash down on him, soaking his hair, his face, his body. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling us closer, under the water fall. He wrapped his arms around me, tucking my head under his chin.

    “I love you” He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

    “I love you” I said, squeezing him, ignoring the noise my stomach just made.

    “Hungry?” He asked laughing at me.

    “No..” I lied. I thought back to the last time I ate, which was yesterday afternoon, the cheese sticks. I was starving.

    "Liar." He laughed. "Come on then, we have all weekend.” He reminded me, pulling me out from the waterfall. “You wait here” He said as he climbed out of the water, going through his bag. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off and put his clothes back on. “Your turn” He said, grabbing the other towel, holding it out for me. I climbed out of the water, immediately feeling the chill as I rushed into his arms. He wrapped the towel tightly around me, rubbing my arms, legs, and stomach trying to dry me off. He grabbed my clothes in one hand and picked me up.

    “You're going the wrong way” I said, noticing as he entered the woods in a different direction then when we came. “The car is the other way.”

    “We're not going back to the car. Remember when I said we're almost there.” I nodded. “And when I said we weren't going to take a plane, or a boat, or a train?” I nodded again. “Well, the rest is all on foot.” He said as took off in a run, holding me close against him, wrapped in my towel, we raced uphill.
posted by kiwi12
Part 26

I couldn’t stay with vampires. That was insane. I shook my head in answer to Carlisle’s question “It’s impractical” I sighed. “Why?” he asked. “It’s dangerous and I sleep and eat and…” He cut me off gently “Wait. Take a moment to collect your thoughts. Come up with a list and we’ll go through it.” I stayed in his arms quietly and made my list. I nodded when I was done. He smiled encouragingly “Go ahead” I decided to start with one that had to do with his family, rather than my safety. “I have to eat and sleep it would be a significant incontinence for...
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posted by Bella_Cullen902
It's been so long since i even thought about writing on here. I'm so excited that i still have people reading my stories and i have new fanpop-ers too.

Let me get my thoughts together and get my schedule together also because im in the middle of my two week testing. I will write and it will be before the middle of may i will have two new chapters out!

Tell me which story you want me to write on first and ill try and get it together. But for now until after April 30, 2010, you have to be paitent! i get my progress reports next week and im getting projects every 2 weeks so i might not be on here every day but i will be on maybe once or twice a week, three times if i can but all of you know that the end of the school year is the hardest time of the year.

thanks for the great commentrs. hey guys, if you wanna read more of my GOOD ff go onto and search marsbareater12
My best story on there is Jacob Rape messed u[p Bella; but there is like 8 otherson tehre. They are-
Infamous Cruelty and Endless Compassion-Esmes story (should be posted soon)
When I left-A two-shot (may be expanded on) on when Edward left Bella. Set in EPOV and CPOV. (should be posted soon)
Jacob Rape Messed up Bella-20 chapters on there
Alice Pregnant-About 5 chapters on at the mo.
Lost Control-A bout 5 chappies on there right now. Ste in varying POVS
Newborn Virus-Should...
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posted by kiwi12

Jasper touched my shoulder lightly so that I would face him. "Are you alright?" I asked him, holding him tightly. He didn't hold me back. He stiffened. When I looked into his eyes, they were hard and for once, I could read nothing in them. "You know what happened?" he asked me, as if he already knew. I nodded "Are you alright?" I asked again. He looked at my forehead sourly, refusing to meet my eyes. He shook his head "I killed a man. You're worried about me?" He demanded brusquely.

I let go of him and sat down, moving my head so that he wouldn't see how his words had hurt me. Of course,...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
dont block me out Bella
dont block me out Bella
"Tanna, please, your going to wake your mummy" Alice pleded downstairs.
IT was too late for that, how could i with this strain on my back? the cuts are still burning.
But too Many things are too late, like the fact that i'm pregnant, again.
I never taught i would be again, jacob and I never even wanted a baby, so unexpected, and i had told myself so many years ago, that i dont need children when im with edward.
When Tanna came, i Knew, this was it, she was all i wanted, so beautiful, and that i diddnt need anything else.
I Think im stranded on a burning bridge between "Take it out" and "Just...
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posted by kiwi12

The train station was packed. It was dark out so we didn't have to worry about attracting attention. Or we wouldn't have if Jasper wasn't eying everyone suspiciously. When we were alone, he's always preferred to stay behind me. Now, he stayed a step ahead and kept looking back at me as if he thought I would disappear or run into danger. "Nothing is going to happen." I assured him, so quietly no one else could have a chance of hearing. "There are no other vampires here." He relaxed slightly. He still looked wary, but not so paranoid.

He left me momentarily to buy our tickets, bringing the...
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posted by kiwi12
part 22

Leah called that afternoon. She said she was babysitting Claire and wanted me to come hang out with them. She was watching Claire until ten and Claire would be in bed at eight. It sounded nice. In a weird way. I figured I was as safe there as I was with the vampires. As I was wondering how to go about obtaining the Cullens' permission, Alice skipped in. She looked curious "Your future just disappeared" She said matter-of-factly. Edward was passing by the hall and paused. Bella wasn't near, so he had full access to my mind. "You don't have to ask permission. You are our guest. Just let...
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posted by emmett
*I did not write this*
Dear Diary,

So today was like any other day. Almost killing every human who starts to smell too good, toying with people’s emotions and kicking Emmett’s butt at chess. You know same old, same old.

Though, today was exceptionally hilarious. I was playing a game of chess with Emmett, with 9 boards, and I was winning, naturally. So because I was winning Emmett got all upset and broke my all time fav chess piece, the little night on his little horse. God I was mad about that, he knew it was my fav and he had to go and kill it! So I went and did something a LOT worse! Haha...
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posted by kiwi12
part 12

The phone conversation took a long time. At one point I heard Bella say "Yes I know she hasn't even met Sam yet" in a slightly exasperated voice. Edward must have heard something I didn't form the other end because he took the phone and said "Do not ever talk to my wife in that tone of voice Jacob Black... She's a human in a house full of vampires with werewolves visiting frequently. Be reasonable... Thank you Jacob... If you would like I will give her contact information and she can keep in touch if she wants to." He started writing something on a notepad near the phone then said goodbye...
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Okay so this chapter is my favourite and I think you are going to enjoy (crossed fingers) it! Okay so just remeber to leave your feedback-it's always great to see it.

Alice wouldn’t let me go until she and Rosalie had given me a complete makeover; I didn’t complain though, it was nice to have girl time. Jacob gave me a dazzling smile as I walked back into the living room a full hour later, he and Emmet and jasper had probably been chatting about some new turbo engine.
“Wow you look... amazing,” Jacob breathed as I walked into his open arms while Emmet wolf...
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posted by kiwi12
part 10

"Ok sorry about that" Jacob said to me "Can you phase back?" I found I could. I heard Jasper mutter "I wonder..." then he spoke louder with purpose "You phase when you're angry right?" Jacob nodded "She doesn't. I think she phases when one of you are upset. She does have to be relaxed to phase back but so do all the werewolves in the room." They all found this interesting.

"Did phasing hurt this time?" Embry asked me "Not as much" I lied "Is Quil alright?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to sound heartless nor did I want to be nosy. They hesitated too "Yeah... a friend of his fell...
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posted by kiwi12
I know they've been pretty short if that bugs you leave a comment letting me know and I'll combine a few parts to make them longer. Also if you don't think I'm being true to the characters let me know and I'll try harder. Pretty much anything that isn't right I'd love to know so I can make it better. Thanks.

part 8

"Absolutely not!" the mind reader said harshly "Why not?" the huge one countered. His mate asked what was going on. He whispered his thought in her ear. She looked mad "We can't do that!" He turned sulky "She's durable we won't hurt her." The mind reader growled under his breath "She's...
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posted by kiwi12
part 7

The huge vampire spoke for the first time. Utterly terrifying. "Are you human?" he demanded, eyes wide. "Yes" I answered, too defensively. The huge one's mate, the one who had kidnapped me, started making a list out loud:

1. Her eyes change to gold when she's around us and they turn red when Bella is the closest to her (I hadn't known that.)

2. She picks up a small bit of the gifts around her.

3. Her skin becomes a few shades paler when she's near us.

4. She's a bit too strong and fast for a human (I added that these were also only around vampires.)

At this point Emmett came near me and sat...
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"Carlisle!" I felt so relieved to see him again. I realized I had missed him a great deal. I couldn't help myself, I ran up and hugged him. He seemed quite shocked, but he rubbed his hand against my back soothingly.
"'s good to see you..." I pulled away and he was starring at Alice, who was standing several feet behind me. We had just arrived, after what was supposed to be a twenty four hour drive but was only eleven. Alice had gone over twice the posted speed limit the entire way. Rosalie and Emmett-thank goodness-weren't there at the moment. Esme, and Jasper stood in the room behind...
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I jumped at the sound of her voice. She was back already? But I couldn't focus on that for long. What had Jacob just said? Had I really heard right?
"Over my dead body!" he rowred at her.
He took a step forward and tried to pull me over to him by my waist. Alice's hand grabbed mine, and I started to get scared that a tug-o-war would begin. That would be painful. Jake growled. I looked back at Alice. She was glaring at him in such a terrifying way...she honestly scared me a little. She yanked on my arm, and I came flying towards her, out of Jacob's grasp. She flung me behind her body. My mind...
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Here is chapter 3 of My True Love. Please go to my profile to rate and leave comments THANKS!!!

I was shocked at the sight I saw when I woke up. Everybody was rushing around carrying heavy bags and fancy looking equipment to the cars outside.
“Jasper?” I called, I was anxious to know what was going on and I knew that he was the only one who would give me a straight answer. He was at my side before I could blink.
“What is it that you want Nessie?” he asked with a warm but not quite genuine smile.
“What is happening?” I whispered “I just woke up and I can’t see mum or dad...
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it hurts to live. life to me is a second death, only like being left to bleed on a pavement instead of a quick stab, then to be left in peace. death and life are much the same thing now. only death seems more peaceful, i already know, as i watch other people living there lives, there is nothing left for me. fun was like a greek word to me now. i didnt know what i ment. i thought about making the most of life before the pain killed me for sure. i couldnt remember HOW to have fun. what was the point of going to the beach? it wasn't going to bring my future back. it wouldnt make me feel any better....
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posted by PePs95
I haven't read any of the books yet, but i did watch all of the movies released until now. I want to say that the story of the Twilight series is simply great! The intense love, the romantic atmosphere...everything in it is very involving! while watching both movies, my mouth was dripping and my body completely still. It was as if my mind was the only part of my body that was active. I was totally into it! I will watch both movies again and i'll get totally inspired again. My feelings were totally mixed! I was engulfed by the magic of love!
posted by alybops
chapter three

"Now heavenly i don't know how nessie is gonna react to seeing you on my side." he warned me, i didn't care.
"is that what you call her?.... nessie? well maybe we could be friends."
"i doubt it. anyways, this house is filled with vamps. there is: bella, you've seen her. her husband, edward. there is alice, edward's sister and Jasper who is edward's brother. alice and Jasper are married too."
"eww! didn't you just say they were both edward's siblings?"
"uh.... no they are adopted."
"oh, ok sorry. keep goin'."
"ok umm.... Edward will be the prettiest of them all. Alice will be the...
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posted by JandMsMommy
Those Girls That Drink...While They Write is a new blog that was just created today designed to receive and give Fic recommendations. Teasers, pics, and outtakes will be shown from the Administrators stories as well. Anyone can send us a recommendation and we will be glad to post it. We invite any authors to come by and interact and meet new people to exchange reviews with.

Disclaimer: We do not actually drink excessively while we write. But if the title gets your attention, then our work is done.:-)

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