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Here's the next chapter. Hope you like it. : )



This is how Mike felt when he woke up. He was in the nurse's office. And there was someone next to him. That's right, Zoey. She looked and him smiled then said " Hey, Mike. How you feeling?". "I don't know. I'm tired and groggy. Also, I have a headache. What happened?"asked Mike, tiredly. The nurse came over to Mike. "Here, take this". The nurse handed Mike an aspirin and a glass of water. He took it then looked back at Zoey. "Well, you were about to climb the rope and by the way you looked really nervous. So, anyway, all of a sudden your eyes bulged out and you took a huge breath. Next thing we know, you're saying your some girl named Svetlana. You then climbed the rope. After, your eyes bulged out again and you took another huge breath. Then you passed out. "said Zoey. "Wow, I wonder what happened. How long was I out?" asked Mike. " About 5, maybe 6 minutes" started the nurse, "I called your parents, they should be here soon". "Thank you" replied Mike. 10 minutes later, Mike's parents walked into the nurses office. "Honey, are you OK?" asked Mike's mom. "Yeah, Zoey's been keeping me company" replied Mike. "Thank you, Zoey. Let's go Mike". The three of them went back to the house and Mike went to lay down. "That was the weirdest story I've ever heard" thought Mike, "maybe I was so nervous that I just lost it. Yeah, that's what happened". He fell asleep because he was so tired from the exiting moment today.

It was 5:26 when Mike woke up. He went downstairs for dinner. He saw his mom on the couch, but his dad was nowhere to be found. "Hey, Mike. How you feeling?" asked his mother. "Good. Where's dad?". "Oh he went to go get some Chinese food. We know that's your favorite. When he gets back we want you to tell us what happened." replied his mom. "OK" said Mike. The two sat down and watched Adventure Time. It was a new episode about Finn having a dream that his idol, named Billy, being killed. Finn and Jake then went to see Billy, but he was actually the Litch, an evil creature that tries to kill everyone. The Litch tricked Finn and Jake to take all the gems from the crowns. Once they collected all the gems they were able to open a portal. The Litch was able to get into the portal, but so was Finn and Jake. They pulled into the portal by the Litch an were turned normal. After the show, right then and there, Mike's dad came in. "I'm home and I brought dinner." exclaimed his dad. "Hi dad." said Mike. His dad handed him his dinner. "OK, Mike. We want you to tell us what happened." said Mike's dad. "OK," Mike said as he sat down, " I don't really know what happened, but Zoey knows. Here's what she told me. I was about to climb the rope for our gymnastics unit and all of a sudden my eyes bulged out and I took a huge breath. Next thing everyone knows, I'm saying I'm some girl named Svetlana. I then climbed the rope. After, my eyes bulged out again and I took another huge breath. Finally, I passed out. I think I was so nervous I just lost it".

Mike's parent's looked as though he was crazy. Then they agreed with Mike that he was probably really nervous. Mike ate his dinner with his parents. Then he went upstairs to get ready for bed. He was starting a new chapter in his book. Mike read for about an hour and he got through two chapters. His mom came in and tucked in her son. "Mike." said Mike's mom. "Yes, mom". "Do you want to go to school tomorrow or stay home?" asked his mother. "Um... let me sleep on it. If I come downstairs tomorrow dressed and ready for school then sure" replied Mike. "OK. Well, I'll see you in the morning". Mike's mother turned out the light and left young Mike alone in the darkness. Mike wondered what happened today. Who was this Svetlana person? Would people still like him? Should he go to school tomorrow? Mike's mind overwhelmed with questions. He thought of questions until he fell into a deep sleep. Mike continued his dream about the wizard and the princess. Here's what he dreamed about: The brave knight, Mike, rode off to the castle with the beautiful princess, Zoey. They went to the castle and when they got there the two were suppose to get married immediately. Three hours later the two got married. Suddenly, there was a burst through the door. "Your majesty, you know that dragon you killed" asked one of the servants. "Yes". "Well, apparently, it's mate found out and now it's coming here". "What!". Mike ran out of the corridor and to the place where he keeps his armor. He ran outside and saw a huge dragon even bigger than the last one. It was breathing fire and flying around the castle. The dragon saw Mike, opened its huge mouth and dived at him. It was about to eat him when.

Beep, Beep, Beep. Mike's alarm went off. Mike opened his tired eyes and looked at his clock. It was 7 in the morning. He decided he would go to school today. He took a shower and got dressed. When he walked downstairs no one, except him, was up so he made breakfast watched T.V. Two hours later his dad came down. "So, you decided to go to school after all." said Mike's dad. "Yeah". "Well then let's go." replied his dad. The two guys left for school. Mike was dropped off and he walked into class. This time everyone looked at him. Mike walked nervously to his desk and still everyone stared at him. He sat down and didn't say a word. Mrs. Smith walked in and told everyone to sit down. The students sat down and started whispering to each other. Mike could hear the people behind him whispering and could barely make out what out what they were saying. He heard "Man, Mike is such a weirdo from yesterday. I wonder what happened?". That made Mike feel even worse about what happened. "Mike, I see you came to school today how are you feeling?". "Better, I think I was just really nervous yesterday" replied Mike. "Well, it's great to hear your feeling better. OK. Let's start class. This Friday we're going to have a semester quiz. I thought I would just bring that up". Mike hated tests, especially the semester test. He knew he had to study like crazy. The day went on and on. To Mike, it felt like forever. All he could think of was what everyone was thinking of him right now. It was finally lunch time, so everyone walked to their table. Only two people sat by Mike. His best friend Cameron and Zoey. The three friends chatted and laughed. Next was recess. Mike wanted to be alone ,but Zoey and Cameron refused to let him sit under a tree by himself. He finally agreed to let them hang out.

End of the day
The day finally ended and Mike was more tired than ever. He hopped on the bus and rode it all the way home. Mike almost fell asleep if it wasn't for Charles, a nerd that rode Mike's bus. He woke him up by shaking him awake. When he got off the bus he walked into his house. He walked over to the couch and fell face first on it. He fell asleep. No one disturbed him until 5:00. It was his dad. He tickled him awake. "Daaaad, stop it. I.....I can't breathe" said the laughing, young boy. " How was school? Did you do anything exiting?" asked Mike's mom. " No, but I have the semester test on Friday." replied Mike. "Oh. You better study for that". The day went on like no other. When Mike went to bed, he didn't dream about the dragon, princess, and all that stuff. Mike was more worried about the test and what all the kids were thinking. The tired little boy fell asleep instantly.

It was finally Friday. To Mike it felt like the week flied by. Everyone was nervous about the test. Even Cameron, the smartest boy in class. It was 9:45 when the teacher came into class and told everyone to take their seats. "OK. Today we are going to take the 5th grade semester test. Make sure you have a number two pencil" said the teacher. While everyone took out a pencil their teacher handed out the tests. Mrs. Smith then spoke again. "Good luck to you all. You may begin". Everyone started the test. Mike was pretty confident about most of the questions. He got halfway when he saw a question he wasn't sure about. It was a word problem. This is what it said:
Using these three pieces of information, which of the four answers is true?
Information Piece #1: R + R = K + R + K
Information Piece #2: R + K = G + G
Information Piece #3: R = 20
a. R < G
b. R > K
c. K > G
d. G > R
Mike wasn't sure what the answer was, so he decided to come back to the question. About half an hour later, Mike finished all of his test, except the one question he wasn't sure about. He went back to the question, but this time it seemed like it was a lot harder than before. Mike thought really hard about the question and he read it like a million times, but he just didn't get it. Mike got more and more frustrated. Mike got so frustrated that his eyes started tearing up. He wanted to get this question right. Then it happened again. Mike's eyes bulged out and he took a deep breath. No one saw, except Zoey. She raised her hand and told their teacher. Mrs. Smith walked over to Mike and crouched down. "Mike. Are you OK?" asked the worried teacher. "Mike?! Name's Chester Missy." said Mike. He sounded like an old man. Everyone looked up. "Um.... Missy? Mike, are you playing around? If you are, you're going to the principal's office." said Mrs. Smith sternly. "This is no joke, you young whippersnapper. You know this test is too hard for all these younger whippersnappers. You need to make this test easier for them." said the young, tan boy. Just then Mike turned back into himself. "What?! What just happened? Where am I?" said Mike really worried.
How do you like it so far? Yeah, I like it to. Make sure you comment and save. OK, here we go. What happened to Mike? Will he tell his parents what happened? Find out next time on Mike's Discoveries- Chapter 3- Vito.
added by CourtneyHand871
Source: Thuany247
added by cannibalZoey
added by niklnt
posted by SvetXMani
The Necklace
The Necklace
Here's a story about Manitoba and Svetlana meeting in one of the craziest ways ever. So, hope you guys enjoy.
Deep in the country of Russia a baby girl was being born. Though after, her mother died. The 24 year old woman just closed her eyes and died on the medical bed. George, the father, kneeled beside the woman he longed for, and now she was gone. "Sir," one of the doctors said, "I'm so sorry,". The tall man stood up. His eyes were starting to tear up. "Thank you," George told the doctor. "Would you like us to leave and get you daughter...
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posted by emmab13
Commando Mike
Commando Mike
This story was inspired by a fan who sent me art work on my Facebook Page, Zoey Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Check it out if you have a Facebook. I hope you like this story. I might me rusty because I haven't written a story in so long, so enjoy. I also want to say about this story that Mike and Zoey are in college, but it's during the summer. Also, It's in short chapters

Chapter 1
It was just another day at the psychiatrist. Zoey was waiting for Mike to come out through the doors of the office. There...
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added by mikeisawesome
Source: Casey
added by Frankiestein65
Chapter 4. Alright. Manitoba is actually my favorite out of all of Mike's personalities. Well, here we go. Let's hope this one doesn't take as long as the last one.
Mike walked up to his parents where they were cooking burgers and hot dogs. He didn't know what he was going to say. At this point, he didn't know anything. "Hey mom, dad can I talk to you?" asked Mike. "What, honey?" asked his mom. "Nothing." Mike said quickly. He grabbed a soda and ran off. He went to the place under the deck where Amber was. It seemed as if Anne Maria left....
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posted by SvetXMani
The Necklace
The Necklace
Chapter 2 of The Necklace . Sorry it took so long to post. I've been really busy. Well, enjoy.
George opened the folder and began to look through it, in hope that he'll find out more about this necklace thing. "No. No. No, not that one. Nope. Hello. What's this?". He had just stumbled apon information about his new daughter's partner and his parents. "Hm... Manitoba Smith. Lives in...". George paused. "Australia?". He was confused. He thought Svetlana's partner was going to be in Russia, not in another continent, but as much as George...
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added by cannibalZoey
added by Frankiestein65
Source: Me
added by mikeisawesome
Yes! Third chapter. Almost done. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It take me forever to write just 1 of these.
The terrified boy sat in silence. Everyone started laughing at Mike.....hard. He got really embarrassed. Mike's teacher thought he might have a serious problem, but she didn't know what. "Mike, please come to my desk. Everyone else, please finish your test. When you're done put your test on this stool". Mrs. Smith put a stool in the front of the room. Mike came up to his teacher's desk. "Yes, Mrs. Smith" said Mike. "Mike, do you know...
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"Tear drops on my balance beam" Chapter 17,

Hello people! I'm sorry it took such a long time to do this! I had a ton of school work and had to work hard to work up 2 B's to 2 A's. I know it's been long, and I have so much happening! For one, I turned 14 last Wednesday! And I performed with my dance class last Sunday, you don't know how much I felt like Svetlana! Performing and such ( my teacher told me i was the best dancer out there)Anyway, enough of my chatter! You've been waiting, so here it is!


"Manitoba, are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Sheila, I'm fine. I can...
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posted by gotdroti45
This is basically a listing of ways i'm like the tdroti cast.OK so lets get this over with---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anne Maria:I love fashion,and make-up
B:I rarely ever talk
Brick:I'm very Patriotic to the U.S.A
Cameron:I'm practically a nerd,but also very sweet
Dakota:I wanna be famous someday
Dawn:I take care of the earth,and love animals
Jo:I like to beat boys
Lightning:I'm very competitive
Mike:I'm crazy,but also very kind-hearted
Sam:I like video games(but not as much as sam does)
Scott:I can be mean at times for good reasons
Staci:I like to find out about my family's past(but I believe staci is a psycho liar,which I'm not)
Zoey:I'm very easy going,and sometime's I can lose my temper
------------------------------------------------------------------And that's pretty much it for this one.Thanks for reading.
added by cannibalZoey
Next chapter. I have a headache and I'm tired, but yet I still write my story. Why? Someone answer why I continue to write. JK. See what happens when Mike find out about his MPD. Now......on this story.......right now....................BANANA!!!
"What is it, doctor? I want my little boy to be OK," said Mike's mom. "I'm not sure. I need Mike to stay over night for further testing. I will need you back around 2:30 tomorrow," replied Emma. "OK," said Mike's mom. She kneeled next to her son and hugged him hard, "It'll be OK, Mike. Emma here will...
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added by jaylatyler
Source: total drama revenge of the island Jay Bird
Hey. I thought it would be cool if I wrote my first Thanksgiving article. This one has all the characters and there's a twist. The twist is Mike and all of his personalities are, wait for it................ related. OK, now to the article
"Hurry up. I don't want to be late," exclaimed Mike. "OK, OK. I'm coming," replied Zoey. Mike And Zoey were headed off to Mike's parent's house for Thanksgiving this year. Mike was excited to see all of his relatives. "Ready?" asked Mike. "Yeah, I'm ready,". The two of them were headed off to the house...
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posted by SvetXMani
I wanted to write a classic story in Total Drama Revenge of the Island style. The story is The Nutcracker. I hope you enjoy it.
It is Christmas Eve at the Peterson's house. A large and grand house with the most beautiful tree imaginable. The Peterson's are hosting their annual Christmas party, welcoming the arrival of their family and friends. The children, Svetlana and Mike, are dancing and playing as they welcome their friends too." I'm so excited to see all of my friends," said Svetlana excitedly. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just excited...
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