Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Club
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"Tear drops on my balance beam" Chapter 6

-Stuck with you-

"You mean I'm stuck with mister glossy hat for a year!?" Svetlana screamed irritably.

"If you want to keep that room. I suppose so.." Mrs. Clause replied.

"I can't live with, HIM! He's just rude!"

"And I can't live with, HER! She's just annoying!"

"Have you even introduced yourselves yet?" Mr. Clause smirked.

"Well, um.."

Both were rubbing their arms bashfully. They both met by arguing. They didn't even think of introducing themselves.

"So there shouldn't be a reason why you to shouldn't get along. Your big boys and girls!" mr.Clause slowly pushed them out of his office. "Now run along!"

With one slam of the door, the two were just standing there. Blank expressions were creeping on their faces. After a while they glare and walked back to the room.

"Okay. Lets try this again." Svetlana calmly said. "We aren't going to get anywhere if we fight. Let's introduce ourselves like normal people."

"Name's Manitoba smith." The male said sticking his hand out. "And yours, sheila?"

"My name is Svetlana Redger." The female said as she gripped his hand as hard as she could. Which made the skin turn a dark shade of red.

They both glare at each other and walk into the room.

It was wonderful! Their was a gourmet kitchen sitting at the far left. A gigantic living room with decretive couches and a 72 inch flat-screen TV was in the middle. The Living room was carpeted while the Kitchen was hardwood. Their was also a large bathroom with a shower and two sinks  
And only one bedroom.

Manitoba and Svetlana were right. They would've regretted giving this room up. It looked just like a pent house with a gigantic view of the city from 10 big windows.

They received their packed bags and clothes that were now neatly put in the space by the movers. It took all day to design everything so half of it was made for each of them.

Manitoba had pictures of the outback and his family on his side. While Svetlana had a picture of her father, her and Dakota, and her mother.

Afterwards, the female gymnast grabbed her phone and sat in the bedroom to call her best friend.

"Hello?" The voice said.

"Dakota! Thank goodness you could pick up! I'm going insane!" Said an overwhelmed Svetlana.

"What's the matter?"

"I was going to move into 'Red Valley' today when I bumped into this boy,
Manitoba smith! He was so rude, and said that this room was his! We go to the landlords to find out his wife messed up with the papers and signed us for the same dorm!"

"That's terrible! Your living in a penthouse with a person you don't even know!"

"That's the problem! He's the same age as me, but he's so rude! And I think he's sexist too! That just makes things even worse!" The brunette screeched. "I cant move out because this place is very nice, I'm not going to let him take over, and there aren't any rooms left."

"Maybe you can try to make friends with him?" Dakota suggested. "He cant hate you if he hasn't met you. And who knows, maybe you will like him."

"Believe me, Dakota. That tone in his voice was anything but love."

"You have to try, Svetlana. What do you have to lose? Making friends with him would be the best way to communicate. You guys can't argue forever." The blonde clearly states.

"You have a point."

"-And if that doesn't work, then you could stay with me."

"alright." Svetlana sighed. "Thanks Dakota, bye."

She hung up the phone and sighed with irritaion.

In the next room, Manitoba had called Vito to let his stress go. He explained most of the situation.

"Your living in a penthouse with a babe? Nice job, bro!"

"No! Not nice! I can't stand her! She's beyond annoying!" 

"Have ya even talked to her?"

"Well, Uh, no."

"Talk to the chic! Get to know her! She won't bug ya if ya know her."

"*sighs* sure, Vito. See ya later." Manitoba hangs up and groans.

The day went by as the two stayed as far apart as possible. It was finally 9 pm when thy got ready for bed. The male put on his t-shirt and shorts while the female threw on a tank top and her daisy dukes.

Before Manitoba could walk into the bedroom, Svetlana stopped at the door.

"Okay, lets get something straight." She hissed. "This day started out as a rough start, and we aren't going to get anywhere if we don't communicate and get along."

"You should leave the men to the communicating. At least we an hold a conversation." Manitoba snarled under his breath. He totally ignored what his brother 

Svetlana scoffed and glared.

"WHAT did you say to me!?" She hissed  with acid in her voice. "Are you saying men are better than women!?"

"That's what I said, sheila."He smirked.

Svetlana looked at him with a burning passion of hate. Her eyes staring right into his punctured soul.

"I do not have time for this! I need my sleep, and so do you 'mate'!" She sneered.

They stomp into the bedroom and look straight at the one gigantic bed that was in the middle of the room. They looked at each other, then the bed.

"So?" Manioba gestured.

"So, what?" Svetlana answered. "I'm not getting in the bed with you."

"I'm not getting in with you either." 

The two stand there for a few moments until they both hop in with discomfort. Manitoba taking the left side while Svetlana takes the right.

"Don't get used to this." Svetlana said as she snuggled into the covers.

"Believe me, I won't." Her partner said back.

They both turned the opposite way and slowly fell asleep. The future couple end up thinking;

I can't believe I'm stuck with you.

Done another chapter! Man, i made Manitoba really sexist in this chapter...Anyway, now that these two are going to live together, they have a lot to get used to. I'm going to make about 15 random one shots so I can get to the important parts. These one shots will tell how they behave and live together. I only have a few ideas

•Sick day
•Make up
•Movie night
•Early birds

And thats what I have so far! But I need you (The viewers) to help me! Review to this chapter to give more ideas to oneshots!
added by Animetama
adorable!!! ^^ not mine.
total drama revenge of the island
posted by gotdroti45
Summer was just starting.The air was starting to get hot,and the days were getting longer.A 16 year old girl named Zoey,was packing her things to go to Total Drama Revenge of the Island for the very 1st time,She was half exited,half nervous.It's like one of those 50% 50% things,Her best friend,Laynie,was in her bedroom helping her pack.Laynie,and her other bestfriend,Abigail.The 3 girls had been friends sience kindergarden,and they were Zoey's only friends."Are you exited,Zoey?"asked Laynie."Kinda" zoey replied."I just hope the challenges aren't as crazy as the seasons before,other wise,bring...
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Tear drops on my balance beam chapter 15

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks. I just needed a break. I am not letting this story go! I will finish it!


Ah Fall. The time of yer where people frolick through the windy streets, sweep away warm leaves, and enjoy the cool weather. Other than the deceant weather and cool attitudes, the autumn season is a great start to the yearly holidays! The first...


That time of year where the ghouls come out of their secretive caverns, Zombies awake from the dead, and the monsters rampage.

Manitoba enjoyed this holiday. It was the...
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added by Animetama
not mine. Enjoy.
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
not mine.
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
I swear to god i fan girled over this character! This isn't mine either. Enjoy.
total drama revenge of the island
added by ninjacupcake88
Dedicated to poptrop300, made by me. :)
added by Animetama
lol xD
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
when I saw this...I swear to god I asked myself..."who made this...?xDD" but then I was all like "Oh wait, I did!" xDDDDD
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
and it is! its not mine tho xD
total drama revenge of the island
posted by TDIfangirl
Low and behold, my first ever TDROTI fic! And it's a DakotaxSam ^^ Keep in mind, I have only seen little bits and pieces of the French version, so their personalities are not 100%.

Dakota stared out into the water, her face sad, cold, and frozen. The only time she didn't look at the sky was when she looked at her last present from Sam; she'd hug it tightly, then stare out into the night once more.

Why did I even agree to this?She thought. I thought this would be my chance to be famous, tobe somebody, but I was wrong. I've been though nothing but pain since I got here!
On cue, Dakota's mind switched...
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added by Animetama
not mine.
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
not my video.
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
Please don't complain, this is the best I could find...
total drama revenge of the island
added by Animetama
not mine! found it on yt! :D
total drama revenge of the island