Total Drama Rama Club
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posted by nocofangirl218
That’s right fanpopers, I’m starting a TD camp! Truthfully, I got bored one day, so I decided to test my writing ability, and jump on the TD camp ban-wagon. I just want to give fair warning: this is my first camp, and I have no idea what I’m doing. So, if I royally kill this, I’m really sorry. Also, since I have no idea how else to write it, the story will be in script format. I hope you all enjoy! One last thing, I’m only brining specific people from the old series back. Anyway, here’s my TD camp!
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added by nocofangirl218
posted by nocofangirl218
It's the next part! :D Although.....I'm sad because TDR is actually winding down. Plus, it's probably gonna be ending in about a month or two. :( Sadness! Ugh........oh least that won't be for a long time. :) So....uh....I'm gonna start the story now....


*at the elimination ceremony*

*everyone is waiting for Chris on the bleachers*

Alejandro: *groans* Great. Chris has, yet again, failed to show up to the elimination ceremony. Another moved hair appointment I bet.

Alex: Yeah.....typical Chris.

Rae: Guys, have at least a little faith in...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Wow, I'm finally updating this. -.- I should've had this done about four or five days ago, but I kinda got tangled up in another project I was working on.... Anyway, I hope you all enjoy episode four of, Total Drama Rama. :D ______________________________________________________________________________

*at elimantion ceromony*

Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Hello Bacon Hawk's! I will be you host for all the elimination ceromonies!


Chris: Yep. :) Now, as you all know, it's time to say good-bye to two of your members tonight.

Melody: Well, we wouldn't be here if someone...
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added by nocofangirl218
posted by nocofangirl218
Yep, I finally be updating! Shout out to Dawnwish112 for being an awesome friend! :D ((aka: Alexis – my friend in real life)) Also would like to thank my co-writers Rotcalex2011 and Cascada007 for helping me with challenge ideas. :3 You guys are all the best! ^w^

Anyway, onto the story!


*At the Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Alright everyone; it's that time once again to send two of your smiling faces home for good.

Alex: Whatever Chris. Just hurry up so me and Gladys can go to our romantic dinner date!

Chris: -__- Yeah,...
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As I promised, I'm updating this on Valentines day. XD But, like I said, V-day is a pretty stupid holiday in my opinion. :/ *shrug* Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter. Anyway, without further delaying or staling, here's the latest TDR! :D


*At the Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Hello all, and welcome back to the elimination ceremony! I know it's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure you all know how this works.

Melody: *raises hand* Chris, I have a question.

Chris: Keep it to yourself. Anyway, lets get this-

Melody: *cuts...
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posted by nocofangirl218 finally updating this! XD

Anyway, I wanna quickly say Happy New Year, and...yeah; hope it's going great! :3 So, without further rambling, here's the next TDR!!!!


-The next morning outside the cabins-

*everyone is sleeping peacefully, but then Kate and Crystal come in between the two. They then take out two mikes from no where, test them, and start to sing out of tune*

Kate: Wake up, wake up, on a Saturday night!

Crystal: Could be New York, maybe Hollywood in Vince.

Both: London, Paris, maybe Tokyo! There's something going on; everywhere...
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Yep....I decide to finally get this story updated! XD Anyway, this episode is longer that usual because it is the Christmas special and Christmas specials are the best kind of specials there are in the world! :D So, without further staling, here's the TDR x-mas special! ^-^


*At Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Wow. It's time for the elimination ceremony again? Well that just pissed by, didn't it?

Noah: ….Chris...who are you talking to?

Chris: ….no one of your concern! >3< Anyway, you all now the drill. If you don't...
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posted by nocofangirl218
That's right, I'm FINALLY updating this! XD Anyway, sorry I've been slow, but I've been busy with school and some other stuff. But it's nothing really serious! :D Okay, lets get this story started!


*Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Alright, it's time for, yet, another elimination ceremony for you all! Anything to say before we begin Alex?

Alex: *is all in the dumps* No.....

Gladys: *has a guilty look*

Chris: *is laughing* Uh, man, I love Alex all quiet and depressed like this! It really makes my day! *sighs happily* Anyway,...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Yep........I'm finally updating this! .3. I'm sorry for the wait, but....I did say I was gonna be slower on the updates. So....I better just start this already! XD Hope this was worth the wait!


*Elimination ceremony*

Chris: *comes up to the podium* Welcome one and all to......another elimination ceremony which I always seem to have to host!

Alex: ….whats with the attitude.

Chris: *scoffs* Normally I'd tell you, but....I just wanna get this stupid ceremony over with. -_- Anyway, the first one safe is, of course, Robin! *quickly throws Robin a popcorn...
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It's................the next episode! XD So, yeah, I've recently figured out I've been stealing things from Starburst-Rock! D: NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO! I hate people who steal, and......and I'm now a total hypocrite! :'( But, we worked it out, and everything's totally jelly man! B) Anyway, lets get this episode rolling! X3


*At elimination ceremony*

Chris: Hello everyone! It is now time for you all to send someone...........home. So, if anyone has the hidden immunity idol, present it at this time.

Alejandro: ….Chris.....that's the guy from Survivor...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Part 17.......yay? :P Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it!


*at elimination ceremony*

Chris:*walks up to the podium with more scratches and bruises* Well I've never had the pleasure of seeing both teams at the elimination ceremony before.

Gwen: Just get on with it Chris!

Alex: Seriously, I need to go see Gladys and you talking isn't getting me anywhere!

Chris: >.< Alright, alright! Geeze, keep your pants on!

Destery: *is pulling his pants down, but then pulls them back up*

Chris: Thank you. Anyway, the first three people on Team...
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posted by nocofangirl218
So, part 16. :3's all good. I quickly wanna thank the two greatest co-writers ever! Aka: Rotcalex2011 and Cascada1007! You two are the best! X3 Anyway, onto the story!


*at elimination ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to podium with a bunch of bruises and scratches* Well, well, well, if it isn't little Alex and his big bad team of losers! *laughs evilly*

Alex: *glares at Chris* Better be careful Chris, those of fighting words!

Chris: *sarcastic tone* Oh, I'm SO scared of Alex! In fact, I'm shaking in my freaking...
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posted by nocofangirl218
That's right, it's time once again for Total Drama Rama! :D So.....yeah......I better just start now. ^^; Hope you like it! :)


*at elimination ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium - still with his neon pink hair and JB haircut*

Alex: *snickers* Enjoying your new hairstyle Chris?

Chris: >.< Shut it Alex! Anyway, since you all know the drill, if you don't receive a popcorn bag you immediately have to report to the Cab of Shame and leave .... unless your brought back. So, if Alex can be silent for once in his life, we...
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posted by nocofangirl218
So, this is the next part of my TD camp. Also, yeah, I plan to make this part WAY better that the last one. Uh..yeah.....lets get started.


*at elimination ceromoney*

Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite bunch of losers. Also known as Team Bacon Hawks.

Alejandro: *glares at Chris* Well, at least we actually slow up to the elimination ceromoney*

Chris: >.< It wasn't my fault! My stylist called me last minute, and said that she was going on vacation in the morning, and wouldn't...
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