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posted by TDIfangirl
Okay, let me start by issuing an apology to anyone who might be offended by this content. I just need everybody to know a few things that this fandom is lacking. This is mostly about TDWT, and it may have some bashing of your favorites. Again, sorry to anyone who is offended.

After going through what has happened during the third season, and with 3 episodes to go for its airing in America, I thought I'd tell you what were basically what I was thinking about during the season, the fandom's reaction to the breakups, eliminatons, and content, and what our fandom should do, not to prevent fighting, but to prevent looking stupid.
Sierra is a parody of us fans, who haven't already been pariodied by the guests of the Total Drama Aftermath. Is her obsessiveness annoying? Not to me, but maybe. Did she push her love for Cody too far? She spent the Paris episode crying over what most of us expected. She should have known that Cody didn't return her feelings. She did not have to become an bad guy for Gwen. Cody can date who he wants to. And in the end, that was all for attention. That's not going to get you many fans, Sierra.
However, she has proved to be a useful member of Team Amazon, who did not deserve their many wins. They can't even agree with each other. Take out their skills, and they're all usless. It only got worse after Duncan returned.
Gwen basically backstabbed her team. She knew Duncan was with Courtney. She knew of the problems that would arise from what she did. But she pushed it away from the mohawk wearing jerk. After episodes 14 and 15, there was no sign of remorse for her actions. She had hurt Courtney and had become just like Duncan. She was not sorry for it.
Courtney isn't anymore of a good guy in this situation, even if she looks like it. Courtney, in my opinion, should have kicked Duncan clear out of his life, hated on Gwen for a while, listened to her say sorry, and rekindled their friendship. Something so simple and much more likeable was pushed away and Courtney literally became a revenge seeking monster. I can't even listen to Boyfriend Kisser. I despised the hate she brung onto Gwen for something that was caused by Duncan's actions. One of them, excluding Gwen, should have been eliminated right there and then. It could have been so much better. Seven straight episodes of hate is not what you call attenton grabbing drama. What about everyone else? All the backround actions in the second half of the season were because of Gwen, Duncan, and Courtney. It was basically revolving around him. The Alejandro-Courtney affair, Heather's jealousy, Duncan's doucheness, it all stemmed from the kiss in I See London.
Duncan didn't deserve to return. He won the last season, but came back this season and caused nothing but trouble. Sure it was smart of him to expose Alejandro, but Al didn't care, so it was for nothing. If I were Chris, I would have voted him off instead. He may like the drama, but nothing irks me more than the jackass who caused the end of a wonderful friendship. It was plain cruel of him to hurt Courtney and not show remorse. Not even Alejandro would stoop so low, with his romantic personality.
Speaking of Al, he's one of my favorites. He's my Noah, I love him to death. The one negative thing about him, he could be lazy sometimes. C'mon, Alejandro, don't be like Justin. Get off your butt and help your team. I think he was the first antagonist to fall in love (This is NOT including Courtney.), what's not to like about that? What he did to the girls? Screw it, I think he pushed them away for Heather. In the last episode, I felt particularly sorry for him. I think getting trampled was enough for him. (The Star Wars thing wasn't funny.)

Now to the fandom. There has been so much complaining, so much fighting, that it's time to say this and say it now: It's over.
Stop with the death threats, you don't know where the producers live, and your parents wouldn't approve.
TDWT is over. They're not going to change it just because of a bunch of whining fans. Whoever wins won't matter, whoever broke up didn't matter, whatever happened, whoever got eliminated, it doesn't matter. It's their show. Your opinions have no control over the actual show. Threatning the writers because of what they did to Duncan and Courtney/Gwen and Courtney/Noah got eliminated too early/Sierra's annoying/Alejandro's too perfect won't change it. If all of you are going to be hateful and not accept the season just because of a few fights and breakups, then maybe you're not as true as a fan. Loyal fans would not whine over their OTPs breaking up. They'd accept it and keep watching. Some of you are all taking it too seriously. And if you're going to hate on each other because of what happened, that doesn't make you anymore of a fan, just an idiot who can't accept a show for who it is. They didn't know what would come from it. It's not their fault.
I don't know how many fans stopped watching after so-and-so's elimination or after this episode, but that's just proof they're not true fans.
Thanks for your time.
I made this whatcha think?
I made this whatcha think?
Claire:HEYYY!!! Welcome everyone! I bet you are all wondering why i am so hyped up haha! Its because I am proud to anounce that Sumer and Lucas are back!!! i am so happy! I actually have them as guest stars! SURPRISE! Come on out!!

Lucas and Sumer:HEYY!!!

Claire:Welcome you too sit sit! so i have a question. Did you miss fanpop and all of your friends?

Lucas:yes and I really missed Sumer.

Sumer:AWHHH!! I really missed everyone to!

Claire:That is great! I just have one question. Do you know where Jake is because there has been no sign of him.

Sumer:I dont know

Claire:Yes i remember seeing he was offline...
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Trent eating pocky....anyone else find this fucking adorable?

I didn't like Chris at first,but I grew to love him over time....even though he's still the villain when I day dreams.

Every time I listen to music I imagine a TDI character singing it....for some reason Courtney is always singing something from Evanesance...

Sure Trent was looking at Gwen,but that song was meant for me......says every Trent fangirl

I <3 fanboys.

Trent + imaginary twin brother = twincest

Whenever I imagine Noah as a little kid, he has glasses too big for his face....

I think Noah wears contacts...but he would super smexy...
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*non-First class*

Ray: *crying* noah!!!!!!!!!!!! Noah!!!!!
Jamie: it's going to be ok.
Ray: No it's not!
Jamie: Yes it will
Ray: SHUT UP JAMIE!!!!!!!
Jamie: wow.........
Bridgette: Jordan what's with the down face?
Jordan: nouthin


Jordan: Ok the frown face is because i'm the only boy. Now i know how Cody felt on season 3.


Less: How was i posable that you can beat up a bull?
Rayven: I'm strong.

*First class*

Ezekiel: This team should be called team win not team USA!
Rochelle: I know right.
Jax: This is crazy that we win so much.
Penny: yeah.
Trent: so Jax were those Baby closes good on you?...
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Chris: Ok I need Team Win first!
Ray: let's go guys.

Chris: Ok I'm giveing out Barf!
Rayven: Great!
Chris: The finale 2 from this group will stay with me. The others will go to frist class.
Less: wait everyone is going to frist class?
Chris: Yep every team. But the bottom 2. or rhe 2nd person with the most votes.
Noah: Great so only 2 don't go to frist class.
Chris: Yep.
Jar3d: i hope i'm not with Annie.
Bridgette: She's crazy.
Chris: Ok! Theas people had NO votes........ Jamie!
Jamie: Yay!! Frist class for me!
Chris: Avan.
Avan: Yes!
Chris: Ray.
Ray: Yay!!!!!! Good luck suger pie.
Noah: Thanks suger poo.
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(After Gwen's elimination, the Star Monkeys are discussing about Duncan being with Beth and Courtney being with Harold.)

Justin: Have you all noticed Duncan is with Beth?

Eva: And Courtney is with Harold?

Sierra: Good for them. They deserved it.

Leshawna: They better be together forever.

Eva: Correct.

Justin: So Trent, are you still with Heather.

Trent: Yes.

Sierra: Very good.

Owen: Awesome!

Trent: My favorite couple is Harold and Courtney. What about all of you?

Owen: Harold and Courtney.

Sierra: Duncan and Beth.

Leshawna: Harold and Courtney.

Justin: Duncan and Beth.

Eva: Duncan and Beth.

Owen: It's a tie....
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Bridgette:I was puddy in his hands and it was a mess!
Chouras:Ooh ya!
Bridgette:When I was really close to winning sucsess!
Chourus:Ooh ya!
Bridgette:I tried to fit 2 men in my soul!
Chourus:Ooh ya!
Bridgette:I ended up stuck on a pole!
Both:Stuck stuck stuck shouldof looked worse of luck!Stuck,stuck to a pole!Stuck!
Bridgette:He almost kissed when he went on a sled!
Chourus:Ooh bad!
Bridgette:And that jerk just when on ahead!
Chourus:Ooh a!
Bridgette:While here I am still stuck to a pole!
Both:Stuck stuck stuck really sucks worst of luck!Stuck,stuck to a pole!Stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck!Stuck to a pole...
Bridgette:Oh crap!
Chris: Alright the votes have been counted. And the loser is. LARA! Sorry, but uh, I kinda saw it coming so uh. BYE, BYE!

Lara: *sighs* *closes eyes* Fine, I'll leave.

Lara, goes in a car with candy and gifts in it. Chris put those in there so the losers would feel better about losing.

Chris: Kay, now that the elimination ceremony is over were going to add new members to Total Drama LIFE!
Please welcome, Penny and Jakob!

Jake: Uhh, it's JAKE.

Chris: Whatever. I'm going to put you two on the Screaming Liars' team so you'll be having a great time because they're winning! *giggles* Alex Leonard you will be on the Loving Cheaters team.

Alex L: *in confessional* OH MY F*CKING GOD!!! How am I gonna prove to Bree I REALLY like her? *screams like a girl*

Chris: *in confessional* Yeah..... I kinda wanted that to happen to him. *laughs* Until the next episode of Total Drama LIFE!!!
Sofie: A frufru. :B Wassup, everyone. Your probably thinking, "Sofie, why don't you appear and any articles anymore?" or "Sofie, do you still love Duncan?". WELL, super-awesome-uber-bitches-that-I-love, the answer to question one is because Lolly4me2 is a lazy ass, and the answer to question 2 is PFFF NAAW I WUZ JUST PLAYIN WITH YALL. I hate him. So yeah.
Lolly4me2: Heh-heh... uh, Sofie does not know what she is saying. She... uh... still loves Duncan! VERY MUCH. o_o
Sofie: No I don't. He's an ass.
Sofie: Nooo... DX But he's still...
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all campers: *watches the last eposde*
Zoey: i can't belive i talked like a baby!
Ray: i can't belive i licked chris's arm?
jax: yeah that was grose!
Bridgette: I wonder what our chalange is today.
Izzy: maby there wont be one like last week.
Sam: there was one. remamber? with the coffie?
Izzy: dosen't ring a bell

Sam's POV: sometimes i think izzy is dumber than annie and lindsay!

Chris: campers!!!!!! time for your first chalange!

Jordan: what is it???
Chris: a 0 gravity chalange!
Jax: what are the rules.
Chris: you have to try to stay the longist in here!
Sarah: are u sure this is safe?
Chris: nope!
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posted by TDI_Angel
I've been having writer's block when it comes to poetry, so when this popped into my mind, I HAD to post it! Sorry, I couldn't think of a better title. :/
WARNING: Femslash, as in Yuri or GirlxGirl. You don't like, don't read.

The bully and the crazy girl,
Two lost hearts sent in a whirl
Two outcasts, together they fit,
Who ever would have guessed it?

Soft green eyes of smiles and laughter
Those are the eyes Eva's after
Waterfall of auburn hair,
Need to find her, where is she, where?

Childishness and crazy thoughts,
Feelings of love Eva fought
Heart quickens when she...
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When I’m playing my Nintendo DS, I do not like to be interrupted.

Just get that one fact straight. “Yes... yes!” I squealed. “Omigod. Almost to the fight area...” I murmured to myself. I sat slouched on my green beanbag chair, and I stared intently into my DS screen.
Sofie!” A voice called from downstairs. I felt a flicker of irritation towards my mother for interrupting.
“What now, Mom?” I called back.
There was no answer, just some strained footsteps that I didn’t care much about. I shrugged and focused on my DS game. I knew my DS time was limited, so I wanted to...
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Chris: Ok This season, We are ganna go beound normale. Farter then the eye can see.Things most people make up. Things you might see in fairy tail books. things... well things like what you will c in this season of toal drama! In total drama abnormale!!
*theme song*
Chris: this season we will go through losts of test to see how the campers will do if they go to the real world to see the people!I bet u they will not make it!
Luna:Ummmmmmmm....... Human..... we are right here! WE can here ur tiny human mought!
Brittany: Oh like ur's is any bigger!
Luna: what was that insalt?
Brittany: Why did you bring...
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Do NOT read this if you love Courtney. Don't. If you do, you have NO RIGHT to complain in the comments, because you were warned.

**Yuri's POV, Total Drama Island

Pshhhhh. Do you think I actually care? Ha. Okay, so maybe Courtney had totally threatented my relationship with my Duncan, and maybe she never misses a chance to play a joke on me or get me in trouble, or votes for me in the marshmallow ceremony? Really. I didn't care.

I cared at first, but that was before. But one day, it changed everything. She... had... broke up with Duncan... on my behalf. I didn't know how it happened at first, how...
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posted by potterandtdi
I sit there staring at Brianna, breathing slowly on the hospital bed. Her heart rate slowing.
I put a stool next to her bed and held her hand, whispering, "You can't go. Not now..." I rubbed my thumb along her hand. "Duncan, god has called me. I have to go." I started to cry. "Why now? Why not later in your life?" I tried to show her I was tough. "Duncan, you can't stop me. I need to go. You know that." I knew it, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. "I love you Duncan. When it's your time to go, we'll be united again. Goodbye. I love you." Her heart rate slowed.
Beep...Beep...Beep...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppp... I couldn't hold my tears in any longer. I cried. She was gone...forever. I walked out of the hospital, looking up at the sky, hoping she was there, watching me.
Duncan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D.J: Duncan! What is it?
Duncan: I just got a letter.
Mike: Did I get some?
Duncan: Yeah, here you go!
Mike: Thanks!
D.J: Duncan! What is it?
Duncan: It's from my Brouther!
Courtney: We never said anything about a brouther.
Duncan: Well, I never wan't to talk about him.
Dawn: What do you hate about?
Duncan: His my twin brouther!
All: What?!?!
Duncan: Yeah he is my twin brouther.
Dawn: Dose he have a girlfriend?
Duncan: No!
Dawn: What I'm desperate.
Noah: I'll go out with you!
Dawn: No!!!!!!!!!!
Noah: Man!
Bridgette: Duncan it will be okay!
Duncan: No It won't!
Courtney: Sure it will!
Heather: Well, I don't care about it so.... Buy!
Bridgette: Heather stay!
Haether: Fine!
Courtney: Duncan: Why don't you ask Chris for the day off?
Duncan: Yeah! I'll be right back! Buy!
Coutney: Do you think Chris will say yes?
Dawn: No!
Owen's mom: Owen your back!
Owen: Hi mom!
Owen's mom: I mad you tukey!
Owen: Mom, I'm staring to eat heathy now!
Owen's mom: (Gasp) Owen!
Owen: I'm sereus mom!
Owen's mom: (cry)
Owen's dad: What is it?
Owen's mom: Owen is eating helthy!
Owen's dad: What?!?! Owen your grounded!
Owen: What?!?!
Owen's dad: No but's! To your room!
Owen: I hate you dad!
Owen's mom: Do you think that was nessasery?
Owen's dad: He can't eat healthy, he's Owen.
Owen mom: Well maybe we could do the same.
Owen's dad: What?!?!
posted by Mp4girl
Sonicluver101 drew DuncanxYurie! Thanks! Image credit goes to her ^^
Sonicluver101 drew DuncanxYurie! Thanks! Image credit goes to her ^^

I pushed open my apartment door, still sobbing breathlessly. Tears still drop from my eyes as I pressed "6" in the elevator and slowly elevated up to my apartment.
My life was over. My boyfriend, Ryan, had rejected me, he had dumped me. How could he?
I needed Gwen to come over. I reached for the phone, my slim black cell phone, and punched in Gwen's number.
At least, I thought it was Gwen's. I didn't care. Someone answered. I was still crying so I said, "Gwen, come over, please. I need you."
I hung up, because I couldn't stop crying.
Five minutes later, I heard the elevator come up....
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posted by rose35
Today as hours passed me by i looked out the window on a windy rainy day.
*knocking on the window*
I opened the window to see Owen, Izzy, Katie, Sadie, Eva, DJ, Geoff, and someone I wasn't sure I met before. he looked kind of creepy; he had a green mowhawk, a skull on his shirt, and he had a lot of peircings. It seemed as if he was kind of drear.
Owen: so kate are you up for the movies?
Kaitlan: but it's raining. i really don't feel like smeeling Owen fart all day. today. And by the exacly why are you at my window?
DJ: We wanted to ask you if you wanteed to play football.
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Courtney's POV: I stood there, completely dumbfounded, mouth agape, at how my best friend in the world, just dissed me.

"Sorry I didn't tell you..." Was all she said.

"Aw, is Princess sad?" Duncan pursed his lips in a pout to irk me. It worked, and instead of letting it go like I normally would, I stepped and kicked as hard as I could, sending Duncan to the ground with a loud groan.

"Now shut up." I said and turned to Tiannah. "Um, can you leave for a few hours? We really need to start this project."

"Hm?" Tiannah was playing with her long dyed hair, and she finally looked up. "Oh, sure." She smiled...
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Chris: “All Of You Have Casted Your Votes. Safe From Eliminated Today Is:

Miranda, Tyler, Gwen & Cody. Also…………

Kaitlan, Raynie, Geoff & Theresa. Were Down To Final 4. The Lucky Contestants Are:

Chrissy & Noah!”
Dylan: “Oh No….”
Courtney: *Winks*
Chris: “And The Final Marshmellow Goes To……..

Courtney And Dylan: “What?”
Theresa: *Whispers* “That What You Get For Messing With Dylan.”
Courtney: “Who The Heck Voted For Me?”
Chris: “Can’t Tell.” *Drags Courtney To Loser Boat*

Chris: “Well Courtney Got Eliminated. Who Will Get Voted Off Next On The All-Thrilling Episode Of Total Drama Fanpop!”
Updated Cast!
Updated Cast!