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This chapter is dedicated to 7thGradeGenius and rubberduck2 and duncan-superfan because they always comment and they will ve really happy that it doesn't finish yet, actually another story continue thanks to monica-san

15.Twitter and Asthma

Courtney took a deep breath, breathing in and out. For about three minutes, she will be doing this, and then she will go back to work. She rubbed her temples and took another deep breath.

“Do you have asthma, babe?” Duncan whispered in her ear lowly. “If you do, I’d gladly give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I’m not complaining.”

Courtney swiftly elbowed him on the stomach and then turned around, hugging him.

“That can’t do anything for asthma, stupid.”

Duncan chuckled. “Hit me, then cuddle—I like it.” He was quiet for a moment. “Are you okay? You…look more stressed than usual.”

“‘More stress than usual’?” she repeated. “Do I look stressed a lot or what?”

“Well, school is starting now, and you’ve been looking super frazzled. What’s up, Princess?” He gently kissed her forehead. “Talk to Doctor Duncan.”

“You’d be a horrible doctor; you’d only molest young teenager girls.”

He snorted in disgust. “Ugh, don’t compare me to those molesters and pedophiles appearing on TV a lot, okay? That’s the worst insult ever—sort of.”

She sighed. “My…parents found out about you,” she muttered. “Apparently they heard it from my brother, who saw it on Geoff’s Twitter.”

“Damn your excessive twittering, Geoff.” He frowned. “And why did your brother rat you out? I thought he wasn’t like that.”

Courtney laughed nervously. “He’s not…but if you do something bad to him, he’ll get revenge on you. He holds grudges for a long period of time and it’s not pretty at all. He’s so freaking immature.”

“For some strange reason, that makes me like your brother.”

“Oh, great, I have a homosexual boyfriend.”

“Hardy, har-har, sweetheart.” He rolled his eyes at her. “And why are you so worried about your parents? Are you scared?” He smirked.

Courtney sighed again and groaned. “Yes,” she admitted. She looked up to see Duncan’s eyes widen. Of course, she thought. He would expect me to deny it and say some snarky remark back at him.

“Why are you scared of your freaking parents? It’s not like they’ll make them live with you again, installing surveillance cameras everywhere.” He shook his head, chuckling.

She scowled. “They would. They’re that extreme and domineering. I don’t know how the hell I spent my eighteen and a half years of living with them. My brother got emancipated when he was fifteen.”

“He’s my hero,” Duncan joked. “But how did he live, Court? I mean, sure it’s brave of him to do that so-called ‘irrational’ behavior, but he’s only fifteen. How did he cope?”

“My brother…was my all-time hero, as well.” Courtney had a soft smile on. “He followed my parents’ every whim without question and was best at everything—school, sports, socializing, et cetera, et cetera. He absolutely loved photography and took amazing photos—mostly about random things.

“Of course, my parents wanted him to take over the business like regular demanding, strict parents—except more brutal. That was when my brother lost his temper; it was shocking, because he was normally a calm person.”

“The opposite of you,” Duncan added, grinning.

“Shut up. Anyways, he yelled at them, ranting about how they controlled his life. I was there listening in, staying unobtrusive. It made me want to cry, but I didn’t.” She felt Duncan’s arms around her tighten. “Deep inside the pit of my stomach, my brother became my idol, my hero. I’ve always wanted to do what he did, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want them to hate me.”

“Who could hate you?” she heard Duncan mutter. “Or wait…”

“Duncan, just shut up. Anyways, I—wait, Duncan, did I ever tell you what my hopes and dreams were?” She stared at him curiously.

“You mean becoming a man-hating dictator of the world, forcing them to become slaves for you, with you cackling like a witch in the background? Well, no.”

Courtney pinched his lips together tightly, causing him to jump up a little.

“Damn it, woman, I won’t be able to kiss you properly!” he hissed. He winced when he smacked his lips together.

“I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer!” she exclaimed. “I wanted to be the one to help my brother get out of our parents’ clutches. I wanted to help him so badly. My parents approve of this, but they don’t know the true reason behind it. I…love my brother dearly.”

Duncan rubbed his hands up and down on her back affectionately. “Where is he now?” he inquired quietly.

“He’s married now in Ontario—‘twenty-six and loving it’ in his words. I spoke with him a week ago. He’s doing fine.”

They stayed quiet for a moment, staying locked in a soft embrace.

“So, I’m going to meet your parents?” Duncan asked. “Well, to ease your worries, all parents love me, babe.”

Courtney groaned, knowing he was lying.


Geoff patted Duncan’s head repeatedly, treating him like a little boy—which was annoying Duncan a lot.

“Stop that!” he shouted, slapping his hand away. “I don’t need any of your pity or any of your babying. This is your fault!” Ugh, I’m getting a headache, he thought, rubbing his forehead. Now I feel like Courtney.

“How is it my fault? I don’t even talk to Courtney’s parents!”

“I blame your addiction to Twitter, Geoff.” He spoke with clenched teeth. “Twitter is overrated, dude. It’s not the most popular website or whatever crap, all right?”

Geoff looked confused. “Courtney’s parents have a Twitter? Well, maybe they aren’t that lame at all,” he murmured to himself. “It’s probably the dad since a lot of female celebrities use that site. Or maybe it’s the mom—”

“Geoff,” Trent interrupted, sighing, “just…shush.” He looked over at Duncan. “Are you scared?”

“Why the hell are you asking that?” he inquired incredulously. “No way am I scared…even though it’s my second time meeting another girl’s parents. It went well, ‘cause Trisha’s parents were laidback and stuff. But now…I’m going to meet the kind of parents who are judgmental and wouldn’t approve of me right away.”

Trent put a hand on Duncan’s broad shoulder. “Duncan, just don’t back down. Stay tough—don’t let them get to you, all right? This is where you’ll see where Courtney gets her toughness and uptightness. Don’t tell her I said that, about the uptightness part,” he added.

Duncan laughed. “She’ll just get mad at me for talking about her with you guys. Man, I love her…”

“Then show it to them,” Geoff said suddenly, sounding mature. “Show Courtney’s stiff parents that you love her. Even if they’re the most cold-hearted freaks, they have a heart, right? I mean, it’s not like they had an arranged marriage and Courtney’s mom had to give birth to two kids, one boy, one girl. That’s stupid.”

“No, Geoff. What you said was stupid. Who does arrange marriages nowadays?” Trent asked. “That’s so…long time ago.”

“But Courtney’s parents are old, so they must’ve done that kind of thing. They might’ve been in an old-fashioned family. You never know, Trent.” Geoff crossed his arms over his chest.

Duncan stared at the two, knowing that the subject was no longer on his problem.


“Well, you’re screwed, Court,” Gwen said bluntly. “That’s all I gotta say.”

Bridgette looked at her, glaring at her. “That’s not helping, Gwen!” she hissed. She turned and smiled reassuringly at the panicking Courtney. “Just calm down and think on the positive side.”

Courtney punched the wall beside her. “‘Think on the positive side’?! What positive side?! My freaking parents like to think on the negative side, Bridge! You should know that! You met them!” she screamed. “My parents are the embodiment of the ‘Devil’s Couple’ probably!”

Gwen rolled her eyes. “Courtney, just sit down and stop being so overly dramatic, all right?” she ordered, irritated. “It’s not the end of the world, and don’t say it is. We both know your parents are freaking psycho, but that doesn’t mean you can go that far.”

“But it’s true!”

“Do you think acting like a complete baby would give you a solution to your ‘problem’?! No, it wouldn’t!”

“Guys, just freaking shut up!” Bridgette shouted. “Okay, Courtney, Gwen is right—stop being such a puerile whiner! You’re nineteen—a freaking adult! You’re living on your own; you have a good job, although you don’t like it much; and you’re going to a good college soon!”

“Court,” Gwen sighed, looking calm now. “Do what your brother did.”

Courtney’s eyes widened and she looked away, clenching her fists. She dreadfully wanted to do what her amazing brother did. She couldn’t, though. As much as she hated to admit it, she wasn’t strong enough—she wasn’t courageous enough.

Gwen walked over to Courtney and put a hand on her shoulder tenderly. “Being a lawyer wasn’t your only dream, right?” she said softly. “Show your parents you’re an adult now; show them you’re doing fine on your own; show them you are away from their freaking, ugly clutches.”

Courtney smiled determinedly and laughed. She hugged her Goth friend. “Thank you, Gwen,” she whispered sincerely. “For a ‘I-don’t-like-to-help-people-with-their-stupid-pain-in-the-ass-problems’ kind of person, you’re innumerably helpful and wise.”

She then walked over to Bridgette and hugged her as well. “And thanks, Bridgette. I’m proud that you can blow your temper just like me.” Bridgette giggled. They released each other. “You guys are manically awesome.”

“Same goes for you except ten times more,” Gwen and Bridgette said in synchronization.


Duncan tried not to wince as Courtney’s grip on his hand got tighter and tighter. They were in Courtney’s car, and they were heading to Courtney’s parent’s house. Each time they got closer and closer, Courtney’s grip got tighter and tighter.

Duncan hated to admit it, but he was quite nervous about meeting his girlfriend’s parents. He was never good at being polite or not saying whatever he likes to say. He didn’t want to ruin it for Courtney, but it’s not his fault he’s not like those girlie men Courtney’s parents must like.

“So…,” he started conversationally, “what are your parents’ names? I’m getting tired of saying ‘your parents’ and ‘Courtney’s parents.’”

Courtney’s grip loosened and Duncan sighed quietly in relief. “Well…my dad’s name is Cameron and my mom’s name is Darlene. It’s pretty ironic, right?” she laughed.

“Eh? How is it ironic?”

He saw Courtney roll her eyes at him. “Gosh, you’re so freaking stupid sometimes, Duncan,” she muttered. “I don’t know what goes on in your brain—if you have one.” She whispered the last words.

Duncan glared at her. “Hey, I’m not that dumb, nor am I deaf, sweetheart. I just don’t like to think all the time, all right? It hurts my brain.”

Courtney didn’t answer this time—instead she gave him a sad look. Duncan raised an eyebrow at her.

“What? Why do you look so sad, Princess?”

“I’ve never…asked about your parents. Hell, I never even asked about who you are. I feel…selfish.” She frowned. “Tell me about yourself.”

Duncan laughed. “That was random. Hmm…okay, my name is Duncan. I’m a hot male specimen—the number one case, actually—and I’m a great kiss—”

“Ah, forget it—just tell me about your parents.”

“Harsh, man.” Duncan pursed his lips. “Well…my parents are both cops—practically everybody in my freaking family is a cop.”

“Now that’s ironic. You’re a criminal with a family full of cops? Doesn’t that…make them furious or disappointed?”

Duncan snorted. “Hell yeah, babe. They think that I’m supposed to be a cop, as well. But I don’t want to be—I hate abiding by the rules. It sucks, and I just want to be who I want to be. I don’t want anyone telling me I have to be this, I have to be that. That just annoys me. It’s my life and I can do whatever I want with it.”

Courtney smiled. “I’ve always wanted to say that to my parents,” she said quietly. “You’re doing what I’ve always dreamed of doing. I guess that makes you my hero.”

As soon as she said that, Duncan blushed a bit. Duncan Evans does not blush, but here was his insane girlfriend, making him blush by a simple compliment.

Duncan cleared his throat. “Um, my dad hates me,” he blurted out. “He hates that I always get in trouble. Apparently he likes to protect his reputation. He doesn’t want anyone to think of him as ‘the man with a troubled son.’ My mom thinks that I’m a good person. She doesn’t hate me.” He chuckled. “I’m really close with my grandma, though.”

“Really? Why?”

“She…taught—or forced to make me learn—Italian since I have Italian blood in me. So I guess that makes me bilingual. She’s a retired cop now and she taught me everything—how to stay strong, fighting techniques, being independent, and all those other stuff to prepare me for the future. She just knew that I would be someone who liked to fly solo, no babying crap.

“I ran away, but I told my grandma about it. I remember the exact words we both had together.

“‘I’m getting away from this hell-like piece of crap, Old Gran. Don’t worry, I’ll come back,’ I said.

“Then she said this, and it really surprised me. ‘Duncan…I don’t approve of what you’re doing, but I know your true reason behind it. I’ll pretend I don’t know where you went. But I want you to come back as soon as possible… I love you, my little boy.’” Duncan felt tears coming out.

Courtney rested her forehead on his shoulder. “Oh, Duncan,” she whispered. “I’m… I don’t know what to say.”

Thankfully, the tears didn’t come pouring down. He hated crying and hasn’t cried since…like, forever. He turned to Courtney, smiling.

“Do you have a picture of your parents?” he asked suddenly. “I just want to know how they look like so I can act easily around them.”


Courtney snorted at the thought, though she did have one in her wallet. “Why would I have a picture of my parents?” she asked, stalling. “That’s a strange piece of paper to put in your wallet.”

Duncan rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Princess. I know you have a picture of them. I just want to know how they look like—if they’re ugly, I might yell out loud when I see them, so…just spare your life by showing me it.”

She did not want to show Duncan how her parents look like. She didn’t know why, but it seemed…dangerous for her to show the picture of her parents to Duncan. But she pushed away the bad feeling.

Courtney turned her head away from him. “Well…fine.” She pulled out her wallet from her bag—she didn’t know why she was carrying a bag—and opened the wallet. “Here’s how they look like.” She held the wallet out.

The car halted to a stop slowly at the red light. Duncan looked away from the road and looked at the picture. He gasped loudly.

“They’re not ugly!” Courtney snapped. “I mean, they look intimidating and all, but they are in no way unattractive!”

Duncan gulped. “That’s—that’s not what made me gasp, babe,” he sputtered out. “They’re—they’re—they’re—”

“Just spit it out already! You’re like Harold when he supposedly saw a monster behind me! Ugh, we do not need another coward nerd here!”

Duncan looked at Courtney with wide eyes. She doesn’t understand why Duncan was acting like he has seen a ghost. They may seem scary, but to Courtney they seem all right, she guessed. Then Duncan said something that made her look shocked like him.

“They’re…the ones who put me in the prison I escaped.”

Chris: last time on Total Drama around the world: Rome! The birth place of tag. Here we played a friendly game of tag! Owen started it cause i likeing picking on the nice guy! the tag person went on and on to diffent people! Jordan found out that annie had a secret Boy friend! Jordan got mad and they broke up! when Jordan got it he taged annie at the last secound. so team Mexico lost cause of Jordan! But it wasn't Jordan who left, scean we are iver in episodes, i had a dubble elmnation and it was Noah and Adrianne who got sent home! Leaving only Rochelle and Lulu for the Cody war! and team...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back everyone!! Time to wake up the characters again lets go!.....WAKE UP!!!!

Jessica:OK i am so getting tired of this!!
*End of Confessionals*

Claire:Ok now that your all here i have a surprise! You better listen up Max so you al lknow Penny went hom last night its tradgic but there is a surprise someone coming into this game!

Max:I am tired of surprises!!!

Jake:I MISS PENNY!!! *crying* I will win for you babe!
*End of Confessionals*

Claire:Please welcome CHEY!!!!

Chey:Hey everyone!
Ya'vanti:Hey whats up?
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i was on and i saw an elimination table or something like that and it said......

DJ is eliminated next in Jamaica Me Sweat

and then........

Noah is eliminated next in I See London...

heres the link to where i found those^^^^

and i found what team duncan joins some poeple think he will be in team victory but he cant cause that whole team will be eliminated and he cant be in team chris is really really really really hot because in the comercial when he was getting divorced/married to courtney and it was challenge so it means he joined that team.

and as we all know ezekial is coming back too.since team victory is eliminated he joined team chris is really really hot considering theyre was a picture of him with team chris is really really really really hot and noah was wearing his hat blainley was in the photo too.

well thats all the spoilers i got so far see ya!!
Hey everyone it's the new Total Drama, Total Drama Bermuda Triangle! Again for 9 weeks I'll be torturing 22 teenagers in as many ways as possible!! And the only place you can experience that, is on TOTAL DRAMA BERMUDA TRIANGLE!!-Chris

*Theme Song*

OMG!!! HI CHRIS!!-Uknown...
Umm...? Hello..?-Chris
*Gets off her boat*It's Mayla! One of your cast members!!-Mayla
Yo, Chris. It's Phil.-Phil
*whispering* oh look, duncan's twin..-Chris
So, we're staying here for the rest of the summer?*nods her head towards the sleeping huts*-Mayla
Yeah, pretty much.-Chris
*steps off her boat* Hey! I'm...
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posted by 123Jordan
rochelle: This is the total drama awards! We are going to have sepasle gusse today. they are Birdgette, eva, Noah, The whole team of Killer Bass, Trent, chris maclain, and more! The first award is for the best Team on season 1 and 2! The nomanes are, Screaming Gaffers, Killer Grips, Killer Bass, and Screaming Gophers. and the winner is...................... Killer bass with 8 votes!!!!!
Duncan: We are so happy we won this award!
Courtney: I think I won it for us.
Duncan: Yeah how do u know that you won it for us???
Courtney: cause i'm the onlt one on the team with brains.
Bridgette: are you saying...
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posted by toofu
the first one to come to the island is Mason. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't believe i'm here!he screams. welcome Mason! Chris says. next comes Vinnie. awesome! welc Vern. Chris says and where are all these girls at anyway? Just then Kara gets off the bus and Chris starts staring at her, lovingly. oh crapp! vinnie says. Chris does not know who he likes. then all kind of rock and rule music plays and Devan R gets off the bus. 's up man. he says. I think there's a bird. Mason says. Devan stanps on his foot. Crapp, that hurts dude! Abby gets off next. Here comes Twinkykid. Mason whispers. hi...
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Disturbing Images and The Virgin Manager

Duncan was currently being interviewed by the manager of Starbucks, Frank Harrington. He seemed to be a meek virgin in Duncan’s point of view. He looked about twenty-two years old, though Duncan looked much older than him—in a good way. He was a puny man, compared to Duncan’s 6’2” stature.

Normally, Duncan wouldn’t get a chance to be interviewed in popular jobs like this. He would usually threaten the owner of the job he was interested in, and, like magic, he’s an employee in that job the next day. Now, he didn’t have to do that since Trent...
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Top Prison Guards and Towels

A green-haired mohawk dude casually put his feet on the table, putting his muscular arms at the back of his head.

“Hey, Geoff, thanks for making me crash at your place,” Duncan said, yawning a bit. “That prison sure was hard to escape, but whatever.”

Geoff laughed. “It’s cool, man. And what, is this your tenth escape?” he asked, flipping through the channels.

Duncan smirked. “More than that, dude—probably like my twentieth or so.” He was exaggerating; it was actually his eleventh escape. He can stay out of trouble at times.

“So, the cops still searching...
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*all in apartments*

Sofie:*wakes up* num, num, num. ROOM SERVICE!
Sumer:*wakes up* *yawn* pfft. ROOM SERVICE!
Chris: *shouts* GET OUTA BED YOU LAZY PEOPLE! Oh and by the way … THERE IS NO F@#*%$£ ROOM SERVICE!
Heather:*dreamily sighs*
Lauren: O.o
Heather: Huh?! What I do not!
Jared: Sure …

*all in hallway in pyjamas*

Alex: Wow, girls look hot in PJ’s
Jared: Agree!
Bridgette & Courtney: *slap their BF* HEY!
Alex: Of course …
Jared: … You’re the hottest Courtney.
Alex: Yes, you are Bridge.
Courtney: Aww *kisses Jared* What an attempt!
Bridgette: *kisses Alex* ^.^...
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Total Drama Island’s Lost Scene’s Chapter 1.

How Gwen found out about the picture of Courtney under Duncan’s pillow.

The campers where settling in and getting ready after the first challenge. Gwen thought, since she was done and ready to go, to surprise Trent in the guys trailer. She heard all the guys but him where wondering the lot so it seemed perfect.

The Goth snuck into the rusty trailer and was disappointed that her musical man wasn’t anywhere to be seen. With a sigh she turned to exit but was stopped by her guy friend staring at her.

“Girls aren’t allowed in here. But I can...
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*this is my TDI Manga crossover between Total Drama Island and Ranma 1/2. I love both the show and graphic novel series, so I decided to write the first chapter of the second book and see what you all think of it*

The hiss and patter of the rain was the only thing heard outside of the Tendo house. The lights in the town were turned off for the night, and you could almost feel the still of the silence...

Little circles of water surrounded Duncan's feet as he approached.
"Yes, this must be the the Tendo Training Hall..." He said...
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posted by GwenTrentDude
Chapter 3: The party

When they arrived at Jareds house there was alot of people there. It was a nice big 2 floor house and everyone was dancing in the living room and the back yard. " Woooo! Jared can through a good party!" Lauren said as Geoff bumped into her. " Oh but Lauren Geoff here can throw good parties too." Andi said as Geoff smiled. " How do you know they're names?" Lauren said as she got a cup from the table and drank it. " Because Chris told me before he got here!" She said as she was looking for her friends. " Alright guys go have fun!" She said as everyone spilt up and walked around...
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"today in TDA we have a gift for Duncan but no one knows well i do."said chris acting all good."hi bridgette"said gwen sleepy.when bridgette turned and looked at the window she saw some one...
it was COURTNEY!!!bridgette was really happy and so was gwen for a reason.they both ran out to hug her."we missed u"they said like 10 times."but how u get in?"asked gwen."well,being with a bad boy is really cachy".said courtney with her pink'n'black bag so as they were sitting waiting for duncan to get up,gwen looked a little not happy."hey girls!"said duncan as he kisses the picture of courtney.the 3...
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Courtney: Duncan... I'm pregnant...
Duncan:(He doesn't react, and he has the SAME face)
Courtney: Duncan? (He still doesn't react) Duncan! You're scaring me!
Duncan:(He FINALY react, but he still with the same face) ggg.. aaa...
Courtney: What?
Duncan: youuu... areee... WHAT?
Courtney: I really need say it again? I'M PREGNANT!
Duncan: Ok, i know it... it's just only...
Courtney: What? Say it!
Duncan: It's just only i'm shocked, alright? I'm shocked!
Courtney: I'm shocked too Duncan...
Duncan: But... how can it be?
Courtney: Why everybody ask that? You know HOW!
Duncan: Alright...
Courtney: You're are...
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1. Meanwhile he's sleeping, fill his closet with courtney's clothes, take his piercings off, die his hair brown, shave off his beard,and give him a spray-tan

2. Tell him that Courtney and Harold are secretly daiting

3. Tell him that even a baby can do a beter job of pranking people than he can

5. Poke him until he gets pissed off

6. Send him a fake love letter from Lindsay

7. Meanwhile he's trying to pull a prank, tell the police

8. Force him to smoke a cigarette. Meanwhile he's smoking it, take a picture of that and show it to Courtney

9. Tell all of the girls that Duncan broke up with Courtney and...
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So Guys, This Has Yaoi, Some Duncney (As U Can Guess) Gwody Friendship And Some Others, Including Oc/Oc
DPOV (Duncan)
" So, I Hope U Like Ur New Classmates, And Ur Names R On Ur Seats. I Was Next To Courtney And Gwen. Greeat. " So Wheres The Teacher " Asked Bridgette " I Dunno, Makin Out With The Janitor Probably " Said Roxas. There Was a Few Sniggers, Athena Burst Out Laughing " Sorry For The Wait" Said The teacher, Wiping Of Some Lipstick. More Giggles Arose As He Buttoned Up His Shirt. " Mr.Manwhore, U Need Too Up Ur Fly ^.^ " Said Athena Slyly " Manore, Anderson, Manore " "Manwhore :D " Sniggered Courtney, I Looked Over, Woah, Shes Really Sexy, I MEAN! No Duncan NO..... Yes Duncan YES! Im SO STUPID I LOVED COURTNEY AND THEN I BROKE HER HEART WITH MY STUPIDITY!!
>.< IM SO STUPID!! But I Cant Just Take Her Back...... OR MAYBE I CAN ^.^ No .....
YEP! No..... ARGH
added by Leshawna45
added by alejandro1900
the pic is of python my baby
the pic is of python my baby
Mikica's P.O.V
I woak early for some reason. So i got python and some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I got changed quickly. i walked out of the stall and looked in the mirror. I screamed in terror and anger.

Heather's P.O.V
last night Mikica really pissed me off. So i thought I'd teach her a lesion. With a little help from someone else who hates her. HaHaHaHa

Duncan's P.O.V
I heard a loud scream it woak me and almost all the guys in are cabin. I noticed Mikica was gone. I got up and follow to were the screaming came from. It lead me to the girls bathroom. Python sat in front of the...
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