Total Drama Island Club
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! 22 competitors arrived on the plane. Some new. Some Old. Each one had to swim for 10 miles in the blazing hot Atlantic Ocean in the equator! And Alejandro, Heather, and Owen all tied for the last person to finish. And Since Heather and Owen are on the same team, team Germany had to go to the elimination ceremony. In the end, it was evil mean Heather to be the first one to leave. What will be Alejandro's reaction to this loss. And what will our lovebirds think of our challenge today? On Total Drama Around the World!

(Theme song)

(mess hall)
Alejandro: How should I greet Heather? Hi, beautiful. Or Hola hermosa! The 2nd one. (enters first class) Hola Her- Where's Heather?
Taylor: She got eliminated.
Alejandro: What?!?! By who?
Liza: 6 votes Chris said.
Alejandro: Who voted for him?
Layla: Who would be stupid enough to tell you that? I mean you loved h-
Cole: I did.
Layla: That would be him.
Alejandro: Agggh! (exits)


Alejandro: Cole is going to be gone tomorrow. I know that his not on my team but I'll make it happen.

Joss: I miss Heather too. I kind of had a crush on her. I just notice I only talk to the camera in here. Hm.


(First Class)
Draven: So, let's think about who to vote off next.
Rochelle: We haven't even lost yet. Let's hold that off until we lose.
Draven: Fine.
(Cody is asleep)
Bridgette: It's like noon. Cody's still asleep?
Annie: He must be tired from that swimming challenge. I know I was.
Geoff: Not that tired because your still up.
Annie: Oh shut up.
Eva: I ASKED FOR DIET!! NO PLAIN!!! (Throws the soda at intern.)
Jordan: Wo. Did Eva get meaner?
Bridgette: I didn't think that was possible.
Annie: me ether.
Chris: (on intercom) all competitors please exit the plane.
Fawn: I wonder what are challenge is today.


Cody: SO tired...
Sierra: WO! We're in Paris! The city of love!
Liza: Haven't you already been her before?
Sierra: once.
Lance: So what's our challenge today Chris?
Chris: A date.
Bridgette: I'm cool with that. (smiles at Geoff and Geoff smiles backs)
Chris: First we need to pair up. Boy and Girl. Everyone has to pair up. Except for 1 boy from team Italy. Who will it be?
Alejandro: ME!
Chris: Okay Alejandro. You win invincibility if your team loses.
All of Team Italy but Alejandro: WHAT?!?!
Chris: Yep. You may go in the plane if you want.
Alejandro: No, I want to support my team.
Chris: Okay then...


Liza: Something's fishy.

Alejandro: now that I don't have to do the challenge, I can make sure Cole loses for his team.



Chris: First off, pick someone to be your spouse.
Bridgette: Geoff?
Geoff: No...
Bridgette: What?!
Geoff: i was kidding.
Bridgette: oh
Jordan: Do i even need to ask?
Annie: you don't.
Draven: Rochelle?
Rochelle: sure.
Owen: Tay-
Izzy: (hugs Owen) I CALL OWEN!!!
Owen: Oh dear.
Sierra: Lance?
Lance: i guess.
Sierra: YES!!!
Chilly: Layla?
Layla: fine.
Liza: Cole?
Cole: Sure.
Taylor: Looks like we're left.
Joss: (smiles)
Fawn: Mike?
Mike: sure.
Eva: Who's left for me?
Chris: Cody!
Cody and Eva: WHAT?!?!
Chris: yep! Okay, now for the first round, you will have 2 couples do it. So pick the couples now.
Liza: wait, what's the first round?
Chris: you'll find out after you pick.
Liza: okay....
Taylor: How about me and Joss? Because I want to get this over with.
Liza: okay. And who else?
Chilly: me and Layla?
Layla: What? I want to go last.
Chilly: but I want to-
Layla: (grabs shirt collar) We're going last.
Chilly: fine.
Layla: Now that I think about it. I want to go first.
Chilly: REALLY!!!

(team Italy)
Rochelle: We'll go.
Draven: first?
Rochelle: let's just get it over with.
Draven: fine.
Fawn: whose else?
Cody: (sleepy) I'm fine with that.
Annie: okay, we're done.
Liza: Us too.
Chris: good. now the challenge is the boys have to ask out their spouse.
Taylor: wait, does it have to be the boy? Because Joss doesn't talk. His like Silent B.
Chris: yes. It does have to be the boy. You will be judged by chef and Alejandro-
Alejandro: What? I never agreed to that.
Chris: do it or you will not have your invisibility.
Alejandro: fine.
Chris: okay. they will grade you ether a thumbs up or a thumbs down. This will be the same with all the rounds. So let's get started. Evody your first.
Eva: Oh you are not giving me and Cody a couple nick name.
Chris: oh yes i am. Now get on that stage and ask out! You got 3 minutes.
(Eva and Cody get's on stage.)
(Internes are hooking Alejandro to a lie detector)
Alejandro: what is this for?
Chris: to make sure you don't lie. If you lie you will be shocked.
Alejandro: oh joy. (get's shocked) that wasn't lying that was sarcasm!
Chris: It does what it wants. Now let's begin! Cody.
Cody: (sleepy) Ev-Ev-Eva. Will-will-will you- (falls asleep on Eva)
Eva: (pushes Cody off of her onto the ground)
Chris: Judges?
(Alejandro get's shocked)
Alejandro: I didn't say anything!
Chris: just a test run.
Chef: (thumbs down)
Alejandro: (thumbs down)
Chris: ooo... 2 thumbs down. That's not a good start! Next Layla and Chilly.
(Layla and Chilly get on stage)
Chilly: (get's a rose) Oh Layla. Will you go out with me?
Layla: Oh yes! Yes I will! (kisses Chilly on the head)
Layla and Chilly: and scene.
Chef: (claps and then thumbs up)
Alejandro: (thumbs down then get's shocked) fine! (thumbs up)
Chris: 2 thumbs up. Good job you 2.


Layla: worst 30 seconds of my life. but it was worth it. We got 2 thumbs up.

Chilly: well, at least we got 3 thumbs up



Chris: next we have Rochelle and Draven.
Draven: Just act like your surprised and gasp.
Rochelle: got cha.
Chris: we're waiting.
(Draven and Rochelle get on stage)
Draven: Oh Rochelle. How you make me tingle. Your eyes. They're... They're... the most Beautiful things in the world.
(Rochelle giggles)
Draven: Rochelle, would you... (get's on knees and kisses hand) go out with me?
Rochelle: YES! YES! YES!
Chris: good job.
Draven: what was that? I said to asked surprised and gasp. where was the gasping?
Rochelle: oh sorry. (gasp)
Draven: well it's too late now.
Chris: judges?
Chef: (thumbs up)
Alejandro: (thumbs up)
Draven and Rochelle: YES!!
Chris: now finally, Joss and Taylor!
Taylor: oh no.
(Joss and Taylor go to stage)
Chris: begin.
Joss: (looks around nervous)
Layla: Come on Joss!
Liza: Joss do something. Anything.
Joss: (smiles and runs off stage)
Liza: except for that.
Joss: (comes back with an IPhone and starts typing on it)
Voice on IPhone: Sorry, Taylor. I have a sore throat. Now I have to ask you something. Will you go out with me?
Taylor: Oh... Joss... Yes I will!
(They kiss)
Chef: (thumbs up)
Alejandro: (thumbs down)
Chris: good job.
Joss: (get's off stage and faints)
Chris: now we have Team Germany in the lead with 3 points and Team Italy with 2 points. Now for the next round. Pick 1 new couple to do it. Oh and Alejandro. There are some food in the mess hall for this challenge. Can you get it for me. It's on a cart.
Alejandro: can you untie me first?
Chris: interns!
(team Italy)
Rochelle: so who's next?
Jordan: we'll go.
Annie: yeah.
Rochelle: okay.
Alejandro: thanks Chris.
Chris: now go!
Alejandro: fine. (overhears Team Germany's conversation.)
Cole: we'll go.
Liza: okay.
Alejandro: hmmmmm....
(mess hall)
Alejandro: (cuts open a piece of bread and pores hot souse in it)
Alejandro: (exits plane with the cart of food)
Chris: good. You and the inters set up.
Alejandro: okay.
Chris: okay everyone! Now this challenge is called the first date challenge. You will go on a date for 10 minutes. You have to eat while your not talking. You must show some love stuff while doing it.
Cole: Love stuff?
Chris: yeah, like tell secrets. Make the other person laugh, oh and if you do that you have to make chef laugh.
Geoff: We would have to be in pain for that to happen.
Chris: well good luck.
Alejandro: we're done.
Chris: let's begin. Everyone is up there at the same time. Good luck.
(Jordan and Annie and Cole and Liza go on stage)
Alejandro: Hola. I will be your waiter for the day. Follow me to your table.
Jordan: This is going to be a great night.
Annie: I know.
Liza: we haven't even started yet.
Annie: oh we know. We got plans for tonight after this challenge.
Cole: okay then...
Chris: begin!
Alejandro: you sit here.
Liza: thank you. (hands Alejandro money) here's a tip.
Alejandro: oooo... thanks- wait this says has no monetary value.
Liza: sorry.
Cole: no let me Liza. (pulls chair out for Liza to sit and she sits down)
Liza: thank you.
(Cole sits down)
Annie: do the same to me.
Jordan: oh okay.
(pulls chair out but pulls it too far and Annie falls down onto her butt)
Annie: ow!
Jordan: oh. Sorry.
(Annie sits down and so does Jordan)
(7 minutes later)
Alejandro: (to self) why hasn't he eaten the bread yet? (goes up to Cole and Liza) how's your food tasting today?
Cole: oh very good thank you.
Liza: very.
Alejandro: have you tried the bread? It's absolutely to die for.
Cole: okay, we'll try it. (breaks it into 2 and hands one to Liza)
Liza: well thank you Cole.
(Liza and Cole eat the bread)
Cole: wow. it is good.
Alejandro: it's not too hot? Not even burning some?
Cole: no. Perfect temperature.
Alejandro: good to know... How did that not work??
Annie: (breaks bread) open wide Jordan.
Jordan: okay. (Annie feeds the bread into Jordan's mouth.) HOTTTTTTT!!!
Alejandro: oh.... wrong table.
Jordan: HOT! HOT! HOT!!!!! (drinks all water at table then drinks all water at Cole's and Liza's table then all the water at Chef's table)
Chris: time's up!
Rochelle: Kind of like you yesterday. Huh? right Fawn?
Fawn: oh shut up.
Chris: how about Cole and Liza judges, well judge because Alejandro is playing the waiter in this round. So what ever Chef says it's times 2.
Chef: (thumbs up)
Liza and Cole: oh yeah! (high fives)
Chris: and Jordan and Annie?
Chef: (thumbs down)
Annie: oh come on!
Jordan: WATER!! (runs into plane)
Annie: Ill get him. (follows into plane)
Chris: okay that's it for round 2! Team Germany is still in the lead with 5 points and Team Italy still has 2. Now the rest of you will go to round 3.
Izzy: YAY!
Chris: it's called first kiss. all you have to do is kiss the person to get full points. okay. first up Bridgette and Geoff!
Rochelle: YES!! We are so going to win this! We got Bridgette and Geoff!
(Bridgette and Geoff get on stage and start making out)
Chris: I didn't say go. but okay! 2 points for both of you!
Bridgette and Geoff: Yes!
Chris: next we got Lance and Sierra.
Sierra: YAY!!! Are you ready?
Lance: i guess.
Chris: ready, go!
(Sierra starts making out with Lance)
Lance: wo! He just said 1 kiss.
Sierra: but you liked it right?
Lance: not really.
Sierra: awww... fine.
Chris: next we have Mike and Fawn!
Fawn: let's just get this over with.
Mike: oh you don't want to kiss the Mikester?
Fawn: not really.
Chris: go!
(Mike and Fawn are about to kiss but then Mike slaps Fawn)
Fawn: OW! what was that for?
Mike as Svetlana: I'm not kissing any girl! I'm not Lesbian! (walks off stage)
Fawn: any points?
(Chris, Alejandro, and Chef shakes heads)
Chris: next Owen and Izzy!
Izzy: yay! let's go big O!
Owen: but Izzy-
Chris: GO!
Izzy: you go Owen!
Owen: but Izzy I don't really like you.
Izzy: huh?
Owen: I don't have a crush on you anymore.
Izzy: what do you mean?
Owen: I mean we're over.
Izzy: (runs off stage crying back into plane)
Owen: Izzy!
Chris: no points for them. But it doesn't matter! Team Germany wins! 7 to 4!
Team Germany but Izzy and Owen: YAY!!
Chris: as for team Italy; see you tonight.


It looks like team Italy has to vote someone off today. You can IM me, inbox me, or comment below your vote. You can just plain tell me the vote or put it in a confessional form.

Here is who is on Team Italy:

Alejandro (invisibility)
posted by Random9747649
"That was the worst night of my life!" Courtney complained stepping back through the door. Duncan and Gwen were laughing behind her as they walked back to the underworld. Courtney turned on them, her face full of anger;"How could you sit there and watch people die and then collect their souls!"

Gwen chuckled, "I told you she wouldn't be able to handle it" she said to Duncan. "Courtney, the people are going to die anyway! You should see it when we have to take a life of a child or a unborn baby. It's sad but someone has to do it. Gwen padded Courtney on her arm, "At least you're not the one who...
continue reading...
posted by Trent-lover123
Ranma:help me
Ranma:help me
Roxy:Thanks for reading the last revuing of the next episode. Ranma:oh so your the one who wrought them. Shampoo:HHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIYYYYAAA!(kicks riana down hard)Riana:Owwwwwwww!!!! Starr:owch. Shampoo:stay way from from ranma tramp girl or me kill you. Riana:DEAL!!!! Shampoo:you call that a kiss ha. Riana:you can do better. Shampoo:mmmh... (kinda makes out ranma) Riana:Oh my god..... Ranma:what hell!!! Shampoo:oh ranma. (snuggles ranma) Ranmas dad:come on boy lets practis fighting. Ranma:YEAH LETS DO THAT RIGHT NOW!!! Shampoo:no fight. Ranma:sorry I got to practis hee hee. Christy:wow I...
continue reading...
One day Duncan ate some ice-cream, then Courtney came and liked him. Duncan screamed like a girl, and ran away to Argentina, where he kissed Chris. Chris said "Man, that was gay!" And Chris sued for Duncan's boxers, and Chris won. Then Chris kissed Duncan again(this time he ment to), then Duncan became horny becuase Chris is hoyt and Courtney's just a lesbian, and Courtney ran away with Gwen to start a new life. They moved to California to get a lesbian marrige. They adopted two beautiful children. So they commitited suicide. Noah killed Courtney and Gwen. Noah got arested, but when he won...
continue reading...
Chris: And we are here for ...


*private jet lands*

Chris: And our first gal ... Lauren!

Lauren: *walks out* Yay!!! Ima home!
Candace: *walks out* rrr your such an annoying sis Lauren!
Lauren: ^.^

*a falling-apart plane lands*

*plane hits ground*

*everyone walks out of plane*

Megan: Ow! Home hurts!
Justin: Just what i thought. Lauren lives in a crappy unknown town of retarded people. It's so good i'm here to, you know, make the town more sexy with my good looks. *smiles*
Lauren: *Hits Justin round the head several times* Dont *hits* Say *hits* That *hits* About *hits*...
continue reading...
posted by gwentrentever
All of my my hate cannot be bound, i will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming. Now you can try to tar me down, beat me to the ground, i will see you screaming.
*guitar n' drums*
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasy, pushing all the mercy down, down, down. i wanna see you try to take a swing at me come on, gonna put you down on the ground, ground, ground. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE FUN OF ME? YOU THINK ITS FUNNY?, WHAT THE F!CK YOU THINK ITS DOING TO ME? YOU TAKE YOUR TURN LASHING OUT AT ME, I WANT YOU CRYING WITH YOUR DIRTY ASS IN FRONT OF ME! ALL OF MY HATE CANNOT BE BOUND,...
continue reading...
On 10/12/09 Duncan and his friends Courtney, Geoff and bridgette went on a hiking trip around total drama island to find the million dollars that was hidden on the island by the notorious gangster Chris Mclean. What they found wasnt human.

This is there story.

*camera turns on*

Courtney: Bridgette is it on?

Bridgette: yeah its rolling

Courtney: get some vid of me and duncan

Duncan: stop with all this lovey dubby stuff.

Duncan: were going out to find the money.

Geoff: and party till we cant party no more.

Bridgette: okay guys lets go


Courtney: come on duncan...
continue reading...
posted by NarutoLuver202
*Chris Narrating* “Last Time On Total Related Island Lia Was Eliminated. We All Knew Andi Would Be Safe Cuz She Had Invincibility! With The 4th Camper Out Who Will Crack Under The Pressure On Total Related Island!”
I Wanna Be Famous……..
Sky: “Woo-Hoo Alright! Bring It On Chef!”
Alex: “Ya! Go Us!”
Heather: “Whatever, Freaks!”
Alex And Sky: “I Wouldn’t Be Talking Miss: Can Anyone Come In Here And Shave My Back?”
Heather: *Growls*
Sumer: “Yea You Tell Her Guys!”
Both Of The Katie’s: “Wtf? Oh Yeah, Sumer Hates Heather.”
Andi: “Well, I Like Heather. But I Hate Courtney!”...
continue reading...
ok so here are the teams-Juno



hope you like who your with because your staying with eachother for the whole summer ok now everyone report to the mess hall-Juno

(At the mess hall)
kylie is that you-duncan
*hugs kylie*-duncan
oh hi duncan-kylie
HAY HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!!!-Courtney
*beats up Kylie*-courtney
hay courtney you could get fired for that-Juno
Sorry just i dont want her touching him-courtney
Courtney its ok she's my x-girlfriend-duncan
oh,sorry Kylie-courtney
it's ok (i guess)-kylie...
continue reading...
posted by xxXsk8trXxx
Harold: Hi, little weakling
Me: Why do you have Lady Gaga with you?
*just dance turns on and LG starts singing*
Noah: That's how I planned it.
Cody: Cuz I'm sexy *starts dancing*
Me: YOU'RE NOT SEXY!!!!!! not to me at least
Duncan: Hi you guys!
Me: DUNCAN IS A GIRL!!!!!!!!
Dennise: It's Dennise.
Spondgebob: Hello. I am Edgar Allen Poe.
continue reading...

Courtney was feeling down on herself after almost being kicked off
again. She was still sitting by the campfire pit and it was beginning
to get dark outside. ‘How could I be so pathetic?’ She walked over to
the dock of shame and sat at the end of the dock. “I should’ve been
walking own this thing today.” She heard the boards of the dock
creak. “Whoever is thee just leave me alone!” she shouted.

“Hey princess, why so glum?” She’s recognize that voice. Duncan…
what does he want? He came to bother her...
continue reading...
posted by Duncan-superfan
sOME PLACE-An alley on 21st street

AMY: Im sooo BORED!

Kyra:AGH! Me too!

KALIE:Ooooo! I know! Lets go rob the jewlery store!

SHAWNI:Girl you crazy! You just got out of jail and you wanna go rob a jewlery store?

AMY Yea! and besides I was thinking of going to the beach! Cuz I need to work on my tan!

KYRA:Amy! You are so tan all ready!

AMY:Well Miss.Albino! I think you need some sun!

KYRA:Well you know what you can kiss my..

ROSALIE:WOAH! Ok you two thats enough. Lets just go to the beach. Ok?


Kalie:Forget it! Im going to go with my idea.

DANIELLE:Ooo! If you'r gonna rob a jewlery store...
continue reading...
posted by 789703011
a heatherxnoah story
    (the other day i was watching tv when i came across zoey 101 well in the ep. a couple where datein but they didn't want any1 2 know so i made a re mix of that and hear it is)
heathers p.o.v
    as i walked down the hall way of my new school that chris had bought just 4 the ppl that went 2 tdi, i hated it onley 1 lunch table and 22 seats in every class room i never got away from thes ppl day after day after day i hated them and they hated me but some how i was regrentin it did i relly want EVERY1 2 hate me.i...
continue reading...
1. Give Harold a makeover and send him and Gwen on a blind date (without revieling his identidy.) Force them to kiss, and then tell Gwen who he is

2. Get Heather to shave Gwen's hair off

3. Critisize her artwork

4. Tell Duncan that Gwen has the hots for him (with Courtney around), and then put Gwen and Duncan in a room for an hour

5. Die her hair hot pink

6. Tell Gwen that Trent is stalking her

7. Tell Gwen that Cody stole her bra

8. Give her a tatoo of Nick Jonas on her arm or her a**

9. Get Trent to play the llama song on his guitar outside of her house

10. Get Eva to challenge Gwen in a cage fight

11. Go on Photoshop and make a pic of Gwen and Geoff kissing, and show it to Bridgette (Camp TV)

12. Dress up as Heather and knock Gwen out

13. Read Gwen's diary on an internatinol TV show

14. Make a fake diary entry in Gwen's diary saying that Owen is hot
Noah Eeeeehhhhh I have a date I have a date
Heather *Puts finger over Noahs mouth*Shhh we cant let no one know
Noah .........
Heather Um wanna help me pick my dress?
Noah *Has Phone On Speaker Mom Starts Blabbing*
Mom "Noah dont forget to brush your teeth you know the rule"
Noah Ha ha Sure
Heather Lets go *Drags Noahs hand*
Noah *Blushs*
Heather *Brings Noah To Dressing Room* Noah ive known you for a long long time and ive always thought you were like a no-it-all *Kisses Noah On The Cheek*
posted by codythemaster
22 teens has sighned up for what they didnt expect.crappy camp food.Infested bugs in the cabins.And also moving food.In the beggining of total drama island beth was the first to show up.also sadie and katie had their first fight in the episode the sucky outdoors.but at the end they totally recovered.geoff is seen not wearing is hat bridgette wore his hat in the episode haut camp ture while they had a long kiss.people beilive eziekiel likes bridgette because he is seen tring to get close to bridgette in haut camp ture and one part of the show he held his shiny neckalice to bridgette and said you like.but bridgette was kissing geoff when he said is an article about some couples I now :bridgette and goeff.courteney and dunkin.harold and leshawna.izzy and owen.trent and gwen.and heres how half of the song goes:hey mom and dad am doing fine you guys are on my mind.
added by zzElinzz
added by iloveduncen1123
added by zzElinzz
added by GroovyAhma2010
Source: Fresh TV