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sorry guys for posting this SO late :( i'm sure you all who read this already don't know i was writing this XD stupid me for being lazy :(....SOOOO sorry but i hope you'll enjoy the rest :)

chris: why can't you do the recap?

blainly: because i don't want to.

chris: but i wanna lead the challenge for more screenshots of me!

blainly: just do the recap!

chris: last time bridgette arived at the cave and found out noone is there, she's holding on but will she can do that? courtney found out heather's way to stay in the game and was trying to steal it while duncan was so pissed of because alejandro told their alliance to mirra that he even said alejandro will be voted out next. atthe challenge it was the water and the heavy chest and team red their big leid who made it almost imposible for team yellow to win..almost.. while team red were celebrating courtney found out a way to win and so they did. heather is being more nice to cody and others and at the elimanation ceremony dj got voted of! who expexted that! will duncan's aliance last? is heather really being nicer? will dj like it in the cave? and who will go next? find that out in this hard,muddy and bone breaking challenge of total drama robinson! happy now?

blainly: yes

day 11
chris: they same day after dj got voted out there's a letter on both camp
(team red)

duncan: hey guys come over here we found a letter!

gwen: what's in it?

noah: that's why we have to come so he can read it....

duncan: it says "take all your belongings with you and step on the boat"

mirra: yes!

noah: why yes?

mirra: i think the "melt" is coming why else do we have to take all or stuff?

noah: i don't know.....maybe burn then or trow them away?

(team yellow)

sierra: "take all your belongings with you and step on the boat"

tyler: alright letter we will! *runs to his stuf*

izzy: e-scope ready to go!

courtney; what does it mean?

heather: it mean pack your stuff and get on the boat

courtney: no i mean why do we have to do that?

cody: i didn't tought about that.....we we'll see when we get there

courtney: i think it's a challenge and someone have to go to the cave emidiatly

cody: i hope not.....

heather: no1 hopes that

sierra; maybe the "melt?"

courtney: it's to soon for that

cody; or maybe not....

tyler: come guys let's go packing!!

heather: not that we have much to pack......only some clothes........

(team red)

mirra: whooo somethings gonna happen *laughs*

gwen: aren't you afraid of what is gonna happen?


noah: so you're not afraid if someone has to go you are that one?

mirra: just pack your stuff skinny bone

duncan: i agreed with the male tyler
*both camps pack there stuffand go on different boats*

alejandro; as farther we drove away from or island how more i was realizing........i think we're gonna switch island or go somewhere else...

courtney: some tought it was already the "melt" but i knew that just couldn't be.....i hoped it was a challenge and you could vote some1 emediatly i already knew if it was that i would know who to vote off

cody: we saw the other boat and just passed us and at that moment we knew, we're switching islands

chris: what alejandro and cody were thinging was correct, at day 11 of the expedition the teams switch islands, team yellow is moving to the poor team reds island and team red is moving to the luxery of team yellows island

(team red)
*at boat*

gwen: o my god we are switching islands!

alejandro: i knew it

noah: so why havn't you told us?....

alejandro: it was just a feeling

duncan: i just hope something usefull lays there....
*they arrive*

noah: we arrived and there faces were all like 0_o *laughs*

mirra: o my god! we were surviving out there and they had houses they had plates really everything! leshawna already told us but i just can't believe this!

noah: welcom! home sweet home!

gwen: look at all those bananas!

duncan: compared to our island this is a paradise!

mirra: looks at all this food!!

alejandro: we are gonna have such a good meal tonight!

mirra: what was wrong with the other? *smirks* didn't i cook well enough?

alejandro: uhm...yes ofcourse...but...well...I-i-i

noah: it was horrible

mirra: *laughs* be glad we had food

gwen: those others are gonna have a very hard time on that other island

duncan: i think that to! *laughs*

mirra: o my god beds! well kinda but still!!

duncan: we've got some much food and even beds and they have to survive on a little bit of rice and have to sleep or on the beach or on that hard things we made!! *laughs even more*

noah: you like seeing people suffer don't you?

duncan: yes i do

(team yellow)

cody: how closer we came to the island how more we realized .......we moved

cody; so this is our new island?

heather: *sighs* yes it is.....good bye houses

sierra: we're gonna get a hard time....

heather: hope they saved some food.....

courtney; so izzy,tyler do you have now a welcome home feeling?

tyler: yes!! survivaling! something to do!

izzy: a squerell! *runs after it*

cody; o no guys look at the food.....

courtney: that's not even a hand full of rice!

sierra: no bananas.......a little bit flour.....

heather: what did they do to their food! ate it all in one day?!

tyler: normally we didn't had much food when i was on the other team here......

courtney: so we have to go fishing find bananas and even more.......

heather: i think at all just started for us.....when i see this i realize we still lived in luxery while they were working to find food.....logic we won last challenges

(the cave)
chris: bridgette starts her fourth day in the cave....alone again, but what she doesn't know is there's somebody coming to cheer her up

bridgette; this is an awfull day, i'm tired, i've got a huge headache because the bats, i'm bored......and still alone here.....i think i'm gonna quit or freak out if someone will not come quik

dj: *arrives at the bottom of the cave* that's a big stairse......*walks up stairs and comes up* whoe....that was a big stairs....hey bridge!

bridgette; dj!

dj; everything okay?

bridgette: no.....i'm sitting here already 3 whole days alone.....

dj: but where are geoff and lindsay?

bridgette; they left before i came it think....*gets teary eyes* i'm sorry i'm just so glad i see someone

dj; please bridge don't cry *hugs her* i'm here now and we're gonna have a fun time..........really much bats in did eat something did you?

bridgette; yes *smiles* i'm just so glad you're here *after awhile she shows they letter*

dj: build a boat.....that's why i saw those boats down there

bridgette: they arent finished yet

dj: i'll help, we're gonna do this together!

(team yellow)
chris: at team yellow turned the sadniss into acticity, heather and courtney are looking for food, mostly crabs and little snails and also cody sierra tyler and izzy aren't lazying around, they are looking for coconuts

cody; if we chop this tree down, we'll have enough coconuts

sierra; cody you're so smart

izzy: alright! *starts chopping like an insane person* you're going down tree!

tyler: this is gonna take awhile it think....

heather: found some! over here!

courtney; i think if we'll find enough snails we can make it to the "melt"

heather: i think that to

(team red)
chris: while team yellow is looking for food all over, the big vacation begun at team red's place

duncan and noah: *playing dams*

duncan: can't believe they even made a game

noah: well now we have somehting to do.....

duncan: i'm so glad we moved from island! we have even spices! and pepers! so why worrie? just be chill and stay cool

duncan: i won't lose

noah; well.....*moves one* you just did

duncan: revange!

*alejandro and mirra laying on the beach in the water*

alejandro: this just feels like vacation, don't you think

mirra:'s just now relaxing and nothing else......

alejandro: ofcourse we have to go fishing later but they have almost nothing

mirra: *laughs* poor team yellow, i would love to see their faces

(team yellow)
*tree falls down*

tyler: whoehoe!

izzy: e-scope did it!

sierra; good job!

cody: amazing, tree is down *takes as many coconuts as he can cary*

tyler: we also can carry something......

cody: nah it's fine

sierra: should i carry you?

cody: thanks sierra
*they bring the coconuts back to their basic camp*

cody: we've got 12 coconuts!!

courtney; good job!! we've got snails!

chris: after a couple hours of hard work they all decide to relax, heather izzy and courtney are having a siesta, sierra is looking for pepers because cody asked and tyler and cody are swimming alittle in the water

(challenge place)

blainly: mirra, heather, cody, alejandro or maybe noah? who will be the next one to go to the cave? everything will hang on this game, a showdown in the mud

chris: why can't i do the challenges?

blainly: because i said so! and we're gonna look how good the teams can work together.

*teams arrive at challenge place*

blainly: welcom teams, how are your new islands?

heather: can we go back?

blainly: no you can't this change will be like this till the "melt". pysical this challenge would be hard, we're gonna play rugby in the mud.

tyler: RUGBY YEAH!!!!!

blainly: okay........ but with other rules


blainly: stop that i wanna explain it!!


blainly: above your heads are hanging 72 balls, 36 for each camp on each side of the field, those balls are connected with robes, and who's in control? i am, everytime i pull a robe one ball will fall of the team who's turn it is, ofcourse i don't know wich ball because all the robes are mixed and you don't now wich will fall, you have to catch that ball, if you don't catch it and it falls in the mud your turn is over and you can't continuo with that ball and you have to trow it outta the field, if you do catch it, than the fun begins

tyler: FUN YEAY!!!

blainly: *looks angrey*

tyler: SORRY!

blainly: if you cath it you have to lay the ball into the other teams container at the oher side of the field, ofcourse the other team can do EVERYTHING to stop them, is the ball outta the field, your turn is over and you can not continou, in every camp i'll let drop 15 balls, so after 15 round we know who the winner is and the winner is the team who putt the most balls in the other teams container, is it clear? good let's start! *get's on platform with infront of her 72 robes*
*teams stand on their on side*

mirra: yes! this is just like ground wrestling!

noah: this is gonna hurt
tyler: *jumps in* HURT YEAY!!!
noah: dude!

tyler: YEAH!!!

cody: when i saw the challenge i tought we can do this, we can we it

blainly: we play with teams of 5 persons so team yellow wich girl isn't gonna play?

heather: me! i don't wanna do this so.....

courtney: okay it will be the best

heather: *sits at the side of the field*

blainly: i'll start with team red and after that team yellow and go on go on you all know the point! *pulls robe and a ball fsll down*

noah: *catches* o no, take this away!!! *trows it at duncan*

mirra: don't be such a baby! it's a ball!!

noah: i don't wanna get tackled!

duncan: *runs forward but gets stop by tyler before he get tackled he trows to mirra* catch!

mirra: *catches and trows at alejandro*

alejandro: at the beginning it was trowing the ball at eachother, making space so we can run, we had to run, the other team came closer and the mud was so slippery so i fell and trew the ball back to mirra and.....

mirra: *catches trows to gwen*

gwen: *catches and puts it in the container* YES!

blainly: first ball and emdiatly first point! and not even with a fight or something, well done!

duncan: good job sweetie *kisses gwen*

mirra: *extrens arm to alejandro* should i help?

alejandro: *smiles takes it and stands up*

courtney: c'mon guys!

*all get back to own sides*

noah: when gwen scored i tought this is gonna be a peace of cake

duncan: yes score!

blainly: *pulls robe and ball falls*

tyler: no! *jumps to ball but doesn't catch it*

blainly: to bad next round *pulls robe*

gwen: *jumps, catches and lands in the mud* gros *trows ball to duncan*

duncan: *catches*

izzy: yayayaya *tackles duncan*

duncan: ough!

courtney: grab the ball!
*all starts wrestling trying to get the ball*

cody: *gets ball and trows it out of the field* YES!

sierra: when it begins you don't think you just grab the first person who you see and tries to keep that person away from the ball

cody: i did it! well we didn't score, we couldn't because it wasn't our turn but i trow the ball out so there turn was over! it was great!

blainly: next round still one point for red *pulls*

cody; *catches and trows it to sierra*

sierra: eeey! thanks cody!

cody: watch.....

sierra: *get tackled and ball out of field*


chris: 72 ball 36 on each side, but the catching of them isn't that easy

*couple of round later and many ball fell to the ground, everyone covert in mud and tired*

heather: go team!

courtney: shut it!

heather: just trying to be suportive......

heather: there ball falling one by one to the ground, but at our team it was just the same, and team red still has one point........this won't end wel

blainly: *pulls*

noah: *falls on his head* ough hey!

mirra: *laughs*

noah: not funny

mirra: uhm......yes it is

blainly: team yellow *pulls*

izzy: *catches* e-scope has the ball!

cody; here trow it!

izzy: okay! *trows to cody*

alejandro: *catches it and trows it out*

courtney: do your best!!

cody: we do!

blainly: *sarcastic* yeay and it works out so good........

cody: thanks i already was sarcastic wasn't it.....

blainly: next! still 1 point for team red, 3 more balls left in each camp to catch.......or to let it drop in your case.......

all: JUST DO IT!!

blainly: okay okay chil out *pulls*

alejandro: *jumps to it but falls and doesn't catch it* crap.....grr!

blainly: *pulls*

tyler: *tries to catch but he was to late* sorry guys

blainly: 2 left and.......i dunno how manny balls still up there, wich will fall?

noah: how about just say it?

blainly: how about shut up! *pulls*

mirra; *jumps to it but was to late* damn it! *kicks ball out and hits chris in the face* uhm......*laughs*

chris: my hair!

all: *laugh*

chris: stop that!!

blainly: alright let's continou *pulls but still laughing*

courtney: *catches*

heather: go guys! and girls!

mirra: *tackles courtney*

heather: hey wrong girl!
*all starts laying close to eachother wrestling to get to the ball*

gwen: *after many minutes of wrestling grabs the ball outta courtneys hands and trows it out*

courtney: NO!!

blainly: and the ball is out of the field!

noah: all thanks to gwen!

tyler: we fought like lions! like wild insane survivaling money hunrey lions! i did get manny kicks in my stomach and more but it was kinda worth it hurts....ALOT

alejandro: *laying on ground holding his feet*

noah: what's wrong with dude?

alejandro: something's wrong with my enkle

duncan: be a man.......stand up

mirra: *glares and floors duncan*

duncan: aww what the!

mirra: be a man stand up!

gwen: she has a point.....

duncan; what freaking point?!?!

mirra: *helps alejandro up* can you walk?

alejandro: a little......

blainly: let's get on with both have left one ball! still team red had the only point *pulls*

duncan: *catches and starts running but get tackled by tyler and all start wrestling again*

sierra: i've got it!
*duncan mirra and alejandro starts pulling the ball sierra let it go and they score*

blainly: team yellow can't win anymore team red is the winner!!!

duncan: good job sweetheart

gwen: *kisses* you to

noah: good job you all.......

mirra: *hugs alejandro* we won!

alejandro: *blushes and hugs back*

heather: *glares at mirra*

team red: *group hug*

blainly: team yellow we'll see you at the elimanation ceremony

gwen; when the scored i was SO happy and so relieved all that fighting was not for nothing.........i'm gonna feel this tommorow au....

duncan: this really give us a boost, a happy feeling that we won, that we're save for now

cody: we lost it......that well......i really tought we could win this bad

chris: both camps go, before they will leave on the boat, quik to the see to wash the mud of

heather: you all are so gross and dirty......

mirra: didn't you heard the latest news heather? mud is good for your skin

heather: it may be good but still gross

mirra: *trows mud at her*

heather: eeyw!

all: *laugh*

chris: after the washed the stepped on the boat and later they arrived at there new camps

(team red)

gwen: home sweet new home!

noah: i'm hungrey you all to?

duncan: yes i'm starving! uhm *says very elegant* uhm personal cook slash butler slash slave how about a diner?

mirra: *laughs* alright i'm on it *makes rice with pepers* done

duncan noah and gwen: food food food food *banging with there knife and forks on the little table*

noah: it looks like a party meal with all the colours

mirra: those are the pepers

alejandro: i'm gonna taste it emidiatly *taste* mmmm so good
*all starts eating*

(team yellow)
chris: at team yellow is it now so good, they all think about the next ceremony and who will be gone next, an the low amount of food doesn't help and heather finally says what she things about......

heather: EVERYTHING! i hate everything here, no beds no food i just hate it! i hate the bugs the challenges and a new one today i hate mirra

sierra: because the mud? or something else?

heather: ofcourse the mud why else?

courtney: how about we saw you glaring at mirra when she hugged AL?

heather: what?! that hasn't got anything to do with this

cody: right because you so not like that have a crush on him since tdwt

heather: no i don't!

izzy: ohohoho yes you do!

heather: gggr i don't! *walks away*

cody; she so do.....

courtney: i think this little triangle thingie would distract heather and so i made my vote choice, she DID a good job but stil, she's the weakest and i want a strong team so we can win

(cave in the night)

dj; bridge......bridge i hear bats....

bridgette: yes dj in this cave are many many many bats go back to sleep......

dj: *shivering*

bridgette: are you cold?

dj: no just i never many bats.....with teeth....and nails

bridgette: they won't hurt you.....go back to sleep....

dj: okay *couple of minutes later* AAAAH!

bridgette: *jumps up* what's wrong!

dj: i see something!

bridgette: what where?

dj: *points at bat at other side of the cave*

bridgette: dj it's a bat

dj; i know! he's staring at me! i can't stay here! i wanna go home!! to momma!

day 12

dj: i'm going home bridge sorry

bridgette: it's okay.....

dj: are you gonna make it till someone else get here?

bridgette; i'll be fine *hugs him* thanks for staying here as long as you could

dj: but before i leave, i wanna finish that boat

bridgette: thanks dj, that will help ALOT

(team red)
chris: at team reds island also lays a boat, duncan discovert it

gwen: great! now we can go fishing at deaper places so that mean more fish and more food

noah: i think more fish IS more food

mirra; this thing is HUGE i tought a little boat.....

alejandro duncan and noah: *pulling it to the water*

duncna: finnaly we made it!......that thing is one hell of a heavy thing

mirra: c'mon guys lets go fishing!!!

duncan: i don't know what kind of pills mirra takes or what she does but how HOW can she have that must energie?!?! in all this warmth........and than she says guys lets go fishing! i just carried a heavy huge thing together with alejandro cuzz noah didn't really helped and she want to go fishing!! no not me.....

(team yellow)
*with tyler and cody*

cody: if we wanna go to the melt together, we need a plan

tyler: like an alliance?

cdoy: yes an aliance

tyler: just the two of us?

cody; now if we wanna be strong we have to ask courtney to join us in the alliance

tyler: good plan bro!

cody: we're gonna vote heather of

tyler: but how about coins?

cody: she doesn't have one i know that, she also didn't had stuff the first challenge so

*with heather and sierra*

heather: sierra courtney's voting of cody

sierra: *gasps* NO! not codykins

heather: don't worry if you vote courtney and i vote courtney she'll be gone cuzz izzy's gonna vote her to

sierra: okay

heather: *walks away and smirks*

heater: i may changed a little but i still don't wanna go home, it's just a little tactic


dj and bridgette: *building boat*

bridgette; no that part belongs there

dj: i see

dj: bridge is one of the strongest persons i even met! she was so tough in the cave......i can't believe she stayed there all alone i didn't left! i hope she'll win

dj; we're done!

bridgtte: thank you so much dj, for helping me building this boat and fot the company *hugs him* bye i'll see you later

dj: goodbye bridge, i hope you win this game

(team red)
chris: while dj and bridgette are done with there boat, mirra is busy making the other boat ready to sail, she doesn't have to count on the others who are resting in the houses

duncan: *looking at her* she's crazy, in this warmth building a boat.....if she wants it okay but i'm NOT gonna help her out

noah: woaw you are SO nice..........

mirra: guys i'm done with the boat!!
*they help her pulling the boat in the water*

mirra: *steps in boat* so.......no1 is coming with me?.....

alejandro: well i could.....

duncan: no, if you wanna go you go alone *walks away and the rest follows*

alejandro: *hessitates but then also follows*

mirra: gee how nice are you all *stirs away*

noah: do you think she'll catch fish?

duncan: hope so, cause i'm hungrey

gwen: i'm glad for her, now she has something to do

duncan: yep and i'm even more glad hyper girl is gone for now!!

(team yellow)
chris: like tyler and cody decided, cody is trying to convince courtney to join the alliance to vote heather off

courtney: i'm in

cody: what? i didn't even said.....

courtney: you are gonna vote heather of together with tyler to stay strong until "the melt" and you want me to join because i'm the last vote and i say i'm in *smirks*

cody: nice to have a good talk with you

heather: *sneaks to izzy's bag and steals one coin*

(team red)
chris: mirra returns from a short tour on sea, without fish and a boat full of water

mirra: *arrives dripping wet* there was a hole in the boat........

noah: *sarcastic* what a suprise, there's a hole in the boat

duncan: *laughs* good job a very good job

mirra: *glares*

duncan: let me guess, no food?

noah: ofcourse not.........maybe she catched the fish with her teeth

*boat arroves to pick dj up*

dj: you can do it bridge, be strong cuzz we all know you can do it

bridgette: thanks dj

dj: momma i'm coming home
*steps on boat and drives away*

bridgette: alone again........*walks up to cave*

day 13

bridgette: when i'll leave the cave, i wanna left something there, something that says that i was there and i just survived it there so, i started to paint on a wall with some coals i found*

bridgette: *done painting*
*on wall is a big heart with bridgette and geoff in it*

(at the elimanation ceremony place)
chris: cody, courtney and tyler made an aliance to get heather away, but what they don't know is that the old heather returned and she stole a coin from izzy, will she use it? and what will her team say when they find out she stole a coin? but most important, who will leave to the cave?

(team yellow)
*they all walk to the boats)

courtney: i don't expect votes, i'm one of the most tactic players here and with my alliance i'm sure i am not the person who will leave today

sierra: courtney is going DOWN, no1 is gonna vote for MY cody! is heather told the truth....

(elimanation ceremony)
*they all arrive and they sit down*

chris: team yellow, welcome, today will-

heather: blabla just let us vote

chris: IN A MINUTE! *groans* today someone will leave to the horrible cave and you all know the rest, cody, tyler the 2 dudes of team yellow, is everything going like you planned it?

tyler: everything is going perfecto!

cody: we're still in it so i guess so

sierra: that's my cody *hugs cody and glares at courtney*

chris: well just go and vote now

*after everyone voted*

chris: before i read them up, does someone wanna use some coins?

heather: *raises her hand and everyone else gasps, she puts one coin on the table*

chris: very good, now let's look at the votes! the first vote goes to courtney, second heather but this one doesn't count so one for courtney zero heater.....the next vote is heather.....and ANOTHER one for heather, 2 votes for heather, one for vote is courtney......the last vote goes to........courtney you're out!

courtney: WHAT?!

chris: you heard me....

courtney; you can't do this! *she keeps rambling on*

chris: *groans* interns!
*some interns drag courtney away and the rest walk back to the boot*

chris: how would team yellow react if they knew heather stole a coin? is there really a HxMxA triangle? would courtney like the cave? and what kind of gross *laughs* challenge is gonna happen next? find out next time!
added by CommanderCody
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Raimundo44
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: 1Courtney
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: 1Courtney
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: emawolf
added by CourtneyGirl
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Fckn
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: Me!
added by topez99
Source: Me and J.K Rowling?
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Fckn
added by xxXsk8trXxx
added by Mp4girl
Source: MEEEE. X33
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: Me..
added by TDI_Angel
added by tyler_gf123
Source: me
added by TDItwin
Source: me me me me glee
added by TDI100
Source: me
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: me
added by Mp4girl
Source: Me
added by Courtney370
Source: Me!! FIN