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chris: who got voted of will leave to the cave, geoff was the first one to go and he tried to make the best outta it but then it all went wrong, he tripped and broke his feet, he couldn't continou the game, meanwhile courtney is bossing everyone around and leshawna desided to say something about it, maybe it was a mistake, and that appears to be true when she got the most votes except she used some coins and lindsay was the one to go to the cave, at team red everyone thinks they are on a dream team and think the won't ever loose a challenge, tention is getting higher, a new hard challenge is ready and something is going to put everything up side down! so get ready for the next total drama robinson!

day 6

chris: the next morning lindsay leaves on a boat to the cave and she doesn't know geoff is gone, no1 knows he's gone

*on boat*

lindsay: i'm glad george will be in the tunnel to.......

*arrives at cave*

lindsay: george! where are you.......stop playing hide and seak it's me lindsay....hello? eeeeh! bats! *runs away* look a paper! *reads* what's a bo-at? (after awhile) george......where you are.....maybe he did you stopped? hello?

(team yellow)

chris:the campers only were 6 days on the island, but for leshawna it were 6 heavy days. she decides to hold on and make the best of it.

courtney: *walks to leshawna and heather* what are you making?

leshawna: i'm making a fishing rod

courtney: you need any help?

leshawna: it's going fine....*walks to water and starts fishing*

leswhana: yeah i feel like a robinson, i don't have te experians but i keep trying and doing my best

courtney: there leshawna was kinda fishing, enjoying the sun and suddenly she had a fish

leshawna: look! my first fish! *walks to bucket and puts fish in it* i'm going for more! *walks back* i won't come back till i have 20 fishes *laughs*

noah: good job

(team red)

chris: in team red everyone's is laying down and resting until tyler....

tyler: look guys i found a letter!! *runs to them*

duncan: what does it say?

tyler: choose a person who can choose to your advantage......

duncan: your advantage.....that must be a hard job i guess.....but if that person screws it up we have someone to elimenate *smirks*

mirra: whoo mysterious *laughs a little* i emmidiatly knew the best person for this

gwen: so one person who will get alot of responsibility for the team......

alejandro: like a team leader

izzy: pick me! memememememememememe!!!

alejandro: i don't think you's alot of has to be some1 we can trust and knows what the team can

duncan: so izzy and alejandro falling of

alejandro: *glares*

duncan: what you said "some1 we can trust" not you, mirra also falls of because she doesn't really know we can do

mirra: true

duncan: dj is to afraid of making hard dissisions, noting personal and me and gwen just don't wanna do it.....

bridgette: what me?

mirra: yes you know us the best.......

bridgette: but what if........*sighs* alright i'll do it

gwen: don't worry bridge you can do it......whatever it is.....

bridgette: i guess so....

mirra: but do you wanna do it?

bridgette:'s hard to deside cause you don't know what will happen......*laughs nervous*

bridgette: on the first side it gives me a good feeling because they trust you, but on the other don't know what will happen...maybe a challenge or maye i have to send some1 home.....hope first one *crosses fingers*

(team yellow)

heather: choose a person who can choose to your advantage.......does someone feels like that person is me.....

courtney: *raises hand*

heather: except courtney

courtney: why not?! and i'm the leader so i am mat to decide

heather: alright you do it, when you do it wrong we've got some1 to vote off *walks away*

courtney: i just know i can do this, i'm the best of my team

cody: i kinda think sierra is a better choice....

noah: really?

sierra: really!! omg!

courtney: why that?!

cody: cause she kinda studied us so she knows everything anbout us and what we can do, that's why i think sierra is better

heather: agree with that

heather: cody has a point.....not that a like choosing crazy obsessive girl...

sierra: cody agreed with me!! we are so a couple

courtney: seriously?!

courtney: no you choose me to....

heather: let's vote who wants sierra?

*everyone except courtney raises hands*

heather: that's decided sierra you go do whatever chris or blainly says.....

sierra: OMG!! thanks you guys!

chris" meamwhile lindsay have to survive all alone in the cave

lindsay: *tries to carry some boat stuff down* this is heavy......and how do you build a bo-at.....the only thing i ever build was.....i don't remember that but it was nice and pretty and pink!

(team red)
chris: on team red's island bridgette is thinking over her duty and responsibillity, her buddies mirra gwen and izzy can laugh about it

gwen: our fate lays in your hands bridge

bridegette: thanks for making me even more nervous

mirra: it is a hard job........maybe you will even got voted off

bridgette: thank you to mirra

mirra: just joking *smiles* it will be alright

izzy: in would like it to have that feeling! exciting!

mirra; bridge just between you and me, if you can choose some1 to dinner with i would love to
*all laughing*

bridgette: i would keep that in mind

(challenge place)

blainly: both camps had to choose some1 they trust and can choose the best in the team advantage, an easy choice comparing to what's coming next, because before the next challenge begins they have to make another choice, one that will change everything........

*both teams step on the boats and driving to the next challenge place*

blainly: welcome to the next challenge. you know it the team who looses had to vote someone of, both camps choose someone who can choose best in their teams advantage, who.....

sierra: i am!!

bridgette: *raises hand*

blainly: sierra and bridgette come here please

*they walk to her*

blainly: sierra, you has to choose 2 persons 1 boy 1 girl from the other team to streghten your team so the 2 persons you choose will be on you team

sierra: omg

sierra: i emidiatly knew who to's sad i don't know anything about mirra.....

duncan: there goes the dream team, i bet she will choose the best persons......or the strongest bacuse the other team is weak....

noah: twisting.....never expected that

sierra: i pick tyler and izzy

blainly: come her and take this yellow bandage

tyler: aww man.....i had so much fun on the other team

mirra; just as i expected tyler the best sporter and izzy survival queen.......

bridgette: hard choice.......i knew the boy but.....i just go with my feeling

bridgette: i pick noah and leshawna

blainly: come here and take this red bandage

leshawna: i didn't wanted to scream but YES! no courtney and heather fighting anymore!

noah: i did expected this but......well....not with noah anymore

blainly: this are your new teams

mirra: *wispers to bridgette* you made a good choice

*all walk back to their new team*

blainly: and now the challenge, you are going to stand with you whole team on a platform, you are holding 2 robes, that net hangs on your left robe and that heavy chest over there hangs on you right robe, on my sign goes 1 person of each team runs and climbs over that construction and take a heft who is laying under the chest, you run with the heft to the net and puts the heft in the net of the other team, the team who first drops the net will lose this challenge, is that clear?

alejandro: we lost tyler, the perfect person for this challenge.......but we have leshawna and i think she's also very strong

courtney: i think sierra made a good diccision because i would have done the same

tyler: this is a perfect challenge for me and my awsome hands!

blainly: are you ready? go and stand on the platform

*everyone's ready on the platform*

blainly: 3 2 1 go!!

*all starts pulling the robes and alejandro and tyler ran first to the hefts*

alejandro: *trows heft in net and runs back*

tyler: yeah! *trows in and runs back*

alejandro: mirra you go *he takes robes and mirra starts climbing the construstion*

tyler: i go again! *starts climbing*

mirra: i'm a monkey, i climb i hang so this was an peace of cake for me

sierra: tyler was just going and going and going and going and do i have to continou?

alejandro: the challenge went fine mirra ran like what 4 maybe 5 times in a row without stopping all went great

gwen: it looked like it was a fight between tyler and mirra....they both just keep going and going......meanwhile all our arms were getting weaker and the net was getting heavier

tyler: who's next? *holds robe*

heather: *starts running* my arms are dead......*tries to climb over it but falls back*

courtney: c'mon!! do your best!!

heather; i am doing my best!!

mirra; *heavy breathing holding robe* can't go on some1 else please

gwen: *starts running*

alejandro: good job mirra

mirra: i feel like my lungs are going to collaps......*almost fells down*

duncan: keep going babe!

gwen: *tros 1 in*

dj: i go! *runs climbs in trows it in*

gwen: my turn? *runs*

heather: courtney you!

heather: this is not my best point.....

bridgette: i saw courtney and she......she just raced even faster then tyler.....even faster then tyler and mirra together!!!

cody: my arms were dying out was just so heavy......

courtney: i go another time is that okay!?

the other of team yellow: keep going!!

courtney: *goes another time and another and another*

gwen: someone else....

noah: aww *runs as fast as he can takes heft but drops it*

blainly: noah you ahev to start over

noah: seriously!! *runs back*

cody: i'll give it a try *runs takes heft and suprisely is very fast and trows it in the net*

cody: i really hope ooh let this be the heft that the other team lose......ofcourse that wasn't the case....

noah: if we lose i'm sure i will get voted off....i dropped it and that took much time.....

izzy: izzy is next heeeeyiaiaia *climbs*

noah: *trows in net and holds robe* who's next?

duncan: i guess i can.....*looks up and sees mirra already climbing* nevermind......

dj: go !! we can't hold it for very longer.......

izzy: go heft!! *trows in net*

blainly: the net is not....yes it is!! team yellow wins!!

mirra: W-w-what? *falls down* aaw crap......

alejandro: senorita you okay?

mirra: if okay means my lungs are death i can't catch my breatch and my back and arms are hurting? i'm fine......

blainly: team red you have to vote someone of for the first time, team yellow enjoy the victory.

tyler: really happy, it's fine to go from the one camp to the other and win......

bridgette: we all did or best.......maybe i choose the wrong person......

duncan: we all did or best.....that's all we've could have done.....

dj: to bad this time.....hey you can't always win....

noah: still on the loosing team.....and without cody now......this is going to be hard

leshawna: i hope i won't go to the cave......if they vote me off i won't go, i will go home emidiatly cause i won't survive in there.....

blainly: go back to the boats and team red i'll see you at the elimination

*everyone on boats*

while team yellow is celebrating there victory lindsay is carrying the whole day boat parts down

lindsay: a coconut up there......i never can reach that......maybe one will fall? .......i can't go on with this i'm going home......where's the phone?

chris: so lindsay gave up a boat came to pick her up and they brought her home.....

(boat team yellow)

sierra: all our thanks to you tyler with your strong hands!!!

*all celebrating and talking*

cody: we did it!!

heather: hope we also win next time......

izzy; ofcourse we will!!!

*arriving at island*

tyler: you have houses?!?!?!

sierra: yeah they were already here

izzy: we had to build everything

courtney: strange we tought because you won you.....

tyler: probaly what are we eating

cody: heather's going to make soop

heather: fish soop with rice......

izzy: hiya!!

cody: *sighs*

tyer: what's wrong dude?

cody: well......i miss noah....he supported me so much and well.....

tyler: i'm sure he will make it with you in the "melt"

cody: if he won't get voted're probaly right he will make it!

tyler: that's the spirit!

*dinner's done*

tyler: this is delicious

cody: best fish ever

sierra: it's really good

courtney: i tasted better.....

courtney: you can notice that heather does more things, like cooking and helping.....she never did that in the other camps....she really doesn't wanna go to the cave

cody: to bad noah wasn't here to eat this with us.....i hope they also have an nice camp....

(team red)

gwen: we lost for the first time, it wasn't that bad but when we arrived at the island leshawna just start talking about what they had and.......damn they were just sitting and waiting and we were so hard working, i can understand why they won

*with the girls*

leshawna: you guys really have a large beach, we onyly had a small one with many seaweed

bridgette: we're glad you're here.......

bridgette: yes i'm glad but i have the feeling i made the wrong choice.......

gwen: so you didn't do anything at all at your island?

leshawna: well im fished but we had everything

gwen: let me guess also plates?

leshawna: and knifes and forks.....

gwen: i think that's not fair i mean.....

bridgette: it's just a game

gwen: and in a game everyone has to be treating the same way, while we were survivang they were living in a 5 stars resort

mirra: kinda do you guys wanna share on who you are going to vote?

gwen: ofcourse i'm gonna vote noah because he is the weakest link of our team

bridgette: me to....

leshawna: i'm gonna vote noah because i have the feeling the guys will vote for it's pure stagitic

bridgette: i think people will vote for me to so i'm gonna use maybe 1 or more coins....

mirra: do you have coins?

bridgette: maybe or maybe not
*they laugh*

*with the boys in the water*

duncan: so you're all in?

noah: yes we're voting leshawna, it's the best thing

dj: i hate alliances.....

duncan: this isn't an alliance, we're just talking about the elimanation ceremony....

dj: well if you say it like that

duncan: and when leshawna is gone the girls will be weaker so they can't vote 1 guy together of

noah: don't forget 1 girl is your girl

duncan: and i'm sure she will join us, when bridgette and leshawna are gone mirra is next

alejandro: what?

duncan: when bridge and....

alejandro: yeah i heard that but why?

duncan: because i said so....

noah: woaw that's a very good argument....

duncan: i know *smirks* any objections about my

alejandro: *says kinda dissapointed* no......i'm in

dj: good now we can make it in the "melt" together

noah: i hope cody will be in it to.......

noah: *sighs* yes i really miss cody........

alejandro: duncan's plan was good but why voting of mirra instead of noah or someone else? i think mirra can do much more than noah.......

*all together making dinner*

bridgette: who did the cooking at your camp?

leshawna: normally heather, and i was not may to tough or help because she would turn toally heather i never helped cooking

gwen: wanna try?

leshawna: to make pancakes? but if i ruin it?

duncan: than you will swim back to the other camp
*all laugh*

leshawna: so 1 panncake?

gwen: no 4, 4 pieces.....

leshawna: i think you better can do it *smiles* before i burn it

noah; everyone is very positive except i see this is a very close team and i think besides the secret boy alliance it's a hard choice for everyone to vote someone of

mirra: okay this is just a feeling and maybe it's wrong but......i'm afraid there're going to vote me of......i did kinda well at the challenge but everyone knows eachother for longer and that's why i think they'll vote me sooner of than noah bridgette and the others.....

dj: i think the first pancakes should go to the newbies noah and leshawna

bridgette: i think that to

*they all start eating*'

day 7
(team yellow)

chris: while the rest is still sleeping. tyler cody and courtney decided to walk around the island and try to find some food, cody feels more like an islander, especially afterhis good results at the challenge

courtney: here are not so many trees on this island only grass, that's sad because it would be easy if we had some fruit tree

cody: yep, i hope we'll found some fresh bananas over here *after awhile* here! i found bananas over there

tyler: way to go dude! i'll go and climb up and trow them down

courtney: i think it's more safer if me just chop the tree down

cody: i kinda think that to, what if you fall down?

tyler: i'll just get up again!

cody: let's just chop
*they chopped for very long, the tree fell down and they took as many bananas as they can*

cody: good job every1, let's go back to the camp.....

courtney: cody you really suprised me and the team at the challenge, i always tought with your know
*they start walking back to the camp*

(team red)

chris: team red are preparing themself to go to the elimanation ceremony, leshawna is afraid her performance at the challenge could be against her. she's afraid of going to the cave and she said she will not go if she will get voted of......

*they stepp on the boat and drive to the ceremony, after awhile they arive and sit down on they benches*

blainly: welcom team red, your first ceremony. for leshawna and noah your third one. noah are you the weakest link? or maybe leshawna with maybe a not to best condition or did bridgette choose the wrong persons? let's vote

*everyone done voting*

blainly: good does anyone wants to use coins? so yes raise your hand

*noah raises hand and puts 1 coin at the table*

blainly: the first vote.......leshawna....second leshawna....thirs noah but this one doesn't count.....noah 0 votes and leshawna 2......fourth vote noah.......fifth leshawna..........sixth noah........seventh noah......3 votes for noah and leshawna the last vote is for.......leshawna
you're going to the cave

leshawna: well.....i decided when i got voted off i will not go to the cave.....i will go home was fun and good luck all off you

blainly: the others get ready for another vote round

duncan: what!

blainly: leshawna quited before she went to the cave that means you have to vote again

leshawna: okay i'll go to the cave and then i quit

blainly: sorry but no get ready for another vote round

leshawna: this is all my fault......

duncan: i think this is good, now bridgette will be next so i gave a little sign to all the boys

alejandro: another vote round.......that means bridgette will be gone and after her.....

mirra: duncan may think everyone else is stupid but i'm not, i saw him sighning to all the boys and i saw alejandro looking on a weird way at me.......i just knew i was next....

*after voting*

blainly: who wants to use coins?

*noah bridgette and mirra raising hand and all put 1 coin on the table*

blainly: okay lost of coins......the first vote bridgette but it won't noah but also doesn't count......third vote noah and fourth also noah........fifth bridgette.....sixth bridgette........2 for noah and 2 bridgette.......i vote to go....the final vote goes will leave to the cave

*the girls hug*

gwen: i'm sorry girl

mirra: we'll miss you both....

leshawna: it's all my fault

bridgette: it's okay.....i will see geoff and....

blainly: bridgette you stay, leshawna a helicoptor is waiting and the rest go to the boat and leave to the island.

*on the boat everyone is quiet*

noah: to bad leshawna quited..........

dj: to bad for bridge because....

mirra: because now the we havn't so much girls isn't it?..........

duncan: and what's that suppose to mean *holding gwen*

mirra: you know excacly what i mean with your signs to the rest.......i'm not blind......*glares*

duncan: *eyes widen*

duncan: damn she already knows! but how?!...........alejandro!

alejandro: alright i secretly told her.......i'm sure she would have found it out evantually

chris: steamy, will bridgette like the cave? will this be the end off the super strong team? will duncan's alliance hold? will cody suprise us with more codynis? and how will the team swap end for noah? will he miss cody and lose or will he make the best outta it? find out next time!
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Fckn
posted by Pinkkatluv32
Roxie: hi
With mellissa
Corey: im having fun puts arm around her
Mellissa: me to kisses him
5 min later
In coreys bed
Corey: I love you
Mellissa: me to snuggles him
Jory: dude hey first sex nice
Corey: dude we're busy god donkey ass
Mellissa: goes to sleep
With rikki
Rikki: omg thw man cut the guys eyes out
Don: holy crap this kill splatter 3 is sick his dick ahhhh
in vinnys room kat I think we should see other ppl
Kat: why cause im pregnet thats why we're through I hate you slaps vinny
Cassidy: whats wrong kat
Kat: im pregnet but he broke up with me
Cassidy: your attractibe you fiery red head
Kat: thanks hugs her your the best oh my belly its kicking
Cassidy: the nurse can help you
Erika: umm cassy your in my bed

To be continued
posted by potterandtdi
Duncan’s POV
    I flopped on the bed, as my eyes filled up with tears. I looked at my pillow. I wanted to sleep.
Duncan: It was a mistake .Please listen to me!
Miranda: NO! I thought you loved me! I had real feelings for you! I loved you! At least now I know the truth.
Duncan: NO! MIRANDA! Let me explain!
Miranda: NO! I let you explain! I’m never talking to you again Duncan Smith!
Duncan: Miranda!
Miranda: I don’t care! We’re over! I wish I never even got interested in you the first time!
Duncan: Miranda! Give me a minute!
*Miranda turns around*
Miranda: What?
Duncan: I didn’t-...
continue reading...
added by iPsychic
Source: Funnywow
added by Flo_and_Trent
Source: me
added by laura199627
SPOILERS alert jajsbdfbdjajhsvshd This made me feel a little more excited about this season :)!!
total drama
added by ninjacupcake88
Dedicated to poptrop300, made by me :)
added by perryperry
the island
added by DandC4evacute
did NOT see that coming!
added by CourtneyBarlow
Total Drama Season 4 - coming in 2011
this is episode 5 of my own serise please watch my video and my other videos too please rate comment and subscribe!!!!
added by xxXsk8trXxx
I still like him...XD
youtube poop
tdi youtube poop
added by PrincessVandal
added by Sugartooth900
yeah top 10 moments
added by Fangirl99
added by Fangirl99
duncan quits. oh,well.(dont watch if you dont like spoilers!)
added by Fangirl99
added by bluegirl894
Well a tribute to all the TDI couples!
added by dustfinger