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posted by nocofangirl218
So, were back on regular shedual...yay? :P Honestly, making the aftermath was fun! Oh another 4-5 episodes, I get to do another. :P Anyway, schools starting, so I might get these up later than I usually do, but....hey, lets not think about that! ^^' Oh well, hope you like this episode!


Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Well, Bacon Hawks, looks like you guys actually lose this time!

Heather: Yeah, yeah, just get on with the ceromoney already!

Rae: Leave. Chris. Alone!

Heather: Don't tel me what to do newbie! And stop copying old viral videos while your at it, make you less original.

Chris: Ouch. Looks like Heather's cooking, cause she just made a burn! Anyway, onto the ceromoney! So, the first three who are safe are: Gwen, Duncan, and Alejandro. *throws the three popcorn bags*

*everyone is called except for Heather and Sierra*

Chris: So, the final popcorn bag goes to..............Heather. *throws Heather a popcorn bag*

Sierra: B-but.....Heather's the reason we lost! And I haven't obsessed over anything in, like, three days! Besides, I thought eveyone loved me!

Chris: *sarcastic tone* Yeah, sure we do. *calls securitey, and two securitey gaurds drag Sierra to the cab-of-shame. She's thrown in, and the cab quickly drives off* Okay, the rest of you can rest, because you all are safe!

-the next morning -


Heather: So, wondering how I stayed? Simple, I just persuadied some people to vote for her. Mirra was easy, Rikki was promised Alejandro if she's do it, and Rae just dosen't like her! So, now that I'm safe, I have to start working on my plan for Star. >:)

**end of confessionals**

*in craft serveices*

Crystal: Alright, so I'm just gonna make the re-cap quick. teams designed outfits, Heather ruined her teams designe, and it caused her team to lose. So, what will we put our teams through this episode? Find out now on...Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays*

Destery: Man, your getting good at remembering the re-cap Crystal.

Crystal: Anything to keep you off my back buddy. Anyway, hour to eat, and all that good junk. Anyway, see ya'll in an hour! *walks out of the tent*

-with Team Bacon Hawks-

Destery: I can't believe we lost....

Rayla: I know, right?! if it wasn't for Heather, we would've probably won last challenge! Plus, I have no idea why we didn't just vote her off last time! I mean, Sierra was way less mean than Heather was, so why did we vote her off?

Mirra: Well....I do prefer Heather's attitude over Sierra's obsessive nature any day.

All but Alejandro: Agreed.


Alejandro: So....I know Sierra's obsessive, but...she deserved to be here way more than Heather does. *sigh* Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with it.

Rikki: So, with Sierra gone, that means Alejandro's mine for the taking! >:)

**end of confessionals**

Rikki: *sits next to Alejandro* Hey Alejandro, sorry about -

Mirra: *sits on the other side, and cuts Rikki off* Morning Alejandro. Sorry about Heather still being here - it must be torture for you.

Alejandro: It's alright chica, and it's never torture to be around such a colorful person like yourself. I mean, who couldn't be happy around you? *smiles at Mirra, and she blushes*

Rikki: >:(


Rikki: So, it looks like Mirra's into Alejandro to. *sigh* Why can't it ever be a easy as it is on those sappy romance movies? *blushes* Not....that....I watch them!

Mirra: Okay, I SO don't like Alejandro! He's nice and all, but he's too evil for my blood. Besides, I think Rikki really likes him, and... *sighs, and fakes a smile* I truthfully think they'd be good together. *her left eye twitches slightly*

**end of confessionals**

Justin: love with me yet?

Melody: NO! I will not - scratch that, never be in love with you! Your just so vile, and evil, and...kinda cute.

Justin: HA! You admited I'm cute!

Melody: *blushes, but still glares* I ment like in an annoying younger brother way! *notices Heather's gone* Hey...where's Heather?

All of Team BH: *shrug*

-with Team Explosions-

Robin: *raises her glass* To Team Explosion!

Team Explosions: TO TEAM EXPLOSION! *everyone clinks their glasses*

Heather: *hiding behind a nearby bushes* *gestures for Star to come over*

Star: *sees Heather, and goes over to where Heather is* What is it Heather? Is something wrong?

Heather: Wy aren't you talking to Noah?

Star: *blushes* Well...I-I'm just really nervouse. Besides, what if I say something wrong, and he ends up hating me?

Heather: *groans a bit, but fakes a smile* Trust me, if you take my advise, you'll be golden. Besides, it looks like you have a little competion there. *points to where Cody is happily talking to Noah while he's reading a book - Noah smiling and nodding*

Star: *sees this, and sighs* Fine. So..what di I have to do?

Heather: *smirks a bit* Okay, so Noah likes to read.

Star: Yeah, but...hows that gonna help me?

Heather: Easy, you ask what he's reading. Even if you don't know anything about the books he's talking about, say it's your favorite. Then, after you've talked to him for a bit, start to move a little closer to him. After a little bit more talking, put a hand on his shoulder, and tell him how you really feel!

Star: Does...does that really work?

Heather: Of course! It's fool proof!


Heather: I don't know if it's gonna work! I just need for Star to trust me enough so she'll believe the fake rumor about Noah and Cody I'm working on! Although....Star's really getting on my nerves. *groan* Man, some of the things I do for money.

Star: I'm SO glad Heather's my friend! :) I mean, if it wasn't for her help, I would totally be lost in the world of relationships!

**end of confessionals**

Star: *takes a deep breath* Okay, I can do this! *walks over to where Noah is* Hey Noah! So...what are you reading?

Noah: *dosen't look up from his book* A book.

Star: Oh! Uh....what kind of book?

Noah: The kind with words. Now, if you'll be so kind, I'd like to go back to reading it.

Star: Oh....alright then. *sends Heather a pleading look, and Heather just shurgs, and walks back to her table*


Star: W-why did Heather abandon me there? Wait...mabey she's just thinking of something.

Heather: What? It's not like I planed for Noah to ignore her! *groan* Looks like I'm gonna have to milk this a little bit longer...or at least till I think of a good rumor! >:)

**end of confessionals**

-1 hour later-

Kate: *walks in* Okay, since I'm not in a snazzy mood, I want you all to just shut your traps and follow me. *walks out*

*the rest follow, and they go outside and sees Crystal standing in front of a giant mud pit*

Crystal: Hey teams! So, since I've noticed that noticed that there's ton' of tension between you all, I thought a soothing game of tug-of-war was in order!

All: *cheer*


Mirra: OMG! I ROCK at tug-of-war! When ever me and my dad used to play, I would always kick his butt! I'm sure I can do it again!

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Okay, I want both teams to pick four player's each. The rules are the same in a regular tug-of-war game, so choose your players wisley!

*the teams huddle up. Team Bacon Hawks sent Mirra, Alejandro, Rikki, and Heather to the rope. Team Explosion sent Owen, Griffon, Noah, and Star out to the rope. Both team grab ahold of the rope at the same time*

Alejandro: Crap! They have Owen! He'll basically be like a huge anchore! we probably won't even get an inch!

Heather: Oh, jut shut up and tug!

Kate: Read....set......GO! *both teams start tugging*

*Team Bacon Hawks are pulling with everything they got, but, thanks to Owen, it dosen't budge. After awhile of letting them pull, Owen jerks the rope, and it sends Team Bacon Hawks flying into the mud*

Kate: And the winner of the first game....Team Explosion!

Team Explosion: *cheer*

Justin: Okay, I know it will probably ruin my perfect hands, I think I should tug next. You know, contribute to the team.

Melody: Since when have you ever cared about that stuff?

Justin: Well...ever since...I don't know! Just let me tug!

Heather: *sneaks over to Star while no ones looking* *whisperes* What the hell Star?! I thought you wanted Cody gone!

Star: *whispers back* I do, but....I can't just throw a challenge.

Heather: Well, it's either throwing a challenge, or kissing our alliance goodbye! So, what's it gonna be Star?

Star: Well....uh......oh...fine! I'll throw the challenge.

Heather: Good. Now, just make it look like an accident, and Noah will be yours for the taking! *goes back to her team, leaving Star standing there with a very confued yet semi-happy expression*


Star: Okay, I know Cody's a big problem, but.........throwing a challenge just to get rid of him?! I just seems nuts! *sigh* Oh well....if t keeps Heather's advise...I'll do it.

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Okay, time for the next round! Team's, send out your players!

*Team Bacon Hawks sent Justin, Melody, Alejandro, and Heather. Team Explosion sent Owen, Izzy, Ezekiel, and Star*

Justin: Well, looks like we'll lose again.

Heather: Don't be such a downer Justin! Besides, I thin we have a little....luck on our side this game. *winks towards Star, and Star gulps*

Kate: Ready.....set........GO!

*The teams start to tug on the rope. Team Bacon Hawks tugged hard, but thanks to Owen, it goes no where. After a few more feirce tugs, Heather sends a glare toward Star. Star's eyes dart aroung for a minute, but then comes up with an idea*

Star: Hey, Owen, I heard Crystal has some pie left over from a few days ago!

Owen: REALLY?! I want some! *lets go of rope, and Team Explosion then gets thrown into the mud* Opp's.......

Kate: And Team Bacon wins!

Team BH: *cheers*

Crystal: Alright...since we only have one game left, *song bell goes off* it's time for a musical number!

All: *groan*

Crystal: Do I seriously have to go over the whole: 'have to sing once every show thing' to you all again?

All: *shaked their heads*

Crystal: Good. Anyway, lets get sining! *music starts*

Alejandro: Mucho Gusto
Rikki: *looks at Alejandro* Aye que fabulosa
Izzy: Rrrrr aye aye aye
Rayla: Arrriba
Star: Quieres bailar?
Griffon: Mirame

Heather: I believe in dreaming
Phoebe: And shooting for the stars
Rae: Baby to be number one
Justin: You got to raise the bar
Gladys: Kicking and the scatching
Katie: Grinding out my best
Alex: Anything it takes to climb
Noah: The ladder of success

Rayla and Destery: Work our tails off everyday
Gotta bump the competition
Blow them all away

Alejandro: Caliente
Mirra: Suave

All: Yeah we're gonna
Bop bop bop, bop to the top
Slip and slide and ride that rhythm
Jump and hop
Don't stop til we drop
Zip zap zop hop, walk like a mop
Scoot around the corner
Move it to the groove
Until the music stops
Do the bop bop bop
To the top
Don't ever stop
Bop to the top

Team Explosion girls: Gimme gimme
Team BH girls: Shimmy shimmy
All: Shake some booty and turn around
Flash a smile in their direction

Star: Show some muscle
Noah: Do the hustle

All: Yeah we're gonna
Bop bop bop, bop to the top
Wipe away your inhibitions
Stump stump stump, do the rump
And strut your stuff
Bop bop bop, straight to the top
We're going for the glory
We'll keep stepping up and we just won't stop
Till we reach the top
Bop to the top

Crystal: Okay...even though I HATED High School Musical, thats the one song from it I enjoyed. Anyway, let's move on with the game! So, teams, please pick your ending player's for the tie-breaker!

*the Teams huddle up. Team Bacon Hawks sent Mirra, Rayla, Destery, and Duncan. Team Explosion sent Cody, Robin, DJ, and Gladys*

Kate: Prety even looking match. Ready.....set........GO! *both team start tugging*

*Team Bacon Hawks pulled hard, but thanks to DJ, they only budge a little. Team Exploion tries to tug back, but thanks to the efforts of all the Bacon Hawks members, they only budged a little. it continued like this for awhile, and it almost looks like a tie. Heather sends Star a look, and Star nods sadly*

Star: Hey...DJ, Crystal has bunny, and he wants to see you.

DJ: HE IS!!!! OH BUNNY I'VE MISSED YOU! *lets go of rope, goes over to Crystal, and gve her a big hug* *Team Explosion gets thrown into the mud*

Kate: So, the winner of todays challenge is.....Team Bacon Hawks!!!!! Team Explosion, that means you'll be sending someone home tonight.

Team Bacon Hawks: *cheer*

Crystal: Uh...DJ, please get off of me.

DJ: *blushes* Oh...sorry Crystal. *lets go of her*


Griffon: DJ likes Crystal now? *groan* Great, like I didn't have enough competion with Jake around, but now I have to deal with this guy? Man...I really need to get my first move made...

**end of confessionals**

Noah: What the heck Star?! I mean, we're in the middle of freaking no where! how on earth can DJ's bunny be here?!

Star: ......

Crystal: WOW! Looks like the tension is tight! Anyway, here are the questions! How long will Heather continue to string along Star? Why did we make the cast sing a crappy High School Musical song? When will Melody finally admite she likes Justin? All of these questions, and a lot less, will be answered if we remember next time on...Total Drama Rama!


So, how was it?

Okay, so.....please don't vote Star out JUST yet. I mean, if you wanna vote for her okay, but I'd like to have her around at least till the second aftermath. Anyway, I guess I'll leave you all with a list if the teams so you can see who to vote off!

Team Explosion:

Owen, DJ, Katie, Star, Noah, Cody, Izzy, Ezekiel, Powdered Toast boy, Robin, Alex, and Gladys.
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