Total Drama Island Club
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posted by Gwentrend24
Camile: Last time on Total Drama OC's, the campers found out that they will be spending the next 8 brutal weeks, on a haunted beach house. Alliances were formed, conflicts were started, *get's aggravated* and CAR KEYS were stolen. What do we have in store for our unfortunate contestants today? Find out right now on, Total. Drama. OC's!

Chris: Hey, how come you get to do the introduction?

Camile: -.- Don't argue with me.

*Theme song plays*

Chris: *pulls out bullhorn*

Camile: Um, don't you have a softer and nicer way to wake them up?

Chris: *pouts* Fine. Katie!

Katie: What's up Chris?

Chris: Can you GENTLY wake up the campers in the girls' cabin for me?

Katie: Snazzy. *heads off to girls' cabin*

Chris: Thanks Katie.

Katie: *blushes* No problem

Chris: Are you happy?

Camile: Not really.

Chris: -.-

(At the Girls' Cabin)

Heather: *rolling around in bed*


Heather: Rayn won't shut up in her sleep. It's driving me insane!

-------------End of Confessional------------------

Heather: Ugh! *gets out of bed and heads for the door*

Rayn: *in her sleep* Mmm, no dad....... stop..... I can't help you..... I told you don't...don't call me......Rhylynne.

Heather: *stops in her place* Rhylynne?

Rayn: I told.... I told you to never.....never use my real name ever again.

Heather: *smirks*

Heather: Rhylynne? Talk about uber nerd. Looks like somebody has a little secret.

------------End of Confessional-------------------

Katie: *walks in girls' cabin* Wake up call! Chris and Camile wants everyone out in 20 minutes!

Everybody except for Heather: *moans and starts to get ready*

Rayn: *sees Heather smiling* What are you smiling about?

Heather: Nothing, Rayn.

Rayn: *rolls eyes* Whatever.

Sarah: Aw, isn't Timmy cute?

Nikita: Very cute. I love puppies. So anyone ready for our first official day of hell?

Erin: I don't know guys, maybe it won't be so bad.

Gwen: Yeah, remind me of that when Chris isn't trying to kill us. I swear, he won't stop throwing seasons on us until we're dead!

Sami: I'm up for the violence. It's what makes life exciting.

Crystal: If we just stick together. Like, my best bud and I are super tight. Jake always has my back.

Gwen: Just gotta warn you, best friends grow closer. Just look what happened to me. My best friend is now my boyfriend.

Crystal:*blushes* Yeah, but I don't like Jake like that.


Gwen: In denial, just like I was.

---------------End of Confessional----------------

Kelli: Just making a suggesting here, maybe it wont be so bad if we stick together.

Kat: I agree, remember, girls' alliance? Beth, Lindsay, Erin, Nikita Sami

Beth, Lindsay, Erin, and Nikita Sami: Right.

Ariana: Are we gonna get breakfast anytime soon? I'm starved.

Sarah: Speaking of food, what's up with Miss Key Snatcher over there?

Rayla: I still didn't get my pie, so no keys for Camile or Chris.

Rayn: Sick.

Sami: Hey, I have to agree with the girl. If I had advantage over the hosts, I would keep it.

Rayn: So Rayla, I hear your into art, that's cool.

Rayla: I've been studying in the arts for a while. I do a lot of after school stuff.

Rayn: Cool, I do murals a lot.

Gwen: No way, I always thought of doing an actual professional mural. It would be wicked.

Rayn: No kidding. It's a lot of fun. You should try it one day.

Heather: Aw, looser bonding. So incredibly cute.

Sami: Go jump in a lake Heather.

Heather: Ooh, newbie has an attitude. I'm so scared.


Sami: Alright, I am officially starting an anti-Heather club. Who's with me? Oh, yeah, pretty everyone on this freaking show!

--------------End of Confessional-----------------

Erin: So, LeShawna, can I ask you something?

LeShawna: What's up?

Erin: What kind of girl is Harold into?

LeShawna: A girl like me.

Erin: Oh.

LeShawna: Why you asking?

Erin: Well, I just think he's kinda cute.

LeShawna: Really? Then go for it girl. You'll be fine.


Erin: Ok, so Harold likes girls like LeShawna. I am nothing like LeShawna! How am I going to pull this off?

------------End of Confessional-------------------

Rikki: So guys, any advice for the new girls?

Gwen: Just try not to die, and you'll be fine.

Nikita: I'll take note of that.

Ariana: I second that motion.

Lindsay: Chip is going to make our lives miserable. Take it from a smart girl. *points to herself*

Nikita: Where? I don't see one.

Lindsay: Harsh Nora.

Riley: Your not very bright, are you?

Nikita: No offense Lindsay. And, my name is Nikita. And it's Chris, not Chip.

Lindsay: Your funny Nora.

Kelli: Sorry to interrupt, but I think we should head to breakfast.

Riley: Agreed.

Eva: Don't hold your breath.

Riley: Well, we have to eat something. Let's go.

(At the boys' cabin)

Alejandro: 22 senoritas, 12 senors, we are madly out numbered my friends.

Alex: Yeah, but that leaves a chick for each and everyone of us. Who's with me?

Alejandro: That girl Rikki is kinda cute, I saw you giving her the eye Duncan.

Duncan: It was an innocent mistake. I'm not a womanizer like you. I have a girlfriend.

Jake: I'm not really into anyone.

Destery: *smirks* Cool, I'm kind of into Crystal.

Jake: Wha-what? *blushes*

Destery: Dude, just kidding. She's all yours buddy.

Jake: I don't like her!

Alejandro: Lo que te hace domir por la noche, pero cualquiera puede ver claramente que lo han mal.

Jake: In English please!

Jamie: He said, Whatever makes you sleep at night, but anyone can clearly tell that you have it bad.

All: -.-

Jamie: What? I'm fluent in many languages.

Noah: Woah, ditz has swagger. You were holding back on us.

Jamie: You know, I can be intellectical sometimes.

Noah: And, the swagger is lost.

Destery: Anyway, I think Rayla is kind cute.

Cody: I'm all for Gwen. *says her name dreamily*

Duncan: Ahem. *cough*

Cody: Oh, come on, she has to break up with you sometime and eventually kiss me!

Duncan: Keep on dreaming twerp.

Heath: *coughing*

Alex: Guys, the dude is having a seizure.

Jamie: I think CPR is the only way to save him!

Tyrone: I could think of a billion other ways!

Trent: Well, what are we gonna do? Leave him there to die?

Duncan: Hey, we do it in Juvie all the time. Just walk away like we didn't see anything and we're home free!

Cody: Inhaler, we need his inhaler. Now, if I was a nerd, where would I put my inhaler?

Duncan: IF?!

Harold: Stop joking. *looks through Heath's draw* Here it is. *tosses Heath the inhaler.

Heath: *gasps gaining his breath*

Trent: Are you ok man?

Heath: Yeah, thanks Harold.

Duncan: Nerd bonding, that's nice.

Harold: I'm not a nerd, I'm a human being with mad skills.

Duncan: Whatever you want to believe.

Jake: So guys, back to what Alejandro said earlier, we're out numbered, and face it, the girls are probably gonna knock us down one by one.

Tyrone: So what are we supposed to do about it?

Jake: I think it's a little too early to start an alliance, so we should just, for say, 'stick together'. Cool?

Jamie: I guess I'm in.

Tyrone: I'm down. Cool.

Heath: I second that motion.

All except for Heath, Tyrone, and Jamie: Agreed.


Katie: *through a bullhorn* It's time to start the challenge guys!

All: *walks out of cabin*

Heather: Where's Chris and Camile?

Katie: Somewhere. Chris told me to take over until they get back.

Beth: Fine by me, it's about time they replace Chris the Creep with a nicer host this time around!

Katie: Snazzy. Glad to know I'm appreciated.

Tyrone: So what's the challenge?

Katie: Alright guys, so today, each team has to make a stalker video. Someone on each team has to dress up as a celebrity that will annoy the shit out of you. You know, like Rebecca Black. But you can't use her now that I said it!

All: Aww. :(

Katie: Then, you have to choose a stalker/paparazzi who will stalk and take pics of the celebrity in the celebrity's commercial. You know, to show how famous they are and junk. So you guys get 10 minutes in the prop house to choose props for your commercial. Best team video wins invincibility for this week. Now get going!

(With Team Wild Wolves)

Rayla: Well, I'm into acting, I bet I could probably play the celebrity.

Destery: I think you'll do great.

Rayla: *smiles*


Rayla: Is it me or does Destery suddenly seem kind of cute?

------------------End of Confessional-------------

Heather: Yeah, that's great but right now, we need to find props.

Rayn: As much as I HATE to admit it, Heather's right. Let's focus on the props first, then we could sort out all of the acting jobs. Ok? :)

Rayla: Fine by me.

Riley: Rack of wigs, that could come in handy.

Alex: Totally, I bet you would look good in one of those.

Riley: *looks down at worn out dirty wigs* Gee, thanks Alex. *walks away*

Alex: She wants me. :)

Noah: *pulls out 2 fake snakes from a crate*

Ariana: Ahhhh!

Noah: Calm down Ariana, they're fake.

Ariana: That's a relief.


Ariana: I'm TERRIFIED of snakes. They just creep me out.

---------------End of Confessional----------------

Crystal: Maybe this disco ball could help.

Rikki: Nice thinking Crystal.

Crystal: Thanks, *sighs* only if Jake were here.


Crystal: Jake and I are best buds. Too bad we're not on the same team. Maybe I can convince Rayla to keep Chris and Camile's car keys until they agree to transfer Jake to our team. Ugh, I don't know!

Nakita: Hey, I'm not against Crystal or anything but she shouldn't let her obvious crush on Jake get in the way of the game. Just saying.

---------------End of Confessional----------------

Nakita: It's alright Crystal, let's just focus on the competish alright?

Crystal: Alright, thanks Nikita.

Rayn: Look Gwen, some oil pastels. You and I can sketch some plans and designs for the commercial.

Gwen: Sounds like a plan.

Heather: Fine, but if you screw this up, you're going to get it.

Rayn: *sarcastically* Oooh, I'm so scared!

Heather: Trust me, you should be.


Heather: If Rayn messes up on this, say hello to my new 'friend' Rhylynne. The secret is coming out. That, or if she just gets on my nerves.

Rayn: *gets nervous* Wha-what's with her?

----------------End of Confessional---------------

Riley: Mind if I help you out with the designs? I'm a good artist.

Gwen: No problem Riley. Besides, three heads are better then two, unless it's Heather's head. In that case, everything's screwed.

Riley: *chuckles* You know it.

Ariana: I found a radio and a CD, lucky us, entitled, 'Most Annoying Songs of 2011'.

Nikita: Where does Chris and Camile get this crap?

*they finally collect all of their props*

Alex: We got this one in the bag.

Destery: Alright, let's get started guys!

(With Team Sneaky Snakes)

Duncan: Crap, crap, and wait, look.... MORE CRAP!

Sammi: What are we supposed to use here?!

Eva: I just think we're wasting our precious time.

Tyrone: Let's just chill guys, we'll figure something out.

Sierra: Oooh, I found firecrackers, glitter, a fake paparazzi camera, a fedora, a skateboard, and a long piece of cardboard.

Jamie: Ok, so I guess this is turning out for the best for us. Awesome job Sierra.

Sierra: Thanks Jamie. I wonder how Cody-kins is doing.

Kat: I bet he's fine.

Sierra: :)

Erin: Kat, I really want to talk to Harold, but I don't know how.

Kat: I got your back, girls' alliance remember? *winks*

Erin: Thanks Kat.

Kat: Hey Harold!

Harold: Wha- what's up Kat?

Erin: Um, Erin needs help searching through that box over there.

Harold: Cool, where's Erin?

Kat: She was just here. *looks behind back and see's that Erin was hiding there* There you are Erin. Go with Harold.

Erin: Um, alright. Let's go.

Beth: Look Heath, I found a wig.

Heath: Great job Beth. *sneezes* But, *sneezes* I'm allergic, *sneezes* to the dust.

Beth: Sorry about that Heath. *hands him a tissue*

Heath: Thanks Beth, you're nice. Most people would tease me about my allergies.

Beth: No problem. Friendship bracelet? *holds out a red beaded bracelet*

Heath: Thank you. :)

Sarah: I've collected a few things. I would say that we're off to a pretty good start. What would you say Kelli?

Kelli: Yeah, now we just need to plan our commercial. I'll say we've done pretty good.

Sammi: Yeah, but does anyone on this team have actual acting experiences?

Sarah: Not sure, but one step at a time right?

Sammi: Sure, whatever floats your boat.

Beth: Look, I found some flowers in a vase.

Heath: Ah, I'm allergic to pollen.

Beth: Sorry, wanna help me look around?

Heath: Sure.

Erin: *nervous* So Harold, are you ok?

Harold: If you mean, 'do I still have pain from the massage wedgie Duncan gave me', then yeah, I'm fine.

Erin: *chuckles*

Harold: Seriously? You actually laughed at that, most people would just beat me, or walk away in awkwardness. You sure are different.

Erin: Um, um, really?

Harold: Yeah, but it's a good kind of different. I like it. *smiles*

Erin:*smiles back*


Erin: Yes! Harold is hilarious, and so sweet. I really, really like him, but how am I going to tell him that?

Harold: Erin's cool. I think we'll get along very well this season.

------------End of Confessional-------------------

Tyrone: Ok guys, are we ready to start?

Jamie: Looks like it. Think we're gonna win it?

Kelli: Well, it IS the first challenge and even if we don't win, it would just be a lesson learned to improve our efforts next time.

Jake: Wow, your smart Kelli.

Kelli: Thanks, I have a G.P.A of 4.0. And, I'm very advanced in acting so I can help with that.

Kat: Cool, let's get started shall we? *walks up to Kelli and whispers in her ear* Hey, you know you would be a very helpful addition to the girls' alliance. If you ever want help, just call and we'll be glad to welcome you in.

Kelli: Really? Thanks, I guess if I need help, I'll call.

Kat: Awesome. *smiles*


Kat: Kelli is so sweet, I would love to have her be apart of the girls' alliance. So far, it only consist of 6 people, including me. But, we got each other's backs you know? :)

Kelli: Maybe I will join, maybe I won't. I'm just glad that I'm a positive effort to the team.

-----------------End of Confessional-------------

(With Team Wild Wolves)

Gwen: Alright, Rayn, Riley, and I finished the designs to the set. *shoves sketch in Heather's face*

Heather: Ehh, do it again!

Rayn: What?

Riley: What?

Gwen: What the hell?

Heather: You heard me wannabees, do it again. It's not right. I mean, why is the scene a famous Hollywood club? Why is there a red carpet?

Riley: It's a paparazzi video Einstein! That's how it's supposed to look.

Heather: But, I don't like it!

Rayn: Who the hell cares what you like? You. have. no. taste.

Heather: Watch what you say Rayn. Cause I know you will regret it afterwards.

Rayn: *rolls eyes* Anyway, it's too late to just start another sketch. We have to use this one whether you like it or not.

Heather: Fine. Just get to work, and make sure to get my approval.

Riley: Why do we need your approval?

Heather: Hello! I won last season. I'm basically team captain.

Gwen: I came placed second, first season though!

Heather: Second isn't first, and plus, you lost to OWEN!

Gwen: So did 20 other people! Including you.

Heather: That wasn't fair, I got my hair shaved off!

Gwen: Still.

Heather: Well look at you all smug in a rug.

Gwen: You freakin' bi-
Nakita: Wow, put. the. claws. away chickas!

Alejandro: Nakita is right. There's no need for fighting. Let's just focus on winning this challenge.

Rikki: Alejandro and Nakita are right. Let's just win this thing first.

Alejandro: Very wise words senorita. *kisses Rikki's hand*

Rikki: Um, thanks Alejandro.

Nikita: Yeah, Alejandro, you always know how to charm a girl.

Alejandro: It's a Burrometro gift. (sorry don't know how to spell it and too lazy to look it up.)


Nikita: Alejandro is really cute. Love ya like a sister, but he's all mine Rikki. Sorry.

--------------End of Confessional-----------------

Alex: I think Riley should do the acting. Right Riley?

Riley: Um...

Rayla: If you're not cool with it, I could do the acting.

Riley: That could work.

Crystal: Ok, we need a paparazzi. Only if Sierra were hear. But, we could somehow distract Sierra. And we have just the right person. Cody!

Cody: I'm not going near that stalker ever again!

Rayla: Oh come on Cody, take one for the team.

Cody: What happens if I get captured.

Rayla: Eh, you won't be missed.

Cody: -.- Yeah, now that makes me feel better.

Crystal: Cody, please, please, please.

Cody: No way.

Crystal: If it doesn't work, your safe from elimination this week.

Destery: If Sierra doesn't kill him first.


Rayla: Just go Cody!

Cody: Fine! *walks out into the woods*

Ariana: Hello, we still need a stalker.

Destery: Ariana is right. Let's think about all of the annoying artists in the world.

Alex: Willow Smith. (I think that's how you spell it)

Lindsay: Eeeeee! Willow Smith!

Destery: Perfect. Lindsay could be the stalker and Rayla could be Willow. Let's get you guys in your costumes.

(With Team Sneaky Snakes)

Sierra: Alright, we got everything we need and I'm ready to be a paparazzi!

Katie: *the song bell goes off* Song time kiddies!

Kelli: Chris and Camile still aren't here?

Katie: Nope.

Sarah: So, what are we supposed to sing?

Katie: Do I look like Chris or Camile to you? Just choose one.

Sierra: I got it. Just play along.
[I know I cut some verses out of the song but it was just too long]

We are the crowd
c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We would be fantastico


Leather and Jeans
Garage Glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for the flashing lights
Cause you know that baby I


I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be


Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me


I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you'll know
I'm staring between the sets
Eyeliner and Cigarettes


Cause you know that baby I


I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you into you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You'll no that I'll be


Promise I'll be kind

Lindsay and Beth:

I won't stop until that boy is mine


Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me




Real good
We dance in the studio
Snap, snapped
That shit on the radio


Don't stop for anyone
We're plastic but we'll still have fun


I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me


Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be


Promise I'll be kind
I won't stop until that boy is mine.
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Katie: *claps* Snazzy. Carry on.

Sierra: As I was saying, I'm the paparazzi and- *sees Cody*Codykins! EEEE!

Courtney: And?

Sierra: Oh, and Ty, will you play Justin Beiber?

Tyrone: Sure Sierra.

Sierra: OMG Cody. Why are you here?

Cody: I- ugh, stop choking me first.

Sierra: *puts him down* Sorry.

Cody: I-I just, missed you.

Sierra: So sweet.

Cody: Yeah, I should maybe get back to my tea-

Sierra: What's the hurry. Stay with me!

Cody: Ugh, Sierra.

Sierra: Please Codykins

Cody: Fine.

Sierra: EEeeeee!

Sammi: Great, let's get this over and done with.

*This part along with many other parts were deleted on my stupid computer so I'm just gonna give a short summary*

[ The Wild Wolves got a 8/10 on their video. Rayla wiped her hair back and forth with a Willow Smith wig. He he. And Lindsay was a surprisingly good paparazzi, even though she took some pics wrong. That deducted points. In the end, their final score was a 7/10.]

[The Sneaky Snakes got a 9/10 on their video. Tyrone, due to all of his singing and performing experience, made a terrific Justin Beiber. And Sierra, of course was an awesome stalker/ paparazzi.]

[At the end, the Sneaky Snakes took the victory]

Katie: Snazzy, I get to do the conclusion too! Ok, so, Will Heather reveal Rayn's secret, will Kelli join the girls' alliance, and where are Chris and Camile?! Find out next time on..... Total. Drama. OC's!

Vote for who you want to eliminate.

Here's the team:


Sorry I took so long to write this. My internet connection has been down for a while
posted by potterandtdi

"Are you almost done packing your bags Nat?" asked my uncle Hagrid. "Just one more thing uncle Hagrid!" I call. I pack a picture of my mom and dad getting married. I place it in the suitcase gently and walk to my uncle. "Hurry, you're going to have to be dropped off at professor Dumbledore's office. Miranda won't be there because she stayed at the leaky cauldron when she went to get her supplies. Now she's on the way back." Hagrid told me. I pet Fang goodbye," Bye Fang, I promise I'll visit with all my friends during the year." I walk out the door with uncle Hagrid and we start our walk to Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Another Part of Me” A poem by Total Drama Island’s Courtney;

“There’s another part of me
That you may not know.
Jumping, playing, running free
Love continues to grow.

You may think that I don’t care,
I hope you know you’re wrong.
Duncan, Duncan, please be fair,
Our love is true and strong.

I’m your Princess,
And I hope I always will be.
Even though, I do confess,
Love’s important to me.

Back then, I felt happiness
Every time we met.
Though now I don’t love you any less,
My love is mixed with regret.

But now it’s something different;
Which I don’t know about.
Every time, I feel resent;...
continue reading...
Continued: Episode 14: “One Million Bucks; BC”

(Yurie’s POV)
“ARE YOU CRAZY?! NO, I WILL DEFINITELY NOT wear that thing!!!” I shrieked.
Chris looked at me. “Just wear it, Yurie.”
I gritted my teeth. “Fine. But no way am I going to do this.”
“Fine. I was kidding. I love this. Yay, look at me, I’m knocking someone into a tar pit!”
“You mean you’re getting knocked INTO a tar pit,” Courtney glared at me.
“Speak for yourself.” I snapped. I wasn’t my usual self today, god knows why.
“I have to wear this?” I stared at the weird fur costume below me....
continue reading...
katherine:*OUT COLD* alex:lets leave her,we got
phil:ok,guys,lemme see in the TDS MANUAL! *LOOKS IN MANUAL* phil:ok,it says here that violet will problaby give permission to one of her friends
to use her sword,since she's weapon free! so we gottab get our knifes,and....... team:WHAT? phil:somebodys gotta take them,hope not to be
chewed,and kill kong from the inside.yuri,you go down the cliff and be look out,we dont need any surprises!alex,you watch my back,im going inside that damn baboon! yuri:your so brave,phil! phil:i know! *SQUIRRLES,MAKING A PLAN* violet:ok,since i wont use the sword,jacki,your the captain,for the day,i'll cover ya,and katherine,whell,im gonna go save her!*GOES OUTSIDE CAVE,GRABS KATHERINE AND DRAGS HER IN THE CAVE*
Courtney was in the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet seat lid. Piles of soiled tissues laid in her lap, stained with black puddles of running mascara. Her high heels were laying on the floor. There was no point in wearing them anymore. Courtney sniffs and looks in the mirror.

So much for looking gorgeous, she thinks. Running mascara left black trails down her flushed cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was running, and her hairline was wet with tears she had tried to wipe away but had only soaked into her hair. Courtney lets out a shaky breath as she re-lives what happened once...
continue reading...
It used to be so strange.
couldn't figure out my feelings for you.
i was good,you were bad,and it didnt match.
but they used to say,that you and me,meant to be but i wasnt sure,couldnt figure it out.

we were so different.
but i think im learning a lot from you.
it wasnt like this,wasnt like,when we first kissed.

it didn't use to be like this,wasn't always this tough.
always trying to get me to crawl back to you,but it wont work.
though i know,how much i love you.
but its not the same,not the same,oh,oh,oh,no.

i left,for a while,and you got so lonely.
so you,made a friend.
she was a lot like you.
i saw the...
continue reading...
Jumanji: i'm finally out of my cast
Phil: good, your gonna need it, meet me at the cementery for your challenge
at cementery
Phil: you will be battling on the top of those ston things up high, there in the sky those things
jumanji: *in grave of confetion* did i mention i've been a little afraid of hights since death throw me
Phil: jumanji and hollow
jumanji:*wobbling on top* wow *falls and knocks of hollow*
Phil: hollow, to the scardy car, next is summer and Aydan, here are your wips
Aydan: *wips with wip*
Summer: *falls off but grabs on to Aydan's wip and swings to her but accidentaly kicks her off* woohoo
Phil: Aydan you leave, next is Alex and Jackie
Alex: * hits jackie with a wip but misses* hiyaa
Jackie: *throws off Alex* alright
Phil: bye-bye Alex, the winners follow me to the casts dinner
Phil: who will go home who will come back who will betray find out next time on total drama the haunting
posted by Fangirl99
duncan: i can only go out with zoe or brooke cause we are on the same team.
zoe:CAn i date you first!
brooke:no i want to! *start fighting*
sumer:look, i like trent too, and hes on my team, sio ill be the bigger person and wait.
juno:well, okay, ill wait too. i got no choice.
duncan:so ill date brooke first
zoe:*flips off brooke*
brooke:*pushes zoe and leaves*
duncan/sumer/juno:okay then.
chris:well, thta a wrap. Tune in to see the challenge drama on TOTAL, DRAMA, HIGHSCHOOL!
lol the peeps who are here (fanfic ones)
lol the peeps who are here (fanfic ones)
Phil: now where back
Phil: evryone get back here your time is up
Chase: but we just started
Phil: i said one minute. Ghost go get your freind
Ghost: ok
Phil: each of you will be chased by one ghost. you could split up but to win your whole team has to get out.
Alex: what if all exept one gets out
Phil: you loose, now go
Phil: the victomes are now on the second floor
killer zombies: ahh!!!
Summer: why is this peverted ghost chasing us
Phil: didnt you hear me say hes part of the challenge, oh yeah and your right he is a perv
ghost: *starts crying*
Phil: well looks like you could win but... you still...
continue reading...
welcome to the dramatic campfire cerimony-Juno
please dont say it we are all tired-Brooke
fine geeze, then i will just trow them to you-Juno


im sorry Sumer and Jen but the bout of losers awaghts-Juno
SHUT THE *beeb* UP!-Sumer
*punches Sumer*-Ava
*attacks Ava, beats the crap outa her*-Sumer
i hope u learned your lesson, goodbye everyone-Sumer
*Sumer and Jen leave*
well tune in, turn on, and see what happens next time on TOTAL DRAMA REALITY!-Juno
posted by jadore_renard
She closed her suitcase, as she listened to the car engine sputter outside. Her knees were shaking as she opened her bedroom door.
    This may be the last time she'd ever be in this house. The one she grew up in, her home. She got ready to climb into the car. Looking back at her house, Courtney could see her mother standing on the step waiting for her to leave. The look on her face was almost unbearable. It was a look of disappointment, a look of disgust. She longed to see the face she knew. The one filled with love and warmth for her. She hadn't...
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Nadia: welcome back! ok here we are in this ceremony because we are goign to vote off someone! like u know one day u are in and the next one u are out!
ok lets start!if i say your name come here please...

and paola............................................................................................................................
sorry tylor that means your out....

taylor: oh well it was nice te be here
Evryone: bye tylor.....
ok Theresa, Summer your up-Juno
*chasses Summer with knife*-Theresa
AHHHHHHHHHH *runs*-Summer
*stabs Summer in the leg-Theresa
no duh-Theresa
ok Katie, Ava your up-Juno
*chases Ava with knife*-Katie
*flips Katie*-Ava
ok Ava wins-Juno
Andrea, Keira your up-Juno
ok what am i supposed to do when she comes at me with a knife again???-Keira
you run-Juno
ok Andrea wins-Juno
YAY I WIN!!!-Keira
no Keira you lost-Andrea
Jared, Andi your up-Juno
*chases Andi with knife*-Jared
*kicks knife outa Jareds...
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"Ok so that leaves Sumer and Juno for the deer(Screaming Gophers).And Vanessa and Brooke for the Killer Bass.Put theese on and keep theme on.Take them off,and we have our final three.(Get it?)So go!"

*Every deer runs off*
*Half way through the bush*
"Hey,Sumer."Said Juno."Uh,what do you want.?asked Sumer."Just gotta let you know that....YOU SUCK AND I HATE YOU!!"*Juno punches Sumer repeatdly over and over again while kicking her and screaming.*"Oh crap!I think i'm bleeding like crazy!"said Sumer."THINK?""Yes,i'm very light-headed now and AHHHHH!!"*Juno turns around to see a bear*"run!!!!"

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posted by bubblegum05
Running,running.I could feel my jeans close tightly around my legs as i tried to escape from the feeling.The rain was coming down hard and cold,just like them.But i couldn't out run the feeling.Chills sneaked up my back as i tried hard not to think about all my pain,and all my thoughts that were causing my head to nearly explode.Then i heard the thing that scared me the most.Shrieks.Pure blood-curdling screeches that made me stop.My eyes widened as i heard foot steps.My head pounding as i heard someone folowing me.I turn around and....

My scream could be...
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All italics are my thoughts
All Bolds are actions

So it is the first day,and nobody here knows me.Wow,I'm so excited.

I keep walking,suddenly,i run into someone

????:Hey,watch where you're going princess!
Me:Oh sorry!Hey who are you?
???:Oh i'm Duncan.

Duncan keeps walking,Cody turns toward me
Cody:Oh that's Duncan,the school bully.
Me:Ya how'd you know?
Cody:You don't remember me?
Me:Oh wait,yes i do!Where's Bridgette?
Bridgette:I'm right here!I'm so glad you're coming here now!
Me:I am too!Whoa!Who's that!?
Bridgette:Oh that's Lindsay and Heather,trust me thier mean!
Bridgette:Well i'll see you at lunch!
Later that day

Lindsy is walking toward me,what should i do?
Heather:Lindsay come over here.NOW!
Lindsay:Sorry i have to go.
Me:See ya later than.
Lindsay walks with Heather
Why is Bridgette taking so long?I better text her again

To be Continued
posted by 7thGradeGenius
"Ashlee looks innocent, but she's a killer!!!!!!"
"Ashlee looks innocent, but she's a killer!!!!!!"
After my first law and politics period that day, I decided to take a shower. Ashlee was sitting on the couch watching TV, so I knew she wouldn't be any trouble. But what rattled me was how a fourteen year old girl could get into college.

Once Ash heard the water start up, she unzipped my bag and took out my laptop. "Let's see how our princess can handle being crushed by a world-champion wrestler." She chuckled and wrote an evil email to Duncan. When the shower water shut off, she sent the email and slid my laptop under a pillow and folded her hands nonchalantly.

I was so beat, I went to sleep....
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I had just found out duncan went to juvy again.I went to tell Sofie.

"Hey Sofie, Duncan went to juvy again."I told her.

we decided to bail him out she had $934, and we needed $1,000.She took up babysitting and I went to the mob.I begged and pleded, they finally gave me the money, but i had to give them a favor.

I told Sofie, That I had the money and we ran to juvy......

"Duncan*panting*We have ur bail money!!!"I yelled running in,
"OMG DUNCAN*smahes against his cell and falls*!!"Sosie yells,and Duncan had the weirdest face I've ever scene."WE HAVE MONEY FOR YYYOOOUUU!!*extremly happy*"she says,"Well,...
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posted by SuperShel
Hii. My name's Shel. I just joined Fanpop about 15 minutes ago. I only know one person on here. Allison told me about this site. Oh, wait- her name's (I think) rockzsanders. Well, I wanna tell you a bit about meeself-

My name's Shel =D
I like Total Drama Island and Vampire Knight<3
Music is my escape<3
My fav characters are (in order) Ezekiel<3, Noah, and Izzy.
I do NOT like Duncan or Courtney. Don't eat me alive for that, plz. =)
Allison said she based one of her characters off's kinda kick-ass.
I like Anime and such.
I can't draw for shit, but I can sing. Well, I don't think I'm...
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posted by milorox19
Do it one by one, don't look ahead!

1. Write the name of a person of the opposite gender.

2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green, yellow?

3. Your first initial?

4. Your month of birth?

5. Which color do you like more, black or white?

6. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.

7. Your favorite number?

8. Do you like California or Florida more?

9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?

10. Write down a wish (a realistic one).

Are you done?

If so, scroll down

(don't cheat--)


1. You are completely in love with this person.

2. If you choose:

Red: You are alert and your...
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