Total drama Around the World (TDATW) Club
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Chris: last time on Total Drama Around the World! France! The birth place of tennis! Here we got a new player, Lia! (laughs) yep Jordan's REAL girlfriend. the one he cheated on Annie with. Well, anyways. Here in France we played a game of Tennis. A lot of fights took place here: Amber and Lance. Draven and Alejandro. Lia and Annie. and of course, Liza and Layla. In the end, Alejandro got the boot for trying to kill Cole with a knife. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around the world!

(theme song)

(Non-first class)
Lia: My first day here and I have to spend it in non- first class. This sucks
Annie: That's what you get.
Lia: What's that supposed to mean?
Annie: (smirks)


Lia: I don't understand why Annie's so mean to me. I mean, she won't even let me explain my side of the story with Jordan. (sigh) I don't know what to do.


(First class)
Cole: (sigh of joy)
Chilly: Cole? Are you okay? Your smiling really big.
Cole: Oh no reason.


Cole: Alejandro is gone.... No more trying to kill me or get me eliminated. Now to make sure Eva and Draven go next. I mean they were with Alejandro. They surely want me next.


(First class)
Layla: Man I am starving!I get cranky when I'm hungry!
Liza: So hungry all the time?


Liza: (dying laughing) I just had to say that!!


(non-first class)
Draven: Hey Cody.
Cody: yeah..
Draven: With you and me being the only boys left on this team, I think we should be in an alliance.
Cody: Rochelle told me to never trust you.
(Rochelle over hears conversation)
Draven: Rochelle doesn't have a brain cell in that tinny head or her's. She doesn't know what she's talking about.


Rochelle: I don't have a brain cell?!?!?!?! I got straight As in school! Not once did I have a B.... Well there was this one time with this super dumb teacher that never gave me that A I deserved! But I'm smart! I went to CIT camp.... oh no... I'm sounding like Courtney...


(First class)
Chris: (Intercom) (In an old British woman's voice) All Constants please come to the mess hall.
Amber: What's wrong with Chris's voice?
Lance: I know right.

(Mess hall)
Fawn: Where's Chris?
Nanny McClain: Hello everyone?
Sierra: Chris? Why are you talking like that?
Nanny McClain: My name is not Chris. It is Nanny McClain.
Cole: Nanny McClain?
Nanny McClain: Yes. I am all of your guys' new Nanny.
Lance: Chris. You-
Nanny McClain: Nanny McClain.
Lance: Okay.. Nanny McClain, you got a few moles on your face.
Liza: Yeah. And your hair's gray.
Chilly: No, that's his natural hair color.
(everyone laughs)
Lia: It looks like your tooth is trying to escape.
Chris: Enough!
Nanny McClain: Now, all of you go to non-first class.
Liza: Nanny McClain? We're in first class.
Nanny McClain: Now today your not. You are all going to non-first class.
Team Germany: WHAT?!?!?!
Nanny McClain: yep.
Cody: What about today's challenge?
Nanny McClain: ? Challenge? Oh yeah. Chef told me to tell you that there will be no challenges for a while.
Eva: are we still in the air?
Nanny McClain: You are in London. Now, if you may excuse me, I'm going to get a cup of tea. (exits)


Chris: (drinks the cup of tea and spits it out) Eww! Well anyways. Let me explain today's challenge out there to you viewers. Today's challenge will be based on the British award winning movie: Nanny McPhee. I will play as Nanny McClain. The teens will have to follow 5 steps to win. There will be a picture of my ugliness. If a Team follows one of the 5 steps, one of my ugly thingy will disappear. In the right hand corner of your screen, is Team Italy. In the left is team Germany. If all of the team follows the step, the ugly will be gone. The first team to get me looking hot again, wins. And i think you know what happens to the loser. Thank you.


(Non-first class)
Layla: Okay. Listen up everyone! That side of the room will be All of Team Italy. That side will be Team Germany! And this side will be mine! No crossing the lines!
Liza: why do you get to have your own side?
Layla: because I'm awesome like that.


Joss: Yeah right.


(Non-first class)
Amber: It's not like Chris not having a challenge.
Fawn: Yeah. And why was he dressed like that?
Sierra: He does love the Nanny McPhee movies.
Rochelle: How do you know that?
Sierra: I know everything about Chris.
Eva: and Cody.
Sierra: Right. Like I know that Cody's favorite food is...... ummmm... OH NO!!!


Sierra: All this season I've been so focused on Lance and not Cody! I forgot everything about him!!!!


(Non-first class)
Nanny McClain: okay everyone. Bed time.
Annie: But it's like 7:00.
Nanny McClain: I said bed time.
Layla: Good I need my beauty sleep.
Liza: So you never get it?


Liza: (dieing laughing) I'm so good!

Cole: No one tells me to go to sleep!

Draven: It's 7! It's still light out! I'm not going to sleep for a looooong while!


(Pilot room)
Chris: Let's see who's awake. (turns on camera) Looks like Joss and Liza are asleep. Rochelle and Fawn is asleep. Eva and Cody are asleep. Layla is asleep. Lance and Sierra are asleep. Amber is asleep. Lia and Annie are asleep. Ooooo... It looks like Draven, Cole and Chilly are awake. No one wins today's challenge! This challenge might take a few days to complete.


(non-first class)
(Trumpet is heard)
(Joss falls off the bench)
Joss: OW!
Liza: Joss! Are you okay?
Joss: Yeah. I guess.
Rochelle: What the (beeeep)!!!
Layla: Huh? What's going on?
Nanny McClain: (enters) Everyone up! Everyone up! Big big day!
Cody: Chris. We're trying to sleep!
Nanny McClain: It's Nanny McClain! And You got to get up!
Joss: (looks at IPhone and shows it to Liza)
Liza: It's 3:30 in the morning!
Nanny McClain: Good thing you guys went to sleep early! Well... some of you...
(Angle on Draven, Cole, and Chilly still asleep)
Nanny McClain: (sigh) Well, everyone in kitchen NOW! (exits)
Chef: (enters) Your challenge today is to try to get Draven, Cole, and Chilly up.
Cody: That's it? Piece of cake!

(10 minutes later)

(Everyone on Team Germany but Cole and Chilly are hurt)
Chilly: That will make you think twice before you waking us up!
Cole: YEAH!
(Team Italy)
Rochelle: Draven! Wake up!
(Draven is still asleep)
Eva: I got something. (slaps Draven and he wakes up)
Draven: what the (beeeep)! what are you doing Eva?!
Eva: You had to get up. that was our challenge today.
Draven: It was? oh. Okay.
Nanny McClain: Get Dressed everyone! Big big day! (exits)
Rochelle: Okay Effie Trinket.

(mess hall)
(everyone enter dressed)
(Both team's Nanny McClain model comes up on the screen and the wart on his jaw disappears.)
Nanny McClain: good job everyone!
Lia: It's not like that Challenge was mission impossible.
Nanny McClain: Okay. today I will need all of you to have a big breakfast and then you will be cleaning the plane!
All: WHAT!?!?
Lance: The whole plane!?!?!
Nanny McClain: That's right son.
Lance: oh my!
Nanny McClain: now eat!
(2 minutes later)
Layla: (face in bowl of oatmeal asleep)
Liza: Watch this guys. (Puts her oatmeal on top of her head)
(All of Team Germany starts laughing)
(Joss and Liza fist pump)
(Team Italy)
(All eating in silence)
(Team Italy's Nanny McClain model comes up and his uni brow disappears, his hair turns blonder and wavy, his droopy earlobes disappear, and his complexion improves)
Nanny McClain: Okay everyone! Time to clean the plane!
(everyone growns)
Rochelle: Let's just do it guys.
Liza: Yeah. It might be a surprise challenge.
Chef: Supplies are in the closet!
(everyone goes in closet)
(Both team's Nanny McClain's Model come up and his nose is no longer bulbous and the snaggle tooth disappears.)
(An hour later)
Layla: I can't believe I was put with you 3. Aggh!
Lance: Hello to you too.
Liza: let's just get this over with and not fight. Okay?
Layla: what ever.
Joss: (whispers in Liza's ear)
Liza: I know.
Lance: okay... Let's just get working.
(Non-first class)
Annie: Why was I put with you?
Lia: Can we just be friends?
Annie: You helped Jordan cheat on me with you!
Lia: It's not like that!
Rochelle: GUYS! Just calm down!
Fawn: Yeah really. You guys are on the same team. You really need to stop fighting.
Annie: But she-
Rochelle: I don't care! Work it out you 2! We'll be in the next room if you need us. Come on Fawn!
(Rochelle and Fawn exit)
Fawn: Go! Rochelle!
Rochelle: thank you.
(Elimination room)
Draven: So thought about what I said?
Cody: I don't know. It's just-
Eva: Come on. Join our Alliance.
Cody: (sigh) i guess.
Draven: oh yeah.
Cole: Why are all of us in here?
Chilly: I know. We can't work in here like this!
Amber: Guys let's just try to make it work.
Sierra: yeah.
(Liza and Layla are fighting each other with a water hose and Joss and Lance are trying to break it up)
Lance: Okay. Okay. ENOUGH!!
(Liza and Layla stop)
Lance: You guys need to stop this. Your on the same team! We need to clean this kitchen. Not make it wet.
Joss: (nods head)
Lance: Come on guys.
Liza: I guess.
Layla: (sigh) For now.
(Team Germany's Nanny McClain model comes up and his uni brow disappears, his hair turns blonder and wavy, his droopy earlobes disappear, and his complexion improves)
(Non-first class)
Lia: Will you ever forgive me?
Annie: I don't know.
Lia: You don't know the whole story.
Annie: what is there to say?
Lia: trust me. There's a lot.
Annie: (sigh) fine I'll listen.
Lia: Okay. It goes like this: It was a joke.
Annie: A joke?
Lia: Yeah. I sent him the text to be funny. I mean think about it. You 2 have been going out since the 7th grade.
Annie: oh yeah... wait. how did you know that?
Lia: I was in your eniglish class.
Annie: Oh... Your real name is Tahlia right?
Lia: Yeppers.


Lia: Me and Jordan? Jia? That's sounds good. wow. Now I want to go out with him!


(mess hall)
Nanny McClain: Good job cleaning everyone!
(Both team's Nanny McClain models come up and his nose is no longer bulbous and the snaggle tooth disappears)
Nanny McClain: Now everyone get to bed!
Rochelle: Good. I am tired.
Amber: me too!
Nanny McClain: okay. get to bed.
(Everyone get's to bed.)
(Both team's Nanny McClain model comes up and his hair goes from gray to black)

(Middle of the Night)

(Non-first class)
Sierra: (up on IPhone)
Lance: (wakes up) Sierra? What are you doing? It's the middle of the Night. You need to go to sleep.
Sierra: Oh i did got to sleep. For like an hour. Now I need to look up my Cody information. I need to remember it!
Lance: Your not going to be able to get up in the morning.
Sierra: Oh I will. You go back to sleep.
Lance: (goes back to sleep)


Nanny McClain: (enters) (plays trumpet)
(Joss falls off bench)
Joss: OW! Not again!
Liza: Joss-
Joss: Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay.
Rochelle: Well, i had good sleep last night.
Annie: me too.
(Team Italy's Nanny McClain model comes up and the wart near his nose disappears)
Chris: (takes off disguise) Okay everyone! Challenge is over!
Chilly: What challenge?
Chris: For the past 2 days, you guys have been in the middle of a challenge. It was called: Nanny McClain.
Amber: Oh.... that's why you were dressed like that.
Chris: Yes. You had to complete 5 lessons to win. The team the completed all the lessons was Team Italy.
Team Italy: YES!
Cole: What lesson did we not complete?
Chris: The lesson of waking up when you are told.
Liza: Not true. When you woke us up, We all got up.
Chris: Not all of you. (points to the sleeping Sierra) See you guys tonight.


Liza: I bet you all know who I'm gonna eliminate. I mean, is it really that big of a surprise? (stamps Layla's passport)

Lance: I would vote off Sierra but, we're in an alliance. So, I'm going to vote for who she is voting off: Liza. Don't know why, but... She wants her gone for some reason. (stamps Liza's passport)

Layla: I would vote for Liza because she was so rude today! But, Sierra made us lose. Bye bye Sierra! (stamps Sierra's passport)


(Elimination room)
Chris: You have all voted. And the first one goes to... Lance.
Lance: YES!
Chris: Joss
Joss: (smiles and walks up and takes the piece of paper)
Chris: Amber.
Amber: YAY!
Chris: Chilly.
Chilly: YEAH!
Chris: Cole.
Cole: Bo YA!
Chris: Liza.
Liza: YES!
Chris: Layla. Sierra. There is only one more piece of paper. And it goes to.....................
Liza: (crossing figures) Please be Sierra. Please let Sierra stay and Layla leave.
Sierra: CRAP!
Chris: what?
Sierra: I lost connection. Did we leave London?
Chris: Yeah....
Sierra: Man! I need to get home and look up Cody's information! Chris? Can I leave?
Chris: Sure....
Sierra: thank you! Bye Lance!
Lance: bye...
Sierra: (jumps out of plane)
Layla: Looks like I'm staying.
Liza: Oh come on!
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! The plane got into a little struggle when we entered the Bermuda Triangle. We almost crashed s our challenge was the first one to touch the ground wins! Cole was the first one to touch the ground leaving Layla with out invincibility. Layla also showed Annie the confessional of Lia saying she DOES like Jordan and man was she mad. In the end, it was Layla taking the boot leaving Liza partying. Who will win? who will lose? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(first class)
(Liza, Annie, Cole, Rochelle, Amber, and Lance...
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Chris: last time on Total Drama Around the World! The north pole! Here the teens had to build skates and then race them. Liza cut Layla's forehead, Fawn made Rochelle and Lia fall into a lake that was -20 degrees. And Chilly got rockets to put on his skates In the end, Liza and Layla won invisibility and Chilly was sent packing. Who will win? Who will die- I mean lose? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(First class)
Lia: I don't even know why Layla picked me.
Liza: What ever the reason is, don't trust her.
Lia: I won't.
Amber: well, thanks again for letting me be in...
continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Alcatraz! The haunted jail. Here, the contestants had to try not to scream to win invisibility. They Merged. Rochelle and Annie saw Al capone. Chilly saw a ghost. And Joss and Lia didn't really see anything. In the end, It has Layla who won indivisibility. And even though Liza was voted off, Joss quit to get his love of his life farther in the game and maybe win. But will she? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-first class)
Liza: (holding onto Joss's necklace) (sigh)
Amber: I might have voted for you. But we're...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Italy! Here the contestants made a Pizza and Pasta dinner! The girls on Team Italy actually wanted to lose to get Draven eliminated. And boy was Draven mad. Also, Layla made Joss kiss her which made Liza mad. In the end, it was Fawn's falt for making her team lose because man Draven made that food GREAT! But in the end, It was Draven being sent packing. Now, Team Italy only has 4 girls while Team Germany has 7 players. Time to change that. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around the World!

(Theme song)

continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Africa. Again. There we played a friendly game of dodge-ball. Also, Annie found out that Jordan was a cheater. That's not all Jordan did. He got his own team out with his "bad" aim. Making his team lose the challenge. In the end. It was Jordan saying good bye. And saying something else that Annie will never know. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will think I'm sick for letting the losers have so much fun? On Total. Drama. Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-first class)
Fawn: 3rd time in here. Agggg... we're on a losing streak again.
Rochelle: we...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Poland! There each team had to build a sled out of 5 polls. Taylor did not have much luck here. She got her tongue stuck to a poll, got flung into the woods, and broke her arm. Not to mention that she was the one eliminated! Yep, Miss Clumsy is gone. But who will be gone next on Total Drama Around the World!!

(theme song)

(Non-first class)
Amber: So this is what non-first class fills like.
Lance: mhm
Amber: Is it always this boring?
Lance: mhm
Amber: can all you say is mhm?
Lance: mhm
Amber: okay then...
Liza: don't worry we'll get back in first class...
continue reading...
Chris: last time Total Drama Around the World! Australia! Also known as Down under! There the contestants had to catch a Kangaroo and ride it to the finish line. Oh and I forgot to mention our new contestant Amber! Anyways, in the team Italy lost sending Geoff out the plane to see Bridgette again. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will want to kill me after this episode but can't because I have better lawyer?! Find out all this and more on this episode of Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(Mess hall)
Chef: (putting some type of soup in the bowls for Team Italy) Eat up Losers!
Annie: I can't...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! China! The place where most toys are made. There Bridgette switch to team Germany. Then, each team had to make a toy. Bridgette and Geoff stepped out to make out, Alejandro locked Cole in a closet, and Layla and Liza had a cat fight. In the end Team Germany lost and Layla switched the votes to make Bridgette leave instead of her. Now with Bridgette gone, how will Geoff live. How will anyone live on Total Drama Around the World?!?!!

(theme song)

Geoff: (moving around restless on couch)
Annie: Geoff will you stop?
Jordan: Yeah that's...
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