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WTH 1 - Chapter 23 : Brotherly Contact

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Flash Back

Bill had been buying cigarettes. But on the way home, he was paralyzed and kidnapped by a ship. At the moment, when Alex was pausing in front of the nightclub, where he was working, his boss went out and wanted to talk to him. But in reality he was a polymorph, he hypnotized him
and paralyzed. And they were sucked by a ship.

End Flash Back

Mark was awakened by the same being he had seen in his room. He asked him to follow him telepathically. Then he accompanied her to a small room, where Bill and Alex were waiting. A violent argument broke out between the best friends. Alex thought it was Thomas's fault if they got kidnapped.

Morning, Cally was surprised to see Mark by his side and congratulated him for surviving. He said he had been with 2 acquaintances, and that they had to attend a conference with many other unknown people. She laughed and told him that they had played with her mind the first time she was kidnapped because he had sent Katy Perry for reassurance. But she ended up turning into draconian.

They joined the rest of the group. Everyone was surprised to see Mark. Cally told them directly that the aliens had created a false reality for Mark during his physical torture. Although he said it was wrong because he had just called Bill and Alex for confirmation, they had experienced the same thing. The group does not believe it.

The Queen Mary 2 arrived in New York, the passengers got off. Thomas walked Mark at the airport. He climbed to the back of his car. There was a long silence. Thomas reminded Mark that he did not want to see him anymore. Nikita was very fulfilled. Mark announced that he had seen Tall White. Nikita lost her smile and ordered Thomas to bring him down. Thomas furious stopped in the middle of the road and wanted explanations. Mark looked him straight in the eye and told him that Nibiru would soon hit Earth. And that the Tall White were the only ones able to stop the collision with a wall of protection. But that they relied on the awakens humans to do it. Thomas laughed and said that they thought they were the saviors of humanity because they no longer have a planet and are therefore forced to hide everywhere. Mark tells him that if the Tall White did not have a planet anymore, it's because draconians and reptilians have invaded their planet and chased them away. Thomas laughed and told him that it was normal since they did not want to submit to them, while humans yes. Then Mark ended by admitting that the Tall White were helping the landlords and that they had wanted to help him when they had manifested themselves in the form of orbs but had rejected them. Thomas replied that they felt threatened by strangers so it was normal, that it is called reptilian entities to chase them away. Mark told him he could cope by performing a regressive hypnosis to cut off all his relationships with entities of other dimensions. Nikita got angry because she suspected him of wanting to change Thomas's personality so that he would become more human. Mark countered by telling him that Cally had revealed to her that she was a hybrid, and that it was obvious because she and her sister had too many perfect bodies to be real humans. Nikita felt terribly insulted for free. They arrived at the airport. Thomas pulled Mark's suitcases out of his chest. Mark asked him why he did not want to be in a relationship with a human being? Thomas replied that he had never considered being in a relationship with someone less advanced than him.

A few hours ago,

<<< Flash Back

Bill had returned to the villa, excited to report his unexpected kidnapping by the Tall Whites. Finally, Tom was disappointed not to have been kidnapped too. But, he was worried that Nibiru would hit Earth, and so cause the Apocalypse. Bill proposed to his brother to have a regressive hypnosis session advised by the Tall White, to purify their souls and also to move because the villa had become much too unhealthy.

Alex went back to his sister's house. She revealed to him that he had disappeared for 1 days and that his boss had called. He told him about his meeting with the Tall White and was happy to tell him that Bill had finally realized that the reptilians were enemies and planned to make good resolutions, to have a better and healthier life. But he was still worried about Mark, who seemed not to have taken the conference very seriously.
And thought Thomas had completely bewitched him once more.

>>> End Flash Back

Weeks passed, Thomas went to Sabrina's. She revealed to him that she did not want to be her screenwriter anymore because she had found a better opportunity, chatting with Taylor and she had joined her little private sect. Thomas got angry and told him he was going to sell his apartment again. Then ends up scare him by losing human form. He revealed to him that he was actually a metamorphic hybrid and that he would not kill her because she was far too much of a feast for the lower astral entities. He resumed human form. But if she intended to denounce him as a shaman then he would make his life a nightmare.

A week passed, Thomas attended Vancouver Fashion Week, to admire Jesse, who was also a model. He attended all his parades. But was never in the front row, not to be noticed. When the parade was over, Thomas went to hide to see all the people coming out. Jesse went in his direction, just to greet him. Thomas asked him to drive him to the Stargate in his car. He accepted, though he did not really want to. Jesse congratulated him for getting engaged and asked if it was with his human. He told him no, that he had chosen Nikita and that Mark had definitely ended. But he revealed to him that thanks to him, he was able to build a long relationship in all discretion. So now, he was ready to engage seriously with a man, and asked him if he was single. He replied that he did not want to get back with him. But Thomas insisted that he was young and not sufficiently experienced and that he had to forgive him. Jesse laughed nervously, and asked him if he had reproduced what he had done to her. Thomas knew what he wanted to talk about. He replied that he had tried but that Mark was not a witness unlike him. A silence settled. And Jesse reproached him again for leaving his portraits drawn in his Instagram publicly, for he had the impression of being mistaken for a Muse without having given him his consent.

Thomas preferred to laugh and told him that he still had not left his heart. They arrived at the Stargate. Thomas wanted to kiss him but Jesse refused. Thomas asked him why he was constantly avoiding his look? Jesse preferred to tell him that he did not want him to read his thoughts or hypnotize him, but in reality he still had deep feelings, but since he was draconian, he was very proud. Thomas, disappointed, got out of his car and took the Stargate to go home.

A few days passed, Thomas encrusted himself at a birthday party. A "Jackson" friend of Mark was celebrating his 30th birthday. Thomas had sent him many messages because he wanted to see him again, but he always had an excuse. Thomas rang the bell, and Jackson's father opened the door. Thomas hypnotized him for him to enter. Another friend of Mark recognized Thomas, and knew he had kissed him in the neck after the picture he had broadcast. Everyone was pleased that he had joined the party, except for Mark, who found him extremely pitiful. Finally the evening, went well, Thomas was perfectly integrated. In the end, Thomas asked Mark to bring him back to the Vortex. He agreed, but he tampered with his GPS, indicating a very long way to his apartment. Which made Mark surprised to get home, and Thomas laughed. Mark reminded him that he had married Nikita. Thomas tells him that his audience ignores him, and that there is only his personal network, which has seen the pictures of weddings. But that he had the right to be married to a woman and to have another secret partner "man". Mark asked him to remove his wedding ring. Thomas smiled and asked him to remove it with his teeth. What he did. And he invited him home.


They did not waste time and undressed quickly. Thomas tackled Mark's lollipop directly. Mark took the opportunity to give him a massage of the scalp. After a moment, the voice of his best friend, sounded, alerting him that he had to remove a hair to know if he was really human. He also thought of the sight of his reptilian hands. Thomas felt that Mark was thoughtful because he had stopped his massage. So he stopped and stared into his eyes to read his thoughts. He told her to pull out a hair, but he knew he was too scared to know the truth so he would never do it. Mark replied that it was his inner little human soul that counted for him and not his physical outer body. Thomas did not expect such beautiful words and tried to know how much he loved him. So he told him that he had lost his human form, during his blood moon with Nikita because he had drunk a lot of magic potions. Mark was frightened by this idea and asked him if he had consumed a lot of it now. He replied that he consumed it daily for his psychic abilities and that there could always be a minor accident. But he always knew how to control himself. Mark told him that he trusted her completely, since there had never been this kind of incident during their sexual intercourse. Thomas was astonished at his understanding, and they took action naturally.


The next day, when Mark woke up, he was surprised because Thomas had prepared a good breakfast for him, and had drawn his own portrait and then published it in his instagram. He told her that he loved cooking rather than buying prepared foods like him. Then he offered to be his new co writer, on his next film about his personal life, but he should succeed in blocking his human emotions. He replied that he could not do it, so it was better he did not count on him. Mark asked him if he was still not interested in hypnosis like Bill and Tom. So Thomas explained to him that he did not want to relive periods of his past. Nor even know his previous lives.


Villa Tokio Hotel, Bill and Tom had been in nightclub, and were unhappy that they had been photographed by paparazzi. But they were surprised to find that they had, especially Bill orbs ready from them. Bill was excited and immediately thought of the Tall Whites. And called Sabrina.


Morgan and Sabrina had been thrown into the street, since Thomas had sold their apartment. They did street shows. Morgan was doing magic assisted by entities. And Sabrina danced, she also helped by entities.


Morgan got Bill's call, but Sabrina, too possessed, could not have a conversation with Bill, and she regularly lost consciousness. Sabrina finally fainted, so Morgan took her in his arms, and they teleported to Bill and Tom's house. People were stunned and thought it was part of the show.


Bill opened the door and did not understand why Sabrina had fainted. And especially why, they seemed so poor, worn out by life. Morgan said that Thomas had sold their apartment and that they lived in a metro. Bill told him that they had a guest room and that they should have warned them. But Sabrina regained consciousness and spoke in a foreign language, her eyes were white. Tom panicked and wanted them to leave, not wanting their new house to become haunted. And that she would become like Thomas. Bill reminded him that it was his son's mother and he would not leave her like this. And that they, too, had the soul damaged.


A little later, Alex ran to see Mark in his shop, because he thought first and foremost of Billy-Alexy, and wanted the number of Thomas to recover the demons of Sabrina. Mark told him that Thomas had decided to get help so he had to find another exorcist. Alex got upset that Billy-Alexy had lost his stepfather, half-sister and half-brother. And that they asked themselves many questions. And he added that Bill and Tom have collected demons at the exit of Box of Night, whereas they think that they are Talls Whites. They have not done hypnosis yet, because their appointment is not for now. Mark sighed and agreed to tell Thomas.


A few hours later, Mark called Thomas and told him the news. They then went to Bill and Tom. Thomas was absolutely not happy but he knew that it mattered to Mark let him do a good deed. He told her that Nikita was pregnant, and that he would have to sacrifice the baby as tradition dictates. Mark asked him why? Thomas replied, that it was a reptilian tradition to avoid a curse.


They arrived at Bill and Tom's house. Bill opened the door to Mark, and closed it when he saw Thomas, because Sabrina did not survive. Mark asked what had happened.
Bill explained to her that she had joined a sect and had made a deal, to get more powers, so she was connected with powerful entities that ended up completing it, when Thomas had already connected with his drunkard grandfather. Mark went back to Thomas and found him sleeping in his car. As he could not wake him, he pinched her nipples. He woke up abruptly, and took his wrist violently to stop him from doing this kind of thing in public. Then Thomas, opened a box, and offered him a ball so that he introduced it into Sabrina's mouth, before his body was recovered for various experiments. Mark got out of his car and went back to see the twins. Bill decided to introduce the ball into Sabrina's mouth and her body burned artificially, then disappeared. Bill, Tom and Mark were surprised by such technology and understood why no body of reptilians was ever found.


When Mark went back to see Thomas, he smirked and explained his new powers. He opened the doors remotely and turned on and off the headlights. Mark knew immediately that Thomas had contacted Sabrina. Thomas laughed and told him that it was normal after helping him in his earthly life to evolve, so she had to help him back. But suddenly, the car started to take off, then went down again brutally. Thomas became angry and told Sabrina that he would call powerful entities if she started provoking him again. Mark sighed, because he believed that Thomas had decided to drop the astral, and made him understand that he was completely dependent, and that he had to stop it and become autonomous. Thomas confessed to him that he had made a pact with Sabrina, to get help from a personal vengeance she could not realize in her earthly life. He preferred to change subjects and propose to Mark, to go to San Francisco in the neighborhood gay, but they should dress up as he was known.


They arrived at a shop, the salesman knew Thomas. He advised them to disguise themselves as Batman and Robin. Then he took a picture of them. Thomas ordered him not to publish the picture on Instagram. But when they left the shop, Thomas received a signal, warning him of the photo. Then they went to night club, and chained a few glasses of spirits to relax because Thomas was not used to being 2, face to face with a man in a public place. The dialogues were poor, and Thomas was very uncomfortable, Mark tried to put him in confidence. Finally Thomas asked him to sit on his lap, and they finally kissed and forgot about the people around them.
The evening ended, they went to a hotel. Finally Mark reserved a room and Thomas climbed the wall. Which reminded him of old memories when he joined Jesse at his hotel, after the filming of The Secret Circle.

The next day, Mark woke up alone in his bed. He left the hotel and saw Thomas's car parked, when he discovered it, he saw that Thomas seemed to have cried. He asked him what had happened. Thomas explained that Nikita had had an ultrasound, and that she was expecting twins, a girl and a boy. Mark was not surprised because Nikita had a twin sister and had a dead brother. But Thomas got angry because he told her that he should not talk about his brother in the past, because he always kept watch over him. And that to create the twins, it took human intimate juice, and this human had no twin. And it was he who had saved him from Hell, and he was ready to welcome him, if he wanted to commit suicide to join him. And he added that he will also welcome him (Mark), because he had become a very beautiful blond luminous angel. Mark was skeptical and asked him why he had suddenly manifested himself. Thomas replied that he had wanted to contact him because he did not know if he should kill his 2 children, or leave his daughter alive, because she would suffer from the lack of his brother like him. Mark told him he had to leave his children alive. Thomas replied that he should have been sacrificed, because his parents considered him weaker than his brother because he was the most emotional, and he would not survive if he was touched by the curse. He revealed to him that he was touched by this curse and that is why he had always had a disastrous life, since his childhood, because he should have died and find peace, but his parents preferred to let him live, to strengthen his character. Then Thomas called Sabrina to drive them to Mark's house by car. What she did.


When they arrived. Thomas and Mark kissed each other. But suddenly, Thomas felt the presence of his brother in the back seat of his car. He opened his eyes and saw him.
Mark felt freezing cold and stopped and asked when Nikita was going to give birth. Thomas tells him that when Nikita has laid his 2 eggs, they will have to wait for hatching.
Mark was surprised to hear the words "eggs" and "hatching". He returned home, and decided to investigate life after death, because he suspected that his twin brother
actually returned to the earthly dimension when he told her that he had joined the light.


Later, Thomas went to the twins, kissed Nikita, and told him that it was better to sacrifice their 2 children. She saw no problem, then he asked Anthony if he wanted to accompany him and carry out a small murder between friends in France. He jumped out of the sofa and agreed.


After a few hours of flight, in the city of "Grenade" (France) ....


Anthony, ran into a police station to alert the gendarmes that there was an exhibitionist. They thought of a joke, and followed him. Indeed, they saw a young man with a curly blonde wig, wearing a raincoat, barefoot, sitting on a bench. And tried to flee, but ran rather slowly. A policeman caught him and pinned him to the ground and handcuffed him. Thomas told him that he had just realized his greatest fantasy. The policeman took him directly to the police station. After a severe interview with Thomas, who remained calm, he was placed in a cell and put on a prisoner's uniform. Then, Anthony removed the bars of Thomas's cell with the help of his entities and gave him a bag.


A policeman took the evening meal to Thomas. He told her that he preferred to exchange a "policeman Appearing called Max "against his applesauce.He told him that he should not hope he was delivered.He told him that he would be willing to stay all his life in this cell, just for him The policeman went to call him, Max arrived, Thomas took off his prisoner's clothes and he was in leather, he lifted the mattress, and put out handcuffs, Max was absolutely not against the sadomasochistic practices and let him do it. Thomas straddled him and stared at him, his eyes became reptilian and he hypnotized him so that he would not scream and let himself go completely. "He changed his index finger into a reptilian finger and cut his throat slightly so that he dies gradually, then he calls all his contacts from the astral, so that the entities can help him carry out his morbid ritual ordered by Sabrina.He then took a hammer and a machete in each hand and smashed it 33 times. He finished by taking a scalpel, and engraved on him a inverted pentagram on the belly. He drank his blood around his neck, and spat it out to sign Sabrina. And he put a ball in his mouth, so that his body disappears without a trace, just a pool of blood.


Then he amused himself with snapping his fingers. The door of his cell opened, he amused himself by bursting the blisters and exploding the computers. By telekinesis, he recovered the weapons from the hands of the police and broke them. Anthony, arrived and told him that he had to perform his ritual and no longer needed to sow terror, because it would eventually explode like the police station because it had caused some fires. He listened. And they left the police station, which soon exploded.


The next day, Jade waited for Mark in front of her shop because she wanted to talk to him. They went to his place. She asked him haughtily what did he know about Thomas that they did not know? While he was a vulgar human sexual entertainment for him. Mark got upset and told him that, indeed, he had confided in him because he needed to talk to a human more understandable about certain topics than the reptilians, not having enough empathy to understand, and that he had to wait for his film to better understand his personal life. She felt insulted and told him that anyway if Thomas had been with him, it was just because he was thinking about Bob Morley, because he certainly had never wanted to be with him. He asked him where was Thomas. She simply told him that he had gone off to commit murder with Anthony. Mark did not believe his ears. He preferred to enchainer, and tell him if it was possible that an astral being pretends to be a false person? She answered very honestly that yes. And ended by asking him if in the trailer of the film, there was a clue to one of his secrets? He did not know that his movie was already ready. She gave him the name "Lost in the White City".


Later, when Jade returned. She found Anthony and told him that she had seen Mark and that Thomas told him secrets and that they would be revealed in the film.
They immediately thought that Thomas wanted to break up with Nikita and get on with Mark. And thought he had preferred to announce it publicly instead of talking to him seriously. Jade furious, went to tell Nikita who was in full intimacy with Thomas. She opened the bedroom door and Thomas told her that she could become encrusted, but she preferred to tell her sister immediately that he was going to end up getting divorced and put herself with her human. Thomas knew there had been a misunderstanding of movies, so he pushed Nikita, and got out of bed completely naked, and called Mark, and locked himself in the toilet for explanations.


Mark had seen the trailer and got angry because he had seen excerpts from Thomas and Bob Morley, while he thought the film would be more serious than a love triangle. So Thomas tells him that he was mistaken about a movie and did not want to tell him about it so he would not get angry. Mark did not believe him and revealed to him that he had read an article about the explosion of a police station in Grenada located in France and that they had found a mysterious blonde wig, similar to the one he had seen in his room . Then he contacted Bill to see if there was a connection with Sabrina. Thomas ends up revealing to him that Sabrina had wished that he kills his ex boyfriend by revenge and that she counted kill all the people she had attended. The toilet light went out. Thomas dropped his cell phone because he was claustrophobic and could not get out. He screamed and panicked. Mark decided to warn Bill. Later, Anthony and Jade landed at Mark's house and asked him to join them because they could not get Thomas out of the bathroom because the entity was too powerful for them. They counted on Mark because they thought maybe the love between him and Thomas was going to be the solution and get the entity going.


When they arrived, Mark wanted to turn around, because the apartment was filled with candles and occult objects. But Anthony, Jade and Nikita forced him to stay and reminded him that he should have been dead for a long time, if Thomas had not saved him. And that he was the only one who could reason Sabrina. Mark approached the bathroom door and asked him to stop disturbing Thomas. The music stopped, the lights went on and the door unlocked. Thomas was curled up. And Mark was surprised to see him naked. Nikita got angry and told him they had an intimate relationship but apparently he preferred him. Thomas went off to put on his nightgown and then explained to them that there had been a misunderstanding about his 2 films. Then he asked Nikita, Jade and Anthony to leave them alone. Thomas told him that his brother had appeared to reassure him that he was no longer afraid in the bathroom. And Mark said that it was weird that he could not do anything to help him out. And he added that he had made inquiries on the internet, and had read that the entities could pretend to be anyone, and so he was not sure whether his brother or Sabrina really was. The twin brother of Thomas appeared, he was blond, extraordinarily beautiful, and totally luminous with white wings at the back of his back. And disappeared. Mark, scared, decided to leave the room. But Nikita told him he had to annihilate Sabrina, find a way so that she does not come near Thomas anymore. At that moment, Thomas left his room, possessed, and revealed that he was going to kill Antonio, his girlfriend and his 2 children in France. Mark, she says that if she really wants her husband, she'd better denounce him, to help him. Then he went home.


The next day, Mark read the news, he learned that Thomas had been arrested while driving, drunk and possessed of weapons and drugs. He then called Bill to tell him the news and asked if they were protecting themselves with Macaulay, because he felt like he had changed and acquired some faculties. Bill told him that he felt completely different and that's why he expected to be hypnotized with Tom, as if he had several personalities in him. Mark revealed to him that the intimate reptilian juice could modify the human genome. Bill was quite surprised and told him that in one episode of The Magician Series, an actress drank the juice of a demon and then she became possessed and stronger.