Tiva Fan Fiction Club
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A/N: Small chapter, I apologise but I promise the next one is like OMG!Tiva. I used a bit of the dialouge from promos in this chapter, just to clarify things. I'm trying to make my own fic but incorporating spoilers too. Not much to say here... Awkward.
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS.
Song: Little Secrets by Passion Pit.


They all knew one thing, it was going to be a long day...

Who really cares if Eli was found. Now it was Ziva who wanted to disappear and crawl down a hole that would take her to a wonderland, where she would be able to have a grip on her life for once. She was sick and tired of living her life pleasing her father after her mother passed away and he had become director of Mossad; becoming an NCIS agent and American Citizen lead her on a path to a new life that she wanted.

She had finally reached ground floor and found herself running out of the elevator to the parking lot. Ziva could hear Tony running behind her, shouting her name, almost breathless, but she refused to look back and focus on reaching her car. She fumbled with the keys but finally opened the door and began to reverse but Tony had already gotten in sitting besides her in the passenger seat.

They had drove for what seemed like for hours, even though it had been a matter of seconds. They had now found themselves among the streets of Washington D.C. The sound of blaring horns, screaming people, blur of landmarks were now ever so present.

"Ziva, slow down.", said Tony worried.
"No, it is keeping me sane", she said neutrally.
"Come on, We'll stop for coffee and talk for a while".
"Sick and tired of living my life for that bastard, seriously".

Ziva then accelerated and began to swerve between cars while Tony just sat there gripping his chair.
"I like Grand Theft Auto and feeling like a cop in car chases but dude is this fast", joked Tony.
Her eyes remained on the road, "We are being followed by that black SUV."
He turned around before he heard the sound of a car tyres screeching becoming more dominant in his ears. Unexpectedly, the black car that followed them had crashed into the rear of the car pushing them forward but being restraint by their seat belts.

The car remained stationary while the engine remained running. Tony instantly looked at Ziva, who had one small scratch to her cheek, but otherwise seemed fine - like himself. She only looked at him for a second before the both of them stepped out of their car with their guns already at hand as they approached the other vehicle.

The other two passengers were on the bonnet of their car, smiling slyly. One of them who she recognised to be Ben-Gidon Malachi; the other remained without a name who was female in about her mid-20s with caramel coloured skin, hair and eyes.
"Is that you, Malachi?
"Hello, Ziva", he spoke slowly smiling.
"Oh goodie, the Israelis are back in town", said Tony sarcastically under his breath.
"Drop your weapon", said the woman harshly.
Ziva began to put her weapon away, "And you are?"
"Mossad Officer Liat Ria", she said as extended her hand which Ziva cautiously shook as she introduced herself.
"Okay, I'm Tony and enough with the name game. But what the hell is Mossad doing all the way in the States?"
Liat laughed wryly, "You honestly don't think they would send Eli here for some conference without any officers here to protect him? His a high value target and valuable asset as Director. He sent us to track you down, he wants to speak with you".
Ziva just rolled her eyes at how highly Liat spoke of him and reached up to whisper in Tony's ear, "I think I'll take that coffee now."


A/N: Read and review and I will love you. Just realised that rhymes, yayaya. ^_^
Anyone realise that if you rearrange the letters of Liat and Ria, It makes Tali and Ari? x)