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A/N: Thank you everyone who reviewed,you all rock! Y'all definitely brought a smile to my face, the more feedback – the fast I update. Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes, just eager to get this oven and done with and didn't spellcheck – will do later. Advice? Listen to song while reading, gets you into my state of mind.
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS.
Song: In My Veins by Andrew Belle.




Suddenly, a little red dot appeared on Tony's chest to the sound of a gunshot ringing through the distance...

"TONY!" screamed Ziva as she plunged across the table to the sound of plates and glasses smashing, as she pushed Tony to the ground. In the corner of her eye, she saw the flicker of a bullet as it pierced and ricochet into the solid wall behind them.

The commotion of the room was blurred by the hysterical screams and the panic quickly engulfing. McGee already has weapon drawn out trying to get everyone to safety with the help of Palmer and Brina, Abby was dialling Gibbs number as she spoke so fast that people could barely understand her, Ziva was... well, Ziva.

Ziva was like a lioness protecting her cub, her body providing warmth and protection as she lay on top of Tony. She tried to stabilise her uneven breathing while Tony laid there still – the only sign of life was the movement of his chest rising and falling regularly.
"Always preferred it on top, huh?" whispered Tony breathless.
She smiled slightly, "Like they say, fourth time's a charm..."

He weakly smiled at her as those words rang through his ears; he was stumbling in and out of unconsciousness, eyes gradually closing, blood rushing from his and if this was how death felt like – he wanted to make sure that Ziva was the last voice he heard that he would always have. The sound of the room seemed almost silent as tears began to well up in Ziva's eyes and began to murmur No, no, no...


The clock struck midnight to welcome a beginning of a new day. Tony opened his eyes to a dimly lit room... The cold, hard surface was pressed against his back as cotton blankets were wrapped around his figure. He was feeling a bit of dissatisfaction as he expected heaven to be more glamorous: like a mysterious alternate universe like Avatar or a place surrounded by clouds and magical sky like in The Lovely Bones. 'Wait a minute', Tony thought, 'Am I in Autopsy?' He faintly pushed himself up to see a place where death prevails to be one of the most beautiful sights on earth.

Ziva sat still in her chair equipped with a bottle of bourbon in the corner of the room; Tony eyes met hers for a moment as he pushed him off the Autopsy slab. His was walking slightly unstable, only intensified by throbbing pain but he was able to make his way next to Ziva. The air remained silent but their eyes spoke a thousand words of things that still remained unspoken. This moment they were in reminded them of a time in which they

"Getting the Gibbs habit of drinking a bottle of bourbon in your basement?" said Tony who was already extending his hand to reach for the bottle.
"No, I rarely ever drink... Tony. And we are not in Gibbs basement, we are in Autopsy and before you ask – you are alive or I would be speaking to myself. Ducky said you should not be drinking though but it might help you with your pain, you have been unconscious for some time now".
"Drinking your sorrows away because of me, huh?" asked Tony lightheartedly.
"Of many things, I need somebody to talk to" Ziva admitted.
"Plight me with liquor and I'm all ears".

She took one more swig of the bourbon as it burned on the back of her throat; she passed it to Tony who had moved his chair closer and was now observing her thoughtfully. He gripped onto the bottle and took a satisfying gulp which not only delighted him for it dimmed the pain in his shoulder; it had also come into contact with the luscious lips of Ziva David. 'What a lucky bottle', he thought as he had a sudden urge to burst out laughing.

The proximity between the two was very close that their bodies were nearly touching; the sexual tension running between the pair was almost overkill. Tony waited for her to begin to speak; he could see her trying to put the pieces together to tell him whatever she needed to say.

"Tony, the past few months have been really hard for me."
"You know I've always been here for you, Ziva", he whispered.
"It has taken me this long to talk to you about it because I didn't know what to say, how you would react, not knowing who to talk to about it, trying to focus on rebuilding my life, never having the confidence and losing a large part of me back in Israel" spoke Ziva slowly and clear.
"Come on, Ziva. You have to acknowledge these memories and let them go".

She sighed. There was no way of escaping this conversation she had been escaping for months now."Ask a question, I will give a simple answer of everything you want to know", she said.
"Where did you go all those moments surrounding Somalia?" he simply asked.
"Well, Tony, you already know most of the part of my story before I became an official NCIS agent about me completing the rest of Rivkin's mission and how I ended up being captured by a cell in Somalia. So, I will start from Somalia. Saleem had captured myself, he had provided me with adequate food + water, I was given a bucket of water per day to clean myself, He tested serums on me like I was a lab rat, He would abuse me + inflict pain to try and attempt to steal information away from me – I was stubborn, I was not a traitor of NCIS but he found ways to inflict more pain on me. From time to time, the thirty or so men would try to get me sexually involved but I resisted and let's say their tactics can only get them so far. They have tore the soul and life away from me, I wished that I was dead, every minute. I waited for my father to come, he always found me no matter what – he never came and I have no idea why the hell is Eli coming now if you were wondering. When you came, you were the last person I expected to come, especially through all the pain I put you through. I then realised that the NCIS team was whom was always there to save me and you were always there catching me, just in case I fell. I've let go of this painful memory now..."
Tony could feel his fingers ball up in to a fist, he was glad that Saleem – the bastard – was dead.

Tears were now suddenly pelting down her face as she cried uncontrollably. Tony instantly moved close to her and wrapped his arms around her figure and hugged her close to his chest, she buried her face into his shoulder as she sobbed while he sat their trying to comfort her. He had never seen Ziva so emotionally-stricken and weak in his life, it pained him seeing her like this.

"It's all my fault" whispered Ziva weakly.
"It's not your fault, Ziva. It never was. Your job was only to be Ziva who is a very independent woman. Intelligent, successful, professional. The girl who is like a ninja with her all kick-ass moves, one who makes those hilarious idiom mistakes and be my partner".
Ziva giggled as she wipped the tears away from her face, "My life may be pretty messed up but at least I don't have as many as enemies as you".
"Got that right, Probie-Wan Kanobie" said Tony who was now grinning.


Tony walked closely next to Ziva as they walked into the bullpen, they could hear Gibbs going insane.

"Where the hell is Eli David, McGee?" screamed Gibbs.
"Um... I don't know boss, did you want me to find out?" murmured Tim frightened.
"TRACK. HIM. DOWN. NOW!" raising his voice to her a whole a new level as he slammed his hand across the table that no one dare to be within a fifty metre radius of him.
"Okay, boss... On it."

"Ziva, drive Tony home and make sure he gets home safe. I want you there on protection duties for the next twenty-four hours since Vance can't even get off his ass and assign me some damn good agents", growled as he pointed at the pair.

Sure, their only thought should be not pissing Gibbs off but it looked like they were planning on breaking Rule #12 very soon...


A/N: Noticed that I used the words to describe her from Obsession? Probably because I'm pretty sure he was talking about her. I apologise for preventing to be descriptive of her times, I just don't like writing about issues that I don't have much knowledge or developed empathy with yet. Sorry it's a bit lengthy but I figured it all worked well together and y'all probably want more Tiva goodness, the next chapter may have less of it though. Not sure that you like the angst but I'm trying to combine a bit of everything! READ AND REVIEW! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! xoxo.
posted by Ms_Montana
NCIS (Tony & Ziva)

Get air

You found me
Snow. Everywhere. It was annoying. Ziva sat in her bed; she just woke up and looked out of the window. In the room it was warm and cozy. She wanted to go for a short run. Today was her free day. She wanted to use her day off for something useful, but with the snow masses it was difficult. So she sat in her bed. Ziva put a cup with tea on her bedside table and stood up. In her closet she couldn’t find warm clothes for jogging. Only coats. Many coats in almost every color. After 10 minutes of searching,...
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posted by mossheart1235
This was actually going to be my submission for the TFFF, but I changed my mind. I hope you enjoy it, though :)

In her apartment, Ziva watched news of an explosion, from somewhere across the country. Tony had been sent on an undercover mission in Los Angeles, working with NCIS Los Angeles team. Ziva hoped that he was all right. She had to tell him something important.
Her cell phone rang. She picked it up, not recognising the number. “Hello?”
“Ziva?” It was one of the L.A. Agents.
“Agent Callen? What is going on?”
“That news of an explosion on TV? You watching it?”
“Yes. Why?”...
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AN: I JUST NEED TO LET THIS OUT, but please don't throw sticks and stones because this ain't finished yet. Please don't get angry at me.

Disclaimers: I love my brother so much.

He already handed over his resignation letter to Vance.

He isn’t sure whether Vance liked the fact that he was resigning. He doesn’t have to wonder any longer.

“Are you sure of your decision, Agent DiNozzo?”

“Yes sir.” Tony replied with all the conviction he could muster.

“Does Agent Gibbs know about this?”

“I will let him know as soon as possible.” He turns...
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posted by iheartwheaterly
I own nothing, but in this story i finish the ''movie'' they watch in jurisdiction!

As Tony reached for the popcorn, he relised Ziva had fallen asleep. He grabbed the popcorn, and she awoke. ''Want me to take you home?'' he asked. ''No, I'm going to the autopsy.'' Ziva got up and stumbled, but Tony caught her. Tony decided just to carry her there.
She fell asleep in his arms, when he put her down she awoke again. ''Can I ask you a question Tony?'' ''Sure, my ninja.''

''Do you feel like.. you are in love with someone?'' Tony had a smile on his face. ''Why?'' he said. ''Because , I'm in love with...''...
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posted by maddy12
Hi! This is my first proper fanfiction.. umm.. and I hope you all like it :)


He loved watching her sleep. To him, she was the most beautiful women in the entire world. The way the early morning sun flowed through the gap in the curtains onto her beautiful body, it was enough to take his breath away, he knew he was so lucky to have her. Her creamy caramel skin contrasted beautifully with the crisp, white bed sheets. She was truly stunning. Her chocolate brown hair spread around the pillow, rather like a halo. It was moments like this that would stay in his mind forever and he was quite happy...
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Rating: K+
Words: 943
Summary: Set directly after the warehouse scene. Mainly thoughts about everything.

Radiation poisoning meets metaphor


Radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning was bad. Really bad. Ziva thought so. In her mind Radiation let people think about their death. It let people think about other people’s death. It let people think about a specific person’s almost death. And that was the problem with radiation poisoning. That was the problem with bombs. That was the problem with everything that could kill people.

Come on, Ziva. His sentence echoed in her mind. Like a little...
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Two black silhouettes

Rating: K+
Words: 383
Summary: A short moment in Paris…

Two black silhouettes are lying in a cozy bed in the middle of the night. When one of them changes the position, the other one does so too. Like magnets they are bond together, they aren’t able to leave the other alone.
She opens her big brown eyes. Her hand is in his hand. Her lover. Her co-worker. Her soulmate. She walks on the balcony of the small of hotel room. Her lungs fill with cold, fresh air; it nearly brings her to tears. It’s still early morning and the sun begins to rise on the horizon. Only a short,...
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posted by TabbyLover
What The Heart Wants
Chapter 1: In the Ladies' Room?

What had driven Ziva to this point in life? Every time she had given her heart to someone, they always ended up giving it back to her in tiny little pieces, so tiny that she could never put them back together. But now her heart was whole once more and she didn’t even know why. Was it because she was selfishly in love, or was it because she knew that the special someone in her life was the one and he didn’t even know it. How much longer would Ziva have to keep her feelings hidden in the closet?

Would she always have to carry this love and...
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(Rating: K/ Word Count: 1498)

It was Tuesday. As Ziva rode the elevator up to the bullpen alone, she could not avoid dwelling on the last three weeks. A desperate search to find Jackson Gibbs, days of terror, a thrill of relief at seeing his kind, if exhausted, face, blessedly unharmed, the fearsome crack crack of two gunshots during the rescue–-and suddenly, just like that, it was over. Paloma and Alejandro lay dead in the battle, McGee shaking as he replaced his gun in its holster and ran to Jackson’s side.

Today was boring, but boring was a relief. It was just another Tuesday, just the...
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added by Lie_to_Me_123
BetaArtemis @ YT ||
posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva POV
The music ends. He slowly removes his hand from her face.
I’m blushing… I wish I had a break on the floor to crawl. I need some… space…
I run to the mini bar, I’m needing a cold drink.
-Please, give me a cold margarita.
-Are you alright ma’am? Your cheeks are a little red. –The waiter says.
-Ah ah... –I hear McGee laughing, and even don’t seeing I know that Gibbs is smiling. This only makes my cheeks turning even redder.
- I’m fine. I just need a cold drink. –I say.
-Ziva look to that knife there on the mini bar.-Gibbs says.
-Yes, I’m seeing it, what does it have?
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posted by Ms_Montana
Life after you

The sun rose in morning. The sun sank down on the horizon at the end of the day. Day after day. Time passed by unnoticed. Rain drops fell from sky and dried up again. Wind blow through the city and the skyscrapers. Leaves lay under big trees. Children ran through the streets. Flowers lost the last colour. Autumn was a beautiful season of the year. Autumn should be a beautiful season.

Everyone needed a personal life. Everyone deserved happiness. Everyone wanted someone to cry out at his shoulder. Important content in life. All this wasn’t important for her. She wanted vengeance....
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva POV

I see him, he is rigth there, in front of me, sitting on his chair, with his feet on his table, probably reading one of "those" magazines... He will never know how much he irritates me... so probably he will never now about the chills I have everytime his eyes cross mine, or about how he makes me sing mentally, but more than that he will never know how much I love him. Yes, I admit, I'm not stronger as I seem... if I was maybe I would tell him everything I feel.
He is looking at me now, and a stupid fever is crushing down on me, I'm being consumed with the desire of kiss him. But I...
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Tim made his way to the bullpen after briskly jogging off the elevator he set his workload down on his desk and stopped as he noticed Abby leaning on Gibb’s desk…his coffee was there but he wasn’t.

“Hi Abby” He smiled

“Your late Timmy..” She smiled back.

“I know…I know” He was about to sit when he was stopped by the footsteps of his boss.

“Sorry Boss…I nearly overslept”

Gibbs nudged the Goth.

“Oh! Yeah….your going to be training today.”

He looked at Abby.


“Nope…well kind of… your going to train with our newest probie.”

He smiled.

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added by Lie_to_Me_123
Made by Kaylia1991 on YouTube.

Rating: K+
Word Count: 1.479
Summary: The story is about Tony and his meeting with Louisa. Italics are flashbacks.

The blood in his veins froze. Tony was sitting on the most uncomfortable chair in his whole life and that made him crazy. Being a nervous wrack would be overstated, but it hit the mark. It was just a cheap, plastic seat. Not ideal for hospitals. Relatives and friends, who spent 24 hours here, needed something better, he thought. Beside him, in front of him and everywhere around him – A rush of colours running up and down the hallways. Nurses with clothes, coloured like the...
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added by obsessedbyncis
my first vid ever... so dont rate to hard. thanks.
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
CREDIT: kdmmertz
added by Lie_to_Me_123
Made by Silviapg on YouTube.