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posted by soccergal39
----"Can't unsay what you hearrdd....'cause you heard me right. And i won't try to fight 'em back or hide my feelings for you, I unapologiizee!"--Carrie Underwood, unapologize. aka, best song EVER! seriously, I will give you props once i figure out how if you listen to that song!!!!

disclaim: Don't own NCIS or anything but some dvds and the reruns i watch. or songs. sorry, it's the sad truth ;( ONE DAY, Don Bellisario!

****Friday Morning****

---"Why hello, my overly late partner! May i ask why you are late?" the womanizing movie freak that was tony dinozzo inquired of his partner.

"see, that depends. Would you like to live till lunch?" exotic beauty ziva david quipped.

"I was planning on it, but hey? I'm all for something new and different."

Their burly caffeine obsessed boss came sauntering in at the moment tony was reaching ziva's desk. He greeted him with a smack and a "Hey, dinozzo! personal space? ever heard of it?"

"Hey she threatened me first, boss! It was self defense!"

"You ever fought ziva? Self defense doesn't really matter when a foot with as much force as a roller coaster's hitting you in the gut."

Ziva smirked and answered his question. "Well, tony, i was late because i actually had something important to do last night, and i overslept."

"Something, or someone?" DiNozzo countered.

"Tony, for your personal safety, i think you'd better just not ask me that right now. Or ever, really, but right now especially!"

"Listen to her, DiNozzo." Leroy Jeathro Gibbs advised as he sat at his desk, watching this whole thing with an amused expression on his face.

"Hey! Since when did you start taking her side?!" Tony whined.

Ziva just let out a small chuckle.

Gibbs just turned and said "Let's just say we have a common idiot in our lives."

Tony scrunched up his face in a very puzzled manner, much like a small child.

"DiNozzo, can I help you with something?" Ziva wondered.

"No, why would you say that?"

"You have been staring at that stapler for the past 10 minutes. All you have to do is press down!"

"Wait, what? Really? 10 minutes? I spaced out that long?"

"Yes. You didn't even flinch when McGee called you DiDummy."

Tony pivoted his chair to face the tech genius. "Listen, McMeany! I'm not a DiDummy," he turned back to the Israeli assassin, "and as for you, my ninja, I am very aware of how to work a stapler. All i was trying to do is figure out who the common idiot is.

"Trust me, you are not making any progress."

With that, the team went back to work from the last case. After a short while, the team got called in to di-fuze a bomb at a courthouse in Alexandria. Once they returned to the squad room, Ziva strutted over to the boss's desk.

"Here is the document you requested. Now if you'll excuse me...." with her voice slightly cracking like chilled glass in march at the end.

"yeah, sure." Gibbs agreed.

He wore such a knowing expression that tony knew they were in on something. Per their usual arrangement, Tony followed her into the lady's room.

"What was that about?" Tony asked.

"Why such an interest in my personal life?" Ziva countered.

"Well, I am a VERY caring person, as you know."

"No, seriously. Why do you care?"

"I really would rather not say, but trust me, it's a good one."

"Why do I even bother?" Ziva pondered out loud.

"Bother with what?"

"Try to get a straight answer out of you. Try to be friends. I honestly can't remember why anymore." And with that, she turned and pushed her way out of the door and into the squad room.

Still curious and deeply troubled, Tony went through the day staring at her and trying to read her expression. But she was trained by the best, and gave no hint of what happened in the bathroom. So he resorted to something he never had even dreamed of needing to do before.

"McGoogle, I need your help. Meet me outside to go get a drink after work." tony asked.

"Okay, but what is this about?"

"Probie, probie, probie. Don't you know better than to question the judgment of a senior field agent? Just come, okay? I really need you on this."

"OK, then."

So the day when on. Finally, after staying 3 extra hours with nothing to do but count tiles and convince Ziva and Gibbs to arm wrestle, (Ziva totally got crushed, poor mad assassin!!!) Gibbs finally released them. So McGee met Tony outside. McGee watched wordlessly as tony motioned for him to get into his car and sit in the passenger seat. Goodness knows this was hard not to comment, especially since Tony sped off toward the part of town where absolutley NOWHERE they usually go was located, but tony looked like he could start crumbling at any moment, so mcgee sat in the car silent while they drove toward the bar near Union Station. Of course. He wanted nobody to seem them that they know. This must be huge.

"Keep your pants on, probie. This'll be worth the wait, trust me."

So they walk in and they sit at the actual bar.

"Probie, what i'm about to tell you is SO classified beyond top level/top secret, if you tell ANYONE, you WILL go to jail. Assult of an officer. Got it?"

"Well, duh tony! You took us all the way to union station for god's sake!"

"Now is not the time to mock. I need your help with something."


"It's about a, a, a,...."

"A what tony? You're starting to freak me out here!"

"I can't even form the word right now."

So he took the napkin, and wrote shakily..


"Somebody pinch me. Seriously. I need to wake up from this beautiful, beautiful, dream."

Tony wrung his skin so hard it had a welt for the rest of the night!

"Gee, thanks DiNozzo. Now i can help you with her, but you need to tell me what's been going on. Cut the cute, too. We all know it's Ziva."

So tony proceeded to recount everything from the night they first met and shared pizza and Italian words, to how he felt when he had to leave her for Jeanne and his lingering feelings for her, to the elevator after the war game, to Michael, to how he was TOTALLY going to still say he couldn't live without her even without truth serum more potent than Sodium Pethonal. Then there was the stress of being in Paris with her,sharing a blanket on the plane with her to Mexico, and then not being able to show up at her citizenship ceremony and how much that crushed him.

McGee listened with a very sympathetic and with a surprising amount of empathy. At the end, he was actually able to come up with some pretty good and straightforward advise. "Tony, she already knows you care about her, or she hopes you do really badly. You just need to go up to her and tell her EXACTLY how you feel."

"I always get tounge-tied and stuff. How can i beat that?!"

"Easy! You should just pretend she's any other girl. How would you talk to her then?"

"that's just the point, though. She's NOT any other girl off the street. She's ziva. she's just so, i don't know! She sees right through me, and actually likes what she sees beneath it. That's NEVER happened before!!"

"man, you've really got it bad, huh?"

"McGoo, you have no idea."

So they paid and went their separate ways home. McGee dreamed of the golden computer with unlimited memory, while dinozzo dreamed of ziva, just like every other night. When they came in the next morning, they found Gibbs looking sullen and NO Israeli goddess to liven up tony's view of the burnt orange wall. Ziva ALWAYS beat him to work, unless she took a long jogging route or missed her bus.

"Gibbs, where's our little probette?"


"WHAT?! She chooses TODAY to be sick?"

"Don't you dare blame this on HER, dinozzo. You chose today to grow a pair and show her how you really feel, didn't you!? Well guess what? It's too late. You didn't try hard enough this time, and guess what? We need you in briefing. This is now an official case."

The 2 flabbergasted agents sprinted up the stairs 2 at a time to keep pace with the fuming ex-sniper. When they finally made it to the conference room, they saw Vance with a half-chewed toothpick peeking out of his mouth, and his expression as grim as gibb's.

"Can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on around here? Tony and Ziva can have a fling and abby and i can't?! Where's the justice in that?" McGee challenged.

"McGee, cool it! This is serious! You all wanna know what's been going on around here? Fine! But you gotta shut up and show me first. Here's how it's going down. For the past 3 months, Ziva has been feeling she's being followed. We took these pictures from the security cameras at the restaurant across the street from the apartment building she's renting from. Abby ran facial recognition, but the quality was only able to allow for 2 concrete points that she could run. It's enough, thankfully. We were able to find out it was Michael's younger brother, Azzan Rivkin. He was in the arms game, just not terrorism, so he was a very small blimp on mossad's radar. However, he was able to overcome her power, and she's not alone in his holdup. He's got another hostage."

"Who?!" DiNozzo asked.

"We know her well. It's a woman by the name of Jeanne Benouir."

Gibbs's jaw dropped for a half a second, and then his expression just turned into one of "oh, great. Here we go again. Why can't this man just make up his mind! McGee just looked ready to burst out laughing, until he remembered Ziva was in there, too.

"Only, there's one twist. She doesn't want to be rescued."

It was Gibbs who was first to reply to his agent's look of utter disbelief.

"Yeah, you know that document she gave to me yesterday? It was a letter to Tony, with her last will and testament. Agency's having it read tomorrow."

"Wait, what! She's dead!!!?" Tony looked ready to have a panic attack, followed by avalanches of water pouring out of his eyes.

"Nope, but she's confident she will be if we follow her wishes. Eli's not doing a THING to save his daughter, that savage bastard."

"Well, we're going to have to disobey her orders, won't we boss?" McGee concluded.

"Well, he's got a 7 man rotation pattern outside the permieter, maximum usage of cameras fed into his computers at all times, aerial and ground, it's mission impossible.

Tony liked the sound of that.