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posted by mossheart1235
I watched Aliyah last night and came up with this in my head. This is how I'd wished it had gone.

“You jeopardised your entire career and for what?” Ziva snarled.
“For you.” He said it so softly she almost wasn't sure if he had said it.
Her right hand swung up, to punch him no doubt (frankly, he didn't blame her, he'd already punched himself twice) but he was prepared and caught her wrist before it made contact with his face. Her other hand barely came up before he'd grabbed that wrist also. Without thinking, he pushed her around a column and into a corner. Ziva tried to wiggle her way out of her grip, but he saw that coming, and planted his hand just above her head, her wrists still trapped.
“Let go of me, Tony.” Ziva hissed.
“I'm not scared of you, Ziva.” Tony said softly. “I don't care if you're going to kill me, you have to at least hear me out.” Ziva stopped struggling and looked at him, anger still flashing in her eyes. So Tony continued.
“Rivkin was using you.” Tony said softly. “In two ways. One, your father was beginning to doubt your loyalty to Mossad and sent Rivkin to seduce you and bring you back. Two, he needed an excuse to remain in DC. He was trying to find a terrorist's training camp and the camp had links in L.A. And DC.”
“How do you know this?” Ziva snapped.
“Someone's coming.” Tony pulled her further into their corner, just enough to melt into the shadows. He no longer could see her expression but knew it was not good.
“How do you know this, Tony?” she repeated. “Did you get it from the cow's mouth?”
“It's horse's mouth, Ziva, and yes I did.”
“How could you have?” Ziva snarled.
“I was having a conversation with Vance and her forgot to hit the end button before he had his special meeting with your father.” At that, Ziva froze.
“My father and Vance?” she said with outrage. “They're working together?”
“I don't... actually know.” Tony confessed. “That's the vibe I picked up.”
Her eyes narrowed into slits. “I can no longer trust you. How do I know you are telling the truth?”
“Ziva, you trusted me before this. Why don't you trust me any more?” Tony's voice was hurt, and he didn't even try to hide it.
“I- I- You killed Rivkin!”
“Are you angry because I killed a fellow Mossad officer or the man you loved?”
“That is not an important question!”
“It is to me!” Tony said, his voice lifting slightly. Ziva watched him carefully. He sighed. “Where do your allegiances lie, Ziva? I will not leave until I have an answer. Who do you trust, NCIS or Mossad?”
“Tony, I do not trust you! You killed Michael Rivkin!”
“That shard of glass in his side? He was coming at me with it. I killed him out of self defence.”
“How can I believe you?” she asked.
“Am I the kind of person that would lie to you to save my own ass?” Tony's words caught her by surprise. “Ziva, I went there to talk to you. We found records on Abin's laptop that proved his laptop had been connected to your network. I was going there to speak with you about it, but when Rivkin...” He trailed off.
“He was drunk.” Ziva snarled. “You should be dead.”
“But I'm not.” Tony said. “I will ask you again. Am I the kind of person who would lie to save my own ass?”
She looked up at him. “No.” she said softly.
“Did you ever truly trust me?”
She hesitated. Never a good sign. “Yes.” she finally said.
“Do you still trust me?”
“No.” That was a given. He sighed.
“Will you ever again?”
She wanted to come up with a smart remark, but she answered almost immediately, “Yes.”
“How? I can never regain your trust.” Tony knew this for a fact. Gaining Ziva's trust was like building a reputation. Takes years to build, seconds to destroy.
“You have one chance.” Ziva said softly. “You don't have to do a thing. I will find out for myself whether or not you are telling the truth.”
“All right, but do it fast.” He released her wrists and watched her go.

Okay, a couple thing here. First, when I first wrote this, I forgot Tony had a fractured radius and wrote it as if both hands were free. Oops. Two, I forgot the name of the man who committed suicide- something like Abin- and I couldn't find it anyhere online, so... yeah. Third, I'm pretty sure this will be written in four parts, and I will NOT be continuing, because then I'd have to rewrite Season 7 and I really don't have the time to do that. Okay, this was one long footnote. I'll just go and... crash into a wall.
Rating: K+
Words: 943
Summary: Set directly after the warehouse scene. Mainly thoughts about everything.

Radiation poisoning meets metaphor


Radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning was bad. Really bad. Ziva thought so. In her mind Radiation let people think about their death. It let people think about other people’s death. It let people think about a specific person’s almost death. And that was the problem with radiation poisoning. That was the problem with bombs. That was the problem with everything that could kill people.

Come on, Ziva. His sentence echoed in her mind. Like a little...
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posted by TabbyLover
What The Heart Wants
Chapter 1: In the Ladies' Room?

What had driven Ziva to this point in life? Every time she had given her heart to someone, they always ended up giving it back to her in tiny little pieces, so tiny that she could never put them back together. But now her heart was whole once more and she didn’t even know why. Was it because she was selfishly in love, or was it because she knew that the special someone in her life was the one and he didn’t even know it. How much longer would Ziva have to keep her feelings hidden in the closet?

Would she always have to carry this love and...
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(Rating: K/ Word Count: 1498)

It was Tuesday. As Ziva rode the elevator up to the bullpen alone, she could not avoid dwelling on the last three weeks. A desperate search to find Jackson Gibbs, days of terror, a thrill of relief at seeing his kind, if exhausted, face, blessedly unharmed, the fearsome crack crack of two gunshots during the rescue–-and suddenly, just like that, it was over. Paloma and Alejandro lay dead in the battle, McGee shaking as he replaced his gun in its holster and ran to Jackson’s side.

Today was boring, but boring was a relief. It was just another Tuesday, just the...
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added by Lie_to_Me_123
BetaArtemis @ YT ||
posted by Ms_Montana
Life after you

The sun rose in morning. The sun sank down on the horizon at the end of the day. Day after day. Time passed by unnoticed. Rain drops fell from sky and dried up again. Wind blow through the city and the skyscrapers. Leaves lay under big trees. Children ran through the streets. Flowers lost the last colour. Autumn was a beautiful season of the year. Autumn should be a beautiful season.

Everyone needed a personal life. Everyone deserved happiness. Everyone wanted someone to cry out at his shoulder. Important content in life. All this wasn’t important for her. She wanted vengeance....
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Tim made his way to the bullpen after briskly jogging off the elevator he set his workload down on his desk and stopped as he noticed Abby leaning on Gibb’s desk…his coffee was there but he wasn’t.

“Hi Abby” He smiled

“Your late Timmy..” She smiled back.

“I know…I know” He was about to sit when he was stopped by the footsteps of his boss.

“Sorry Boss…I nearly overslept”

Gibbs nudged the Goth.

“Oh! Yeah….your going to be training today.”

He looked at Abby.


“Nope…well kind of… your going to train with our newest probie.”

He smiled.

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added by Lie_to_Me_123
Made by Kaylia1991 on YouTube.

Rating: K+
Word Count: 1.479
Summary: The story is about Tony and his meeting with Louisa. Italics are flashbacks.

The blood in his veins froze. Tony was sitting on the most uncomfortable chair in his whole life and that made him crazy. Being a nervous wrack would be overstated, but it hit the mark. It was just a cheap, plastic seat. Not ideal for hospitals. Relatives and friends, who spent 24 hours here, needed something better, he thought. Beside him, in front of him and everywhere around him – A rush of colours running up and down the hallways. Nurses with clothes, coloured like the...
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added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
CREDIT: kdmmertz
added by Lie_to_Me_123
Made by Silviapg on YouTube.
Disclaim----I do not write any of the lyrics that are starred. I only wrote the story they inspiredd(: i alsoo don't own ncis or anything to do with it other than i'm a HUGGEE fan, and i also have seasons 1,2,and 3 on dvd. i'm gettin 4 for my bday hopefullyy! (:

----okay so i have no time so no funky fonts or anything.....sorry ;(---------

*this is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world! And while she looks so sad in photographs i absolutley love her, when she smiles*-three doors down, story of a girl

Ziva sat alone, the single lamp making febel attempts to illuminate...
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posted by Ms_Montana
Lost then found

Look out.

Be careful.

Watch your step.

Take care.

I love you.

Staring at tears on the pages
Of letters that I never could’ve write

“Still in our galaxy, Zee-vah?” Tony’s words brought her back to reality. She looked up and saw him standing in front of her desk. He tried to smirk as evil as possible. Her absent look lay on a sheet of paper on the desk.
“Stop bothering me.” Ziva knew she was rude to him, but right now she didn’t care. The headache didn’t want to go away. The bad feeling inside her didn’t want to go away.
“Just as you wish; my ninja.” he bowed down...
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posted by yay4wicked
* Disclaimer #1: NCIS ≠ mine
** Disclaimer #2: All book titles mentioned are inventions of my imagination. If they are the same as any real book titles, it was done entirely accidentally; I don’t own the rights to those books.
*** Disclaimer #3: As I have never gone through such a traumatic experience, I can only imagine the psychological effects. I mean no disrespect to anyone who has if I explain them unrealistically.
**** Justification: I felt like the hyper Ziva we’ve been seeing needed some explaining. So here is some explaining.
***** Setting: Within a few weeks following Good Cop,...
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posted by yay4wicked
    She felt it, deep inside, past the flippant excuses and carefully manufactured carelessness that guarded her heart: a stone had settled. She couldn’t help a measured glance around the room. Nowhere, in the sea of faces, were the two that Ziva needed to see. As the room rose to their feet and she rose with them, the stone settled still deeper, disturbing the mound of buried betrayal that she had hoped would stay covered forever. And as she started to speak, her very words accused her. Do you know what you're doing? - they seemed to whisper in her ear. Of America, she...
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Carry You Home-James Blunt

He is walking for over two hours.
-Damn! I'll never find her... -Tony says.
He see a man, first he looks just like another man, but there is something in his eyes that disturbs him.
Tony follows him, the man runs to a corner where there is an old swimming pool.
They are in a dark and wet room, the same dark and wet room where Ziva was. But she's not there, Tony doesn't see her. He only sees the man, with that evil eyes pointing his gun.
-Looking for someone?-The man asked.
-Where's she?!
-She? Who?
-Ziva. I know that you have her...
-Your little friend is not here.
In the...
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posted by iheartwheaterly
Here is a little something I have written. I know you guys might be sick of me writing Tony's POV,but I just get a kick out of his thoughts! Some of this stuff might be a little off,it is about Tony's mom's side of the family. Disclaimer-the usual,dont own it,but want it.

I stepped through the doors of my Aunt Eleanor's house,thinking of what to say.

"Tony,where are we?" Ziva asked as she furrowed her brows.
"My childhood." I answered.

Ziva shut the car door and ran to my side. She stepped in only to be checked out by my younger cousin Rooney. He was only 12.

"Anthony DiNozzo Jr.,where have...
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posted by iheartwheaterly
I own nothing , including the people this article.

The sound of knocking on the door woke her up.She had dreamed that Tony finally said the words, I love you.Ziva got up and limped to the door,she opened it and it was Tony. He had brought her coffee.''Hey, sleepy head.'' he said with a cute smile.She opened the door and said ''Thanks.''

He gave her a grin, and asked ''What did ya dream about?'' She looked up at him with a confused look. ''Come on everybody dreams about deep secrets, what was yours?'' ''A man.'' She said with a smirk. He dug in his jacket pocket ,and pulled out her favorite...
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Author's Note: This is my first shot at publishing a work of fan-fiction on my own. I love to write and Role Play. I hope this comes out well.

The Cast List in my fic is located here:

NOTE: I have added characters who are deceased on the show to add more depth to the story and provide a good balance between Good/Bad Guys

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, except My Own OC’s, which will make appearances throughout this work.


Leon Vance (Director, NCIS)
Ross W. Plant (Assistant Director, NCIS) +

(SAIC) L. J. Gibbs
(Sr. Agent) Anthony D. DiNozzo
(Jr. Agent) Timothy McGee
(Field Agent) Dwight J....
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posted by mossheart1235
I watched Aliyah last night and came up with this in my head. This is how I'd wished it had gone.

“You jeopardised your entire career and for what?” Ziva snarled.
“For you.” He said it so softly she almost wasn't sure if he had said it.
Her right hand swung up, to punch him no doubt (frankly, he didn't blame her, he'd already punched himself twice) but he was prepared and caught her wrist before it made contact with his face. Her other hand barely came up before he'd grabbed that wrist also. Without thinking, he pushed her around a column and into a corner. Ziva tried to wiggle her way...
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