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Rating: K+
Words: 943
Summary: Set directly after the warehouse scene. Mainly thoughts about everything.

Radiation poisoning meets metaphor


Radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning was bad. Really bad. Ziva thought so. In her mind Radiation let people think about their death. It let people think about other people’s death. It let people think about a specific person’s almost death. And that was the problem with radiation poisoning. That was the problem with bombs. That was the problem with everything that could kill people.

Come on, Ziva. His sentence echoed in her mind. Like a little man whispering it into her ear again and again.

Tony. He always dizzied her mind. On purpose or not. He did it. Saleem wasn’t her favourite topic to talk about. Forget him. Forget the time in Somalia. That was her plan. That was the only important thing. Tony knew she didn’t want to talk about him. But he still started off with it. Maybe he just wanted to comfort her. She didn’t know why he talked about it. It didn’t matter. Tony didn’t know everything. Tony didn’t know everything, because Ziva hadn’t told him everything. And she wasn’t planning to change this fact. Everything should stay the same. Even if that meant, they would never get away from the state they were now. A non-couple with great eye-sex. Even if that meant they would always stay in the Men’s room and pretending not to be what they already were. More than partners. More than friends. Lovers; this word was a fitting term.

Come on, Ziva. He repeated his words over and over in his head. Unhearable for everyone.

Ziva. She was so… denying. She thought he hadn’t noticed. But he had. Tony observed every move she made. Listened to every word she said. She would never become like him. Nothing she did would make her like him. There was more chance the world would break down in the next few minutes. But she was also right. What Saleem did was worse. And Tony got his vengeance. For her. Like a little boy on the play ground he had wished everything bad at him. Like a little boy he had defended his woman. But they weren’t on play ground anymore. Somalia was no play ground. Although there had been a lot of sand. He had to be honest to himself. They were both denying. Denying, what both of them wanted. Anything compared to a relationship. Anything similar to a relationship. Because they knew they wouldn’t ever have a normal relationship.

They stood in front of the car and they both wanted to say something. Say anything. Breaking the very uncomfortable silence. Saying what needed to be said. They needed to say so much. But they couldn’t talk to each other. It was like they were on different sides of the room and not able to be together. Just able to shout at the other end and misunderstanding each other. There were metaphors for it, uncountable amounts of metaphors. And that was one problem. They always talked in metaphors. No clear sentences. No clear words.

“Let’s go.” Ziva said. She waved her hair back over her shoulders. Her hands reached down to open the car door, but Tony’s glances let her hesitate. Just for a split second. Enough to stop her. His look was fascinated by something she couldn’t see.
“Yeah, I’m on my way.” His thoughts seemed to be miles away. The way he looked at her made Ziva feeling better. Tony felt so too. Her warm eyes and her playful smile made him smile. The way she put her hair out of her face was beautiful.
“Can I drive?” she asked impatiently. The playful smile was back again on her pretty face.
“Not when I’m in there. I want to stay alive.” He didn’t want to share his hidden secret behind this sentence with her. Because I want to kiss you again. She still smiled and let him get into the car. But he didn’t open the door.
“Do you want to put down roots here?” Ziva tapped on the car top and waited for him to drive. She was sure she had got this idiom right.
“Why don’t you want to talk about it? What happened that you can’t say a word?” His question was asked honestly. Ziva couldn’t look into his eyes and the smile disappeared Tony’s look was piercing. Prolonging an answer wouldn’t change anything.
“Please, stop talking about it. I want to live. And I can’t forget when you remind me. I can’t forget when you expect anything. I’ll tell you. One day. But not now.” That was probably the truest answer she had given Tony about Somalia. He nodded. He understood her reasons.
“One day? Scout’s honor?” he asked humorous and tried to make her smile.
“Scout’s honor. I promise. And now get into this car. Gibbs’s is going to kill us.” Ziva shook her head and was impressed by Tony, as always. He was the first person she had ever met, who seemed not to grow up. And then they finally managed to sit into the car.

Come on, Ziva. Words; chosen carefully by someone who wanted to help. Chosen by Tony who wanted to be a hero for Ziva. Her hero. The hero who saved out of hell. The hero who was at her side in the darkest moments of her life.

Radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning was able to help blind lovers to talk. Radiation poisoning could make them see how much they cared. Radiation poisoning was there for a reason. But it couldn’t manage to let them know that they loved each other more than they could even imagine. Radiation poisoning was good. In some way. As a metaphor. But it still couldn’t stop them from running on the same street into different directions.

A/N: Please tell me what you think about it. First I didn't plan it to be that long, but then I wrote and wrote and... I hope you like it.
posted by mossheart1235
His eyes flick up, every now and then, simply watching her.

She teases him, twirling a bit of hair around on her fingers where he can see it.

He wants to grab it, desperately, but his teacher will see, and his teacher hates flirting. Of any kind.

Twenty years later, he is in the same predicament.

Except now, she isn't twirling her hair or biting her freshly painted nails.

She's aiming a gun directly at a killer, telling him to get up and put his hands behind his head.

Normally he'd be watching her from behind...

If he weren't lying underneath another guy.

So he appreciates the view from below.

Her mocha...
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posted by obsessedbyncis

December 24th, NCIS, 6.30pm

Tony was sitting at his desk, finishing his paperwork, counting minutes for leaving home. Christmas. However, it didn't mean much to him. Not this year. In past few years, he used to invite some hot girl to his apartment, usually stayed for a night or two. But not this year. Everything had changed a lot. He took a look to his partner working opposite to him. Her dark, tender eyes were following her hand, writing a case report.

»So, Dah-veed,« he heard himself say, »What are ya doing for Christmas?«

»In our family, we don't celebrate Christmas,« she smirked....
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Tony POV

There she is. She is trying to hide what happened… what almost happened. I can see that it’s not being easy to her. Her eyes still tearing because of the shock. I mean, the almost shock.
-You wanted to see us, boss? –I tremble saying this “us”.
-Yes, the people that were find dead during this month have something in common. All of them were members of a dance club.
-So, the killer must be in the dance club…
-Really, McGee?! –Gibbs says.
-So… you want us to go there and ask a few questions? –Ziva says. Her voice seems so sad, so disappointed. I should have kissed her, even...
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posted by mossheart1235
I watched Aliyah last night and came up with this in my head. This is how I'd wished it had gone.

“You jeopardised your entire career and for what?” Ziva snarled.
“For you.” He said it so softly she almost wasn't sure if he had said it.
Her right hand swung up, to punch him no doubt (frankly, he didn't blame her, he'd already punched himself twice) but he was prepared and caught her wrist before it made contact with his face. Her other hand barely came up before he'd grabbed that wrist also. Without thinking, he pushed her around a column and into a corner. Ziva tried to wiggle her way...
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Here is the last chapter! I would like to say thanks to everybody that read and commented my fanfics specially to Cassie R. that helped me chosing the song. Thank you Cassie! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!

Begin Again-Colbie Caillat

Finnaly the kiss ends and the magic dissolves in the air. They could feel jitters coming. Ziva solves to break the silence.
-What was this, Tony? -She says almost whispering.
-I'm sorry Ziva, I...
Rosa, the nurse is looking at them with that little-pretty smile as when she watches those mexican soup operas, that she loves.
-I understand, it was the tension of the moment sorry, I shouldn't...
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There it is, chapter 2, hope you like it.

I'd Come For You-Nicleback

It's early morning in New York. Tony wakes up and takes a fast shower. He has to find her she may be hurt, bleeding, lost or something else. Yes, he knows that she could be OK too, but his heart doesn't tell him so.


There's ligth coming through the window. Her head hurts. That's partly her fault, she is not very accustomed to drink as much as she did that nigth. A man comes in. There's no doubt. He's one of the killers that she was chasing. In her head there's a flash of Saleem. She shakes her head a little bitt to...
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This was actually not my original idea. But I told this to myself last night and liked the way it sounded. Enjoy :)

I never thought much about fingers. You don't have much time to, working at NCIS. Most girls are always painting their nails or getting temporary tattoos, while I, I shoot a gun with my fingers.
Sure, I've named all my fingers. The gun finger, the bird, the ring finger, the teacup finger- I know my etiquette- and the all important button finger.
I check my fingers. Still wobbling all over the place. I shouldn't have had all that soda.
I am sitting outside Ziva's hospital room, twiddling...
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This is my contribution to the TFFF round 2!
Its basicly Ziva dreaming about Tony but not the kind of dream she's used to!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the words in this fic!

The wind was moving the tree outside the window so that the branches were lightly tapping on it, a light breeze was moving the curtains through the slightly open window. But this was not the only movement in the room.

A beautiful honey kissed brunette lay sleeping, being tortured by her dreams. Her soft but wild hair was like a dark halo round her head, her caramel skin was wet with beads of sweat, her dark chocolate eyes...
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
After talking with Abby, Ziva and Claire go to the elevator.
-Hey, do you know how you will tell your boss?
-Not, yet.
-Maybe I could... -Claire says but the elevator stops and opens and she shuts up, because Gibbs is rigth there.
-Hey. -Gibbs says with his coffee in the rigth hand.
-Hey, Gibbs...-Ziva says.-This the witness...
-...Claire Rodriguez. -She says with a big smile.-You must be Gibbs. Placer conocerte, nice to meet you.
-You speak spanish?
-Si, yes, I am from Ecuador. I moved to Miami when I was 18.
Seeing that Gibbs is interested in the conversation with Claire, Ziva walks to Tony. She...
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posted by ziva_rocks
Second part to my fic "Too Painful To Wait" Hope you enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: I Own nothing but the words on this page!

Looking up as Tony walked through the door, Ziva felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Her heart lurched when he sat down just that little bit closer than they were sitting previously. Tony pulled the duvet back over him and stared towards the tv. “Do you think they’ll work out this time Ziva”?

Ziva was slightly shocked because he really sounded interested, thinking about it she replied “Yes, I think so. They are older and wiser now, I am sure things will work out....
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I read a short story awhile back (not a fanfic, just a regular story) and it gave me inspriation for this. It's not as long as it seems.

Word Count: 1529
Rating: What's the letter for everyone? lol
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of the characters... unfortunately!

Tony stopped, hand in mid air. He didn’t know what he was doing here, it was 3:30 am and he was standing at Ziva’s apartment door trying to will himself to knock. He put his hand down & turned to walk away. He only took a few steps before turning back around to head towards her door again. A few...
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva closes her brown eyes and thinks how would be wonderful if she could show the world that she loves Tony, if nothing realy prevents them of being together.
-You will tell your boss?...
-I don't know... -Tony says.
-Sooner or later he will notice... Love is hard to hide. You two should tell him. Maybe he will understand...
Ziva looks to Claire and asks:
-Just tell him how you feel for each other.
Tony smiles to Ziva, and says to Claire:
-Thanks for the advice, Afrodite.
Finnaly they land in Washington and go to the office.
-Hey, McGeek!-Tony says.
-Hey guys! How were the things in Miami?
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Tony stops the car in front of the beach. Ziva needs to refresh her mind, she leaves the car, runs down to the sea and throws into the water. Tony follows her.
-The water is wonderful!...
Ziva looks at Tony desiring to say something, but she can't. She swims away from him and then she leaves the water and lies on the towel. Once again Tony follows Ziva.
-Hey, what's wrong with you Ziva?
Ziva takes a deep breath and says:
-Nothing? You are strange since last nigth...
-No, I'm not.
-So why are you avoiding me?
Ziva sits in the towel.
-I'm not avoiding you. Why should I be avoiding you?
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Dawned. Ziva wakes up and Tony's arm is around her, his hand almost touching her face. She moves her head a little bitt just to confirm if that is real. Tony wakes up too, and he stays embarassed.
-Good morning, Tony... -Ziva says,
-Hey Zi... We've got to... GO!
-But, Tony we only got to fecth the witness tonigth...
-I know but I got to show you Miami... You don't know this city, rigth? So let's see... Maybe we can go to the beach...
Ziva is happy that Tony wants to show her Miami, but she's afraid that if they go to the beach Tony will be always looking to the other girls, and she knows how she's...
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posted by ziva_rocks
This is the first part of this fic, the next part will be a bit more romantic but i'll tone it down for the younger girls on here!
Tiva with a little McAbby, hope you like it :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters!

Tony sat back on his sofa with a feeling of satisfaction. What a day, Team Gibbs had wrapped up a case that had taken over 3 weeks to solve. It was Friday and the team had the weekend off, Gibbs was away to Stillwater to see his dad and he had managed to talk Ziva, Abby and McGee into movie night at his!

Abby had insisted on picking the movie much to Tony's dismay,...
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My second Fic. This all came to me at once so i had to type it quickly. Hope it turned out ok :)

DISCLAIMER - I do not own NCIS or any of the characters.

Ziva looked at the clock, 6pm, she should have left 30 mins ago. About to switch off her pc she heard the familiar "beep" of her inbox. Wondering if she should check it now or wait till the morning, she sighed then clicked her mouse on "open"! She let out a groan when she realised it was from her father, he was clearly not happy with her working for NCIS but more unhappy, actually irate that she now had her American citizenship!

She skimmed...
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posted by mossheart1235
Don't freak out about the title, Tony IS NOT dead! This is an idea I had for a while, don't know how good it is, so... Read and review!

The boy had to be seven years old. He was on vacation at the family home in California, in the playground, when he heard a small noise. He looked at his dad, who was talking to his mom, then headed off to search for the noise.
He found the source of the noise in a bramble thicket, where he saw a little girl curled in a ball, sniffing. “Hello.” he said.
She jumped up. “Go away!” she said in a heavily accented voice.
The boy shrugged. “Okay.” He moved...
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posted by Ms_Montana

Every fibre of her clothes was soaked with water. Deep blue water. Crystal clear. A few air bubbles whirled in it. Ziva tried to keep her eyes open. She loved water. Water was her second home and swimming her passion. For fun.

“Come into the water, Ari! It is beautiful. Please!” Ziva called him. She giggled and formed her hand to a small bowl. She filled it with water, but it ran through her fingers. Ari laughed at her and the 7-year old splashed a wave of water on him.
“Stop or I’ll get you!” Completely dressed he ran to the sea and tried to catch his little sister. Tali stood...
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posted by mossheart1235
Ziva stared at her phone, waiting for the phone call she knew would come. Tony apologizing, no matter what Gibbs said. Ziva didn't want his apologies. She wanted him to have been there! He made a promise and he didn't follow through again! She hated him for accepting the mission when her ceremony had been that day. The seat next to her left vacant hurt more than any torture she'd gone through in Somalia. 
That was another thing they never discussed. Seven months she was tortured then one day Tony was sitting in front of her, obviously beaten up and a captive. It had taken him long enough to...
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