Tiva Fan Fiction Club
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posted by nciscsinysvu
(Dis: i don't own CBS or NCIS including its characters, just making what i think will be a sweet finale!)

*Propellers start, a plane takes off from a runway at heart racing speed. There is only two people on board. Their names are concealed, but their faces are shown. They are white and look to be of Christian race. Their heart beats are racing, not knowing the outcome of the flight ahead*

(cut to bull-room at NCIS)

Gibbs is sitting at his desk, drinking his coffee. McGee is typing something at breakneck speed. Tony is talking to McGee as he types.

"Hey, MgGoo" He shouts across the squad room. Gibbs looks up.

"What, Tony I'm trying to finish this" You can obviously tell he is agitated by Tony's presence.

"Where's Ziva? She's late." He picks up the phone and scratches it on his face in confusion.

"I don't know, why don't you call her?" He says in a very agitated tone.

Just as McGee said this there was a *ding* and the elevator doors open and Ziva walks in and looks very mad.

"You's late." Gibbs says getting up from his chair and throwing the empty coffee cup away.

"Yeah, sleeping in on a work day, tsk tsk, bad Ziva!" Tony jokingly makes this remark getting up and walking over to talk to her.

"So, give it to me straight, why were ya late, hmm?"

"Well, if you must know, the people at the front office stopped me and pulled me aside, they didn't tell me why and asked me if i knew about anything that may be going on in Israel involving terrorism, i was honest and told them 'no' but they wouldn't let me go!"

Gibbs was listening in curious as mush as Ziva.

Why would they ask you that? Gibbs asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe they think there is going to be some act of terrorism on the US or somewhere else."

DiNozzo, David! Go take a walk back down and ask why they needed that information. McGee, MTAC, now!

McGee follows Gibbs quickly like a puppy, while Tony and Ziva both head for the elevator.

Tony and Ziva enter the elevator, the doors close and then a loud noise came over the whole building. And then the building shook, Tony and Ziva gave each other nervous glances and even jolt a little from the shock of what ever just happened. (blackout)

2nd Half:

*Please remain calm, exit the building, do not use the elevators, use the stairwells, Please exit the building.*

*The elevators roof he debris hanging from it now and the walls are dented*

"Tony, help me get the door open!" Ziva yelled trying to open both elevator doors.
"Hang on McGee is calling. yeah, we're in the elevator and the doors wont open, yeah i'll tell her McGee" *hangs up. "Dammit!"

"What?" Ziva gave up on opening the door and sat next to Tony on the floor of the elevator.

"McGee and Gibbs and just about 10 other people made it out and others are still trapped including us....you..smell that?"

"Yeah, it smells like smoke and burni-"she didn't finish when they both saw smoke creeping underneath the door.

"I wish McGuiver was here right now, he would get us out." he crossed his arms and put his head back against the wall.

"Mc who?" Ziva was so confused.

"McGuiver. Ya know? The man who no matter what situation that almost killed him, he found a way out? He had a mullet and chicks loved him back in he 80's? He's like the Robert Pattinson of the 80's....OH come on, are you serious you have never heard of him? We need to have a movie night, get you caught up with the times girl!" He smiled and laughed,

"Well, if we ever get out of here than i say we have a date" She laughed. They stared into each others eyes and laughed some more.

"Ow!" Tony rubbed his head in pain. "Hey Ziva, am i bleeding?"

Ziva looked on his head; ran her hand over it and he winced and Ziva pulled her hand away with blood on it.

"Oh my God Tony you're bleeding!"

"Great." Tony said sarcastically. "I don't suppose you have anything to put on it, do ya?" He asked with a cringe of pain.

"No, sorry. But we'll get out of her soon enough and then they will take care of you." She rested her head on Tony's shoulder. He didn't mind and put his head on hers as they sat there in the smoke.
infested elevator.

(outside with Gibbs and McGee)

Gibbs runs over to firefighters with McGee tailing him, trying to keep up.
"HEY! I have agents in there, get your asses in there! And what the hell is going on here!" McGee huffed behind him.

"I'm sorry sir nobody's allowed in yet, i'ts not safe and nobody told you? Some guys totally air bombed this place, so i highly doubt your agents are still alive, it's a miracle you made it out yourself." The firefighter was putting on gear.

"Get your ASS in there now, they are alive i just talked to them!" Gibbs was pissed.

"I'm sorry sir, but until i get order from my superior officer, we aren't allowed back in. Orders are orders."

Gibbs grabbed McGee's arm and pulled him away in private.

"Listen, McGee we are gonna go in and rescue people because these IDIOTS aren't doing anything, do you have any idea where Tony and Ziva could be?" He let go of McGee and looked around waiting for McGee's answer.

"Well, you sent them back downstairs to talk to that lady who stopped Ziva, i mean they just barely got in the elevator when this whole thing went down."

"Lets go then" Gibbs leaded and the snuck past officers and entered the smoking building. (Blackout)

3rd Half:

Gibbs and McGee venture inside, coughing and hacking on the smoke. They run over to the nearest stairwell and Gibbs tries to open the door. It's stuck. Gibbs kicks it down and they continue their search.

(back to the elevator)

*Tony and Ziva are still sitting there when Tony lifts his head off of Ziva's and blurts out this random movie quote.*

"Oh Shit! We got cops, cops, cops, cops! HA HA HA" Ziva picks her head up and looks at him funny.

"What?" She is kinda drowsy.

"You know, Johnny Strong from the Fast and The Furious?" Ziva shakes her head.

"Tony how could you possibly refrain movie lines at a time like this! AND it has nothing to do with the situation!" She pushes her head on the wall behind her now.

"Well, lets see, it could be this SMALL CONCUSSION i have! Or the fact i was trying to lighten the mood, its very hazy in here. . . . "Oh for god sake. . . Get a life, will ya?" In his best Shatner voice.

"Excuse me?!" Ziva thought he was talking about her.

"The great words of Will Shatner. This is why you need to lighten up, i mean you have been *cough* freakin out ever since this started!" Tony turns around so he can meet her strong glare.

"SO? We are seconds away from death and all you can do is site movie quotes and words from the Shakner guy!" She sits in the other corner to meet his glare evenly.

"Shatner, Ziva. It's Shatner. And im not letting this scare me because i think optimistically about these sort of things and wont let it ruin this fabulous Monday morning!"

"I just want to get out of here." She started to choke up at the end,

"Does this have anything to do with Somalia?" He asked

"No, it's just i really don't like all this smoke, okay. I wanna go back home! Is that a problem Agent DiNozzo?" She acted defensibly about Somalia and Tony knew it.

"No, it's not, but when ever i try to bring up Somalia you push it aside like nothing ever happened! Why don't you ever talk about it, you think i'm gonna judge you or something, just tell me!?" He screamed at Ziva and you could tell Ziva was getting madder, but managed to keep her cool. The she let it all out on Tony.

"You really want to know what happened in Somalia?! Saleem and his men beat me senseless! They showed no mercy and almost killed us both! You think i would let that go!?" He almost killed you and McGee! I wasn't trying to hide this i just don't like re-living that memory!" She starts to cry.

"Wow.." That's all Tony can say.


"I really haven't seen you cry before. That's all" He stood up and Ziva followed. Grabbed his tie and pulled it tighter as she spoke.

"Is that supposed to mean something? Are you trying to say i have no emotion because of my background? I have emotion, Tony whether you see it or not!" She let go of his tie. Tony giggled a little.

"Prove it" He snapped back.

Ziva grabbed Tony's face and went in for the kiss. It was very passionate, when the doors of the elevator opened and McGee was standing right there.

"Uhhh...Am i missing something here? Uhh..." McGee was so distracted he just lost train of thought.

"Nothing!" The both shouted, each letting go of each other acting like nothing had happened.

"OHHHHH man wow..this is awkward." McGee pointed out.

"You tell anyone and i swear that i will kick you so hard your little McGee's will feel it!" Tony shouted in embarrassment. McGee just laughed and looked at them both.

"Oh man, you have to tell me all about how we can to this!" McGee laughed and then Gibbs came up with a head slap.

"It'll have to be later, we gotta get outta here, now." Gibbs gave Tony the look of death and they all followed him out back down the stairwell and outside to safety. (blackout)

Last Half:

They are all sitting on the curb except for Gibbs. He's standing next to the medic who is checking out Tony's head.

"Now, do you feel light headed? Any nausea? Or pain in any other region."

"Well.. I have had some pain in my-" Ziva elbowed him in the side, knowing he was going to say something dirty.

"Ow! I was gonna say my neck!" He exclaimed, blushing at the medic.

"Sure you were" Ziva said sarcastically.

"Well, Agent DiNozzo i think you are going to be just fine. I have to go check out some other people so get some rest and sleep it off." The medic walked away. Gibbs walked over to Vance and talked about what happened.

"So you gonna explain that kiss?" McGee looked at both of them.

"Well, Ziva thought that i thought she didn't show emotion that much and she got all mad and stuff and it just happened." Tony laughed a little. Abby comes running up and sits between Tony and Ziva all excited that they made it out alive.

"Hi guys! So watcha talkin bouts? She grouped hugged them both.

"Ziva kissed Tony." McGee said with a devilish smile.

*GASP* "Wow, and how was it, come on spill everything!" Abby looked at them both turning her head back and forth waiting for someone to speak first.

"It was surprisingly good...but we have kissed before, Abby it was nothing." Tony exclaimed.

"Well maybe it was nothing to you Tony, but what about you Ziva? How was it?" She grabbed Ziva's arm in excitement.

"It was. . .different." She told Abby.

"How so?" Tony butted in.

"Because the last time we kissed it meant nothing, this did...wow i sound like I'm 15. Ziva blushed.

"Aww Ziva that was sweet! Tony did you hear that!. . . McGee lets go see if there are more people that need help." She winked as basically to say "lets go and let them talk ALONE".

"Um, yeah, okay, lets go Abby. Bye guys." McGee and Abby both got up and left.

"You really thought it meant something,huh?" Tony blushed and the coughed.

"Wow, i can't believe this, i guess it did, and. . " Her voice trailed off.

"You still gonna let me see this McGuiver dude?" She asked

"Sure, but first there's one more thing that i have to take care of." They both stood up and brushed off the dirt on their clothes.

"Oh yeah, whats that." Ziva said brushing off her pant legs.

Tony leaned over, picked up Ziva's face and kissed her. Very nice, like the one she had previously given him. Then Gibbs walked up behind Tony and slapped the back of his head.

"Hey!, Get outta here, you heard the doctor, rest DiNozzo, go watch some McGuiver or something." Gibbs kept on walking.

"On it Boss!" Tony replied as Ziva laughed and they both walked off as Tony rubs his head. When Ziva stopped and froze.

"OH MY GOD!" She shouted.

"What, what!" Tony yelled back.
Ziva swallowed and finally spit out with a faint breath,

"Where's Ducky?"(blackout)
posted by Lie_to_Me_123
After much, much procrastinating, I finally came up with a beginning to this chapter, which was supposed to finished some months ago!

It may suck, but I only just finished the McGee and Abby part of this chapter so bare with me :D

So.... comment, rate but most of all... enjoy! It would make my day!

DISCLAIMER: I, unfortunately, do not own NCIS, just the DVD's. I think I can handle that... for now. Muhahahahaha. Anyway.... xD

Sometimes, Always


McGee stolled into Abby's lab and plonked himself down in front of one of the many computers. "Tony and Ziva are stressing me out, thought I'd come...
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posted by Ms_Montana
A/N: Just a short one-shot inspired by “False Witness”. I own nothing.

From hands and hearts

With another snowy evening in D.C, another day ended for Tony. But it was the first time in the last few days that he felt actually pretty good. Not the sort of good his was used – DiNozzo-good – but it was still a huge improvement. Unintentional Brenda Bittner had puzzled him; making him think about his entire life, the past years and all the One-Night-Stands he had had. Midlife crazy.
He was about to switch on TV, when someone knocked at his door. DiNozzo wondered; he hadn’t expected visitors...
continue reading...
posted by NCIS_Addict_87
"I guess there's no need to ask how you got here, huh?" Tony said absently. "What is wrong Tony?" "I was thinking about Kate. I think about her less now, but every once in awhile a thought creeps into my mind." Tony told her. Ziva giggled, "Thinking about her naked again Tony?" He turned away, and all he said was "No." Ziva reached out and touched his arm gently, "It is okay to miss her Tony. She was your partner and I am sure that you will always remember her." "Kate was so different than you Ziva. Sometimes I don't know how we got along at all, she didn't like confrontation and she was a...
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posted by mossheart1235
Ziva sat with her hands clasped, legs crossed, as she watched Abby get ready. "Tonight will be amazing, don't you think?" Abby squealed, slipping her earrings in.
"Abby, it will be, but I never thought I would see you wearing white."
"Me neither, Ziva." She turned to face her best friend and sighed."What do you think?"
"Oh, Abby, you look great!"
"Yeah, but is it too much?" Ziva suppressed a sigh. This was Abby's big day, and she should be worried.
"Honestly, my sister was more of a fashion expert than I was. Abby, you look amazing."
"You sure?"
Ziva smiled. "I am sure."

Abby's wedding was a dream...
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posted by MYK79
Ziva is happy they skipped the movie, even though she knows it only confirms what he fears. Tony was right! Since they moved back here, she had only left the house to visit her former employer, once, and to go with him to bring her daughter to school where she sat in the car, four out of the five times. Her anxiety was rebuilding with the growing of her belly. The first week she hadn’t let Tali out of her sight, or even out of the house. Occasionally both of them had companied Tony to visit his father in the nursing home. Now that Senior had recovered and Tali would soon be starting first...
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posted by yay4wicked
“...and don’t forget, take lots and lots of pictures, don’t kill each other...oh, Tony, you’ve got to try that little cafe I told you about! They have the best biscuits; well, not biscuits, but whatever they call them in France…”
    Tony and Ziva blinked at Abby, slightly exasperated, but smiled to her as the door began to shut. Just then a streak of red-tipped white shot into the elevator. Tony sighed as the door opened again.
    “And one more thing. Stay safe,” Abby pronounced firmly, her gaze raking them both and lingering on Ziva...
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posted by iheartwheaterly
Well,this took a lot of thought. Comments are equal to happiness. This has a preview of the song Mockingbird by my favorite artist,Rob Thomas.DISCLAIMER-Don't own the characters or the music. I'm not going to write another chapter until there are at least 5 comments!
"Tony!" I exclaimed as I saw the most valuable person in my life fall to the ground.
I ran to his side,relieved that it was only his shoulder that was shot.
"I'm okay,Ziva." he breathed.
I wrapped my arms around him,with my gun in my left hand. As my hands joined at the back of his neck,I shot at the shooter,who stood saying....
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Please understand this is my first ever fan fic of any kind! I have never written before so don't be too harsh lol! And if you all think its of good quality i have other chapters in mind!

DISCLAIMER - I do not own NCIS or any of its characters!

The Storm Before The Calm

It was 0630 and Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo sat at his desk, it was unusual for him to be at work this early but he just couldn't sleep. He looked across the room to where the very alluring Probationary Agent Ziva David usually sat, she was the reason for his lack of sleep, had been for a while. He just couldn't get her...
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
They spent the whole day strolling on the beach, together, just like a couple... Everything is so perfect that they just can't believe. Lying in the towell embraced, freeing all the words that have been inside of them all this time...But now they've got to go. They need to fecth the witness and come back to Washington... they're afraid to come back... how will the things be now? They can't break rule number 12... but after all they've been through they are willing to break all the rules. They're together and nothing else mathers...
-We've got to go... -Tony says.
-I know. -Ziva respondes. -But...
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posted by earane
FanFiction everyone on this sitepage must off read/write them. A lot of you will also know about fanfiction.net
Now what my plan is, to make a list with reall good tiva fanfictions so that you do not have to search, because mostly fellow readers can point the best stories at you.
The idea is this, name the story+ the author in your comment and I'll put it on the list, but please don't put your own in the comments, let's stay objective.

My girl - Angel-death-dealer
The Knife - Broadway007
Blank - Prissy and Bregan
Captives - DiNUTZzo
Just One More - Aldea0402
Motherhood - Sophie Ranier
Me, My fake husband, and my crazy aunt - broken piece of the puzzle
added by Tivaforever487
Source: Meee
DISCLAIM-seriously? y'all get it by now. Don Belisarrio and I are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE! Therefore, i own NOTHING to do with NCIS except DVD s. Or anything else i mention in this article. so yeah, stop reading this and get down to what u actually clicked for.

don't get confused, the beginning is the same. this just has the middle and end of it :)

PROLOGUE: An older gray haired man entered, and immediately all eyes went on him. He was almost never here, but he was the most famous man in the building. Everybody knew he was here for one thing, and...
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Rating - K/K+
Word Count - 1396
Small Summary - This is basically Tony and Ziva's reactions to what happened in Masquerade, and the aftermath. Oh yeah, italics indicate flashbacks from the first part of the story. I got really into this fic, but as the day progressed, I found myself less impressed with my writing ability. XD So here goes.......

Persistence of Memory

He gently grabbed her forearm. "Come on, Ziva, please, don't go", his voice croaked with desperation.

She looked at him, her eyes not masking her fear. Her fear, not of the past, but the here and now. What could be. That fear also encased...
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posted by mossheart1235
DISCLAIMER: I do not own NCIS or any of it's characters. That is the genius that is Don Bellisario.

Tony edged his way through the elevator door, holding the multiple coffees in one hand and Abby's Caf-Pow drink in the other.
“How do you do that?” McGee asked.
“He doesn't know.” Gibbs spoke suddenly, making Ziva jump.
“Gibbs! Coffee?” Without waiting for an answer, Tony handed Gibbs a coffee.
“Thanks.” Gibbs said. He took a sip. “Come on. We have a dead Marine in southern Pennsylvania. McGee-” he tossed him the car keys-”You're driving.”
McGee smirked and led the way out of...
continue reading...
She was so aggravated with him. Aggravated at the moments that he could see right through to the obvious facts. The moments where he would simply sit & stare at her, knowing that the shield she had been oh so solidly holding up for months was dangerously close to be broken. These moments were ... overwhelming. Moments of weakness for her, moments that she didn't have often. But she could not afford to be weak. Gibbs made it clear to her that she; the old Ziva had died in Somalia, so why could she not admit she didn't feel right? Maybe it was the stares of sympathy? The way people had begun...
continue reading...
AN: Just a random surge of imagination, while Idiot's Guide books were on my mind.

AN 2: Fanfic is inspired by:


Disclaimer: I promise I'll return them by midnight.


Step 1.

Avoid seeing him/her. Some situations are unavoidable, such as if you work together or have a class together, but avoid going to the same hangouts or other social places you know he/she frequents…


For people like you, who have known each other for more or less 5 years, this...
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added by Tivaforever487
Source: Meeee
posted by TabbyLover
Chapter 2: Rude Phone Call

Ziva felt Tony’s eyes following her every movement. It wasn’t until they finally reached her apartment door that Tony’s eyes finally shifted away from her backside to lock onto Ziva’s exotic brown eyes, the eyes that had captivated his imagination ever since he first met the Israeli. He searched them for reassurance, to be certain that Ziva really did want to be with him. To be with him, and no one else.

Gibbs may have given them his permission, but they still would have to keep their romance outside of the office and off the field. Tony understood that.
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This is my new Tiva fanfic. At the beginning of each chapter is the name of a song that the story contains. Hope you like it =)

Midnigth Bottle-Colbie Caillat

There he is, back from Mexico.
-Hey, McGoogle!!!-Tony says with his big smile.- Hi, Zi...-He looks to Ziva's desk and doesn't see her.-Where's our crazy ninja?
-She's not here.
-Really?... I didn't notice that McGeek!!!...
-No, I mean she's not here, in D.C.
Tony feels nervous.
-Oh... She's not in...
-Calm down Tony, she's not in Israel. She's New York, in a mission.
Tony takes a deep breath.
-What kind of mission?
-I don't know. You have to ask...
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i got a really good idea when i was riting this so here it is insted of making a long ending i decided for this to be the end of the first of the vs series yay dont hate me for the ending sorry

Ziva’s pov
Once we got the girl to the hospital the girl had stopped crying I thought that she had gone numb by that time so would I
Tony was feeling better and I was sitting in the back with him and the girl that I had found out was named magan is in the front with abby driving
I was in the back with tony and we are all forgiven
When we got out of...
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