The Winx Club New RP

Rainflowers posted on Dec 18, 2011 at 04:32AM
I don't really know if I should post this because I don't really want to be coping missdada15, who did one like this a few days ago. I don't want to start any drama so if missdada15 doesn't want me to do this please reply below and I won't. Anyway, here's the information!


Home Planet/ Realm:








Status (princess, commoner, ect.):


Any Thing Else:

Short Bio:


Thanks! :) ~ RainFlowers

The Winx Club 4 replies

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over a year ago missdada15 said…
It's a free world. xD

I think i'll join later..feel a bit sick at the moment.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Name: Nisha Black

Home Planet/ Realm: Lanbell(made up)

Powers:Dark Arts,seeing into the future-one option.



Personality:Quiet,Anti-social, Anarhist,a trouble maker.

Love/Likes: Reading her magic carts to see into the future,goth.

Fears:Seeing that something bad is going to happen.-to her or someone she would not want to see get hurt.

Hates: Pink,brats.

Status (princess, commoner, ect.): Just a fairy who was once a witch.

Skills/Talents:Singing,potion making..

Any Thing Else: Even though she was a witch before,she has wings now-they are like spiderwebs.

Short Bio:She was born in a dark ally in Lanbell,never meet her father,her mother was a poor,considered mental- future teller(a witch).When Nisha was 14 she left to Cloud Tower,her mother was really happy and proud at her at that point. but Nisha got in trouble way to many times,and was in a rivel with Griffin so she was excpeled in her 2ed year,her mother got really sick ,didn’t want Nisha to go to Alfea as she had a disgused for fairys,she died in some time and Nisha wanted to continue to learn magic,even if with fairys so she joined Alfea anyway.


(I wish i didn't made this with would turn out better. :P )
Name: Nisha Black

Home Planet/ Realm: Lanbell(made up)

Powers:Dark Arts,seeing into the future-one
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
Here's mine!

Name: Her full birth name is Roxanna Isleen Dara. Her adoptive parent didn’t know her name and called her Kristina. Kristina then took up her adoptive parent’s last name, Reeds, and her full name that her adoptive parents gave her is Kristina Ann Reeds, even after she discovered her home planet and met her parents, she continued to use her adoptive name as a symbol of her loyalty too them and not her birth parents.

Home Planet: Kristina’s home planet is the planet Kalinfea. It was located in the Star Realm. When she was three years old her planet was violently sucked into a black hole. It then reappeared in the Quinter Realm. While most people died in the black hole, Kristina’s family was in a protective shelter since it had been expected for a long time that something like that would happen. A few other families survived the black hole, mostly by pure luck. The planet was thought to be unlivable at first and acting on instinct Kristina’s parents sent her and her three brothers to Earth, the closest planet, where she grew up. On Kalinfea, about a year after Kristina and her brothers were sent to Earth, Kalinfea slowly began to get back on its feet rebuilding the planet.

Powers: Kristina has the power of Stars and Dreams.


Birth Mother – Queen Kayla Dara, She is a kind woman but often her head is in the clouds, she is very quiet and different when you first meet her; Kristina refuses to have any relationship with her

Birth Father – King Andy Dara, he is very stern and protective of his family, he has a short fuse so he is easily angered, he has tried, but failed, many times to force Kristina to come see them, he is extremely angry that she refuses to see them, won’t go by her birth name and is thinking of renouncing her title as Princess of Kalinfea

Oldest Brother – Crowned Prince Caleb Dara, he and Kristina were at one point extremely close. He is extremely understanding when younger Kristina often came to him for advice about how hard it was for her to make friends. They drifted apart when Caleb disappeared when she was eleven. As it turns out his parents came for him so he could become the Crowned Prince of Kalinfea. Kristina spent a good three years mourning over the lost of him until she found out the truth at which point she became extremely angered at him and ended all communications with him.

Older Brother – Prince William Dara, he is very quiet, like his mother, but at the same time he is very protective of his family. He never got much attention because he always lived in Caleb’s shadow. He was okay with that though. When Caleb disappeared when he was fourteen he then had to take the role of the oldest brother, he feels like he failed at it though because of the relationship he had with Kristina. They don’t talk much and he doesn’t have a good relationship with Logan either. He goes to Red Fountain

Twin Brother – Prince Logan Dara, He is Kristina twin; he is short tempered and easily angered. He and Kristina get into arguments so much that it often annoys everyone around them. They don’t talk much and Logan goes to Red Fountain. He and William often stop by to check up on Kristina.

Age: Kristina is fifteen years old her freshman year at Alfea

Personality: Kristina is very bold and rash. She does things without thinking. Kristina is a loner at times, she doesn't always like being around other people. She doesn’t take sides during fights, but if she does, instead of helping she makes it worst adding to the conflict. She is very sarcastic, often making rude remarks to people she doesn't like or things she doesn't like. Kristina stands up for herself, she has never and probably will never be bullied. She is very brave and while she often has a bad attitude, she is also very caring at times for her friends, though she never shows it. Kristina is not a judgment person and gives people many chances, but if you cross her to many times she will make you reject it.

Love/Likes: Kristina enjoys studying the stars and watching them at night. She also enjoys daydreaming, which she sometimes does in the worst situations. She also likes cheerleading, even though she is not a cheery person. She likes to listen to her music, loud. Kristina loves animals and spending time with them.

Hates: She can’t stand bullies. She is also believes that you shouldn’t fight unless absolutely necessary, something she doesn’t exactly go by herself. She also can’t stand people who are show offs or jerks. She doesn’t like overly cheerful people but she gives them a chance to show that their not bad. She can’t stand her parents or brothers.

Fears: Kristina fears black holes and darkness. After what happened to her planet she fears that it will happen again. She is also very fearful that someone important will disappear out of her life again.

Status: Princess Roxanna Isleen Dara. She is thinking of renouncing her title, but she doesn’t want to go to her home planet in fear she might have to face her oldest brother and her parents

Skills/Talents: She is a skilled gymnast since she has been taking it since she was three. That often comes in handy in tight situations. She is very good at arguing (if that counts as a skill) and most of the time has the last word in things.

Any Thing Else: Kristina is a vegetarian. She is strongly believes that you shouldn’t eat anything that was once alive. She does not, however, force people, or even try to convince people not to eat meat, because she also believes that people should be free to make their own decisions.

Short Bio: She was born of the planet of Kalinfea. Her planet was located in the Star Realm. When she was three the planet was sucked into a black hole and ended up in a deserted Realm called the Quinter Realm. Many people thought that everyone on Kalinfea was dead, so they didn’t bother to look for survivors. This was wrong a handful of people did survive; Kristina’s family was one of them. Her parents sent her and her three brothers to Earth. When they arrived, Kristina and her three brothers were almost immediately adopted. They picked up the name Reeds, which is what Kristina goes by now. Kristina was very young when she arrived on Earth, and while she always knew she was adopted she didn’t know her origin. When she was eleven, she was wondering around the forest behind her house and witnessed a couple stealing her oldest brother away in a black hole. After that she discovered her past. She decided to run away from her adoptive family and brothers and went to live in a boarding school till she was about 14 at which point she came back just to be sent away again to Alfea.
Here's mine! 

Name: Her full birth name is Roxanna Isleen Dara. Her adoptive parent didn’t know he
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
I'll join as well :)
(Missdad15: Nisha is so adorable!)

Name: Lorinna Locksley

Home Planet/ Realm: England, Earth. (I know, over-used by everything else is far more creative.)

Powers: Fantasy; she can use anything form a book/movie/television show... anything related to fantasy and mythology. She can use it for her aid, or against her enemies.

Family: Lorinna had a mother and a father. Her father (Edward) left her mother before Lorinna was born. (Or, basically when he found out hi wife was pregnant) Lorinna was deemed as a 'bastards child' (For both reasons) and her mother was ashamed of her child. She no longer wanted Lorinna, so she gave her up to the lord of their village: Robin of Locksley. He took Lorinna in, (Feeling bad for her) and raised her as his own child. Lorinna views Robin as her true 'father figure'. Her other 'family' is Robin's group of outlaws. (Much, Djaq, Allan A Dale, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlett and Little John) They are all considered family to her, despite them being from different regions of the country.

Age: 19

Personality: Lorinna is very strong-willed and is very bossy. She is very independent and doesn't like to be told what to do. She believes strongly in what she loves, and will fight against those who go against her beliefs. She is though, very kind and gentle to those she loves and cares about.

Love/Likes: She loves to practice her abilities of fighting. She thinks it releases stress from a days mission and it also helps her improve. She likes spending time with those she is close to, and loves to watch the stars in the forest with Robin or Guy.

Fears: She fears death. May it be her death, or of someone she loves. She cannot stand to think of how her life would be if someone she loved died.

Hates: She hates anyone that acts cruel to those who are less 'superior'. She doesn't like the way people in her government harm others just because they don't pay enough money. She also despises pretenders: she hates it when someone acts different than who they really are. (But if they need to, than her circumstances for that person can change)

Status (princess, commoner, ect.): She is technically a Lady of the manor of Locksley. But after a feud with the sheriff of that area, she became and is now: an outlaw.

Skills/Talents: Lorinna is very skilled with the bow. Her 'father' Robin, (Robin Hood) was very skilled as well, and he decided to teach Lorinna his skills with the bow in hopes for her to becomes as great as him. She is very skilled with the bow, but she is also very skilled with a sword. (From aid of Robin as well) She is also very flexible due to the amount of training that she has endured.

Any Thing Else: Lorinna was a secret relationship with the sheriff's man-at-arms: Guy of Gisborne. Robin and the gang absolutely despise him, but Lorinna fell for him after a mission. The two meet each other secretly and no one knows about their relationship but each other.

Short Bio: Lorinna was born to a mother who did not want her. Her mother dropped her off at Robin of Locksley manor. Robin took the tiny girl in and raised her as if she were his own child. He taught her how to use the bow at around age 6, and she soon became very skilled at it. He taught her how to fight at age 12 and she soon became very skilled at fighting and using a sword. When Lorinna was 13, Robin had to leave to go and fight off in the Holy Land with their King. He told Lorinna to watch over the manor and Locksley while he was gone, and she did. But, when she was 18 two men soon came to her doorstep: one was Guy of Gisborne and the other was the Sheriff of Nottingham. The sheriff told Lorinna that Guy would be taking control of the manor and that she would belong to him. Lorinna was furious and punched the sheriff in the face, soon kicking Guy down and running off into Sherwoof. A few weeks later, Robin soon returned (With his apprentice Much) to find his manor under the control of Gisborne. Robin as soon cast out as an outlaw, and found Lorinna while walking in the forest. Once they met up, their small group of three became larger with new members joining in. (Will, Allan, Djaq, Little John. Eventually Tuck.)

I'll join as well :)
(Missdad15: Nisha is so adorable!)

Name: Lorinna Locksley

Home Planet/ Realm: