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posted by CyD12
Michelle, the girl who made the exchange with Rikki
Michelle, the girl who made the exchange with Rikki
Our girls finally arrived to Gardenia. Its 1:00 pm on Earth so they have the rest of the day to meet the place where they are going to live. But first, they must meet the parenst of the girls with whom they are doing the exchange. Every girl has the direction and the names of the family. Its time to meet the family and the house our girls are staying for some months...

Resa: So girls, what is the name of the family you are going to live with?
Rikki: mine says Mr. and Ms. Lopez....
Vivienne: Mr. and Ms. Contreras
Ashley: Mr. and Ms. Hernandez
Brianna: Mr. and Ms. Maradiaga
Dakota: Mr. and Ms. Caceros
Meggie: Mr. and Ms. Najera
Resa: mine says Mr. and Ms. Dardon
Ashley: what does yours say Roslet?
Roslet: Mr. and Ms. Castañ I have to go (leaves)
Dakota: ok! bye Roslet!
Rikki: I hadnt hear of those lastnames before...
Resa: they are must comun in Earth than in any other planet...
Meggie: well what do you say if we go and meet those families?
Vivienne: sure lets go!


Michelle: (someone knocks on the door) I will open! (opens the door and sees Rikki there) oh! you should be the fairy!
Rikki: thats right! and you should be the girl who will go to Alfea in my place!
Michelle: (nods) yep thats me! come on in!
Rikki: thank you! (gets inside)
Michelle: Mom! Dad! the fairy is here!!!
Miriam: oh hello dear! come in (leads Rikki to the living room) we are glad to have you here!
Rikki: thank you...Im Rikki, by the way
Miriam: nice to meet you Rikki! Im Miriam, there is my husband Edgar and our older son Patrick.
Rikki: nice to meet you all!
Edgar: is a pleasure have you here...
Miriam: Patrick! say hello
Patrick: (playing a videogame) hello...
Michelle: dont mind him, he spends his whole life playing videogames or feel like if he doesnt is here


Danielle: its nice to meet you Meggie
Meggie: thank you! its nice to meet you too!
Danielle: let me present you my family. There is Paola, the one who you will make the exchange.
Paola: hello! its cool that you are here!
Danielle: my husband Bruno...
Bruno: feel welcome to our home Meggie
Danielle: and our older son Estuardo
Estuardo: hey! nice to meet you!
Meggie: (smiles) nice to meet you all! thanks for recive me so warmly!


David: welcome to Gardenia Ashley!
Ashley: thank you! (gets inside the house) wow! you have a really pretty house!
Melissa: David! why you didnt told me she was here already! (smiles at Ashley) nice to meet you, Im Melissa. I will call our daughters to meet you! SARAH! LOLA! COME HERE!
Sarah: what is it? (sees Ashley) oh, hey! Im Sarah and she is my older sister Lola
Ashley: nice to meet you!
Lola: wow...a goth fairy, cool!
Ashley: (giggles) thanks! but I am more nice than I look like!


Mauricio: feel welcome to our house Vivienne
Vivienne: thank you! (sees the rest of the family) hello! Im Vivienne!
Lilian: welcome Vivienne! meet our daughter Alejandra
Alejandra: cool! the fairy is here...hi!
Lilian: and our son Rodrigo
Rodrigo: you look more nice than my sister!
Vivienne: (giggles) thank you...
Lilian: Im Lilian and he is my husband Mauricio
Vivienne: is nice to meet you all...thanks for welcome me to your house!


Marilyn: oh you should be the fairy from Alfea
Dakota: yes thats me! Im Dakota
Marilyn: nice to meet you Dakota! Im Marilyn and he is my husband Mario
Mario: welcome to Gardenia Dakota!
Dakota: (smiles) thank you!
Stephanie: hey! Im Stephanie, the one who you are making the exchange!
Brenda: and Im Brenda, her twin sister
Dakota: nice to meet you all!


Ezequiel: oh you must be the fairy, come in!
Brianna: thank you! (gets inside)
Alyssa: nice to meet you dear! I see you already meet my husband. Well Im Alyssa and is a pleasure have you here!
Brianna: thank you!
Emily: hey! you must be from Alfea! hi, Im Emily
Dana: and Im Dana! her sister!
Brianna: hi! Im Brianna. its nice to meet you all!


Gabriella: welcome to our home Roslet!
Roslet: uuummm thank you (gets inside)
Gabriella: meet my husband, Lucas.
Lucas: our home is your home
Gabriella: and our twin daughters, Becca and Sierra. Becca is the one who is doing the exchange with you
Becca: hello! its nice to meet you!
Sierra: hey! cool cloth!
Roslet: yeah, thanks...(thinks: I am going to die here!!!)


Sonia: oh hello! welcome to our home Teresa!
Resa: thank you! (gets inside) your house is beautiful
Sonia: thank you...(the rest of the family gets there) I will introduce you to the family.
Andrea: is she the fairy?
Sonia: thats right. Teresa, meet my husband Saul. my older daughter, Andrea. My son Flavio and my other daughter Nadia. Everyone, meet Teresa.
Saul: welcome to Gardenia Teresa!
Teresa: thank you! its nice to meet you all!
Sonia: You are doing the exchange with Nadia.
Teresa: oh thats cool! (smiles at Nadia) I am sure you will like Alfea!
Nadia: and I am sure you will like it here!!
Saul: talking about Alfea, Nadia you have to be in the airport in 20 minutes
Sonia: we better leave now! Nadia! get all your stuff. We are leaving
Saul: wanna come with us Teresa?
Teresa: oh no thanks, I am joining my friends in a few minutes to meet the place!
Sonia: ok then, we will be back in 1 hour.
Teresa: ok! bye and good luck Nadia!
Nadia: thank you! (they all leave)


Resa: hey girls!
Rikki: there you are! we were waiting for you!
Resa: well I am here! so how are your new families?
Meggie: mine is really friendly and kind!
Vivienne: same with mine...
Dakota: mine was really nice! and the sister is really funny!
Ashley: and mine! lol the sister of the girl that is making the exchange with me was surprised that I was goth... how was yours Brianna?
Brianna: (not talkative thinking) nice...they were nice...(takes a sip from her drink)
Meggie: just nice?
Brianna: yeah, they were really nice...
Dakota: is there something wrong Brianna?
Brianna: no...nothing wrong
Vivienne: come on Brianna! tell us, whats wrong?
Brianna: its nothing...the little sister remind me of my sister...the one who died with my mother
Resa: (hugs Brianna) dont worry! I am sure your mother and your sister are in a better place now!
Brianna: yeah guess you are right...
Ashley: hey look! there is Roslet
Rikki: getting out of a library...
Dakota: she is always in libraries. first in Alfea, then in Magix and now here!
Meggie: maybe she just likes books a lot!
Resa: that could be...
Ashley: sorry girls I have to go. I am going to meet better the family!
Dakota: yeah same here....
Meggie: lets meet here tomorrow morning!
Vivienne: sure! well gotta go too! bye girls (leaves)
Ashley&Dakota: see ya! (they leave)
Rikki: well see ya tomorrow! (leaves)
Meggie: I better go too! bye girls! (leaves)
Resa: then, we better leave too. right Brianna?
Brianna: yeah...lets go!
Resa: well see ya tomorrow Brianna!
Brianna: bye! (leaves)
Paola, the girl who made the exchange with Meggie
Paola, the girl who made the exchange with Meggie
Sarah, the girl who made the exchange with Ashley
Sarah, the girl who made the exchange with Ashley
Emily, the girl who made the exchange with Brianna
Emily, the girl who made the exchange with Brianna
Becca, the girl who made the exchange with Roslet
Becca, the girl who made the exchange with Roslet
Alejandra, the girl who made the exchange with Vivienne
Alejandra, the girl who made the exchange with Vivienne
Stephanie, the girl who made the exchange with Dakota
Stephanie, the girl who made the exchange with Dakota
Nadia, the girl who made the exchange with Teresa
Nadia, the girl who made the exchange with Teresa
added by Elinafairy
added by Zamiatina
added by zanhar1
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Caboulla
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: BySarahBrain
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: AnanasTua
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: AnanasTua
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: sunlightana
added by Elinafairy
added by Eula2003
added by Eula2003
added by haynay24
added by Avater13
Source: Rainbow Inc. and Avater13