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Do We See Her Ever Again?

Well, this chapter is kind of bonus chapter. This will be about Nature Festival. Enjoy!

Chapter 5: It's Party Time!

* Princess Crystal's POV , Linphea 's Royal Castle *

I stared silently out of the window of the Great Hall. The sky is clear and cloudless, the air is warm, and I should be happy, but I'm not. I sighed and stared out more closely. Soon my mother, the Queen, came to me.

" Are you waiting for Flora ? " She asked me. I nodded quickly, and looked at her.

"Do you think she will come?" I asked her. She chuckled.

"That was like, the tenth time today, when you asked about that, and this is the tenth time when I answer in the same way. Yes, she will. Why not? Has she ever missed the party?" My mother replied. I looked at the ground, before I answered.

"No." I replied . She smiled to me.

"That's right. And I believe that she will not miss this either. Now, come on, help us with decorations."

"Mom! Do I have to? Isn´t that servant´s job? " I grunted.

"Oh come on, Crystal. Show some party feel !" My mother said, and started to walk away.

"Ugh, fine... " I sighed and began to follow my mother.

* Flora's POV , In Limousine *

I watched the passing wiew. The wiew was beautiful and breathtaking. I've been sitting in limousine (send by Princess Crystal) for an hour. It has been tiring, so it's no wonder why Sophie has slept the whole trip. Soon, the wiew became familiar. We would soon arrive to castle, I think.

"Hey David , how much longer? " I asked the driver, who happened to be my friend David.

"Not much longer, Flo. We arrive soon to the castle courtyard." He answered. I sighed with relief. At last, I can get out of this car.

* Princess Crystal's POV *

I walked a couple of steps back and looked at the wiew. Each side of the ballroom was decorated the different colored balloons, streamers and ribbons. Thus one of the corner of my eye twitch out. I looked out, and saw something that cheered me right away: limousine was back! I looked around for my mother, and soon I saw her. She was talking to a servant.

"Mother, Flora is here!" I cried out loud, and started to run towards the large frontdoors. When I came out, Flora was taking her bags out of the car.

"Flora " I called out to her. She turned, and smile grew on her face. Soon I was

"Crystal ! It is lovely to see you!" Flora said, and hugged me.

"It's nice to see you too. How are you? How was your trip? Did you take Sophie with you? How does she look ? I think she is beautiful, like her mother!" I asked excited. Flora only laughed.

"Take it easy. I'm fine, the trip was a little boring, yes, and for the last question... You can look for yourself..." She said, and opened the car door. She took Sophie to her arms and turned around. I looked Sophie. She was one of the cutest babies that I have ever seen.

"OMG, she is so adorable! Hello Sophie. I am Princess Crystal, but you can call me Crissy if you want." I said to baby.

"Do you want to hold her? " Flora asked me. I looked up to her.

"Can I?" Flora smiled and nodded. Carefully I took Sophie from Flora´s arms. I held Sophie gently. Suddenly Sophie yawned and opened her eyes. She began to giggle when she saw my face .

"Hey Flora, look! She likes me! Wow, she has Helia's eyes! And your hair! You're a lucky girl, because you have a cute little daughter, a caring boyfriend and the best friends in the world. I am so jealous of you! I told her. She took Sophie back and laughed.

"Yeah , I guess that I am a lucky girl. But can we go to inside? It's getting hot, and Sophie does not like, if it's too hot." She asked. I nodded, and we headed towards the castle. On the way Flora began to speak.

"Hey Crystal." I looked at her.


"Since when you has been named Crissy?"

We laughed together, and raced towards the castle.

* Queen Of Linphea POV *

I was talking to servants, when the door opened. I looked to the door, and saw my daughter. She was accompanied by the Flora. I smiled and started walking towards them. When I got to them, I hugged Flora.

"Hey Flora. You're a grown up! " I said happily. She smiled.

"It is a pleasure to be back here, Your Highness." She said, and curtseyed. I laughed a little bit.

"So you still have you´re manners, right? I have said this many times, that Hannah is enough! " All three burst into a fit of laughter. Soon we heard the Sophie giggle when David came to us Sophie in his arms.

"Here Flo. She's an angel, like her mother." David said, handing the baby to Flora. Flora blushed and waved good-bye to David. David bowed to me and left .

" So.... This is Sophie ?" I asked. Crystal and Flora nodded. I looked directly in Sophie's eyes. When I looked at them , I felt a wave of heat go through me. A similar wave when I first met my husband, Christian...

* Queen's flashback , 21 years ago *

I was in a neighboring planet. We had come here to spend the holidays over to the king and queen, because they were my mother´s and father's friends.

I ran through the forest with tears in my eyes. How my parents were able to do this to me? How could they imagine my future happiness by marrying a stranger? I do not even know the Prince Christian, and now I'm being forced to marry him! " Do it for your kingdom! " , they said. Damn , sometimes I just hope that I would not be a princess...

"Aah !" I shouted. I Quickly fell backward to the ground.

"Oh, sorry! I would have to look towards, and..." I said when I stood up. I straightened my dress and I lifted my eyes . And that's when I saw him. A handsome , fair-haired man. His hands were muscular, and his eyes ... Oh, they were blue as the sky and deep as a sea...

"Hey, are you okay? " Even his voice sounded like angels singing. Then I came back to reality.

"Umm, yes. I'm fine." I said, and forced a smile to my face. He smiled, too
"Well then, I am glad that you are okay. By the way, I am crown prince Christian of Katendell." "Prince Christian? Is he my soon-to-be-husband?"" It is an honor to meet you, Prince Christian. I'm Hannah. " I introduced myself .

" So... why a beautiful woman, like you, is running through the forest with tears in her eyes?" He asked. I blushed and started to walk towards the rocks. He followed me. When we got to the rocks , we sat down to them. I began to speak.

"Well, I'm bethored." I explained to him. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. He wiped them out in amazement.

"But what is wrong is to be engaged? I thought that getting married with the prince of your dreams is girls big dream." He asked. I nodded.

"It is. But my marriage... It is an arranged marriage." I told him . His jaw dropped, but he closed it soon.

"I understand. I am too in an arranged marriage." He said. I looked at him.

"Really? To whom? " I asked, though I knew the answer.

"She is Princess of Linphea. Hanna, Hannele, Helga... Or something like that." He said. I nodded.

"Christian ... I have to tell you something. I am Crown Princess Hannah of Linphea, your fiancee..."

* End of flashback *

I quickly returned back to reality. I looked at Sophie , and I made my decision.

"I think that I will give her a gift. " I said, and I looked at Flora. She nodded her head.

"Ooh, what a gift? Tell me! Tell me! " My daughter said excited, but calmed down when I started to talk.

"I'll give her the Gift of Listening." I said. I heard my daughter sighing at disappointment.

"Mom, I really believe that Sophie is not deaf." She said. I laughed.

"I did not mean that, sweetheart. I mean a Gift of Listening. It is a gift that will allow you to understand the plants, animals, and things talk. It also makes you a really good listener." I explained to my daughter.

" So you can understand what animals or plants say? " My daughter asked. I sighed.

"Yes, it means that. Now, is it alright with you that I will give her this gift, Flora?" I asked her.

"Of course it is. Go ahead. " She said. I nodded and closed my eyes. I put my hand on Sophie's forehead, and I focused. Soon, my hand began to glow, but it stopped soon. I opened my eyes and smiled to Flora.

"Now she has the Gift of Listening. " I told her. She hugged me quickly.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. I straightened my dress a little bit, and I looked to my daughter.

"Crystal, take Flora to her room. I have to go now. "I told them . Just before Flora was leaving , I grabbed her hand, and smiled.

"And Flora. Welcome back to the castle. "I told her. She grinned to me and went after my daughter.

* End of POV , Time skip : party night *

* Flora POV , in the ballroom *

I walked towards theballroom´s benches in a pink dress. (AN. Flora's dress is the same dress, which she wore when she went Sky´s party to Eraklion with Winx girls in season 3.) I sat down on the bench and sighed. All this dancing is tiring. My feet are really killing me! I closed my eyes, and I relaxed until a familiar voice called out my name.

"Flora! Is that really you?" I opened my eyes and saw a girl with red hair running towards me. I fast got up and hugged her.

"Mirta, it has been so long. How are you? " I asked her happily.

"I'm fine. What about you? Where have you been? We're been looking for you all over in Alfea." Mirta said. I grinned to her, and grabbed her hand.

"Quickly. Follow me." I said and pulled her to the door of my room. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in." Said the maid in inside. I opened the door and stepped in, Mirta following me. In the room was a black haired maid. She got up and curtseyed.

"Lady Flora, did you came to take a look at the Little One ?" She said , and walked over to the crib.

"Well yes , I would like to introduce her to my friend. Oh! I completely forgot! Mirta, this is Heidi. She is one of the castle servants, and also my family friend. And Heidi, this is Mirta, one of my best friends in Alfea." I said with a smile when they shook their hands. I walked over to the crib and grabbed Sophie gently to my arms, trying not to wake her. Mirta walked up to me and grinned.

"And this is the reason why you left Alfea?" I blushed and nodded lightly.

"She's a really arodable! What is her name?" Mirta said.

"Her full name is Sofia Ashlyn Odette Of Linphea, but everybody call her Sophie." I said to her.

"It´s beautiful name. I like that. It´s suitable to this lovely girl. " Mirta said, gently stroking Sophie's cheek. I laughed.

"Why does everyone always say that she is a lovely? Yes, she's cute, but i will soon get bored with that."

"What? It's a fact !" Mirta said, and laughed. I put Sophie back to sleep, and then we went out of the room.

* Clock 23:55 *

I was talking with Mirta the whole night, and the clock began to approach the middlenight. Then i remember important question.

"Mirta, why are you here? I mean, it's wonderful that you're here, but how did you get here?" I asked her. She laughed and took a sip from her champagne glasses.

* Well ... A little after you left Alfea , I met boy named Jonathan. We became friends, and now... we're dating. The thing is that he is from Linphea, so he invited me to come here." She said nervously.

"Really? Congratulations!" I said and hugged her.

"Thank you. Hey, there he is. Jonathan! Jonathan! I'm here!" Mirta waved to him. Dark-haired boy noticed us, and walked over here.

"Hey . I'm Jonathan , Mirta´s boyfriend." He said to me and shook my hand.

"I'm Flora . Linphea´s guardian fairy, member of Winx Club, and my boyfriend is Helia , member of Specialist. Also, I am the mother of a little girl."I told him. Jonathan seemed impressed. He looked at the clock and then Mirta.

"Honey, we better go if we want to see the fireworks. It starts just in few minutes. "Jonathan said to Mirta. Mirta nodded and looked at me.

"Flora, would you come with us?"

"I do not want to bother you..." I resisted. Mirta giggled.

"You will never bother anyone, even if you´re trying. Now come on!" Mirta said, dragging me out with Jonathan.

* Outside , clock 0:12 , Flora POV *

The last fireworks went off quietly, and the silence fell into grond. All the others started to leave, but just me, Mirta, and Jonathan stayed in the yard.

"Mirta... It was wonderful that you were here, and we saw each other at last. I'll miss you, so take care of yourself." I said to Mirta, and hugged her . She had tears in her eyes.

"I'll miss you, too. Come back soon. " Mirta said. I nodded and pulled apart. I looked to Jonathan.

"Jonathan , it was nice to meet you. I know, that i do not know you, but do me a favor . Take good care of Mirta while I'm gone . I think that over time you realize what kind of discovery you did when you met Mirta. " I said and we shake hands.

"It was an honor to meet you,too. I hope that we will meet again sometime. Also always remember that Iwill take care of Mirta, even if it's the last thing I do. "Jonathan said with a smile on his face.

"But now ... I think that it is time for goodbyes. Just take care of yourself, and be healthy. I wish you all the best. Good-bye."I told them when they left. Mirta turned and waved to me.

"Take good care of yourself and come back soon! Goodbye Flora!"

I waved back and watched when they walked away from the courtyard of the castle. When I can no longer see them, I turned and started walking towards the castle. In halfway of my walk I stopped and closed my eyes. Everywhere was quiet. I took a deep breath and listened to the silence , enjoying the balance. After a while I opened my eyes and smiled.

Spring had finally arrived to Linphea.
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Sockilein
It's freaking 2 in the morning! You know what that means!

Fair warning, this one has an image of Miley's VMA performance.

Perfect. Everything was going right in Icy’s life for once—she had the dragon fire, she was about to take over the universe, and there was free wi-fi. Everything is better with wi-fi.
Wi-fi is love. Wi-fi is life.

Icy promised Darcy and Stormy that she wouldn’t get distracted by the wi-fi during the final battle. She knew she was lying. I mean come on? What was more important than checking her buttbook status or her notsoinstantgram and she had to make sure...
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Source: Credit: chibiusa-moon
added by zanhar1
Source: sirenixcomeon
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: caboulla
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: ColorfullWinx
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: caboulla
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Zoratrix
added by rorowinx
added by WinxStellaStar
Source: Found on Google
Hi guys,
as I was surfing around I found this on a website and I thought I must share it here.

Website quoted

Amazing news Winxers! There is a seventh season of Winx Club in our future! The article here on an Italian news website, Corriere Adriatico contains an interview with Iginio Straffi, the CEO of Rainbow and creator of Winx Club in which Straffi confirms a seventh season of Winx. Here is a snippet from the interview (translated from google translate, so it's not the best translation).

" So many initiatives underway at the Rainbow ... "We are in full swing: it is in preparation for the...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: *Bloom2
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: StasyLoveGlamour
added by maryart
Source: maryart
added by maryart
Source: maryart
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: AlexaSpears1333
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook